Chapter 19

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The walk to the docks was silent. It wasn't a very eventful day, and you were bored out of your mind! You loved fights! So, why weren't you doing what you loved already? Why do you have to wait on this stupid lemon obsessed maniac!? Motojiru. As you were nearing the docks, you saw a huge series of explosions. You ran ahead a few steps.

"I'm assuming that's our cue!" You said like a playful crazed murderer. A twisted smile was implanted on your face and you eyes became small.

"I thought you were growing tired of the murder?" Akutagawa teased and caught up to you.

"Yeah. But this is war, everyone will kill at least one person right? And most of them don't have reasons! At least I have a reason for my actions. Though in the end, that won't matter one bit, will it, Aku-Kun?" You climbed onto a box for a better view.

"It won't matter in the least, Y/N-Chan."

The two targets seemed to hear your conversation. In the blink of an eye, Rashomon was in Margret's chest. All of their cargo men were dead on the floor, your snout stained with blood that blended with you black fur. One person got lucky and shot your human form in the stomach about five times. You stepped on his half dead body and knocked the wind out of him with a violently hard punch. You turned back into a wolf, for safety reasons, obviously.

Nathaniel stared in horror as Akutagawa coughed lightly. "The sea breeze is suffocating. Do you agree, Y/N?" He asked as you neared his side, eyes filled with bloodlust. You looked at the white haired man who was shaking. Blood dripped from his mouth and you snorted.

"So much for an entertaining fight." You pouted.

Nathaniel looked at the black-red thing coming from his chest. Then Rashomon slipped out of all of them and back into Akutagawa's coat.

"Let's get this over with quickly." He mumbled. You nodded.

Nathaniel turned around and stared at you with pure hatred. "So, your the Port Mafia's assassins?"

"How are you feeling, Mr. Nathaniel of the Guild?" Akutagawa asked. You smiled, face half covered by darkness. You went back into your normal form to seem more menacing, and was disappointed to see he wasn't scared.

"Pretty awful. A bit like I've had a run-in with the devil. May I ask your names?" He asked, rather politely considering Akutagawa just impaled him.

"Diablo." Akutagawa growled.

"And the lady?" He wondered aloud.

"She doesn't like talking with her prey, to put it nicely." Akutagawa answered for you.

Nathaniel smirked. "Then this must be Hermon. Are you just a mere trial sent to test my faith in God?"

"Is a trial what you want? Then I'll give you one!" Rashomon raced for the man and you transformed back into your shadowy wolf and wrapped yourself around Akutagawa's legs. See, he wasn't the best at fighting up close, so it was your job to fight whoever got too close. Akutagawa took care of the rest.

Before Rashomon reached him, Nathaniel held up his hand and an orange shield like force stopped the black matter.

"Aku." You whispered.


"His ability is similar to yours. Think of your own weaknesses." You advised softly.

Rashomon retreated quickly after your swift advice.

"I am a minister, I am not some ancient relic. Don't think that's enough to test me, you trash!" Nathaniel shouted and raised his arm threateningly. The orange words were speeding towards Akutagawa and he enabled Devoured Space just in time.

You being the person you were, got very upset with his tone. So, you being the protective girlfriend you were, threw yourself at the man and your head hit his abdomen. He stumbled a bit and glared at you both.

"Repent, you worthless worm!!" He yelled as his orange words retreated.

"Interesting!" Akutagawa yelled back as both of the men activated their abilities. The Scarlet Letter and Rashomon clashed almost endlessly. You tried to knock Nathaniel off his feet by ramming your head into his legs, but it was useless and he kicked you away.

"Rashomon!" Akutagawa yelled as the black snake covered him.

"Scarlet Letter!" Nathaniel shouted.

The orange words sped at Akutagawa but the snake destroyed all in its path and bit Nathaniel's ankle. By this time, you had also struck for his forearm and sank your canines into his soft puny flesh.

"Is that all, minister?" Akutagawa taunted. You would've smiled if your mouth wasn't full of purple coat and gross man-arm. Rashomon and you drew back to Akutagawa as the priest fell to his knees.

"You're no devil." He growled, as Scarlet words surrounded you and Akutagawa. You looked at his leg. The Scarlet Letter was only activated by blood. Then you saw it, Akutagawa's ankle and shoulder were pouring blood. That little bastard! I told him to make sure his wounds weren't exposed-crap! That's what I forgot to do! But how is it arou-damn.

You didn't realize that one of the men managed to shoot you during your massacre. That's where most of it was coming from and surrounding your wolf form.

Oh I forgot to mention! If you got hurt in one form, it didn't effect the other. So like, if you got shot as a wolf, it wouldn't be there if you were human. It took a while for you to figure out how to make your ability do that, but all that work paid off!

You transformed back into your human form with you comfortable clothes! Shut up! It's not my fault your clothes don't fit on a dog!

The Letter wrapped around Akutagawa tightly and there was obviously enough for you to be tied too. Don't worry! "You both are just soulless beasts who crave the flesh of others. I'm sure you've only fought gifted who were weaker than you until now."

You growled softly. Wind rose up around both of you. "The Port Mafia is nothing." A voice growled.

Naturally, Margret just had to stand back up. Well she was sitting but, whatever! "I will take back my family's honor!"

The worry on your faces weren't a surprise. You looked at your grey jacket to see it withering away. Right next to you, Akutagawa's own cloak was turning to dust. "I cannot lose to filth like you who has never known defeat or humiliation!" She shouted and her ability grew stronger.

"Never known defeat, you say? Defeat and humiliation are always with us!" Akutagawa shouted.

"We are remnants going through darkness. So, despair like this can't ruin us!" You shouted. During this, Rashomon impaled Margret, you broke your bindings. You jumped at the grey haired man filled with rage! "Tch!" Your body surged with pain. Blood spilled from your mouth as you landed.

"Crap! Not now! When did you even get hurt?" Akutagawa shouted. Blood also pouring from his coughing figure. "Come at us! Thi-this is nothing! Fight me with all you got. Otherwise there was no point in us coming here!"

"Why would you go so far? What motivates you to go to such lengths!?" Nathaniel asked.

"We only want to hear one word. A small, simple word from a certain person." Akutagawa answered back as you both tried to regain your posture. "For the sake of hearing that word, we have each been through countless humiliating defeats! And will continue, until I am worthy of finally hearing it."

"You asked me to fight with everything I got, correct?" Nathaniel asked, cutting the back of his hand. You both knew what he was doing, preparing The Scarlet Letter. "I've changed my mind. I will grant your wish."

The Letter took form, you and Akutagawa smiled, the Letter grew from the blood shed, until it was a satisfying size. It targeted Akutagawa first, who blocked it with ease. You, however, stumbled to jump over it and remain gracefully threatening. The Letter retook its form and came back. Akutagawa used Devoured Space to block it before it hit you again. Nathaniel jumped and once again, aimed for Akutagawa. You couldn't allow this! And apparently, neither could Rashomon as it cut through the attack, which once again, took on a different form. Immediately seeing the attack, you jumped in front of Akutagawa before the newly formed spikes could hit him.

I think we've all figured out, that in wolf form, you could take on much more attacks then as a human. Yet another downside to your ability.

Akutagawa stared in hatred at the grey haired man as he caught your falling body. Rashomon struck, yet again, and stopped as it almost sliced his neck. Akutagawa gently set you on the ground and looked back at the man in a purple coat as if nothing happened. Blood sprayed from the minister's neck as it turned into the Scarlet Letter. It entertained with the sky for a bit, then flew at top speed to Akutagawa.

"Rashomon...Jaws of Endless Gates!" Akutagawa shouted in pure anger. Countless snakes of black matter flew at the scarlet words and tore them up. In its rampage, Rashomon also tore up Nathaniel. That was its aim, at least, for instead it bit Margaret's back and arms. The two slammed into a wall of the nearby docking station as Akutagawa fell on his hands and knees. You ran to him and placed a hesitant hand on his soft coat. Akutagawa panted loudly. "You did good, Aku. Take a break now." You whispered, trying to not lean on him. The poor guy's been through a lot today and it's barely lunchtime!

"Those words." He mumbled. "I don't need him to tell me that. I already know. No one understands them better then us."

"I know, Aku." You patted his head and ran you fingers through his hair. "I don't know about you, but I wanna sleep for a year. Who do we report to again?"

"Chuuya. But he's on a mission right now. We figured out where the agency was hiding." Akutagawa reported.

"That'll be useful." You laid down next to him. He glared, and settled down next to your almost unmovable body.

"When we get home, remind me it's Gin's turn to cook." Akutagawa closed his eyes. "Let's just, catch our breath here."

You chuckled. "Ok." You played with his soft hair one more time, then closed your eyes and let the sweet sensation of sleep take you over.

Ahh yes. Nap time! Anyway, thank you sooo much for 800 reads!! This is the most successful (and only so far,) book I've written! And when I saw 800 reads on it, I literally almost cried! I'm so happy that everyone is enjoying this story so far! But sadly, as the anime comes to an end, so will this book. NOT YET THOUGH SO NO WORRIES!!! I was thinking about skipping to the part where the anime ends in the manga, this way I can try to keep it going. It might be better to do a sequel though right? Don't worry, it won't be ending just yet! Thank you once again! Have a lovely life~ I'll see you next Monday!

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