Chapter 20

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"So, what now?" You ask Akutagawa as he helps you up.

"We report to the Boss, I guess. Not like we have any more to do." He started walking slowly.

"Aku? When you said something about 'those words' what were you talking about?" You said and caught up with him.

"The words the mantiger said before you failed your only job." Akutagawa spat harshly.

"Hey! That wasn't my fault!! I didn't tell you to go up so high that I couldn't see you! Jerk."

Akutagawa smirked, pleased with how upset he made you. "We can't really go home, it's too early."

"Where is Gin, anyway?" You pouted.

"She and Higuchi went to recruit that thing to the Mafia. Oh and I don't know if I told you this, but Mori freed Q." Akutagawa said calmly.

"WHAT!?!?" You stopped and yelled. "Does that idiot really not realize what that means!? We're all gonna die. We're screwed! If you ever had anything you wanted to do, do it now! 'Cause-" you were cut off by a warm feeling on your lips. You looked down and saw Akutagawa kissing you. He pulled away and glared at you.

"We are gonna be fine. I can't say for anyone else, but me, you, and Gin, will live. Now shut up. I don't feel like getting a headache right now." He continued walking and you eventually caught up with him.

"Uuuggghhhhh! Paperwork!" You complained halfway through you report.

"It feels like we haven't been here in forever." Akutagawa pointed out.

"That's a good thing! I hate this stupid office!" You slammed your head on your desk repeatedly until Akutagawa got annoyed and pulled your collar.

"Are you done?" He asked. "With today's work. Not with all the trash Chuuya sends you."

You nod and his grip on your shirt relaxes. "Go see him." Akutagawa demanded as he strolled to his desk.

"Who?" You asked. Of course you already knew considering he was the only other him you talk to.

"Dazai-San." Akutagawa sat down and glared at his computer. "I don't want to hear you complain anymore. Go bother him."

You smiled and grab your coat. "I'll tell you everything!" You smiled and walked out of your gloomy office.

Should I tell him to meet me somewhere? No I suppose the office is ok. Where was it again? Third floor? Fourth? Meh! They're bond to have a guide or something! What if he's not there? I'll just leave if he's not. I doubt that though!

You stepped out of the Mafia doors and beamed. It was such a nice day! Normally you didn't care for weather or sunshine, but today seemed especially...well, beautiful! You walked for a while and took the time to see all the people. Some of which recognized you and drifted into the crowd. Others, like kids, would smile at you. And that made the day seem, beautiful!

"Y/N-Kun?" You turned. Please no! Please no! But apparently no one heard your prayers, as the white haired boy was in front of you with Dazai beside him.

"Dazai-San!" You sang and put on an excellent fake smile.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" Dazai smiled back.

"Aku told me to come see you! He said he was sick of hearing me complain about our office." Code for: I needed to see you. Now, you might not know this, but you, Akutagawa, and Dazai used to have a secret language. More like code really. It was kinda like when you and Akutagawa would tap each other in a certain spot and all three of you knew what it meant. Get it? It's hard to explain.

"Oh, so you two have an office together!" Dazai cooed. "How cute~!!" Code for: what is it?

"Shut up." You growled. "Can we go somewhere private? Without the tiger?" Code for: exactly what it sounds like. Duh.

Atsushi glared at you and snarled slightly. "Dazai-San! We need to get back!"

"No no! The agency can wait!" Dazai patted Atsushi's head which made you twitch. "But if your worried, you can go back!" Atsushi shook his head and you and Dazai barely kept from showing annoyance on your faces.

"Fine. Come on! I know a great place!" You grabbed Dazai's hand and stuck you tongue out at Atsushi. You led them to Akutagawa's favorite tea place and sat in your usual spot. The waitress came by, Dazai and Atsushi ordered, she left.

"Soooo Y/N-Kun~ I guess it was great to have you out of the office!" Dazai mentioned. "Getting rid of you for some peace and quiet! Who wouldn't take that?" "Ok, you want to trade, don't you? What is it?"

"Yeah whatever! How's it going with the Guild by the way?" "I gave you information! Your turn!"

"I'll tell you later, Miss. L/N." "I'll give you something when we're done here." "Ooh! Our food is here!" "For now, let's take a breather!"

You nod and leave Atsushi in ignorant bliss. "Er thank you, miss." He mumbled.

You put your head down and listen to the two boys in front of you argue weather it was safe to have you around. "Well Dazai, I would love to tear him limb from limb right now. But seeing his brain go in circles is good enough. Stupid fool." You interfered. Atsushi jumped up and pointed at you. You yawned and stretched calmly.

"Ok Y/N! Your not helping him!" Dazai scolded.

"When was that my goal?" You countered. "See ya Dazai-San!" You slipped the check into your pocket and waited for them to leave. When they did, you paid and went back to you gloomy old office.

"How was it?" "What did we get?"

"Postponed." You replied. "He's gonna find me some stuff!" "It could've gone better!" You smiled. "Maybe he'll bring me to the agency!"

Akutagawa nodded. The rest of the day was as uneventful as watching paint dry. You almost screamed of joy when it was time to go home. Mostly cause you got to see Gin and sleep with Akutagawa again!

I am not a perv. By the looks of it, you are!

Anyway, thank you for reading!! So so so much!! I'm so happy you like it so far~~~!!!!! I really am!

Anywho! I read from where season 2 ended in the manga, and I'm REALLY SUPER EXCITED TO GET TO THAT PART!!!!! So if I skip over some episodes, I'm sorry. I guess I'll skip the ones that don't feature Akutagawa. That would make it soooo much better!

Cuz I got an awesome idea for one chapter and I can only use it when we get to that part in the book! And I really don't wanna end it! I know that I'm no where close to 200 chapters, but I don't know what to do! Should I stop where the series ends, or continue after that? Tell me what you think!! Cuz I want to make this series as good as possible for all of you! Cause I love all of you sooo much~~~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!
Thank you for reading~ I'll see you next week~ stay in paradise!~ Bai~

One more thing- SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there~ paradise is on its way!!

Last thing, promise~ On the last chapter/episode, I want to do it from Akutagawa's POV! Is that ok?

Ok real last thing~ WE'RE ALMOST AT 1K READS!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO SOO SO SO SO SOO SO SO SO SO SO SOO SO SO SO SO SO SOO SO SO SO MUCH~💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤️💙💙❤️❤️💙💙❤️💙💙 I love all of you so much, I'm gonna post the next chapter early just like this one~!!! See you Monday!

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