Chapter 23

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Akutagawa's POV:

We stared at each other with pure hatred. I heard Y/N growl lowly and saw her fists tightening. She can be scary when she wants, but most of the time she's just a huge marshmallow. That can transform into a wolf that will bite your neck off easily.

Without hesitation, Atsushi tried punching me. Of course it was useless, as I used Devoured Space. Rashomon struck at him and was dodged as he came in for another close ranged attack. Which Rashomon blocked with ease. He jumpped back and used his claws to help him stop faster.

"Someone's been practicing." Y/N snarled and half transformed into a wolf, to match the tiger's form.

"Why are you here anyway?" Atsushi asked and glared at us spitefully.

"To kill you!" I yelled.

"Don't you understand!? We might not have a home anymore! I don't understand either of you at all!"

"Did we ask for his understanding?" Y/N asked me and returned the tiger's glare of daggers.

We all stayed silent for a while. Until the tiger stood up. "Understood."

"Akutagawa, Y/N. I'm speaking to Dazai-San on this communicator." He took something from his ear and held it out. "He wants to talk with you."

Suddenly, he turned and threw it over the edge.

"Dazai-San!!!" Y/N yelled and jumped over, reaching for the small, black earpiece. When she got her hands on it, I used Rashomon to grab her waist. She held it up to her ear.

Your POV:

Beep beep beep. Long sad dial tones. That's all you could hear. Your eyes filled with small tears that you wiped away imminently. The Rashomon around you waist was lifting you up as gently as possible. When you felt your feet on the ground again, Akutagawa looked at you eagerly.

"He hung up." You whispered and looked at the small earpiece with longing. Akutagawa sighed and stood up off the ground. He held out a shaking hand to you and you took it. When you stood up fully, you patted his dark head, and smiled.

"If we're lucky, he might show up when we're done here."

Akutagawa smiled a sad small smile and took your hand off of him. He didn't let go though. In fact, he squeezed your small, cold hand and led you down the hall with him. You walked for quite some time too.

Until you saw the tiger on the ground, Fitzgerald was standing on him, and pulling his arm.

"Oh my! What unusual guests we have! Ms. Y/N and Mr. Agua-Aguar-"

"Akutagawa." You turned to the tall, slim man beside you. "Thats Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald. You remember his ability and what it does I assume?" Akutagawa nodded.

"Akutagawa." He said calmly.

Fitzgerald snapped. "That's the one! Well I'd love to welcome both of you aboard, but as you can see, I'm a little busy."

Akutagawa walked to Atsushi and kicked him. "Who gave you permission to lie around like a helpless piece of trash? You can't get away this time, stand up and fight!"

"Earlier you said you couldn't understand us!" He boomed when Atsushi didn't get up. "To me your completely incomprehensible. Those scared eyes have no faith in your strength or ability, yet you get into countless battles! Where did you learn to think like that!?" He kicked him again.

"That's enough, little guy." Fitzgerald said over the noise. "I don't like being ignored."

Rashomon stabbed his hand. "Stop talking. My main course is this trash. I like my desert to sit and wait quietly"

Fitzgerald smirked and pulled Akutagawa closer and punched his arm through golden light. "I hate being in second place." He spat.

"Fine." Rashomon ran to the glowing man, who stopped it with his hands, and came back to punch Akutagawa into the wall.

"Aku! You idiot! Stick to the plan." You spat blood and rubbed your arm from the impact.

"You both work so hard. I'll tell you the fourth secret to success."

"We don't need it." Akutagawa stood in front of you. "Rashomon! Black Torrent!" Millions of Rashomon spikes raced to the glowing man.

"500,000 dollars." A big golden light filled the room. You and Akutagawa were almost blind from it. "Fourth secret to success: Though there are many forms of strength, money, gifts, social status, it helps to have all of them. Like I do." He looked behind him for the tiger, but was surprised to see him gone.

The white haired boy jumped onto Fitzgerald's back and had his arm around his neck. "Strength my butt! Money and gifts don't exist to blow up cities! It exists to be shared with people who need it!" The poor tiger didn't even realize that all of his efforts, were useless.

"I'm not surprised you'd make that mistake." Fitzgerald threw him over his shoulder to the ground. "Strength doesn't exist to help the weak! The very essence of money making is to take from the weak! Then to offer it to weak is the same as repenting of a pointless act, like swinging a door around and round and round. You need to use strength more meaningfully! "

"Do you pretend to not see the lives that you affect?"

"You mean the weak? Like your past self? I looked you up. You were nearly killed twice in your early childhood. When he kicked you and broke your ribs, he said, 'compared to what your parents did, this isn't violence.' Preparing for decent."

You tapped Akutagawa's shoulder. "I understand." He whispered to you.

When you were in your orphanage, you were hit and shot so much, you almost forgot what pain was. Just seeing a gun at this point made you freak out. Honestly, if it weren't for your wolf, you'd be dead. Really, if it weren't for Akutagawa, you'd be dead. That's why you couldn't let him die. Atsushi can't die until Akutagawa gets to kill him.

In the blink of an eye, Rashomon cut through the floor and all three of you fell to a few floors below. When you landed, Atsushi ran like there was no tomorrow. Of course, that was useless, considering Rashomon caught him by his ankles and held him still.

"Earlier, I said I didn't understand you. I take it back. I get it. You fight to earn permission to live. Even if it means you almost die. It's despicable." Rashomon stabbed Atsushi's back and turned him around.

"You really think that someone has to grant you permission to live?" You mumbled and turned from his gaze. "Did you think that if you put your life on the line, someone will stamp you a certificate giving you the right to live!?" You grabbed his collar and still didn't meet his gaze.

"What's wrong with that?" He snarled.

Rashomon threw him. "Your an utter disappointment." Akutagawa yelled. "I thought you'd be smarter than that. I could kill you a million times, and gain no accomplishment whatsoever!"

"What?" Atsushi turned towards Akutagawa as you looked at them, apparently intrigued.

"Yeah. How else am I supposed to prove my value? That's the only real way to go. Without battle accomplishments, that man would've never approved of us. Not Dazai."

"What does he have to do with any of this?"

Before you could answer, Fitzgerald smashed through the wall. "There you are! Stray dogs!"

First person POV cuz I'm tired of writing you all the time!

I snarled and transformed into my wolf for better chances. "Y/N. If you die, I'm telling Dazai." Akutagawa mumbled.

Akutagawa flew at Fitzgerald and got thrown around quite a lot. I looked at the tiger, expecting help, instead I got him running to the elevator. Obviously, I followed. I barely managed to get in when Akutagawa almost flew to me.

We stood in different corners. I half transformed and put a hand on Aku's shoulder. "Please, don't die ok?" I whispered. He nodded and was met with a warm smile.

"Your as stupid as ever. This box leads to the deck service floor. We're trapped here." Akutagawa pointed out.


"Nothing could be more embarrassing then to be defeated by the likes of you. Especially knowing your so worthless that you ask others for permission to live."

"Aku! Your picking at the scab!" I whisper-yelled.

"Yeah. I'm worthless." I turned to Atsushi. "But you both kill just to boost your own egos! I'm waaay better."

"Say it again." I mumbled, hair covering my eyes.

"You have plenty of power and status! You just fight so people will fear you! That's why, your both more useless!"

I grabbed his neck with a wolf paw. "Take that back! Power and status?" I threw him and grabbed him again. "Wanna know why your despicable? Your a fool who continues to mope about old wounds, despite having EVERYTHING!!!! Your blessed with your gift! Your blessed with friends! With no effort and nothing but sheer luck, you're revered and praised by Dazai! You don't even understand how lucky you are! Instead you dwell in your own tragedy! Your a useless fool! Some of us aren't that lucky, you bastard!!!"

"Don't tell me you've always..."

I dropped him as tears filled my eyes. "Stupid bastard..." a few tears slipped out before I wiped them away. "I'd kill you now if we didn't need you for bait. Lucky bastard!"

I felt strong arms around me as Akutagawa pulled me close. "Y/N. Stop crying before I get mad." He growled in your ear, obviously trying to look tougher then he was. I nodded and pushed away.

Without warning, the elevator opened up to the roof, where Fitzgerald was waiting.

"That's enough tag, don't you think?" He teased, and stepped closer. "In less than ten minutes, the Moby Dick will hit your precious city, of Yokohama. At that point, nothing can save it! Only I will live because of my ability."

"Hey, Richy Rich! If we kill someone with your strength, will we no longer be weak?" Akutagawa asked, and you stood beside him faithfully.


"Then we will die as many times as it takes. We won't lose." Akutagawa growled. "Rashomon! Democratic Armor!"

Strands of the black snake wrapped itself around Akutagawa's body and covered his mouth.

"Wolf of the Dark! Power of the Pack!" I yelled and felt my ears become wolflike and my tail grow. Thin midnight blue armor covered my chest, legs, and arms. I felt immense power surge throughout my system and dim light hovered around me.

Fitzgerald jumped at Akutagawa and I blocked the hit in the last second. I punched his jaw, and felt my hand almost break. Fitzgerald kicked me in the gut and I stumbled back a bit before seeing a snake bite his leg. I looked at Akutagawa who was running towards us and was met with a punch that sent me flying, and a kick to the head that made me crash to the ground. Before when I was struggling to get up, Akutagawa stood in front of me and sent Fitzgerald flying in return. He jumped up to him, and threw him down beside me with intense anger in his eyes. Suddenly, Akutagawa grabbed me by the collar and threw me to the tiger who stared.

I pushed him away. "You idiot! We're over there fighting our butts off! What are you doing!? Didn't I just lecture you about how useless you are! Get in there and help for once! How does that sound!?" I yelled over my shoulder and ran back into the fight. Me and Akutagawa landed a few punches and one or two kicked before Atsushi ran over.

His hands, and feet were transformed, his face had tiger print that made his yellow eyes stand out.

"Move! Get out of the way!" Akutagawa yelled.

"You get out of my way!" He yelled back and pushed me into Aku, who pushed you back in.

Geez reader-chan! What are you? A ball!?
Sorry, I had to...back to the story!

"Dazai my butt!" Atsushi yelled. "Your more worthless than me!"

"BS! You're way more worthless than us!" I yelled protectively.
"You piece of trash!" Akutagawa added.
"How amusing. You two are so much like the tiger!"

"Don't compare me to him!" The boys yelled and punched the blonde man before us.

I, however, was twitching. I ran at Fitzgerald and the boys took a break. He ran at me as well. Then, as I aimed for him, I realized, he wasn't going for me. As we passed each other, he whispered, "one million dollars. Say goodbye to Aku-Kun while you can."
I froze and jumped. "Wolf of the Dark!" I yelled and landed right in front of Akutagawa as Fitzgerald was about to hit him. I coughed blood and landed in Akutagawa's arms. "Y-Y/N! Open your eyes! You damn weakling!"

"Yeah. Just beat this bastards butt for me, will ya? And please, don't die..." I fell to his chest and let darkness surround me.

Akutagawa, however, was incredibly angry now. He carefully set you down against the railing and leaned against it next to you.

"Taking a break?" Atsushi mocked him.
"Shut up, bastard!" Akutagawa put a hand on your head and looked at your face. Your mouth was half open and dripping blood. He carefully placed a kiss on your soft lips and struggled to stand back up.

"We need the remote." Atsushi pointed out. "If this thing hits the city, Dazai will die with it."
"He wouldn't die so easily." Akutagawa looked at your face again and sighed. "But Y/N would. I thought she was stronger than that. How disappointing." But inside, Akutagawa was about ready to stab Fitzgerald until he was decomposed. Maybe if he wasn't satisfied, he'd go for his wife. Then again, there's no need to bring innocents into your possible death. Akutagawa stood up and looked Fitzgerald in the eye.

"Tiger, tell me, family aside, is there anything in this world worth sacrificing everything for?" Fitzgerald stared back at both of the boys. "I'll find the book, and bring my daughter back into this world."
"Your daughter?" Akutagawa asked.
"My wife, Zelda, wasn't able to accept her death, and became mentally ill. She came up with a fantasy where our daughter was studding in London. And I'm going to make that fantasy a reality. I will reclaim my family. No matter the cost." Golden light surrounded him. "My wealth is dispensable. I'll pay it all!" More light almost blinded the boys, and blew them both back.

"He's off the scales. It's like being in a massive tornado. This is the Guild leader's will?" Atsushi looked back at the city, and saw the faces of all of those who cared for him. I wonder... what's the real reason Akutagawa is fighting? Does he have family? He looked at Y/N and her unconscious, beautiful face. Oh. I see. He loves her. Not Dazai. He wants to impress Y/N-Chan.

"What." He growled and glanced at Y/N to make sure she was ok.
"Am I a fool? Is it worthless for me to want to escape from those memories?"
"Yeah. The words of your past are fundamentally unrelated to who you are now." Akutagawa remembered when Y/N first told him that.

He was whining because of the things people called him and Gin when they were on the streets, and it was slowing him down. Y/N grabbed his collar and snarled those exact words to him. He didn't show it, but he respected her more than anyone. Even Dazai. She went through hell, and stayed alive thanks to one, ONE happy thought. That she would see him again, in the Mafia. She wanted to help and protect him. She wanted to keep him going. And, she did.

"I see." Atsushi said, bringing Akutagawa back to reality. "When she wakes up, tell Y/N, that I think Dazai-San approved of you two a long time ago." He started walking forward. Akutagawa followed in silence.

"Rashomon Democratic Armor." He mumbled.
"Beast Beneath the Moonlight!" Atsushi yelled.
"Come!" Fitzgerald taunted.

Ok super quick note here~!!!! This is the end of the 23rd episode and after this note, will be the 24th! That's right guys! I'm combining them! So if you wanna stop reading here for today, I recommend you do it! You don't have to, but it's recommended! Ok I need sleep and I'm writing this pretty late! Have a good rest of your day/night! Stay in paradise  ~~❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for reading~ Bai~~

Chapter 24
Akutagawa's POV:

We ran at the blonde man before us. In that minute, a bright light filled the area. We were blasted into the air with Fitzgerald jumping after us. He kicked my back and punched Atsushi to the ground, like a blur. He flew at us, not allowing time for breath. I hit the wall as Demonic Armor weakened for a bit. It doubles as my muscle, so it hurts extremely when it fades.
"Oh come on now. I don't want to have wasted one million!" He taunted.
Three more minutes...I promised I wouldn't let it hit the city, Y/N! I keep my promises!

Meanwhile with Kyouka and Dazai...

"Kyouka. If you want, I can give you a life of killing. But your pain isn't yours alone. What should one do, when what they want isn't what they're best at? Everyone fights, searching for the correct way to live their lives. What do they seek by fighting? How should they live? No one can answer that. All we have is the right to waver. Like stray dogs that have hit rock bottom."

Kyouka looked at the ground and stopped tears from flowing. "I don't know what to do. I want to help. I want to live!" She whispered.

"Alright then." Dazai smirked.

Back with the boys....

We were each hit again and our abilities broke off. Rashomon tied itself around Fitzgerald's hand and the tiger punched his jawline mercilessly. I tried to hold him. I really did. But he tore away from me and hit Atsushi right back, who went flying.

"No!" I yelled, and sent Rashomon flying to him. "Weretiger!!!"
He heard my call, and landed on the black beast. He ran back onboard. He flew up, and I tied Rashomon around his fist.
"Die tiger." I mumbled.
Atsushi and Fitzgerald met fists. They were both pushing so hard, all I could see was an entanglement of blue and gold with hints of blood red light. Finally, Fitzgerald's strength faded and he fell over the side of the Moby Dick, just as the sun rose.

"Aku..?" She whispered. Rashomon let go of the tiger and I stumbled twords my fallen comrade. Just as she had stumbled to her feet, I wrapped my arms around her. She didn't know how to react at first, but Y/N eventually settled into my arms, and hugged me back. "I missed you." I whispered.

Readers POV starting from when you blacked out...



Nothing, but the cold, black, darkness around you. Then, you heard a voice, and saw that face.

"Odasaku?" You stuttered.
His almond hair and raggedy face was all you could see. Suddenly, you were thirteen again. The year you joined the Mafia, and met Dazai and Odasaku. You were on the forest floor and tears were rolling down your cheeks.

"Y/N, get up." He kneeled down in front of you and gave you a look.
"I can't!" You yelled. "It's my fault! All my fault!"
"Don't say that...Akutagawa is just, well....I don't know what to say without insulting him...independent! That's it!"
You looked into his brown orbs and more tears fell to the ground. "But I wanted to go on that mission. I was about to die, until he saved me,, he's in the infirmary and almost dead! What'll I tell Gin!? That I killed her brother!? I don't want Ryu-Kun to die..."
Odasaku looked at you again, and hit you. "If you don't want this to happen again, then, you better get strong enough to protect him for the rest of your life! Got that!?"
You wiped tears away and nodded. "He's gonna be ok, right?"
Odasaku nodded. "Also, Akutagawa likes being addressed formally. So, maybe stop with the Ryu-Kun thing, ok?"
You nodded again, and took Odasaku's hand as you walked back to the Mafia headquarters.

I remember that. I convinced Aku to come on a dangerous mission with me. He would've died if my healing ability hadn't come in then.

"Dazai, I'm not letting you touch him!"
"Get out of the way!"

Now, you were fourteen and blocking the door. You remembered that Akutagawa had done something reeeaallly bad and Dazai wasn't happy.

"Come on Dazai! All he did was steal some records! What was in them anyway!?" You yelled protectively.
"None of your concern! Now move!" Dazai yelled, his face turning red with rage.
"I won't let you touch him." You growled.
Dazai held up his fist and almost hit you, then he stopped. "I guess I can't make him unread the files. He better not say what was in them though."
You beamed and gave Dazai a closed eyed smile.
"Y/N," he started and put a hand on your head. "Please don't let Akutagawa get beat up too bad. This past year, you haven't let anyone touch him. Keep it up. I'm proud."

Then, you turned sixteen. It was the night of your uncelebrated birthday and you were sitting on the steps of the housing building. The door opened, and you smelled Akutagawa with something sweet.

"I got you some leftover cake from the kitchen." He mumbled and sat next to you. "Happy birthday, you silent animal."

You smiled and accepted the birthday cake with a smile.

"Ok Y/N. What's wrong?" Akutagawa looked at you with an annoyed face and you looked at the stars.
"Do you think Dazai's gonna be back?"
"Oh. Do you miss him?"
"Why would I?"
"He treated us like his kids and took care of us. Why wouldn't you miss him?"
"I already have Gin. That's all the family I need. And you take care of me. Especially since Gin's been training for the Black Lizard."
You looked at him. Akutagawa was looking at the stars and frowning. "Y/N?"
"Please, never leave my side."
You flinched for a moment, completely stunned. "I wasn't going to."

You looked over Akutagawa's shoulder as he fell to the ground. Atsushi was glaring at you as you kneeled beside Akutagawa.
"The control terminal!" Atsushi yelled and ran to the edge. Akutagawa used Rashomon to trip him.
"Idiot. I took it from him on the last attack." Akutagawa stood up and raised the small remote.

Atsushi stood up, again and ran for the remote. "We need to stop it!" He slid his finger and you heard a satisfying beep. He fell to his knees in relief only to have Akutagawa put his foot on Atsushi's face.

"I really want to rip you apart right now, but it seems I've used up all my strength. I'll have to make do with this." He growled.

"Your gonna regret this the new time we meet." Atsushi snarled back.

You smiled and looked at the remote in Atsushi's hand. There was a laughing, purple mouse looking figure on the screen and you took it from him.

"Descending!?" You yelled, and pressed all over the screen.

"Let me see it!" Akutagawa took it from you, looked at it, and threw it. "It's busted."

You ran to the main control and Atsushi started pressing buttons. "No good. It's not working here either! We're out of time."

"We need to do something! Akutagawa!" You yelled and pushed the dark skinny man out of the way.

"Don't even try." You turned to see a man with a white beard and hair.

Herman Melville. Ability, the Moby Dick. A giant whale shaped boat like plane that is the Guild's main base.

"Someone from the outside got in. They've taken control."

"There's still a way."


"I heard about the situation. Even if it can't be stopped, with enough above force, it will crash without even touching the city! I'll use this drone."

"Clever girl." You turned to Akutagawa. "Remind me why we let her go?"

"I see!" Atsushi beamed at the control panel. "That's amazing! We can save everyone! Err can you prepare some parachutes, please? You need to get out of there too, Kyouka!"


Your eyes widened and Akutagawa's glare faded.

"I'm captive here. I'm chained, I can't escape."

"No..." Atsushi whispered. "Then..."

"Forget about me!"

"No! Stop! Change course!"

"I didn't have a single ray of light until now. But today, I understood. I have choices! If I sacrifice myself to save everyone, I'll pass the entrance exam! I'll be a real member of the Agency! I would regret nothing."

"Stop it!" Atsushi looked out of the window, and saw the drone coming for us. You grabbed his collar and dragged him along. "Let go! Y/N please! Kyouka, listen to me!"

But it was too late. You were all flying out of the ship with the parachutes.

"Kyouka!" Atsushi yelled.

Tears filled your eyes, but you blinked them away. "Atsushi!"

He turned. "I get it, I'm weak! Now shut up!"

"I understand." You said. "All you wanted, was to protect her, right? We want the same thing. To protect those dear to us. That's why, I never joined the Agency. That's why, I never leave his side. That's why, I'm sorry." You whispered.

You landed and stood up immediately next to Akutagawa.

"Why?" Atsushi mumbled. "Why her?"

"Kyouka. What a fool." Akutagawa coughed. "If she hadn't embraced the hope of living in light, she wouldn't have had to die in vain." You punched his arm.

"Shut up!" You yelled and turned when he glanced at you.

"This is how it was supposed to play out, Atsushi!" Dazai sang from behind, making everyone turn. He had the president with him and was smiling. "Kyouka got over herself and saved the city. With the high-mindedness expected of Agency members."

"But did she have to die?" Atsushi asked and you rolled your eyes.

"Isn't it obvious?" You grabbed Atsushi's collar for the like, fifth time. "Save your breath Dazai, I'll dumb it down. It had to be this way! Fuzukawa' ability only effects people who work under him. You guys. His ability, grants you all control of your own abilities. That's why you can control you stupid useless tiger. Because you joined the Agency. Kyouka passed the exam. Guess what that means?"

Wind started coming from the water as Kyouka jumped out, her Demon behind her. "I used my Demon's sword to cut the chain. I'm back."

Without hesitation, Atsushi pulled her into a tight hug. "Welcome home."
"Ow." She whispered.

You slipped Akutagawa's hand into yours and hid it behind your back, smiling.

"I had to keep the secret. Otherwise, it wouldn't be much of an entrance exam!"
"This was the whole plan?"
"The enemy is gone, and Kyouka passed. Everything went perfectly! I'm so happy!"

"Dazai-San!" You and Akutagawa shouted. "Nothings in my way. Please, let me show you my strength!"
"I don't know." Dazai turned to you both and looked Akutagawa straight in the eye. "Aren't you at you limit? You did just defet the Guild's leader."
"So?" Akutagawa asked as Dazai's hand landed on both, you and Akutagawa's shoulder. One equal hand on each.
"Good job you two. You've become strong." Dazai smiled.

In that instant, Akutagawa fell over, star struck.
"Aku-Kun!" You kneeled down beside him and felt his forehead.
"Oops." Dazai smiled playfully.
You stood up, and hugged Dazai. "Thank you, Dazai-San. Maybe when he wakes up, I'll see him smile again."
"Y/N." He whispered and held you so it wouldn't be suspicious.
You didn't move.
"This isn't the end of the battle. Be careful, keep taking care of Akutagawa. I'll see you."
"Yeah. Bye Dazai. I'll miss ya." You pulled away and sat next to Akutagawa again. You pulled his head on your lap and started fanning his pale face.

"When you wake up, we need to talk." You mumble and place your head on his, gently.

You and Akutagawa were on the roof of a building and looking over the city.
"Isn't it beautiful at night?" You asked without really asking.
You turned to him. He was staring over the horizon at the sunken Moby Dick. "Why do you do it?"
"Do what, silly?"
"Why do you try to protect me all the time? And don't give me one of your garbage answers either."
"Your always looking out for me at work. You saved me a million times more than I've helped you. But I guess the main reason is, I love you, Ryu-Kun~!"
He blushed and didn't look away from the ocean. Instead, he placed a sturdy hand on your soft H/C hair. He started stroking it as your own face heated up.
"I guess I love you too. I wasn't sure at first, but now I know for sure." He turned, and held you so close, it almost hurt. He looked over the edge and you followed his gaze.

You both dropped down safely. Akutagawa coughed and Atsushi looked at you.
"Worthless nonsense." He said.
"It's worthless that you think it was we." You pointed out. "And we didn't protect this city. We haven't protected anything yet."
"What?" Atsushi asked, but you were both already gone. "Weirdos."

Yay! Seasons 1 & 2 completed! So, after much discussion in my brain box, I decided that this book will go on! I'm so excited to read the manga and look ahead!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooo happy!!!! It makes me even happier to know that your enjoying the book! I love you all and want you to be happy! Especially with this super long chapter! Yay! (Sorry)! Ok I'm legitimately speechless. I love the series so much, and I love you guys so much, I don't know what to say! But, here's a gift to show my appreciation to you awesome people-
And I'm gonna post tomorrow too!!!!!!!!

YAY!!! BSD manga! Early updates! Your welcome~!!! And thank you so so so so so so so much! I love you all so so so so much~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💙💚💜💙💚💜💙💚💜💙

I can't wait for tomorrow! See ya~!!

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