Chapter 13

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When you sign it, Mori gave you a devilish smirk. "Thank you very much, Y/N-Kun. Also, could you do me a favor? I need you to memorize the rest of the Guilds members. Or is that already done?"

You nod.

"In that case, please make sure you don't tell anyone, outside of the Mafia, about them. We need to keep all information on our side. As much information as we have needs to remain secret. You understand you can't tell Dazai-Kun about this right?" He asked suspiciously.

Does he know?!

You nod your head understandingly.

"Dismissed, Y/N-Kun."

You walk out of the room.

When you get back to the office, Chuuya was sitting on your desk. "Y/N!!!! You better have a good excuse for not being in your office!"

"She had to see the boss." Akutagawa looked at his empty tea bottle with disappointment, and went back to typing. "Next time your out, Y/N, could you get me two?"

You nod and sit down at your desk. You inbox was empty and you didn't have any work to do.

"What did Mori want?" Asked Akutagawa.

"He want's me in the guard."

"WHAT!!!!!!?????" Chuuya yelled and jumped off the desk with alarm. You jumped in your chair and looked at him. "REALLY?!?!? HER!?!?"

You nod calmly and was very happy to hear a small ding from your phone.


Dazai? What do you want.

I still need those names and stuff~~

Oh! Um right! Do you want them in Mafia file form? 'Cause I have those.

That would be great!! Thank you soooooo much!!!!!

You sent him pictures of the files and set your phone down. When you did, your phone made, yet another ding.

Who are you texting? Akutagawa commanded.

Dazai-Sama!!!!! He had a question.

As a member of Mori-San's guard, you can't give him any of the information you aquire. You know that right?

Yeah yeah. Where are we going for lunch?

I'm serious, Y/N-Chan!!!!! Please be serious for once in your life!!!!

Fineeeeee... I won't tell him anything...starting now.


Nothing important. Just stuff about the guild!!!!

Akutagawa gave you a look.

"Erm...I'm lost." Chuuya admitted.

"Y/N!!!! You can't do that!!!!!!! This isn't a game!!!" Akutagawa shouted.

"Wrong! Life is a game. Who said that? Oh right, you did! This is a masters game. And I intend to succeed and get you the prize."

"Tch. Idiot." He mumbled. You smiled and look back at your phone.

Dazai had thanked you. You smiled even brighter.

"What's that?" Chuuya looked over your shoulder to see your phone. You quickly turn it off and shoo him away.
Eventually, he got bored with the silence and left. You looked up at Akutagawa, who was now looking at papers from Higuchi.

"Do you like talking with Dazai?" He asked suddenly.

"Well, yeah! He's the closest thing I've had to a dad!"

"Why does he like you so much more?"

"It's not that he likes me more, which he doesn't, it's that, me and him have a special kind of bond. Just last night-"

"What did he do?" Akutagawa was standing with his hands flat on his desk.

"He just tried to get me and Were-tiger to become friends!" You say holding your hands up.

"Why doesn't he try this hard for me?" Akutagawa asked as he plopped into his chair again.

"I guess he doesn't know where you live. Plus, you would kill the tiger wouldn't you?"

He snorted and looked at his computer.

"When's our next assignment?" You ask looking over the town longingly through the window.

"Right now. Elise-Chan has gone missing and Mori wants us all to find her. He says kill whoever took her, and anyone who gets in the way."

"Sooo does that mean we gotta take Higuchi?"

Akutagawa nodded and tossed you your coat. You put it on with much protest. "But why can't it be a me and you thing?"

"Boss's orders."

"Hmph. We'd better find her if I'm going to have to put up with Higuchi." You pouted.

You saw Akutagawa roll his eyes and smile.

"Oh my gosh. Did I just make Akutagawa smile?!?" You walk in front of him and see him chuckle as he pushed you out of the way. "No. I'm just happy to get out of work."

"Ok ok. Whatever you say, Aku."

Higuchi met you two in the car. She was sitting in the middle, probably thinking she'll sit next to Akutagawa. You shove her and sit in the middle to replace her. Akutagawa looked completely uninterested in your affairs with her and looked out the window. "So how do we find a child anyway?"

"Make a candy trail to the headquarters." You mutter to him. He smiled at you and quickly changing his gaze.

"I'm serious, Y/N-Chan. We need to find her. Mori might give you a promotion if you do."

"I don't care about some stupid promotion. You take it."

He ignored your comment and looked back out the window. This obviously annoyed you, as he normally showed some kind of recognition to your side-comments. Weather he'd roll his eyes or smile, he never ignored you.

Higuchi saw your surprise and smirked. "Senpai. Maybe we should check her tracking device?"

"Mori didn't want her to have one. Everyone, even Y/N-Chan knew about that. And she doesn't talk."

Higuchi looked disappointed. "I'll keep thinking then...don't worry, Senpai! I can figure this out!"

"Don't bother. Once Elise sees all of the cares and people looking for her, she will go straight back to Mori's office and continue to do her childish doodles. We didn't even have to come out here."

"So I didn't have to come with her!?" You snarl.

Higuchi looked taken aback and glared at you.

"Y/N-Chan. I think someone wants your attention." Akutagawa looked back out the window.

You turn to Higuchi who was glaring at his side. You follow her gaze to Akutagawa's side and see it.






You immediately start to blush and you look up at Akutagawa. He was also blushing furiously and glared at you. "Really, how did you not notice it?" He spat.

For the rest of the ride, no one spoke another word.

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