Chapter 18

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Present time-

Mori gathered most of the important members in his office. Those being his personal guard, executives, and partners of those so called "important" people.

"Starting from today, we are at war with the Armed Detective Agency, and the Guild. Tomorrow will be quite the busy day, I suggest you prepare yourselves. There are things we must discuss, so let's get started."

Your eyes wandered to Akutagawa who was looking firmly at Mori.

"Chuuya, care to explain our plan?"

Chuuya nodded and stepped into the middle of the room, replacing Mori.

"So, we have a strategy of sorts. Each war parties have an advantage we must take into consideration. We have strength in numbers and pawns, the Guild is drowning in money, so they can order powerful assassins to their aid. As for the Agency, they have strong members who could take out some of us in a heartbeat, if so desired. One more thing, the Agency or Guild could assassinate our boss. We need the personal guard to report here imminently upon arrival, and guard the office. Did I cover it all, Mori-Sama?"

Mori nodded. "Remember the names and abilities, Y/N-Chan~"

You nodded and stepped into the middle of the room. "Erm...we need to take out the boss first, once we finish the Guild off, we need to attack the president of the Agency. His ability allows all people who work for him to become stronger and control their power with ease." You were looking at Akutagawa the whole time. After all, you were talking mostly to him. "Members consist of, Dazai"-everyone mumbled or groaned-"we all know him. Atsushi, the man-tiger. Yosano, her ability allows her to live through a lot-she's pretty much invincible. She can also heal others, so keep that in mind. Rampo isn't a big threat, just be sure to cover your tracks wherever you go. Kenji is extremely strong and can take out many of us, but he is always distracted by small things. Kunikida can write in his notebook and summon items, as some of already know. Tanizaki has maybe the most dangerous ability. Light Snow creates a screen that can hide things, kinda. And even if you can't see him, bullets can't hurt him. So if he uses it, your pretty much screwed unless you have someone with an ability with you." You referred to Higuchi and was hopping she would catch up on the hint. "They can take any of us down if you let your guard down like an idiot."

Mori smiled, and pushed you back into place, gently.

"Dismissed!" He practically sang, "Oh and Y/N-Chan? I don't recommend calling your coworkers 'idiots.' Any of them could take you out if they so wished."

You followed Akutagawa out of the office and walked by his side. After that warning it would be hard for anyone to think of conversation topics."When did we decide to go to war? Is it really our problem?"

"The Guild was believed to take Elise, remember? We don't know if they pose a threat or not, so, Mori decided this would be the best plan. We need to ensure the safety of our members. Plus, with the Guild's aid, we might just catch the Tiger. Basically, our victory is ensured. And with what you told me about the boss of the Agency, none other then us is guaranteed to live. The Tiger will die, the doctor will die, the poet, detective, farmer, will all curl up and die at our feet."

"A-and Dazai?" You squeaked.

"Mori has other plans for him. He wants Dazai to return to the Mafia as an executive. Right where he left off." Akutagawa growled in annoyance.

"I can live with that. Another thing, if your gonna say some people are gonna die at our feet, at least use names. Atsushi, Yosano, Kunikida, Rampo, and Kenji. The president is Fukuzawa. Have some respect for the dead!"

"Like your respect for the living." Akutagawa mumbled as he opened the office door.

"Shut up. That's different!" You followed him inside and grabbed your coat and bag. You both examined the room for anything you missed and walked out of the building. "I don't feel like going straight home." Akutagawa said, after you asked why he was following you. "I'll walk you this time. Plus we are at war."

"Strength in numbers?"

"Sure, whatever."

You smiled and walked into the elevator to your floor. When it opened back up, you walked out of the elevator with Akutagawa on your heels. You reached the door and found a paper on it.

"Final notice? But I paied all my bills!! They're giving me a week to pack and move out..."

"What are you gonna do?" Akutagawa asked, reminding you he was there.

"I don't know...I guess, I could try to...I really have no clue. Maybe Dazai will let me stay with him?"

"No! I mean-he wouldn't do that without getting something in return."

"Yeah...whatever. I'll figure it out. Wanna help me pack? I still have the boxes from when I moved in, and it would be nice to have company."

He blushed and nodded. We stepped inside the dull apartment. You didn't have anything worthy of putting on the walls, and you didn't have much furniture or house accessories, so it was rather bare. The only decorations were a few pictures of you, Akutagawa, sometimes Dazai, sometimes Gin. Depended on the place and time when the picture was taken.

Akutagawa looked around for a small box to set the pictures in and you started to pack away the small bit of furniture you had. You and him worked in silence for a while until he stopped and stretched.

"Did you figure out what to do yet?" He asked and let his muscles relax.

"No." You sighed. "I guess I'm gonna have to stay here. I'm not too far from work, or your house, I can get groceries on my way home, this place was perfect." You hung your head and sulked.

"Stop that!" Akutagawa demanded and your head snapped up. "You can stay at my place. Just bring your own clothes." He was blushing furiously now and didn't meet your eyes.

You blushed too. "Umm I guess I don't have any other option, do I? Erm...ok. Who's cooking?" You wandered into your room, got almost all of your wardrobe and went back into the living area where Akutagawa was standing with an open door.

Don't even think about singing the song!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Gin." He turned and headed out the door. You followed.

"Do you know what she's making?" You ask, trying to keep the conversation going.

"It's usually a surprise with her." He growled as his blush died down a bit. You approached the elevator and he pressed a button. You waited in cold silence as it opened up, and a man with a bunch of groceries stumbled out. He looked at Akutagawa with fear, and ran as fast as possible when carrying five bags of food. For a moment, you thought he glared at you, but quickly discarded that thought. You could take on whoever that was.

And thoughts like those, are why your being kicked out of your apartment, Y/N. Cool it.

The rest of the walk to Akutagawa's house was silent and uneventful. When you arrived, you found that Gin had left a note on the door saying she had some late night business to attend to, so she wasn't there.

You have to admit. As much as you love Gin, it was nice to have classic chazuke meal with Akutagawa.

"Erm...Aku? Can I ask you something?" You said, breaking the silence.

"I suppose." He stared at his food with sudden interest.

"Ok. Well remember how you said if I taught you the meaning of love, you would...erm...give me a chance? And remember in the office, after the last time we saw see where I'm going with this?" You we're blushing like crazy, and relaxed when you saw his red face.

"Was I supposed to point it out? I just assumed we were an automatic thing after that." He looked to the empty seat beside him to avoid your eyes.

"Oh...I didn't mean to embarrass you, Aku. One more thing! Where am I sleeping?"

He blushed even more. "With me I guess...your my responsibility now that I took you into my home."

You blushed badly too. "Oh...erm...alright then."

The next hour was spent in silent eating time. Before bed, you and Akutagawa watched the news, hopping to find something about the Guild or Agency, but no dice.

Eventually nine 'o clock came around and you followed Akutagawa to his dull grey room. There wasn't much in there. A bed, a desk over stacked with papers, and a dresser.

"I'm going to change. I'll be right back. can change in Gin's room, if you want." Akutagawa hesitated for a bit before mentioning you.

You nod and walk across the hall. You change into a F/C sweatshirt and black shorts. You walk back into Akutagawa's room and see him in bed with the lights off already. He was holding a piece of paper and had his lamp on.

"What's that?" You asked.

"A paper I found on my desk. Gin put it on there and apparently, it's to remind me of the chores and things I need to buy." He grumbled as you climbed in next to him, hesitantly.

"Well, you are pretty forgetful when it comes to house stuff." You remark. He glared at you and turned off the lamp. He set the paper down on his bedside table and turned to you.

You blushed and looked at his open arms and closed eyes. Suddenly, he pulls you close. He carefully placed his hands on your head and waist and held you firmly. You blushed harder now. After a few minutes of calming your mind, you drift into sleep.

"Goodnight, Aku," You mumble.

"Yeah." He whispered back.

"Y/N-Chan, get up. We have to get to work." Gentle hands shook your shoulder and you open your heavy eyelids. "Get dressed."

You nod and pick up a F/C colored shirt and jeans from your bag. You go to Gin's empty room and change as fast as possible. When you come out of her room, Akutagawa led you outside without breakfast.

"Remember that woman who was taking care of Kyouka? Apparently, the agency got a hold of her." Akutagawa went on as you clenched your grumbling abdomen.

"Kouyou Ozaki? Isn't she Dazai-San's sister? "-Akutagawa nodded-" Yeah I remember her. I hated her. Trying to tell me what to do, thinking she had authority over me because she's related to Dazai. The nerve." You pout and Akutagawa smirks at you.

"Chuuya also has something for us to do. He wants us to attack two members of the Guild. We need to get to the docking station as fast as possible." Akutagawa noted as you walked down the street.

"Ok. Then shut up and lets go!" You held his hand all the way to the docking station of Yokohama!

Hai~~ I see you have been enjoying my first fanfic. Ok so, I've grown really attached to this book and am desperately waiting for season 3 of Bungou Stray Dogs. Of course it will take quite a while, I'm going to try and stall for the creators and people who sub it, so posts will not be as frequent as normal. My apologies.

Anyway, thank you all soooooOooOoOoo much for reading this book! I've never written a fanfic before this one and I'm happy to know it's doing so well!! Thank you soooo much for 700 reads!~~~

Last thing, I promise! I owe this person a favor of sorts so I'm going to give a lovely little shout out to...
wolf-the-dragon ! She's super cool and I promise she will follow you back, cuz she loves (ALMOST) everyone!

And I'm trying to make these chapters a bit longer if you couldn't tell, and I am going to start editing the chapters before I post them.

Thank you for reading and loving this story as much as I do, and next chapter will come out next Monday~~ I'll give you something to look forward to~~

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