Chapter 15

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~Still four years ago~

You climb out of bed.

"Look Aku-Kun! I got up on time for once!" You beam at the bed underneath you, then frowned. "Oh. Forgot."

You go through your morning routine with a frown. You sit on the porch and wait for Akutagawa. He told you he would come pick you up when he was ready. You didn't think that. Normally, he never woke up on his own. That, or he just likes to be woken up by other people.

"Let's go." Akutagawa helped you up.

"Aku-Kun! Finally! I was getting worried!"

"We need to report to Ango-San's office."

Ango was the Mafias informant. He was trusted with negotiations, money, and many many secrets that could destroy anyone.

"You mean that old bat? I don't like him." You said putting your hands in your jacket pockets.

"Don't talk about Dazai's friends with such a tone. Plus, he's a superior, you can't talk like that with him. What if someone heard?"

"I doubt they would disagree. I just get a bad vibe from him. That's all."

You start walking beside Akutagawa in silence.

"Where's Dazai?" You asked in the elevator to Ango's office.

"He has work too, Y/N-Chan. You can't expect him to be with us all the time. That's childish."

"Have you met me?" You tease.

He gave you a small smile and then forced it down. "Here we are."

You follow him down a dark hall, looking at the gruesome pictures. "How cliche. These paintings are so boring."

Akutagawa nodded in agreement and stopped at a door. "Remember, don't act disrespectful, and have good posture. Ok?"

"Sure." You say mimicking his straight back and snooty face. He pushed you gently and opened the door. "Hello?" He asked in a commanding voice.

You step inside and look at the empty desk. "Woah! Look at all those books!" You ran to the shelves and picked out a red binder. "Awwwww. These aren't books. Just records of trash." You put it on the shelf with disappointment.

"Your Dazai's subordinates right?" Said a smooth voice.

"Oda-Sama!" You beamed at the almond haired man. Along with Dazai and Akutagawa, he was one of your few friends. Odasaku was nice, calm and loved kids.

He ruffled your hair. "Y/N-Chan. Akutagawa-Kun. Why did Dazai send you here?"

"He said you might need help looking for evidence in these files. I'm pretty good at research and Dazai thinks   Y/N-Chan is good at keeping the mood light. She won't be much help I'm afraid." Akutagawa glared at you.

"Hey what did I do!?" You growled back. "So what are we looking for anyway, Oda-Sama?"

"Anything you can find about Ango. Didn't you meet him once, Y/N-Chan?" Odasaku looked up from the binder.

You think for a minute and nod. "He wasn't very talkative. Kind of boring..."

Odasaku nodded his head in playful agreement. "He's in the A section so look over there."

Akutagawa walked to the place he pointed and grabbed two binders. He handed one to you as you climbed onto the desk and he sat on the chair.

Everything was silent. Boring in fact. You looked through most of the files when Odasaku walked away.

"Oda-Sama? Did you find something?" You ask with curiosity.

"Just- I'll get you to Dazai."

Both of you get up and follow him quietly. He did take you to Dazai, who wasn't very happy considering he was trying to get some information out of a few people.

You glared at three men in heavy black armor. "Those the ones?" You ask quietly.

Dazai nodded and looked at you curiously.

You walked to the men, as you did, you transformed into your wolf. Which wasn't quite full grown yet considering your only fifteen. You bit one of their legs as hard as your jaw would allow.

Dazai caught on and kneeled down to the mans face. "Who's in charge here? If you answer nicely, I'll pull her off." He practically sang. "Come on! If you don't answer, it'll ruin my reputation!"

You bit harder. The man screamed in agony. "GO TO HELL!!!!!" You waited for a bit, then felt his pulse slow down gradually. "All of you. . ."

You let go and sat down. Akutagawa was at your side and petted your neck in appreciation.

"Crap. Ok, subordinates!"

You and Akutagawa looked up eagerly.

"Make 'em talk. They have suicide pills in their teeth. Take those out so they can't die, and don't show mercy. Go all out!"

You beamed and your tail wagged excitedly your nodding head looked just as eager as your crazy tail.

"Yes sir." Akutagawa said firmly.

Dazai smirked. "Odasaku. We have an investigation to do here~~!!"

Odasaku followed him out without a sound.

"So," Akutagawa started when they left, "how do you wanna do this?"

You turned to your human form and walked to one of the other guys. "Meh! You can choose. I think we're the ones being tortured here. We have to dig around in their mouths! BLECH!" You forced open his mouth and looked at the teeth.

"Maybe ripping out the teeth would be convenient."

"They wouldn't be able to talk then." Akutagawa pointed out as Rashomon opened the other mans mouth. "Rip off their limbs one by one?"

"Nah they would die. After all, they don't have abilities so they must be weak." You pulled out a small green pill and sniffed. "EWWW! It smells weird! Like lemons and fart!"

"Hmm. . . It's a convenient way to keep people from talking...not as good for us."

You shake your head vigorously and stick out your tongue. "What do we do with them?" You hold the pill away from your nose. The smell was so unbearable, you thought you might just faint.

"I don't know but it's starting to give me a headache. Just take 'em to the doctors!" He put his pill in your hand and covered his mouth. His cough made you jump.

"Are you ok?" You pulled the pill hand as far from him as possible.

He held up his hand. "It's just the smell."

"Ok. I'll go get rid of these. Let me know if anything happens."

"I don't think they'll wake up anytime soon." He said, gaining his full posture.

"I don't care about them. I mean with you."

He rolled his eyes and nodded.

You relax a bit and walk out of the room.

As you walk down the hall, countless people started gagging from the smell.

What's with them? My nose is three times as strong and I haven't gagged once. Weaklings.

You finally reach the doctors office and they contained the smell in a plastic bag. After waving you off, they went back to their nerd work. You wanted to run back to Akutagawa. You hated leaving him alone and it hurt when he wasn't with you. Without him, you felt like nothing. Everything didn't matter unless he was beside you. You opened the door to where the two men were and immediately went to Akutagawa's side. Some of the normal humans were in the room and pointing guns at the unconscious men. Guns always made you uneasy. At the orphanage, they tried shooting you a couple of times, and each of the bullets hit your arms or legs by shear luck.

Akutagawa seemed to sense your nervousness and tapped your hand.

That means "its ok." Or to shut up, but I'm not talking so. . .

Suddenly, one of the men woke up. Without hesitation, he jumped up and took one of the guns. He shot his comrades and pointed the gun at you. You stiffened and Akutagawa put his arm in front of you. Rashomon came out of no where and stabbed the man about ten times until Akutagawa put it away. He looked you in the eye and tapped your leg with his foot.

Are you ok?

You nod and he nods back.

You both kneel down to examine the bodies for about twenty minutes.

Dazai walked into the room and stared at the bodies with horror.

"So you didn't take- oh? A hole in the chest and bullet holes? What happened? Y/N?"

You look at your shoes as a silent apology to Dazai.

"I did it." Akutagawa blurted. "The one in the middle took a gun and shot his friends over there. He was about to shoot little Y/N-Chan over there when I took things into my own hands."

Dazai looked at him for a moment. "So, if I gathered this correctly, you protected Y/N by killing our only leads? Tch. How foolish." Dazai took one of the guns and you looked up. "I have no use for useless subordinates who don't know their place."

The gun shots could be heard from all over. Except in your ears. To scared to move, you had put your hands over your mouth and turned away.

The only thing you heard was a silent cough that made you turn. Akutagawa was on his hands and knees and bullets fell from the space around him.

You fell to your own knees and smiled. "He's alive." You gasped. "Thank God."

"See? Didn't I tell you it was possible for you to do that? Rashomon consumed the space between you and the bullets just in the nick of time. Thank goodness too. I think Y/N-Chan wouldn't live without you around. But next time you disobey me, you won't be as lucky." Dazai walked out, followed by the men with guns.

Akutagawa regained his posture and looked at you with disgust. "What?" He snarled.

"You almost died...I almost died. Wow!" You start laughing.

"What?" Akutagawa kneeled beside you and looked at your face, confused.

"You were right! This is dangerous!" You leaned on his chest. "But look at us. We still lived. How's that for a couple of nobody's?!? What do you say we go saluter everyone who tried to hurt us?" You were obviously joking, but Akutagawa being Akutagawa took it literally.

"How would we find them?"

You look at him seriously for a minute. Then burst out laughing. "Your so dumb! I'm kidding! Idiot!"

You never knew for sure why, but that day, he didn't push you off. He didn't insult you. He didn't even roll his eyes or make a stupid comment. He let you lean on him and laugh out your lungs. Maybe he thought you were doing it to stop yourself from crying. Or because you were really laughing. Either way, he didn't push you away. In fact...

He held you closer. "You thought I was gonna die right? Yeah. That is funny. Like I would ever be strong enough to die."

You curled up into his arms. "Your strong enough to do anything."

He chuckled. "Thanks. Glad someone thinks so. I don't think I'd go on if you never believed in me, Y/N-Chan. Thank you."

He planted a small kiss on your head and walked away.

You however, could not move.

Did he just k-kiss me? Does that count!? He just thanked me, and kissed me. Oh. My. Gosh. I'm gonna die.

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