Episode 4: Skipper's First Battle

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When I reached the outside of the base, I saw all of the dinosaurs and trainers side by side with each other, separated by division, wearing their armor and carrying their weapons. I remembered that I was commanded to stay with the defense division for this battle. I ran up to Spines and Horns, standing in between them. I noticed that Spines was holding what looked like a rapid fire laser rifle, and Horns had a small laser gun on his back. 

"Hey Skipper! Ready to zap some human flesh?" Spines asked me enthusiastically. I couldn't understand his enthusiasm. I was nervous about my first battle! I have never fought a battle before! 

"Um...yeah, sure! I'm ready!" I said nervously, shakily taking out my pistol. That's when I suddenly heard the commands of the fat hooman. 

"Keep your guard up and get ready to open fire! Here they come!" 

That's when I saw them. I saw what looked like an entire army of foot soldiers carrying rifles. They ran closer and closer. 

"Um...what do we do?!" I asked frantically, getting startled as I heard multiple pops and bangs, bullets flying right over and by us! 

"They're shooting at us, Skipper! That's our cue to fight!" Horns said as he ran forwards, firing multiple rounds of lasers at the enemy infantry, bullets bouncing off his armor and back spikes. 

"N-now?!" I yelped as more bullets flew by me, just missing me! Without asking more questions, I charged forward as well, firing my pistol recklessly all over the place. I did manage to hit a few enemy infantry surprisingly! I skipped around, dodging more bullet fire, though a few bullets bounced off and grazed my armor. But not too badly. Just when I was about to take more shots, a bullet knocked my pistol out of my claws and it flew and landed inches away from me! 

"EEEEEEEK!!" I turned and retreated back towards the base as the soldiers chased me and fired at me, now that I was defenseless. I hid behind Spines. Spines looked down at me and just laughed. 

"Why are you such a coward? Come on, get back out there and get your gun!"

"Are you crazy, Spines?! They're relentless! They're trying to kill us!" 

"'Course they are! But lighten up and have some fun with it!" 

As he said that, he crouched, letting some bullets bounce off his spines, giggling as they bounced off him. Then he aimed his rapid fire laser rifle at the group shooting at him. 

"Your bullets tickle, but I bet this won't tickle you!"

With that, Spines held down the trigger, shooting down the entire group of soldiers. 

"Now, Skipper! Run! Get your weapon!" 

Seeing that it was my cue, I ran as fast I could, then slid and grabbed my weapon. When I got up, I gulped as I was face to face with the final group of infantry. Uh oh. How was I going to take on an entire group? That's when I heard mama's voice and the sound of human footsteps from afar...

"Skipper! I got your back! Leave this to me!" 

"Is that human crazy?! He'll get himself killed! He's just one guy and they outnumber!" Spines shouted. 

Mama just ignored Spines, not knowing what Spines was saying anyway. Ethan managed to shoot down half the group with his assault rifle, but a chunk of his shoulder armor got blown off by several bullets and he fell to the ground. They got closer and closer, thinking they had the opportunity to finish him off, but I wouldn't let them! I ran as fast as I could, leaping in front of mama and pushing him aside, just as they fired their weapons! I took more hits on my armor as I fell to the ground as well. I groaned and slowly got up, but there was nowhere to run! Now they had me surrounded, ready to kill me! This is it, I thought. A measly raptor like me killed by foot soliders...

"Oh no you don't!!"

Horns charged quickly towards the infantry surrounding me and I ducked and covered as Horns blew the infantry away with his laser gun. I clutched my chest, my heart beating hard and fast. 

"I thought I was done for! You saved my life!"

My life had flashed before my eyes. 

"I couldn't possibly let an inexperienced soldier like you just die! Now hurry, get your trainer back to base!" 

That's right, I had to help mama! I rushed over to mama, grunting as I lifted up his hand and started dragging him back. Boy, was he heavy! Suddenly, his weight got lighter. 

"Huh?" I looked behind me to see Spines carrying mama's other side. 

"What? I'm helping you with your trainer! There's no way a little raptor like you can carry him all by yourself"

I sighed. He was right after all. Once we managed to get mama back, our commander smiles at us as we returned. 

"Great work dinosaurs and trainers! We took care of that enemy infantry! It went a little rougher than usual but you did well!"

I smiled and blushed. I wasn't that great, really. I had help. 

"Skipper, go out to the fallen corpses. Scavenge whatever you can find!" 

Oh wow, I've always wanted to go on a scavenger hunt! I wagged my tail happily as I ran off to check the corpses. As I checked the corpses, I didn't see anything interesting. Aside from extra weapons, extra armor, and...

That's when I noticed what looked like an ID card on one of the corpses. It looked creepy, suspicious, and mysterious. If only I could read. I decided to swipe the ID card and run back to show the commander. But suddenly I heard a bang, and I heard ringing in my ears as my vision went white. When my vision cleared, I saw three enormous tanks slowly moving right for us! I ran back to the commander as fast as I could! But as I ran, I heard another bang and an explosion right behind me knocked me forwards, and I slid right in front of the commander! I jumped up and down, making desperate anxious sounds! 

"What's got you riled up?! You were supposed to scavenge! Speak up, I'm nearly deaf in one ear!" 

I pulled on the shirt of the commander, making more noises and pointing at the tanks that continued to crawl closer and closer. 

"Oh no...thanks for warning us, Skipper! Red alert, Red alert! We've got unexpected heavier forces coming this way! Heavy weaponry, take them out!" 

At the commanders command, Trike rushed in front of us. His armor had a big laser cannon that he wore on his back! Whoa, talk about intimidating, but awesome!

"Get behind me, Skipper! I'll blow those tanks to smithereens!" 

I did as ordered, standing behind Trike's leg. Trike charged up his laser cannon, and fired big red laser beams at each tank. One by one, the tanks were destroyed, human enemy infantry being blown out of the tanks! Yes, I thought! We win, we win! But they were not ready to retreat yet. The remaining infantry ran up to us, rapidly firing bullets at us with their machine guns! Trike used his horns and his body to deflect most of the bullets and my armor kept me safe, but the commander wasn't so lucky...

The commander grunted in pain as he fell, clutching his shoulder where bullets hit him. They had managed to get through his armor, and he was bleeding! Then I watched in horror as they took one of his legs and snapped it! And then soon after that, they took his other leg and broke it too, before they all ran off and retreated. 

I jumped up and down and shook the commanders body, making upset wailing noises. Mama heard me and he and the other trainers ran as quick at they could, then became horrified at the sight. 

"Commander, no!"

Mama ran up to the commander, who was groaning in pain. "Commander, I'm sorry I couldn't save you..."

Trike seemed to close his eyes and look down to the ground, feeling depressed as well, wishing that he could have done something more to save the commander. 

"Don't just weep over me you foolish boy...call the medic!" 

I looked at Mama, just as he was taking out a walkie talkie. He pushed the button and talked into it. I tilted my head, wondering what the device did. 

"Cassandra, come fly over here immediately to the front of the base! The commander's been injured! It's urgent!" 

"Oh no! Emergency battles at base have never had that outcome! This must be serious! I will be right over!" 

I knew that the voice that came from the other end was definitely a female. I tried to ask Mama a question about the voice. 

"Hoo dat, ma?" 

"That's my sister. She's been in this army longer than I have. I've only just begun" 

I nodded. Then I looked up as I heard the sound of a helicopter flying above us. A ladder came down from the helicopter as a lady with long golden fur on her head wearing a weird looking white outfit climbed down the ladder, carrying down first aid kits. I also saw a brontosaurus fly gently down from the helicopter by parachute. When she got on the ground, she rushed to the commander, looking him over. 

"Uh oh...a bullet wound in the shoulder and two broken legs. Help me stabilize him and get him into the base hospital ASAP!" 

I watched as all the human trainers splinted his broken legs and carried him into base using a hammock. I whimpered in worry as I watched. Mama rubbed my head with his hand to cheer me up, but I was still worried. 

"Will he be okay, Mama?" 

"Oh Skipper, I hope so. I feel so guilty that he ended up this way. This is the worst outcome after an emergency situation we've ever had..."

I nodded, still worried. Then I remembered the ID card I swiped from one of the corpses. I waved it in Mama's face. 

"Hey, whatcha got there, boy?" 

I continued to wave it in his face, making begging noises for him to read it. 

"Okay, boy! Let me take a look!" 

He took the ID card from me and stared at it thoroughly. 

"Uhmmm...Worldwide Anarchist Dinosaur Reversion Organization. Looks like their  organization name says it all. No wonder they want us dead. I hope that we can ask the commander for more information..."

Mama sighed as he pocketed the ID Card. 

"What a day this has been, huh boy? Let's all go inside" 

I nodded and walked side by side with Mama. I looked down to the ground as I walked, feeling overwhelmed. After all, would the commander be okay? And who were those guys? I hoped to get answers sooner rather and later. And little did I know, this would be a deeper mystery than I thought it would be...

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