Chapter 10

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Rashoumun grabbed Atsushi with brute force and threw him against the wall.
Akutagawa ordered you to stay out of sight until the tiger was dead. So you were sitting behind a crate waiting for something to happen. Weirdly enough, you felt like a guardian, well you sorta were but nonetheless. Only Atsushi didn't know of your presence. Kyouka knew you were guarding Akutagawa but didn't know how far you were.


Kyouka pulled a gun on Akutagawa. This was no big deal for Akutagawa himself but it was for you. Fast as lightning, you cut it in half with your claws and growl, now in full wolf form. You circled Akutagawa's legs and looked at Kyouka with pure hatred. The dark man coiled his fingers around Kyouka's slim pale throat. You turn to the tiger.

"Why are you putting up resistance, Kyouka? Your only purpose is to kill. Tell her, Weretiger. What it's like to help no one. To be helped by no one. To be trembling on the ground like a worm."

"Yeah but, the crepes were delicious!" She fell to her knees.

"Brat!" Yelled a voice circling the ship. "Where are you!?"

"Run while you still can!" Kyouka shouted. "The ship isn't going to reach the meeting spot!"

"Then where's it going?" Akutagawa snarled.

"To hell." She pulled out a small trigger and pressed the button. You heard an explosion and the stench of smoke filled the air as a barrier of fire formed between the Mafia members and Atsushi.

Atsushi was running off. You look at Akutagawa who was focused on Kyouka. After a mental argument, you decide to stay with Akutagawa and protect him. Atsushi came back soon after and you jump at him.

"I won't let him touch Akutagawa!" You scream. He tackled you in midair and you turned back into your human form.

"Why do you guys hate me so much!?" He screamed.

You remain silent and his grip on your wrists tighten.

"Tell me! What did I do!? I don't understand!"


"My new subordinate is much better then you...that useless ability of yours...come join the Agency!"

You let out a small sniffle. Then your sobs turn into laughter. "Dazai won't say that if I kill the Were-tiger!" You kick him off of you and stand back up. A crazy smile made Atsushi stagger back in fear. He jumped up, hit the back of your head with his fists and ran to Akutagawa, who was talking to Kyouka.

Having gone back into wolf form, you bit his ankle. You growl and throw him into a pillar. You transform your torso, and head back to normal but keep everything else like a wolf to even the competition with Atsushi.

"I won't let him interfere with Akutagawa's plans."

The tiger went for head strikes and often you found your vision fading in and out. He grabbed your arms and slammed you to the ground.

You try to warn Akutagawa but nothing came out of your mouth.

You couldn't move. You could barely breathe. Akutagawa would be disappointed. You look across the ship and see Kyouka in a sitting position. The boys were standing in front of each other.

"I can't forgive you for what you've done." Atsushi growled.

"Same goes for me." Akutagawa spat.

You could feel the hatred they were both displaying when one of the bombs went off.

They struck. Atsushi was getting chased by Rashoumun. He threw a piece of pavement at Akutagawa who used Devoured Space to block it. Tiger came in behind him with a punch which Akutagawa blocked the same way.

"How futile." Rashomon wrapped itself around Atsushi's arms and legs. "Is that the best you can do? Slow torture is one of my hobbies." Rashomon turned into a scythe looking thing and Akutagawa pointed it threateningly at Atsushi. "Your membership with the Agency wasn't by strength but pure luck."

"You talkative today." Atsushi pointed out.

"I don't recall calling myself mute like out wolf friend, Y/N over there on the ground! Like a weakling!"

You glared at Akutagawa with annoyance.

"It's just like you say," Atsushi cut in. "I'm weak. But I have one advantage. I can beat you!" He transformed his arms back to normal and used a crate for momentum as he turned back. He punched Devoured Space multiple times.

Eventually, Akutagawa couldn't keep it up and dodged his attacks with ease. He used Rashoumun to get a height advantage.

"I don't have time for childish fist fights. I'll observe your actions from here." He teased.

Rashoumun started chasing Atsushi around the boat viciously. Then one cut him off, and slammed Atsushi onto one of the bombs. He seemed to recognize the sound because he shouted "crap!" before it blew.

Akutagawa looked your way and was most likely determining how long the ship would last. After the blast, a piece of pavement came up behind him with the Tiger himself on it. Atsushi got a good punch on Akutagawa and he fell on top of you.

He was still for a while but soon got back up.

"Are you gonna help me or what?"

"Sorry. The show was just too good." You tease as he helps you up.

Atsushi got up and looked at Kyouka. He headed for her. Rashomon stopped that by impaling him. Blood spewed out of Atsushi's mouth.

"Why..." Akutagawa starts looking more angry then usual. "Why is it you?!?!"

Rashomon's full snake form attacks Atsushi and slams him into a pillar.

"Your ability is newly learned, a crude addition. It's full of flaws and you use it with poor planning! Yet, why does it have to be you!?"

Tears were almost pouring out of your eyes at this point, but nonetheless you keep glaring at the tiger.

"There it is again. The pure hatred they have for me. Where does it come from?"

"I wonder if you can. My new subordinate is much better than you." Why? Why why why why why!!?!! Why does he hate us?

"I won't let him say that. I won't let him say such things ever again!"

A Rashomon fist slammed into Atsushi. It caught his leg.

"Rashomon. Higanzakura!"

A giant ball of spikes surrounded Atsushi and he was stabbed many times. Akutagawa released it and looked deeply pained. Obviously you knew better then to comfort him right now. You gave him a sympathetic look and he glared at you.

"Wait." Atsushi mumbled.

Akutagawa stiffened with anger.


You and Akutagawa looked at him now.

"You're so powerful. Why'd you have to use her?"

"We didn't use her. Demon Snow is an ability for killing. We gave her a purpose." Akutagawa growled calmly.

"That's the thing. You don't get to decide if someone is worthy of living! Why couldn't you tell her something different? People need to be told they're worthy of being alive by someone else or they can't go on! Why can't you understand such a simple thing!"

In his rage, Atsushi grabbed Rashoumun and prepared to punch Akutagawa. Rashoumun came and swept Atsushi away from him. He tore it and his wounds were completely healed. Akutagawa lifted himself up with Rashoumun and you jumped from crate to crate to reach him.

"Rashomon! Sabari!"

Millions of spikes shot from under Atsushi's feet and impaled him. Instead of dying, he became more ferocious.

"Akutagawa!" He yelled.

Akutagawa smirked. "Rashomon. Goku Mon Agito!"

Rashomon looking jaws bit on Atsushi's middle.

"Akutagawa!" You yell seeing the tigers tail around his waist.

He looked down and realized he was falling. Atsushi was about to attack when Devoured Space kicked back in. Atsushi kept pushing and you tried to get high enough to push him away. But it was too late. Akutagawa was falling to the ground.

"Senpai!" You yelled and held him in your arms as you both fell deep into the water.

Somehow you managed to swim far enough away from the boat that was still exploding.

With the momentum of many explosions, you mange to reach shore. You set Akutagawa down and look at his face hopefully.

"Aku. Your gonna wake up right?...Right?" Your eyes fill with tears as you imagine the worst.

"Your not dead right? Please? Aku just answer me! Your not allowed to die! Your not allowed to leave me alone. Please. You were my beginning. Please don't let it end! Akutagawa!"

You flashback to the words Atsushi said. "You don't get to decide if someone is worthy of living! People need to be told they matter so they can continue living! Why can't you understand such a simple thing!?"

You start sobbing and grab Akutagawa's head. You hold him close to your chest.

"Your worthy of living. Your the reason I'm living. Now please, don't leave me. I need you, Senpai. I can't ever be without you. This is all my fault. And I know when you wake up, your going to yell at me for not doing much. And then I'll smile and say, 'what can I say? It was quality entertainment.' And then you'll try not to smile and I'll hug you and say 'thank goodness you lived.' That's how it's gonna work right? Just wait. It'll happen. And I'll never let you get hurt ever again. I swear on my life, I will kill that, ungrateful, worthless, tiger with my own two hands. Because I'd do anything for you. Because I love you."

You stay like that with him for a long time. You consider healing him, but you can only heal cuts and impales. You can't fix broken bones. Plus to heal, you have to lick the wound and it's really awkward. You mostly use it when Akutagawa gets a paper cut or a small scratch from a fence or something small like that.

When the Mafia ambulance finally shows up, you refuse to let go of Akutagawa. You even haul him onto the stretcher yourself and ride right next to him. You almost held his hand once, but the nurse was looking. A few doctors requested to see your bones too but you ignored them.

If Dazai's still there, maybe he'll talk to me. If he does, I'm telling him the tiger got away. Not that he almost killed Senpai.

Not like it would matter. Dazai could escape whenever he wanted to. When you were chaining him, you slipped a Bobbie pin in his sleeve.

You were outside the infirmary of the Port Mafia. Higuchi ran up to you.

"Are they letting anyone in yet?"

You give her a look of annoyance which signified, "what do you think, idiot."

"Oh..." she sat beside you.

You look at your feet.

"You can come in now." The doctor said.

Higuchi stood first but you pushed her out of the way to get to him first. He was still unconscious.

You frowned and sat on a chair beside him. You clasp his hand and check for a pulse. A few slight thumps reassured you and you hold his hand normally.

He was covered in bandages and his hair was very unkept and messy. You brushed it through gently with your fingers.
"I'm sorry." You whisper.

"Let's give her some time." The doctor lead Higuchi, who protested loudly, away.

You don't say anything for a while. Then your eyes fill with tears. "Come on now. You said you hated bandages. Hypocrite!" You tease through tears.

You put your head gently on his chest. Your hands still in his hair and his hand. You hear a soft groan and you beam.
Akutagawa was shaking his head slowly. "Forget about me.......where's Y/N? Someone.....find her. She....she's still on the" his soft cries slowly fade.

You get up, kiss his cheek gently, and dry your tears. "What have I told you a million times? Don't worry about me, idiot. I worry about you. I swear if I've told you once I've told you a million times."

Then you walk out of the room and go to your office.

I guess I'll stay here. Need to watch Akutagawa tonight. Can't let people get him can I?

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