Chapter 17

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Yet again, it is four years ago...

You woke up surrounded by darkness. You looked around for any signs of pretty much anything. You tried to stand when you realized your hands were tied. You look behind your back in frustration and put your hand in your pocket for the knife Dazai gave you for emergencies.

Come on! Where the hell is it?

Eventually you give up and decide to depend on your hands to free you. You grasp and pull the knot but you only make it worse.

"Quit struggling already! It's annoying and distracting." A smooth voice growled.

"Pfft. Like I'd listen to the likes of whoever you are." You snort back.

Suddenly, there was a hand clutching your throat. You manage to bend your neck and bite his hand. He yelled in pain but didn't let go. You bit harder and with your face half transformed. Your canines dug into his soft flesh and you felt blood on your lips.

"If you don't stop," he started and tried to swallow back the pain, "I will kill that weakling of a friend."

You stop. Was he talking about Akutagawa? No. Nobody could kill him.

"Pfft. Bull." You snort, with blood from the man's hand dripping from your chin.

It was pitch black, but even so, you could still feel his glare on you. "Do you wish to test your confidence in his strength?"

You fall silent. Whoever this guy was, he wasn't messing around. "You can't kill Dazai."

If I act like I don't know Aku, he might get the wrong idea.

"I don't care who you are. I can't even land one sneak attack on him. Like you have a chance."

"Right. Because your so sneaky. It won't be hard to snap Mr. Akutagawa's neck. Don't play dumb."

You tried to lunge at him, but your bindings held you back, and you fell on your face.

"The Mafia would be disappointed in your weakness."

"Like your any better. Who the hell are you anyway?"


I've heard that name...Oda-Sama...wasn't he talking with Dazai-San about this bastard?

"So? Is that supposed to freak me out or something?"

"Tch! What!? You haven't heard of me?"

"No." You spat, "should I know you?"

You hear a door open. "Sir! He's here!" A man in a huge, dark, coat saluted the man before you. Gide had dark skin and a sand colored cloak around him. He kicked you shoulder and walked off. The door closed behind him, then silence.

No point in remaining tied and helpless like this. Might as well lose the ropes-what?

You knew they didn't have very sharp claws, but wolves had claws!! So where were yours?

You try to feel the nail of each hand and they seem fine. You transform your hands to paws and feel nothing in your fingers. Just the soft sting of your fur.

"What the-did they declaw me!?" You wanted to deny it so, so bad. Yet, you knew the horrible truth. Those were the very claws that you trained with, were raised with, defended yourself with. Now what? Wolves teeth were better, but, your claws were gone. It's a stupid thing to be sad about, but those claws were yours. You killed with them. They weren't allowed to escape from the murder, when you can't.

You waited on the floor for about thirty minutes when the door reopens. You squint at the light and see Dazai.

He silently walked to you and started messing with your bindings.

"Thank God your safe! I knew that jerk couldn't kill my Dazai-San!" You praised him. He led you out of the room and you saw bodies everywhere. "W-what happened!?" This was much more death then you were used to. In the middle of the sea of people, was Odasaku.

Tears filled your eyes as you stared at the gun shot.

"Go back to the Mafia." Dazai put a hand on your shoulder and looked at the ground. "I'll see you there."

You wiped your face on your sleeve and nodded.

Dazai didn't come home that night. You waited outside his room for three hours. Chuuya found you and tried to drag you away. You didn't budge.

It's not fair. I was upset about my useless claws when he saw Oda-Sama die!? Why? Why did he have to leave me here? Where did Dazai go? He wouldn't leave me too, right?

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