Chapter 27

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Ok super quick A/N here! This chapter might not be as good as it should be, cuz normally I have these done like 3 days in advance, but I was traveling and didn't have time to write this weekend! I'm so sorry!! I also won't have time to edit this chapter! Ahhh I'm sorry!


"Yes Dazai?" You asked the brunette who was at your door.

"Well it's just, I didn't know you were living with Akutagawa....." Dazai seemed disappointed. "I know why, but I just didn't expect it."

"I'll get the drinks." You sighed and let him in.

Dazai beamed. "Thank you so much Y/N-Kun~!!!"

"Yeah yeah! Hurry up and get in before Aku and Gin get home!" You closed the door behind Dazai, who was practically skipping inside.

"Hmmm it's kinda dark in here...don't'cha think?" Dazai pointed out.

"Aku and Gin like dark colors. What could I do about it? I don't even pay rent." You shrugged and poured Dazai some water. "Here." You handed him the glass and sat beside him.

"I was expecting wine..." Dazai said, surprised.

"Aku doesn't like wine and Gin doesn't drink." You explained. "Anyway! What did you need?"

"The Mafia kidnapped Dostoyevsky!"

You froze.

"It's ok Y/N! I hear he's under strict confinement!"

"Like that will matter! I still remember his mind games...horrifying."

"Apparently, he's being watched by Ace." Dazai smiled.

Ace is one of the five Mafia executives. His ability allows him to turn his subordinates into jewels. He is a sickening man. Just the sight of him made you want to throw up! Not to mention how arrogant and pathetic his mind was.

"Don't doesn't help. Ace's ability is only useful on subordinates who are willing to wear his stupid collar! They have no freedom whatsoever, they are a disgrace to the Mafia's name!" You pouted. Dazai sighed.

"It's sad because it's true...if it makes you feel better, I'm sure Dostoyevsky will kill him!" Dazai smiled at you.

"We don't need more casualties, thanks...on second thought, this means Aku-Kun might become an executive, doesn't it?" You asked curiously.

"Unless there's someone Mori likes better." Dazai patted your head. "That's all! Does this count for the information I owe you?"

"Pfft! No way! I gave you abilities, names, status! I took pictures of the files and sent them! No way does this count. Plus, Aku-Kun would've found out and told me anyway!" You pointed out.

"Hmph! Fine...speaking of Akutagawa, how is he doing?"

"He's really been improving! I might not even be able to keep up soon!"

"Not if you keep taking days off you won't!"

"I know! Aku tells me the same thing!" You complained and scratched the back of your head.

"Y/N!!" That sweet sweet familiar voice yelled.

"Yes Aku-Kun~?" You replied innocently to the tall, slim man walking into the room.

"Get him outta here!" Akutagawa pointed at Dazai in disgust.

"Hey! That's Dazai-Sensei your pointing at!" You stood up, and mocked Akutagawa's pointing.

"Grrrrr...just get him out of this house before someone dies!" Akutagawa said and tried to calm down.

"Yes sir~!!" You turned to Dazai. "Ok Dazai! It was nice talking with ya, but you gotta go now!"

"Awwww...ok see ya around, Y/N-Chan~!!!" He smiled and walked out the door.

"He told you, didn't he?" Akutagawa asked.

"About Dostoyevsky? Yeah!"

"He killed Ace."

"As expected." You sighed and plopped on the couch.

"You've been sitting there all day?" Akutagawa asked and looked around.


"Geez! Is it really that hard to do some work?"

"Sometimes! Especially when they're ending Doctor Who! I must beige watch every episode to prepare myself for the final season!" You said with that determination in your eye.

"Whatever! Just go pause your show and buy some food later, will ya? I'm gonna go to the tea cafe. I'll see you when I get home." Akutagawa opened the door slightly and looked back at you. "On second thought...Dostoyevsky is on the loose. Don't leave the house, or answer the door, got it?"

You looked back at him. "Yeah. Ok." You nodded and Akutagawa left. "You be careful too, Aku-Kun."

AHHH IM SUCH A BAD AUTHOR!!!! IM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEE!!!!!!!!!! This chapter was so short and almost late!!! 😓😓😓😓😓 Why!?!?!?
Like I said earlier, we were traveling and we didn't have wifi, so my progress wouldn't save! Then I forgot everything that happened, so I had to reread that chapter in the manga and come up with a new chapter!
The reason this chapter is short is cuz the manga chapter wasn't very eventful! Just a guy locked in a room playing mind games with people! YAY FUN!!! Sooo since I was so mean, here's some manga clips!

After Dostoyevsky killed Ace...

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter and some manga clips! Thank you for 2k reads! I'll see you next week! Bai~!!


-Your Author,

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