Chapter 21

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"Y/N! Y/N!" Strong arms shook you as you opened your reluctant eyes. "We need to go to the Boss's office immediately." Akutagawa demanded.

In the bushes a few hours later...

"Why are we here again, Aku?" You asked quietly.

"Do you really not pay attention?" Akutagawa scolded. "We're here to discuss a truce with the agency. Now shut up!"

"Ok!" You smiled and restrained yourself from hugging him. You, Akutagawa, and Chuuya, were hiding just in case it was a setup. The main guard on Mori was the whole Black Lizard. Personally, you thought that would be enough. Apparently, Mori, Chuuya and Akutagawa thought different.

They approached the meeting spot quietly. "Ah Dazai!" Mori sang. "Do you still have that old coat?"

"Of course not! I burned it, obviously!" Dazai smiled back.

"Port Mafia boss." Fuzukawa addressed him.

"Agency Boss. Not much security huh?" Mori teased.

The two men took slow steps toward each other.

"So, the time has finally come. The two most powerful organizations of gifted are in a war." Fuzukawa started.

"If the government found out we were having a secret meeting, they'd go nuts." Mori pointed out.

"I'll get to the point then. A new member of the Agency suggested an alliance with the Port Mafia." So its his fault! "I refused at first. Just the idea of allying ourselves with the likes of you goes against our standards. But it came from someone who was shot, slashed, and kidnapped several times by the Mafia. He deserves to be heard. So as the president of the Agency, I had no choice but to listen."

"We're both in quite the pickle here." Mori joked.

Why isn't he taking this seriously!? It's so frustrating even Aku is shaking!

"I'll get to the point. Alliance aside, I suggest a temporary ceasefire."

Mori laughed. "Ever read Schelling? Kissinger?"

"They're both researchers or strategy." Dazai cut in. "Taught by you-know-who."-NOT VOLDEMORT!!-

"There is a parallel between war and strategies of illegal organizations like us. No one exists to punish either of us, or else our agreement will be broken."-he's basically saying they're not allowed to hurt anyone from the Mafia-
"And if you hurt one of us?" Fuzukawa demanded.

"What if you betray us? You trusted us, put us in this agreement, you should be the only ones to suffer. Under conditions that reward the first ones to betray the others, I cannot allow a limited ceasefire. Only way I could is for complete cooperation."

"Impossible!" Dazai closed his eyes.

"Yes. We are an organization of face and resentment. Most us us have had a hard life. Dragged through the mud, if you will." Mori commented.

"Us as well." Fuzukawa said calmly.

"We didn't die. That is the source of shame for the Mafia."

"Then, how about this." Fuzukawa grabbed his sword, "we settle this here, and now."

Gin and Tachihara ran at him. The sword sliced they're weapons in one quick move as he headed for the boss. Who also jumped and placed his small knife on the back of his neck. Both froze and you were shaking with anger. Even if you never spoke with him, you were secretly grateful to the boss. He picked you off the streets, gave you, Gin, and Akutagawa a home. If it weren't for Mori, you wouldn't have met Dazai.

"I thought you got rid of your katana, Fuzukawa." Mori asked with his freakish smile.

"You still haven't gotten over your habit of killing with a scalpel, Doctor Mori." Fuzukawa spat back. So that's what they're called! "You still think like a little girl."

"I found out why you hired the tiger. You still talk to cats don't you?" Mori countered.

Green snow filled the area. Fuzukawa disappeared into tiny green particles. He reappeared behind Mori and put his sword back in its case.

"A hologram ability. Just like Y/N said. The meeting was nice! Let's do this again!"

"We will be getting Q back tonight. Do not interfere. For both our sakes."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because that's the one thing we have in common. We both love this city. We must protect it. We can't allow foreigns to ruin it."

"The Guild is powerful. You don't have a chance. That's all from me~! Dazai, our offer still stands. Want to come back?" Mori asked with his sickening smile.

"Nah. You're the one who kicked me out!" Dazai smirked.

"I thought you quit?" Mori's voice changed to a confused tone.

"You were afraid, weren't you? That I'd take your place and kill you. Just like you did with our last boss. Evil expects evil! I didn't want to aline with you either." Dazai giggled.

"Very well! Say hello to Y/N! Oh would you mind looking after her for a while, Mr. Fuzukawa?" Mori asked. You froze.

Fuzukawa tensed up but nodded. Mori grabbed you by the neck and pulled you out of the bushes. "I know you've just been dying to recruit her! Just spend another day with her. And never ask us again. You'll send her back by the end of the day!" Mori threw you at the boss and you growled when you landed on him. Dazai took your arm and followed the boss back to the Agency.

Forget what I thought about Mori being great earlier. Why did he have to leave me here all alone!?! I'll kill him one day. The worst part is...he left me with them.

You were sitting on Dazai's chair with your whole body scrunched up.

"Of all people, why did Dazai want you?" Ranpo asked curiously, apparently expecting an answer. "I mean, your so boring and we already have someone with a similar ability, but twice as good."

You sighed, trying not to break his neck. You glared at him, but he didn't even flinch.

"Leave the poor thing alone, Ranpo!" Kunikida scolded. "She didn't come here on her own free will, unlike us, she was forced."

"It's already bad enough for the poor thing." Yosano stood up and frowned. "Being stuck with a bunch of strangers like this."

Not quite...

"Now she can understand my pain." Atsushi mumbled. "It doesn't feel good to be abandoned, does it? Of course you don't. You'll never experience the pain I've suffered through."

You grabbed his collar. Your hair covered your eyes and you growled. "When Dazai gets back..." you snarled, half transforming your face so you canines were showing. At that very instant, Dazai walked in and smiled. "Mission accomplished!" He sang.

His amber eyes landed on you and Atsushi. He sighed and walked over. When he did, you immediately dropped Atsushi and sat back down, not looking up. "S-sorry, Dazai-San!" You bowed.

He sighed again and patted your head. "Y/N-Chan, this isn't the Mafia. You don't need to apologize when you do something wrong anymore."

"But your still my teacher! Even if you left the Mafia, I'm still your student. At least...that's what Akutagawa said..." you mumbled. Dazai smiled and helped you up.

"How badly do you want to leave?" He asked smiling.

"I'd kill. As you can see." You managed to do a fake chuckle and Dazai laughed. He held your arm in his and walked you to your old apartment. (You didn't have the heart to tell him you were living with Akutagawa now.)

Third POV:
At the Agency-

"I don't get it." Atsushi said when Dazai closed the door. "Why is he so nice to her? She's a member of the Mafia! So what if he was her teacher?"

Ranpo shrugged and Yosano gave Atsushi a look of utter disappointment. "Geez Atsushi-Kun. I thought you'd be smarter than that!"

"He's trying to recruit her. He has to be nice." Kunikida pointed out. "Believe it or not, she's very smart and strong. She's at least at the same level as Dazai. Even if he never finished his teachings with her. If she wanted to, she could've killed you a long time ago. My guess is, she knows your important to Dazai's 'game' or whatever."

"Yeah right. Like she could kill me." Atsushi snorted. "She's too weak to kill a fly."

"But Atsushi, I've never seen you kill a fly either." Ranpo pointed out.

"Besides!" Atsushi continued, ignoring Ranpo. "She kidnaped Dazai, sent Kyouka on countless killing missions, tried to kill me, and killed hundreds. We can't let that slide!"

"Kyouka kidnaped Dazai, Akutagawa sent her on missions, Y/N was protecting her partner, and you think Dazai haven't killed either?" Fuzukawa cut in. "You know he was a Mafia member, yet you still look at him with respect."

"I don't have to respect those who've never been through pain and suffering." Atsushi mumbled.

"Oh?" Dazai opened the door. "Compared to her orphanage, yours was heaven!" Dazai sat down.

"That was pretty fast Dazai!" Kenji beamed. "How'd you do it?"

"Y/N said she didn't need an escort home." Dazai turned back to Atsushi with a disgusted look. "You have no idea how many times she ran to me at night because she thought she saw her old headmaster. Another thing, she left that place. She didn't get kicked out, she left and burned it down. According to Y/N-Chan, she watched all of them burn. Every night they tried to kill her. When she was two months old, they tried to drowned her at least five times. Luckily, her wolf saved her. Five years, they shot her in the arm, foot and gut. By then, her wolf had developed its defensive side and she became almost invincible compared to humans. She's not weak in the least.  In fact, she remembers her wolf killing her mother when she was abandoned."

Atsushi sighed and stood up. "I'll go apologize. She still lives in her apartment, right?"

Dazai shook his head. "She was kicked out! Don't bother apologizing! She won't care~!"

Atsushi sat back down, and continued his work without another word.

I. Love. You. All. So. Freaking. Much~!!!!!! 1K READS!!!! YAY~!!! I almost cried when I saw it and I'm so happy you like the story!!!!!!!!! I don't even know how to thank you!!! I'm soooooooo happy!!!! I might think of some way to thank you later, like maybe telling you about myself, or extra long chapters, or really deep chapters! I don't know but I love you all and I'm so happy!!!!!!! Really though, I do love and appreciate all of you so so so so so so soooo much~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a good rest of the day/night~❤️ stay in paradise~
I love chuuuu
- Paradise-Kun

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