Chapter 26

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"Aku~ I'm back!" You yelled and opened the door. Akutagawa looked at you from the couch and growled.

"Try not to be so loud! Gin worked all night and she's sleeping like a toddler!"

"Ah! Sorry!" You whispered on your way to the kitchen. "Your never gonna guess what happened on my way to the store!"

"You stopped talking?" He asked and helped with the bags.

"No. Jerk! Some guy with stupid hair and glasses took my picture!" You whisper-yelled. "Now I feel violated!"

"Stupid pervs." Akutagawa mumbled. "Don't worry, Y/N! No one will get you."

"I know! I got the best bodyguard, after all~!" You smiled, and wrapped your arms around Akutagawa, who smiled back, slightly. "I love you Aku-Kun~!"

"Yeah yeah! So...what should we do to catch this creep anyway?" He asked, and patted your head. "What did he look like?"

"He had black hair and glasses!" You exclaimed, and nodded proudly.

"Is that all? There are a lot of people in Yokohama with black hair and glasses!" He growled under his breath.

"Oh. Umm his glasses were kinda small for his head, and he was at the silk shop! Probably for a futon I guess..."

"Fine. If he is the stalker type, Rashomon won't have a problem impaling him." Akutagawa pointed out as Rashomon came out to make him look more threatening.

You smiled and hugged Akutagawa again. He blushed a bit, made sure no one would see, and held you closer.

~Time Skip~

"I'm tired!" You yawned and stretched. Akutagawa was sitting on the couch, and looked at the time.

"I guess I can't blame you. It is eleven." He removed his arm from your shoulders, and stood up. "Time for bed, Y/N!"

"Meeeh!! Fine!" You pouted, making Akutagawa smile. "I soooo don't wanna go to bed!!"

Akutagawa sighed and led you to his room. "Go change will ya?" He waved you to the bathroom. "It's not good to sleep in jeans."

You obediently went to the bathroom with your long sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts. You changed as fast as possible and went straight back to Akutagawa's room. " 'Kay Aku~ I'm done!" You knocked on the door. "You almost finished?"

Akutagawa opened the door and glared at you slightly, but stepped aside so you could come in. You both got into the bed, and you fell asleep, with Akutagawa holding you protectively.

"Y/N! Come on! Get up!"

You opened your sleepy eyes. "Aku?"

"Shhh!" Atsushi hushed you and covered your mouth. "I don't wanna wake him!"

Your eyes were fully opened now, and you realized you were tied up on a chair. "THE HELL!?!?" You shouted.

Atsushi's eyes filled with panic and he tried to shush you. "Please! I don't wanna die yet!!"

"Then tell me why the hell I'm tied up! You perv!!" You spat.

"Ok." Atsushi sighed. "Sooo remember when we're were on the Moby Dick? And how the remote had that mouse thingy on it?" You nodded slowly. "Well, we found someone who can figure out who sent the signal! Sadly, he's love with you..."

You felt your face get hot and you started to panic a bit. No one ever liked you! Not that you knew of, anyway! "Oh." You said and tried to remain calm. "Oh! Is it that creep who took my picture today?"

"Yeah! Sooo do you think you can pretend to like him, this way he can hack into the system?"

"That's a brilliant plan! I'm not doing it!" You said with a fake smile. "I'm not gonna do such a dirty thing! Who would pretend to love someone, just to get something? That's sick. And not the good kind!"

Atsushi sighed. "Please Y/N! We really need this!"

"No!" You said, stubbornly. "AKU!!!!" You shouted and heard a faint reply. "ATSUSHI'S TRYING TO KIDNAP MEE!!!!"

"Wait! No no no! Please!" Atsushi held his hands in front of himself when Akutagawa appeared behind him.

"You what?" He growled. Rashomon bit his stomach and you saw blood pour from the tiger.

"Well, see..."

"He wants me to do his dirty work!" You interrupted him.

"No! Not at all!!" Atsushi shouted back defensively. "Look, we need her to-"

Without letting him finish, Akutagawa hit him on the head with a bat Rashomon found. When the bat cracked, the black snake came and tore your bindings. You hugged the giant snake head, and then hugged Akutagawa, who pushed you away. "Ok, what really happened?" Akutagawa asked.

"The Agency found a guy, who can find the guy, who hacked into the remote, on the Moby Dick."

"And they needed you because..?"

"Apparently the hacker is the guy who took a picture of me earlier."

"And..?" Akutagawa persisted, knowing the answer.

"They need me to pretend to like him so they can get him to do his job."

"Your not doing it."

"That's what I said! Wait! What's that in his hand?"

"Who cares. Just ask when he wakes up. Should be any second now thanks to the tiger's healing ability."

"Ugh! My head!" Atsushi growled, and stood up, rubbing his sore head. "What the!? Where's the letter!?"

"Umm..." you said, looking up from the letter. "I-I can't accept this!! ITS TOO WEIRD!!!!" You threw the neat letter, and ran back underneath Akutagawa's covers, and hid there for the rest of the night.

Meanwhile, the curious boys picked up the letter.

Any second now...

"That is too weird..." Atsushi said with a look of fear on his face.

"Grrrr....WHERE IS THIS PERVERTED BASTARD!?!? I'LL KILL HIM!!!!!" Akutagawa shouted and almost ran out the door.

"AKU!!!" You shouted from your safe place. "COME PROTECT MEEE!!! I'M SCARED!!!!"

Akutagawa took a deep breath, pushed the tiger out of the house, and ran straight to his room. He climbed into bed with you, and held you closer than ever.

"You read the note, didn't you?" You guessed.

"Your never leaving the house without me again!" He replied, and blush took over both of your faces.

Hoi guys~!!
Ok I was very excited to write this chapter! You can tell why, right? Ok, so what really happened:

The Agency found someone who would help them find this hacker guy. His name, is Katai! So, he saw Gin walking around, took her picture, and couldn't do his work. So, Atsushi offered to find her! Meanwhile, Higuchi saw Akutagawa walking home with his sister, and thought she was his lover. Naturally, she offered to help Atsushi in hopes that they would break up and Higuchi would have a chance with my Aku-Kun! Haha! Not happening!

So, I basically replaced Gin and Reader-Chan! Cuz I wanted to and I can sooo....WHY WOULD YOU COMPLAIN!?!!!!???

Anyway~ this was a very fun and short chapter that I thought would be fun to write! I'll put in some pictures from the manga to you know, highlight those epic moments! Enjoy~!

P.S: Remember to read backwards!!!!

Here's Mr. Hacker guy...

Him fanboying over Gin...

Higuchi sees hawt Aku-Senpai!!!

Gin meets Aku...

Higuchi' and her mourning....

Higuchi figures out her plan...

Hacker guy tells off Higuchi...

They catch Gin putting on her costume...

And that's all I gots! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! I might do this for every chapter...kinda depends on how lazy I'm feelin! Ok!
Bai~Stay in paradise~!!

SELF PROMOTION TIME!!!! I wrote a Dazai X Reader thing recently~!! I figured, since I love you all so so so so much, I would like you to be part of it! I hope you decide to join me~!!! Love chuuu~!!!!

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