Chapter 6

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"Y/N. Wake up."

You slowly raise your head to the sound of Akutagawa's voice.


"Where's Kyouka?"

"How would I know? I'm sleeping."

"What if she came back? Then what are we gonna do?"

"If she came back, she would've woken you up. Not like she can activate Demon Snow on her own, she needs you to call."

"That's why you were supposed to be awake! You know you have to watch my monitor to know when she needs us to call!"

"Oh. My bad! But look! She's still in the same spot! She might be there a while by the looks of it."

"I don't want to be here another night! I want to go home."

"I want to go to my sad little apartment myself. When's our next day off?"

"Why would you want a day off. You won't get a promotion if you keep accepting them."

"Why would I want a promotion? As long as you can support us when we're married, why would I care?"

"Your not going to work when your married?"

"Of course I will! But if you get a promotion, I can pay for groceries and extra things!"

Akutagawa didn't respond. As if to say "whatever," he walked out of the office.

You yawn and look back at your computer. Kyouka still hasn't moved. I wonder how long I'll have to stay in this gloomy office. Like I'm gonna spend another night here! Kyouka you better come back soon.

You step out into the hallway.

"Oh Y/N-San!"

You turn and see Higuchi.

"Can you give these to Akutagawa-Senpai for me please?" She handed you a small stack of papers.You nod and keep walking. When Higuchi was out of earshot, you look through them. Most of the papers were in envelopes and the ones that were exposed were just things with Higuchi's signature.

You stepped into the bathroom without noticing.

Gin walked out of one of the stalls and waves at you. "How's work going so far?"

"I was up almost all night and I have nothing to do."

"Wanna do my paperwork?" Gin teased.

You shook your head and read the addresses on the envelopes.

"Why did you bring those in here?"

"I just happened to walk into the bathroom. I just wanted to walk around and my feet took me here."

"Weird. Ok I gotta get back to work. Good luck!"

You wave her off.

I wonder what Dazai's doing today? Can I warn him? No I shouldn't. If Dazai was going to get caught, he'd have a fast way out of it. That's Dazai, always five steps ahead.

You step out of the bathroom and continue walking down the hall.

"Y/N! Did you finish your reports?" Chuuya yelled.

You nod and continue walking and looking through the papers.

"Then keep working! Why aren't you in your office right now?"

You ignore him.

"Arrgghhhh! Don't ignore me! I'm your superior! I've been an executive longer then you and Akutagawa combined!!"

You were also rude to Dazai and you talk bad about Akutagawa. You don't deserve my respect.

"Here!" He slammed papers on top of Akutagawa's and marched off.

Sighing you turn around and walk back to your office.

When you walk in, Akutagawa was sitting at his desk and watching his screen.

You plop the papers from Higuchi on his desk and sit down.

"More work from Higuchi? Where'd you get those?" He asked examining his work.


You sat in silence for about an hour. All Chuuya's papers said was what was happening recently. Only two required your attention, and you ignored them.

"Ok I'm hungry." You say after a while. "Let's go get some lunch or something."

"It's only eleven. Can't you wait another hour?"

You give him a stare and he stands up. "Fine but your paying, and I'm choosing where we go."

" 'Kay!" You grab your bag and follow Akutagawa to his favorite tea shop.

You sit down in your usual spot and take the menus from the woman there.

"Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Water." You mumble.

"My usual." Akutagawa handed back the menus.

"I'll have ham and cheese with...mustard this time!" You say facing Akutagawa.

He sighed as the waitress walked away. "So why did you wanna come here?"

"I knew you would choose this restaurant. And Kyouka is right across the street. We can monitor her."

He looked taken back by your cleverness and smirked. "Very smart, Y/N. I never would've thought about that one."

You smile and blush a little. That was one of the very few complaints he gave you!

"Here you are." The waitress set down a couple of sandwiches, a tall glass of water, a small teacup and a slim piece of paper on the table.

Akutagawa looked at the check and handed it to you. You took it, looked at it, and set it down.You look at Kyouka through the window. She didn't move in the slightest. It was like watching yourself.You unknowingly finish your meal while watching her. She barely blinked as all the people walked by.Wow she legit never moves. I'm impressed. I couldn't stay still for that long. I'd get so bored.

"How does she do it?"

"How does who do what?"

"How can Kyouka stay so still?"

"Who cares? As long as she does her job." He took another sip of his tea.

You shrug and look down at your empty plate and cup. Then looked at Akutagawa's untouched sandwich.

"What do you want it?" Akutagawa caught your gaze.

"No it's just- your wasting it."

"No I'm not. I would never waste food, that's pointless. I'm taking it back for Gin. She doesn't go out for lunch she's too busy with paperwork and the Black Lizard."

"Awww you love her." You tease.

"Aren't I supposed to?" He asked taking you seriously.

"Ok yes but-"

Akutagawa tapped your foot. And you instantly shut up.

You and him had a signal for everything. Tapping each other's foot was the sign for "Hush! Act Like the People Around." Or as you call it, HAPA.

You stopped talking and drank some water from the melted ice. Akutagawa took another sip of tea.

Atsushi walked by. You squish your urge to growl and Akutagawa stares at him with hatred.

Why don't we attack? You sent on your phone.

I need more space to move around.

Is it too hard to stab him?

No. We're going to capture him when we get Dazai, remember?

Oh? Since when?

Oh right, I never told you.


I was discussing it with Higuchi. I didn't think you'd care.

True but why didn't you tell meee!!!!

Get over it. I'm trying to listen to what he's ordering.

You turn off your phone and try to hear what he was saying.

"And I need it all to-go."

"Of course sir! That'll be ..."

You put your head down and stared at your glass. Akutagawa looked pretty bored himself.

"Can we go?" You whisper.

"Wait for him to leave."

On his way out Atsushi caught your eye. You glare at him spitefully. When he left, Akutagawa got a nearby waitresses attention, and got a to-go box.

"Right away sir." The waitress sang.

You snorted. "I really hate this place."

"It's the best tea cafe in town."

"By tea cafe, you mean tea-coffee-sandwich cafe, right?"

Akutagawa rolled his eyes and took a final sip of his tea.

"Here you are sir!" The waitress set a foam box on the table and you get up to pay the check. When he's done packing Gin's sandwich, Akutagawa follows you back to the Maifia headquarters. You barely notice him instructing Demon Snow behind you. He barely hung up by the time you entered the office.

You sit at your desk and checked you Email. You hang your head at all of the things Chuuya sent you for work.

Akutagawa set the bag of food on his desk and looked at you. "What?"

"All of the Emails Chuuya sent me. Why does he always beat on me for paperwork?"

"Because you never do it on time."

"He really makes me mad. I don't do paperwork! It's too boring."

He rolled his eyes and looked at his phone. He started typing and you assumed he was texting Gin.

Sighing, you start to fill out the reports Chuuya sent, when a little knock interrupted you. You stand up and open the door. Kyouka stood there with Demon Snow following her holding an unconscious man.


"Mission complete." Kyouka said.

"Y/N. Help her lock him up in the torture room."

You nod and lead Kyouka down a hallway. When you reach the stairs, Demon Snow disappears.

"Oh." Kyouka looked back at him. "Looks like we need to carry him."

She grabs his wrists and you pick up his ankles.

After much struggle to lift a 67 kg man down the stairs, you chain up his wrists and sit in front of him. Kyouka walked off after some time, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

This isn't a bad thing. Now, it'll be easier to protect both of my boys. This is for the better, Dazai. Now, if someone hurts you, I'll know. And I'll kill them.

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