What Is Going On?!

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Okay, I hate Cyber-bullying, heck bullying in general!

Something that really ticked me off happened on Saturday evening.

You know the apology I wrote in the last update to my friend? The one where I stated that the rant I mentioned had nothing to do with her?

Well some WHACKJOB sent me a message an hour after I published the apology.

They said, and I quote:

"Well, what have we here? Looks like you did the dirty work for me, how generous of you! One down, two to go."


What kind of person acts this way?

A no good bully, that's who!

I can't say their username because of Wattpad's bullying policy, but UGH! That person really grinds my gears.

Now for all I know, the bully is either going to or already has taken advantage of this apology, and might go after my friend!

I'm worried it might be another bully from her school or the same one I talked about in a previous rant.

Whoever is doing this, just absolutely sickens me.

I know my friend isn't quite talking to me right now, but that doesn't mean I'll still do everything I can to look out for her.


You told her that you wanted to go after me? Me and some other people here on Wattpad just because we're friends of her?

Well try and stop us!

But if you so much as try and hurt my friend... my Best Wattpad Friend...

You. Answer. To. Me.

Are we clear?

I'm sorry, I just really needed to get this off my chest, I can't be all stressed and angry right now.

So leave her, and all of my friends alone!


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