Episode 5: Discovering the Enemy

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(Whoa guys, it's been a couple months hasn't it? Anyways, I am writing this just before my birthday and I am happy to feel inspired to work on this story again. I hope you'll enjoy this episode!)

There I was, face to face with an army of robots with ray guns, my mama next to me. I dodged and swerved around laser fire as much as I could, trying to get closer and closer to them! I wiped out more than half with my laser pistol, the largest ones remaining. We both tried out best to take them out but they were overpowering us! Next thing I knew, the robots had hit us with big laser beams and then in a flash, the environment changed to mama's room. I roared and hissed angrily, throwing my laser pistol on the ground. 

"Oh come on Skipper. We'll get them next time. We'll beat them eventually. It's only a game"

He was right. It was just a game. But it felt so real, yet it wasn't. We were playing games while waiting for the results of the commander's health from the health division. As if in perfect timing, I heard a knock on the door, then looked at mama. 

"Must be my sister with the results" mama said as he got up and opened the door. It turned out to be that girl with long fur on her head from before. I wonder what she had to say...

"Hey Ethan. I've got some good news and bad news. The good news is the commander is alive. The bad news is, he is crippled. He will be in a wheelchair, unable to fight in the battlefield"

I saw mama sigh and snap his fingers in what seemed like frustration. 

"I wish I had been able to protect him! We could have prevented this from happening!" 

"Don't beat yourself up Ethan. That army was overwhelming for all of you, I'm sure. You didn't anticipate such a heavy surprise attack. There's nothing we can do"

"I know Cassandra, but..."

"But we've got to keep fighting on. It's what our commander would want, right?" 

Ugh, this is boring. Why do humans do this? What's the point? I started getting anxious and I jumped up and down, trying to climb on my mama. 

"Skipper? Skipper! Stop that! Sorry Cassandra, he's really acting up today" 

"He must be upset and traumatized after that battle. I don't blame him. I'm sure he'll calm down soon. Anyways, the commander wants to see all of us. Come to his office with me" 

"Okay. Come on boy, let's see the commander." 

I was pretty worried about the fat hooman too now that I thought about it. I nodded as I followed mama down to the commander's big office. All the other trainers and dinosaurs were there too, gathered around the commander who was sitting in a wheelchair. 

"I am glad you are all here, trainers. I have been researching deeper into the enemy, and I have discovered some dark secrets and evil intentions." 

Mama spoke up to interrogate the commander. 

"What have you found out? Also, I have this" 

Mama took a card out of his pocket, the same card he had swiped from the battle, and let the commander look at it. 

"Worldwide Anarchist Dinosaur Reversion Organization. Yes, that's who we fought. They want to bring down our society, revert dinosaurs to their primitive unintelligent states, and bring the New World Order of the antichrist!" 

I heard all the trainers gasp. All except for Michael, who was crossing his arms skeptically. 

"Again with your religious bantering, commander? Why do I always have to listen to that?" 

"Michael, this is serious! Doubt all you want but it doesn't mean it's true!" 

"Sure, sure. Remember when everyone thought Donald Trump was the antichrist?" 

"Well obviously they were wrong! Trump is the best president we ever had! How I miss those days. But the head of this organization...has to be the antichrist! It's too obvious!" 

I sighed and rolled my eyes at both of them, as they continued to banter and bicker about some mumbo jumbo I couldn't comprehend. 

"Hey stop it you two!" said the blond furred girl. "This isn't the time for religious banter! What we do know is that there is a threat and we need to fight it to the best of our ability. We can all agree on that right?" 

"You dare stand up to me, Cassandra?! I don't need you standing up to me too after Michael rudely interrupted!" 

Then I saw the fat hooman pull out a black leather book. 

"See this book? It's real history and it also records what is to come! Know your enemy! Know your enemy! Accept Christ as Lord! Don't end up in the lake of fire!" 

"Okay, okay, commander" Cassandra apologized and knelt down. "Sorry..."

I got nervous and I clung onto mama's arm. The fat hooman was more terrifying than before. Then next thing I knew I felt my head being massaged. 

"It's okay Skipper. Can you really blame him? Let him get it out of his system" 

I didn't quite understand, but I nodded and did as ordered. 

"I've known the commander for a long time. He gets like this once in a while"

We all waited for the fat hooman to calm down. Then he began to calm down and speak normally. 

"You are right Cassandra. Regardless of what we believe, we do have a common enemy. We can agree on that. But I want you all to promise me something." 

I tilted my head, looking at mama. 

"What would that be, commander?"

"Just promise me that you won't take their mark. Not just any mark, the mark of the beast. You'll know it when you see it. You take that mark, you are forever theirs..." 

"You should know me by now commander! I'd never side with those stinky bad guys!" Michael boasted". 

Cassandra shook her head at Michael then looked at the commander. "Yes, we all promise. We won't let you down, commander"

Each of the humans circled around and put their hands together in a symbol of promise. I tilted my head, confused and baffled. 

"Oh, it's a human thing" 

I perked up a bit startled as I looked at Tyrannus who just spoke to me. I nodded in acknowledgement. 

"One last thing. Since I can't go out in the battlefield anymore, you will have a new substitute commander starting tomorrow. And it's a surprise. You are all relieved of duty for today. You all need rest after our battle. That way you'll be ready for tomorrow." 

I whimpered nervously and clung onto mama. I didn't like the sound of that. What if the new commander doesn't like me? mama looked down at me. 

"Don't worry skipper. Come on, let's go to my room and pray"

I didn't know what he mean't, but I nodded as we all left to our rooms. I sat on my bed and Mama sat down on his bed, holding the same black leather book the commander also had. 

"I have a feeling that following Christ will pay off soon. I didn't think we would get so close to the end so soon, Skipper. I'm overwhelmed. So let's pray." 

Mama got closer to me and took my talons. We looked at each other eye to eye.  Mama started saying something weird. 

"Father God, I pray that Skipper and I will adjust to these new changes. I pray that we will get used to our new commander, and I hope that he or she will like us and help us all become better and get us prepared for the battles and tribulations to come. And I pray for Skipper. I pray you will make him stronger throughout this too. And I pray we will be together forever. In Jesus' name, Amen". 

My pupils dilated as he finished. I felt something strange. I was aware of something. A strange power. But I couldn't put my talon on it. Mama kissed me on the cheek and rubbed my head. 

"Goodnight Skipper. See you in the morning". 

I smiled and licked my master's cheek, then I laid down to sleep in my bed. I felt comforted and peaceful, even after what happened. I drifted off to sleep easily, sleeping like a hatchling, excited for my new adventures with mama. I'll miss the fat hooman, but I hope the new hooman will be good too. Boy, I could not wait...

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