Chapter 5

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Kyouka. A weapon used for the Port Maifia. She's fourteen years old. Two years older then when you and Akutagawa showed up at the Maifia's door. Her ability, Demon Snow, is controlled by the voice in her cell phone. She can't control it. Just like you couldn't. She's an orphan. Like you.

"Kyouka." Akutagawa demanded her attention. "You have a mission. We need you to capture this man." He gave her a picture.

She stood up, picked up her phone and walked off into the night.

"Akutagawa." You say when she's gone.

"What?" He growls back.

"Why are we sending a fourteen year old to do what we could do easily? Isn't she just getting someone from the agency? Nothing too hard."

"Not just anyone. We're getting Dazai. Your not allowed to free him either."

"Awwww...fine I'll play by the rules this time."

He placed a hand on your head and ruffled your messy hair.

"But why do we have to be here late?"

"Boss didn't know when Kyouka would be returning. We are to remain here until she brings Dazai to us."

"Dumb." You mumble.

"Not like you have anything better to do."

"Whats that supposed to mean? Geez for the guy I like, you really do have an attitude."

"Well it's not my fault you like me now is it? I'm gonna go get food. What do you want?"

"I don't care. Just pick whatever's your favorite."

"Ok. I'll be back in a few minutes. Do NOT leave this room."

"Yeah yeah. I'll be in the office I have paperwork to do."

"I hate you." After his remark, you both left the small room. When you arrived in your office, you filled out reports of what you did yesterday. Nothing happened for about forty minutes. When Akutagawa returned, he plopped a plastic bag on your desk and sat in his chair across the room.

You open the bag and saw half melted ice cream. "Jerk." You mutter.

"Are you finally filling in those reports that were due yesterday?" Akutagawa smirked as he watched you struggle to open the ice cream. You nod and smile with satisfaction. You lick the melting ice cream immediately and listen to Akutagawa go on about how stupid it was of you to jump out of the window yesterday.

"Why didn't you kill them all?" He wondered aloud.

"The investigator was innocent right? So there was no point killing him if he did nothing wrong. I don't enjoy killing for fun, Dazai raised me remember?"

"I always assumed it was because you've seen kids die all over. I always assumed you and death had a thing." He took a sip of his tea and looked at you.

"Dazai said only to kill whoever needed remember? I'm just following orders." You take another lick of ice cream and look back at your computer.

"Hm." Akutagawa looked at his own paperwork.

"I never understood, how do you find killing fun?"

"I want to see who's strong."

"Pfft! As if! You do it so Dazai will see how strong you are, right?" You tease.

"I don't know what your talking about, Y/N."

"IDIOT!!!!" Chuuya's voice filled the hall.

You open the curtain a bit to see him storm into your office.

"Your paperwork is overdue you, good for nothing, emo, brat! Why didn't you do it last night?"

"Her shift was over and she thought the boss wouldn't care. Apparently she was way off." Akutagawa took another sip of tea and looked at some more paper.

"I don't wanna hear it from you, I wanna hear it from this empty headed, introverted, freak of nature who followed Dazai's every order like a dog. No wonder your ability has something to do with the wretched creatures. NOW EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!!!!"

You shrug and lick your ice cream.

"Turn them in, now."

You carelessly hand him the papers. If he was going to be so rude, he didn't deserve your respect.

"Careless, spoiled, useless chunk of animal. If it wasn't for Dazai, that emo, freak, sorry excuse for a Port Maifia member would've died ages ago." Chuuya muttered as he took the papers and walked off.

"At least have good posture when an executive talks to you, Y/N. What if that were the boss?"

"Hmm...I might give Elise some candy. That will make him not care if I did work or not."


"Oh hush! I finished them when Chuuya was yelling! Is it me, or do all gingers get mad over dumb things?"

"I wouldn't know."

You finish your ice cream and sit back down at your desk. Since there's nothing else to do, you look up a few stupid things. Like, 'how long does it take ice cream to melt?' And, 'what's a good way to fill in time?' And, 'what's Googles favorite color?'

Eventually at around twelve, Akutagawa put his head on his desk. You could see him forcing his eyes open.

"I can take night shift, Aku. Get some sleep." You say, staring at your computer.

He nodded and closed his eyes and relaxes. "You'd better stay up, Y/N."

"Yeah." You stretch your arms and legs. You look over to Akutagawa. He always looked relaxed and clam when he slept. You felt your own eyes getting heavy. No I gotta stay awake! I promised him I'd stay up!

You clap your face gently to keep you up. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You mutter. Even if no one was listening, you still had a habit of saying where you would be to yourself. You knew it was weird, but you couldn't stop yourself. You pet his soft hair on your way out.

You walked out of the office and stepped into the bathroom. You walked to the sink and splashed water on your face.
"Why can't I stay awake. My gosh. I'm never this tired." You yawned. "I hope I'll be up when Akutagawa wakes up."
You splash more water on your face when you hear it.

The silent ding of your phone.

An unknown number? Who would want to text me? Other then Akutagawa.

Don't touch Him again.

Who's this? Why would they text me? Pfft. Probably a freak who doesn't know their place.

You step out of the room and walked back to the office. Akutagawa was still asleep. You ruffled his hair playfully and sat back down. You set your chin on your desk and stare straight ahead to Akutagawa's face. You close your eyes. Sorry Aku. I'm so tired. I'm sure Kyouka will wake you up if she finds Dazai. Goodnight sweetie. I just need some sleep.

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