Chapter 1

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Your running. From what? No clue. The monster doesn't really have a name. He doesn't have a face. First you run into Dazai. His bright eye would be enough. You jump into his arms for a hug when he melts. Literally. You fell flat on your face! Without hesitation, you get up and keep running.

Then you wake up, panting and sweating.

"I'm just at home." You breathed. "Nothing to be scared of here. Whew."

With much resistance, you crawl out of bed.

It's been ten years since you met Akutagawa. Since then, you abandoned your orphanage, was abandoned by Dazai, and joined the Mafia. Lots has happened and you regret nothing. So far you've only talked to Dazai and Akutagawa. They both say it's a problem you need to fix, but you don't feel quite the same way. You think of it as 'keeping friends closer and enemies guessing.' The more enemies who wonder, the more enemies you can lure to the Maifia.

Time skip! Hooray for laziness!!!

You were stepping inside the Mafia building. No Akutagawa yet. You go up to your station to wait for a mission.

I wonder if I'll ever see Dazai. Akutagawa says it's not healthy to think of that. After all, it has nothing to do with me. I wonder where Akutagawa and Higuchi are? Normally, she's following him. That's my job.

To keep from looking desperate, you pull out your phone, click on Akutagawa's contact, and read your messages. You often go through them. You like remembering all of the silly things you sent him and seeing his reactions. When you got to the bottom, you noticed a new text.

I'm on a mission if you couldn't guess.

Oh. What's the mission?

Higuchi found the Were-tiger. I'm going to investigate.

Ok. I'll be waiting for you here.

Even if you get a mission?

Shhhh it's not good to text and walk.

You turn didn't bother to see if he responded.

You stretch in your seat. "Nothing ever happens in the mourning. When's Akutagawa getting back anyway!?" Not like you had anything to do. The boss never called on you unless there was a spy job or they needed brute strength and speed. Other then that, you did escorting. Nothing interesting not like Akutagawa and Higuchi's jobs. It wasn't fair. Why did she get to do stuff with him. Where was he anyway? Should you look for him? Maybe ask him? No he's probably trying to look tough. Of course he was tough but there was a difference between how he was tough when you were alone and when he was on a mission.

Screw it! I'm gonna find him. You open your phone to see a message from him.

An address? Does he want me there? On my way, sweetie!

You run outside. When you make it to the address, you see three people on the ground. A girl with black hair, a boy with red hair, and the Were-tiger who was on the ground screaming. In his human form, he had white hair that was like Akutagawa's but only one side was grown out. You couldn't see his eyes, but you could see his pain.

"Whats his problem?" You scoff, ignoring the screams. "You just took the leg right? You didn't hurt him too much?"

Akutagawa shook his head. Relived, you walk beside him.

"Imagine the reward, Y/N. You think this will get me a promotion?"

"Definitely! Your gonna be rich!"

He just stopped himself from smiling. You heard a crack and turned. The tiger had climbed onto the wall. This time, he wasn't a human. The tiger regenerated his leg completely. You can't help but feel a little envious. Your ability, Wolf of the Dark, allowed you to survive almost unlimited pain. You couldn't heal, all you really needed was to heal others. And you could, luckily.
Wolf of the Dark is quite useful. You can heal wounds of others, control most big animals, and turn into a wolf yourself. But you can't heal your own wounds. This tiger better be grateful.

"Thats better!" Akutagawa smirked, like a mad man.

"Senpai let me help-"

"Shut up Higuchi!" He yelled and pushed her away from the tiger. "I don't need your help!"
You glared at Higuchi and smirk.

"Y/N! I need you to help me out!" Akutagawa shouted as the tiger broke from his Rashomon web.

"Senpai!!" Higuchi yelled and was about to shoot the tiger when she saw you running at it. As a wolf, your not as big as a tiger, but your faster and have more focused attacks. You manage to get it away from Akutagawa when your ability fades off.

Another downside to it. You can only use a limited amount of power at a time.
Your on your hands and knees looking up at the tiger's purple-yellow eyes. He somehow reminded you, of yourself. This was another part of your ability. You could tell what pain people went through. He was also abused. Only by his orphanage headmaster though, not other kids. Lucky. But that doesn't matter now.

Akutagawa is gonna die after you. And all you could do was stall for him. You close your eyes, ready for a slow and painful death, when the tiger is cut in half by Rashomon!
"I was supposed to take you alive, Were-tiger. Y/N. Get up. Stop acting helpless."
You stand up and wipe imaginary dirt off your jeans. To avoid Akutagawa's glare, you play with your H/C hair.

Then, the tiger disappeared. Snow started falling from no where.

"Snow?" You asked stunned.

Suddenly, the Were-tiger jumped from a wall and almost hit Akutagawa. Lucky for both of you, he's good at combat and dodged it quickly. When Rashomon was once again ready to attack, a familiar voice rattled in your ears.

"Alright hold up!" Dazai's kind tone and smooth voice rang in the air. Like the sound of sweet singing. He was using No Longer Human on Rashomun and the tiger.

Even if he didn't show it, Akutagawa was overjoyed. Your eyes filled with tears as Dazai met your eyes. You haven't seen him in years, so it's only normal you'd cry of joy!

~Flashback-7 years ago~

"Dazai!" You shouted.

"Y/N! You should be training! Especially after your mission! Akutagawa you need to stop hiding around your Sensei! It's disobedient!" Dazai smiled at you. "But nonetheless, I'm happy you made it from your first mission safely. So how was it?"

You had explained all of the wonderful things both of you had done. It was nice to see both of your favorite people so happy. Even if the moment wouldn't last.

~End of Flashback~

Cold tears poured down your face.

"Come on Atsushi-Kun! I don't wanna carry three people back to the agency!!" Dazai poked Atsushi's head.

"The tiger won't be safe forever Dazai." Akutagawa stated.

"Why?" Dazai looked at him.

"There's a seven billion yen reward on his head. And you know better then anyone that we always get what we want." You say, trying to choke back tears and sobs.

Dazai looked like he wanted to help. You wanted him to help!

"Well Y/N-Chan, I guess we'll just have to see about that. Won't we?"

"How dare you!" Higuchi spat and pointed her gun at Dazai, which made you flinch.
"Is that a war declaration? No one has ever opposed us and survived!"

"Yeah yeah! I know all that." Dazai scratched an imaginary itch behind his brown head of hair.
"Indeed. As you are, an ex-Port Maifia executive." Akutagawa pointed out. "We can let you go this time you old idiot. But don't expect to protect the tiger forever. Higuchi. Let's go. Y/N. Pull yourself together." With that the two walked away.

You know you will be lectured about this later.

Sniffling, you stand up. Dazai has his back turned to you. Perfect.

You run full speed at him and hug him by his shoulders.

"Why!?" You shout at him. "Why did you have to leave us all alone?"

"I couldn't stay there."

"So you left us?"

"You follow Akutagawa everywhere and he wouldn't have left. What was I supposed to do, kidnap you both!?!?"

"You were supposed to say bye." You sobbed. "Ever since you left four years ago, Akutagawa's been blaming himself! He thinks he was too weak so you gave up on us and left! We've been through hell! Do you know how he's been treated 'cause of your mistake? Worst part is, you go off and get another subordinate and leave us in the dust! Why?" Your voice slowly retreated as you sobbed. Soon you were at his feet with hands covering your face.

Dazai looked at you. Kneeling he said, "I'm sorry. I never meant to leave you."

"Then why did you?"

He planted his hand on your head. "Remember Odasaku? And how he died? When he did, he said, 'go do something that helps people. This way the world will be a little bit brighter.'"
"So you joined them to fulfill your best friends wish. I'm sorry." You fell on his shoulder. "I didn't know..."

You look up and see his face stained with tears but a smile on his lips.

"Y/N-Chan. I never realized how much your like him. I've always wondered why I had taken a liking to you. You'd better go. I don't want the agency to find you."

You stand up, wipe your tears and give Dazai a few tissues to wipe away his tears.
As you turned you wave at Dazai. "Please don't die before we can kill ya!" You yell tease.

"Only if you don't eat people!" He yelled right back.

You couldn't help but chuckle.

It's ok Senpai. Sensei does care about us after all. He said so. And when has our Dazai lied to us?

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