Chapter 25

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You and Akutagawa were on your lunch break and heading over to his favorite cafè. When you were nearing the entrance, a voice called to you.

"Oi! Y/N!" Dazai ran up to you, with Atsushi on his tail, as you turned. Akutagawa looked at him in annoyance and growled slightly.

"Yes, Dazai-San?" You asked and smiled.

He took a moment to catch his breath then began speaking slowly and gently. "I have some important information about your-erm...I'll explain inside!" He held the door open and smiled. Atsushi smiled at you and you blushed and walked ahead to your table.

When everyone was seated, Dazai officially began. "I was doing a little snooping with some old files about Ango, Oda, you, and Akutagawa, when I found some interesting stuff!"

"Is it so important that you had to bring him along?" Akutagawa growled and you elbowed him.

"Shut it! This could be the information he owes me!" You glare at the tall dark man, who in return, stared back.

"Errr ok!" Dazai grabbed everyone's attention again. "Well I don't know if you would want Akutagawa to know but, it's about your parents."

"M-my parents!?" You stood up and place your hands flat on the table. When you got annoyed stares from people, you sat back down. "What about them?" You asked curiously.

"Well, I don't know who the mother is, your wolf killed her so she was an obvious threat, but your dad! Your dad was...Odasaku." Dazai looked at the ground with sad eyes.

You, however, were frozen.

Oda-Sama, was my father.

"Did he know who I was?" You whispered.

Dazai nodded and your eyes filled with tears. Your mind flashed back to the almond haired man who would smile at you. He'd laugh with you, cry with you, he even taught you how to read. Then, your mind decided to be a jerk, and go to the lifeless body you saw. The one that stood out the most. Odasaku' lifeless eyes. A few tears managed to slip down your cheek before you wiped them away and smiled. Akutagawa held your hand and looked at you sympathetically.

"Wow." You whispered. "My dad was awesome. At least I know he wasn't some bum off the street, right? My father was somebody. And he loved me, right?"

"Yes, but Y/N, aren't you sad?" Dazai asked, prepared to make you feel better.

"No." You shook your head. "Oda-Sama was a good man. He died saving me, after all. Why would I be sad about that?" You smiled a sad smile, and the waitress finally came to take your order.

"Aku! Your out of food!" You yelled from the fridge.
"Then go get more you lazy pig!" He shouted back.
"But it's your fridge! Why do I have to fill it!?"
"Because you ate everything in it!"
"But you let me!"
"I couldn't stop you either!"
"But I'm hungry!!"
"I don't care." He mumbled, and walked next to you. He opened the fridge, and examined it. "We still have food."
"I don't want your nasty asparagus."
"Fine. Starve then." He rolled his eyes on his way back to the living room.

"Hmph!" You looked at the fridge again. "Gin!!"

"Come on! Pick up the phone, you idiot!" You were walking down the street with your phone pressed to your ear. "Dangit Dazai!" You looked at the phone. As you put it in your pocket, you finally looked around.

Ok, Mori said to deliver some stuff to the White Echo. Stupid name. Ok the fourteen wheeler should be...Ah! There it is!
You took out the keys Mori gave you and hopped into the huge vehicle.

"Wow! Err ok umm..." you pressed a button, and beamed when the engine started. "And I gotta deliver it to an ally across town! Ok I could use a nice drive, especially after figuring out who my dad was."

Odasaku' my dad huh? I scored it pretty big! I wonder why he didn't tell me...

You stopped when you saw someone walking across the street.


It can't be!

I watched him burn!

Why is he here now!?



Without hesitation, you rammed the car into the man. But, this was no ordinary man. This was one of the older kids from your orphanage. You were way younger than him, maybe ten or so years, but nonetheless, he still picked on you the worst. You never even knew his name, so you named him yourself.

Not Itami Kanashimi. Please!

You ran a few blocks away from the car. When you reached a random alley, you pulled out your phone.


"Aku! Can you come get me please?"

"Just walk home. Is it that bad?"

"Yes! Now please come get me!! Please!"

"Um...ok. Just tell me where you are."

"The alley on Corner and Main Street."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

You waited with your hands around your knees and tears forcing their way down your cheeks.

"Come on! Do it! Use your wolf to kill this kid! Or, are you weak?" Itami mocked you. "I heard you talk in your sleep. You said you wanted to join the Mafia with your precious Ryu-Chan right?" He picked you up by your hair and punched your stomach. "The Mafia kills people~so, kill him.

You looked at the boy on the floor. He was also one of the many who would beat you up, and try to hurt you. Once, he and Itami tried to kill you in your sleep. Naturally, your wolf saved you.

You shook your head slowly. Itami threw you down and started kicking you in every vulnerable area he could reach. You were only ten. Why was this happening? What did you do to deserve such abuse? You didn't ask for your wolf. But, you still thanked God you had it. It really was a true gift, the only thing keeping you physically alive in fact.

"Your so useless, you little b***h." Itami picked you up by the neck and whispered. "So weak, way to frail, maybe we should toughen you up." His hand tightened and you yelled,

"I'll do it!"

Tears were pouring from your eyes. You sniffed and picked up the boy by his collar. Instead of hurting him, you threw him, and he ran. And as Itami and his "friends" were hitting you, you smiled. "Run, stay safe..." you whispered as darkness surrounded you.

"Y/N! Hey! Get up!" Akutagawa was shaking you and yelling. You looked at him with puffy red eyes. "Y/N?"

"I killed Itami..." you whispered.

"Is that what Mori called about? The Agency wanted information on why he was killed and headed to us."

"What'll you do?" You put your head on his shoulder as more tears fell.

"It was an accident. That's all. Nothing we can do." He helped you up and wiped your tears with his hand. "I'll tell Dazai."

You nodded and followed Akutagawa into the car.

Akutagawa's POV:

"Hey! You raggedy bean!" I yelled at the tiger.

"Akutagawa? Your the informant?" He asked, stunned.

"Tell Dazai-San it was an accident. Y/N saw it." I growled. "She saw it all along with the person who made his special gun."

"So that's why he had it!"

"He was gonna trade the gun in to buy something."

"Buy what?"

"Find out yourself!" I yelled, and walked back to the car.

"Your leaving?" Atsushi asked.

"I already said it's pointless to kill you." I stopped. "Besides, my teacher is Dazai-San, he's not your teacher. You teacher is the man in the picture. Today, your mentor died. So, I'll let you off." I stalked back to the car, where Y/N was waiting, and trying to clean her red face.

Reader's POV:

"Aku." You said as Akutagawa climbed in bed beside you.

"What?" He turned to you.

"Remember a few years back, when you read something in those files you took from Dazai?"

"Yeah. What about them?"

"It was information about me, wasn't it?"

He sighed. "Yeah. Me and Gin know nothing about our family. I knew the Mafia knew something, so, I borrowed some files."

You giggled and earned a pleased smile. "Dazai was gonna kill you."

"I thought I could hide them before he got back. I completely underestimated him didn't I?"

"Yeah. But it's ok! I'll protect you from him anytime~!!"

"Well aren't you sweet." He grabbed you and pulled you close. "Go on. Cry. I know your holding in those tears. So hurry up and get it out of your system."

And you did. You cried and cried, until you fell asleep, and drifted into dark nightmares about the orphanage and Itami Kanashimi.

Ok~ a few things here~!!
1. I want to point out how hot Akutagawa looked in the picture. That's gonna be my new background!

2. I actually couldn't find the name of Reader-Chan's bully! So I named him! And his name means pain and sorrow!! Cuz that's all he was for you wasn't he? The nerve!

3. And he's actually Atsushi's headmaster! Woooaaah

4. Did ya like the little fridge side story? I was bored and hungry soooo...aren't I so professional?

And that's all~!!! I'm so excited to keep reading the manga! I'm also gonna be trying to fit the Mafia members into the Agency's story, just cause I need more plot! Yaaay!!! Plot progression!!

Ok see you guys later~!! Love chuuu~~~!!!!!!!! 💙💚💜💚💚💙💚💜💜💚💙💚💜💚💙💚💜😻😻😻

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