Chapter 14

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-I know what your thinking. Don't worry they found Elise! That's a relief😪 But I have an announcement!! As this fanfic does follow the storyline of the anime, the next four, (counting this one), chapters will take place four years ago. I will write it at the top so you don't get confused! I got chuu~~ Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy~~ Bai ~~-

Four years ago...

You plop on your bed in the rookie dorm. "I missed you so much, bed!" You whispered.

Akutagawa looked at you and went back to work making his bed.

"Hey Aku-Kun! Where's Dazai-Sama?" You ask from the top bunk.

He shrugs and neatly puts his coat on a nail in the wall. He wasn't very talkative today.

"Look," you start as you hang upside down from your bed, "Dazai isn't being mean. He just wants you to be a tough cookie. That's all, ok? So don't go mopping about it."

He nodded and pushed you back onto your bed.

"Goodnight Aku-Kun. Sleep tight."

"You too, Y/N-San."




You woke up to Dazai gently shaking you. "Y/N-Kuuun~~~ Akutagawa-Chan~~~ get up~~"

You rollout of bed and fall onto the floor next to Dazai's feet. "You were supposed to catch me!" You whine as Akutagawa helps you up.

"Oh. Sorry. Look you two, I've been thinking. Maybe you shouldn't be in this whole dorm area by yourselves. We don't want anyone getting into a romantic relationship inside the Mafia. It's not good for the company. I understand you two are close but, I think we should have Akutagawa-"

"No." You protested quietly. "Why does he have to move out?"

"Erm...look, Y/N-Kun, there comes a time when boys and girls can't share a room unless they're married... Your fifteen. Your way past that age limit. Akutagawa-Chan is sixteen and-"

"I know all that." You say, a little mortified. "Chuuya told me. I mean, why does he have to leave the room? I don't have nearly as much stuff in here as him. Wouldn't it be easier if I left?"

Of course the whole reason you were saying this was because you thought Akutagawa needed a break and you didn't want him to do more work. After all, he trains ten times as hard as you. He deserves a break.

Dazai shrugged . "I guess its your choice. Get dressed and report to Chuuya. He's training you."

"Why?" You asked. "I don't like him."

"Isn't it easier with him?"

"Well yeah, but he talks about you. I don't like it and Aku-Kun is too obedient to say anything. What can I do!?"

"Start speaking to executives." Akutagawa mumbled under his breath as he tucked himself into his coat.

You gave him a look and turned to Dazai, who was already walking away with Akutagawa on his tail. Sighing, you grab a clean shirt and pants and quickly shower and change. You put on your fret hoodie as you walked out the door.

"Finally." Akutagawa snorted. You looked over and saw him leaning on the wall.

"Trying to look cool are we?" You tease.

He rolled his eyes and walked to the main Port Mafia building with you beside him.

"So...where's Gin?" You ask.

"I don't know. Why?"

"Well, she usually walks with us. Do you think she's ok?"

"Of course she is. She's Gin. She's just as strong and capable of living as me and you."

You smile. Akutagawa never really was one for saying people were strong. Not even himself for that matter. You knew he wasn't very confident, but it made you upset for him to call himself weak. So out of respect for you, he never insulted himself. Not that you knew of, anyway.

"Why does Chuuya-San have to train us?" You ask, still trying to strike up a conversation.

"Dazai-San has business to attend to. Chuuya doesn't. Plus it'll be much better to fight him. My Rashomon can't so much as touch Dazai-San. Think of this as a break, considering he goes out drinking every ten minutes."

You giggle and earn a pleased smile from Akutagawa who quickly changed his expression back to serious.

"HEY BRATS!!!!" You both turned to the sound of Chuuya's voice. He was wobbling everywhere. "TRAINING'S OVER HERE!!!!!"

"Do we have to go?" You complain and follow Akutagawa to the drunken man.

"Yes, we do. Dazai-San said so." He hissed.

"Dazai-Sama also said if Chuuya-San was drunk, to go back to bed."


"A couple of years ago."

Akutagawa glared at you who was smiling innocently. He rolled his eyes and kept walking to Chuuya.

"There you are! Idiots. Why didn't you come sooner? Or at least bring some wine as a 'we're sorry Chuuya-San' gift, like good kids should."

Akutagawa bowed in apology and you looked at him. You guessed Chuuya approved because he had you fight him first.


"Ok Chuuya! That's enough training them!" Dazai took both you and Akutagawa's arms and glared at his partner.

"Didn't I tell you not to go drinking last night?" He snarled.

"Well yeah but who wants to listen to you? Besides your little dogs over there."

"I don't like your tone toward my subordinates. I suggest you realize who's kept the boss off of you all these years for drinking."

It was true. Every time Chuuya went out drinking, you Akutagawa and Dazai would all cover for him. Weather you said he was on 'missions' or 'lunch breaks,' you three always made sure the boss was off of his tail.

"Hmph. You two won't be as lucky next time."

Dazai smiles as Chuuya wobbled away. He turned to you. "My gosh I hate him."

You and Akutagawa giggle and earn a pleased look from Dazai.

"I guess I'll have to train you two then. Ok let's see how you do against each other first, then we can fix up anything we need to."

You and Akutagawa go on separate sides of the room.

"I'm not giving you mercy because your a girl." He stated.

"Wouldn't mean much if you did." You counter.


You turned into a wolf and bit his leg, just barely managing to dodge about five Rashomon snakes. He grabbed your neck and held you still so he could stab your leg. Which he did.

You screamed with pain and bit his arm. When he uses another Rashomon, you jump onto it, transform halfway and punch his jaw.

"Enough!" Came a firm voice.

You turned and smiled. "Aku-Kun! It's Oda-Sama! Come on, say hi!"

Akutagawa waved and rubbed his bleeding leg.

"Want me to heal that for you?" You whisper.

He nodded and you turned into the black shadow of a dog once more to lick his cuts.

"Dazai-San. We need to talk, privately please." Odasaku said quietly.

"Ok Odasaku-Chan! Kids, stay here, Y/N-Chan. Heal your partner, now please." Dazai instructed as he followed Oda.

"I didn't mean to cut you so deeply." You say, pulling his pants leg up to see the bite mark.

Furiously, he hit your hand and snarled. "No."

"Ok, ok fine! I just wanted to see what Wolf of the Dark did! Look what Rashomon did to me!"You pull up you own pants leg and examine the deep stab.
"Can't you lick it and heal yourself?"

"Wolf of the Dark doesn't heal me. It heals others. Don't worry! I'm fine though!"

"I wasn't worried."

You hug his neck and he made a disapproving choking sound. "Stop playing toughie!"

You saw his smile and held him tighter.

"After all," you continue, "I know all about you already!"

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