The Cons Of Having A Dog

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Don't get me wrong, I love my dog. I really do. I love her to the moon and back. But sometimes, SOMETIMES, she really gets on my nerves.

Take this morning for example;

I wake up, all refreshed to get ready for the day. I push the bed covers off me and as I'm just about to get out of bed, I look over at the carpet floor of my bedroom and what do I see?

Pee stains and doo-doo on my floor.

My carpet floor.

... *eye twitches* ELLLLLLLAAAAAA!

And this isn't the first time this has happened either, oh no sir, she's been doing this for MONTHS!

I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I want it to STOP!

And also on Tuesday night at about 3:30am, the house alarm goes off. So I scramble out of bed, race down the stairs and turn it off in time before the security company arrives. My dad comes down and takes a look around the house, just in case somebody tried to break in or anything, and guess what he finds?

My dog... scratching the back door.

She just had to use the bathroom? Fine. That I'm okay with, since for ONCE, she came to her senses NOT to do her business in my room.

But it wasn't until later that day when I got from school did I release why she came down stairs.

She ate stuff out of the compost bin. She ate through a plastic bag.



Ella, it's a good thing you're cute.

You may not be the brightest dog sometimes, but you sure are cute.

So if it's all the same to you,



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