Chapter 28

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Ok! Before we begin! You may have noticed a cover change! The new brilliant cover was made by none other than the brilliant Hipsterpink ! Thank you so much Hipster-Chan! I really love it!! Now, without further ado, let's begin!

"Did you find anything?" Akutagawa asked.

You and him were sitting on the floor of the information room, looking through some pretty useless information.

"No. This is so stressful! Why are we even trying to find files on Kyouka's family in the first place? We already know her parents weren't in the Mafia, so we wouldn't have the records!" You complained.

"Should we go to Dazai or something?" Akutagawa asked, clearly giving up.

"No," you sighed. "Let's take a day off for once! Tomorrow is Saturday, we have permission to leave early too! So wanna go do something actually interesting?"

Akutagawa glared at you for a minute. Then sighed. "I guess it won't hurt."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah. Maybe we can find something out while we're out too."

"NO FREAKING WAY!!!" You jumped up.

"What are you yelling for? Geez! Calm down!"

"Sorry, it's just, your Akutagawa! You never take breaks!"

"And? I guess your lazy attitude is contagious." He teased.

"Pfft! Shut up buzzkill!" You gave him a playful smile and looked at the door. "Let's go now!"

"Where are we going?"

"I have a place in mind! A certain place!"

"Should I be worried?" Akutagawa stood up.

"Nah it's fine!" You followed him out the door, into the hall and too your office.

"I need to finish something first." He growled and sat down.

"Awwww! But why!?"

"Do you want us to keep the house? I doesn't come cheap you know."

"Hmmm fine!" You groaned.

After a few slow, quiet hours, Akutagawa stood up and looked at you. "So where are we going anyway?"

"I'm glad you asked, my tsundere senpai!" You jumped out of your seat excitedly.

"Just hurry up and tell me." He grumbled.

"Fine fine! What time is it?"

"Five twenty three."

"Ok! Follow me!"

"Last time I did that, I fell into a hole."

"We do not talk about that! I was only thirteen! How was I supposed to know if it was a trap?"

Akutagawa gave you a look, and rolled his eyes. But nonetheless followed you!

You led him to the Bay Area. The exact spot where you, and him overlooked the sea after taking down the Guild.

His normal cold expression softened a bit. You noticed how he stared at the water around. Like he wanted to fly over all of it and skip on the the next stage of life. Not death! Akutagawa is not suicidal! That's Dazai! No, he looked like he wanted to fly. Fly away to wherever a safe spot was. You looked at where he seemed so happy, and realized something...erm...unusual.

"The hell?" You asked, now seeing it fully.

"A true disgrace to the Agency name." Akutagawa sighed and covered your eyes. "Tiger! The hell are you doing!?"

"Akutagawa!?" The voice like claws scratching a chalkboard, made it clear, he was the tiger.

"Get some clothes on you pervert!!!"

"Wait what!?" You shouted.


"So, what were you two doing naked in the ocean?" Akutagawa demanded, clearly annoyed.

You, Akutagawa, the tiger, and Lucy, (a former Guild member,) were sitting at the restaurant underneath the Agency.

"Geez! We finally have a day off, and we see the tiger naked!" You scowled. "You'd better have a very good excuse."

"W-well, Kyouka got this mission. But a page from the request was missing, and apparently Lucy had it. When I found her with it," the tiger stuttered. "She threw it in the water, so I jumped in after it!"

"Still doesn't explain why you weren't wearing clothes." Akutagawa growled with Rashomon behind him.

"W-well she saved me after I was stuck! She teleported us into Anne's Room soooo...."

"You thought she would be able to teleport the water from your clothes, instead she took the clothes?" You guessed.

"How did you know?" Atsushi asked, amazed.

"I saw a few files about it today. It was and ability similar to Lucy's, apparently the Mafia was experimenting with it. It was pretty interesting, actually. You'd be surprised what they've done over the years." You answered, and looked at the table. "Anyway, it's possible, just takes a lot of practice! Like any ability."

"Yeah..." Lucy whispered.

"Y/N. We have somewhere to be." Akutagawa growled and stood out of his seat.

"Oh uh right!" You jumped up and followed him back to his house. Where the two of you ate ice cream and watched Netflix for six hours.

Hi guys!!! I don't have much to talk about today! Except thank you soooooooo much Hipsterpink for the awesome new cover! I love it so so so so so much!!!!

Now for manga clips:

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