Chapter 4

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The next day, you had a job. The boss found out that someone was trying to frame the Maifia for murdering someone. So he asked you to observe and find out who really did it. Once you found out, you were ordered to kill him. No matter who it was.

You were stalking the few men who were there already and deciding who was most likely to have done it. It was kind of hard since you couldn't hear anything they were saying. More than likely, the agency would show up and figure it out for you.

"Y/N-Chan! you know what? The Black Lizard failed to annihilate the agency. So there will still be problems catching the tiger. Since you and Onii-Chan are investigating it, I thought you should know." Gin informed you yesterday.
Thank you Gin.

You remain in the shadows under a nearby bridge. Before your mission, you studied the agency's members. Atsushi walked into the scene with Rampo Edogawa. They talked with one of the police officers and the investigator. You were bored. The police would probably do away with him when they found the culprit anyway. There was no point in you being here.

"Really! You people are helpless with out my ability! You know you need me!" Rampo shouted.

"Then go ahead and prove how good you are huh?!" The investigator yelled back.

"Very well." Rampo lowered his voice. You looked over and a third man was with them.

Dazai-San. He looked your way and slightly smirked. You feel yourself relax.

He knows your here. He can see you perfectly clear.

Rampo pulled out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on. wind was blowing and the space around him was glowing.

"Super Detection!" He yelled. He pushed up his glasses. "The murderer was you, Sugimoto-Chan."

Now I know who to kill. Better stay here and wait for them to leave.

You follow them to the police station quietly. You can't enter or else Dazai will know what your up to so you stay on the roof.

What can I do until he leaves?

After debating a few arguments with yourself, you realize you could text Akutagawa. The downside is that you don't know where he is.

Akutagawa!!!! I'm bored!!! You complain.

Shut up. Don't you have a mission right now?

Yeah but the person's inside the police station and I don't want to kill in front of the agency. They would more then likely catch me considering Dazai's in there.

So? Just do it and leave. Not like you can't just attack Dazai-San if he gets in the way.

Right. Like you did with Dazai...

Shut up! That's different!

Sure whatever you say.

Shouldn't you be looking to see if  your prey left yet, Wolf of the Dark?

I thought you had stuff to do, Rashomon.

I hate you.

Thats not nice. And the agency members left! Now I can get to work.


You jump off of the roof and watch as Dazai, Atsushi and Rampo walk away. You stretch as far as your joints will allow. You step inside and go to the receptionists desk. "I'm here to see Sugimoto-Chan." You whisper.

"Interrogation room one. Floor three."

"Oh dear. I spoke to you. Can't have that. I'm just gonna have to kill you." You said with fake worry.

You have your snout grow out and bit the women's throat. "Sorry 'bout that miss. I can't let anyone but my friends hear my voice. Sucks to be you, I guess."

You get into the elevator and press three.

I need to make this quick. I can't go through the main entrance again. Someone will figure it out and I can't have wittinesses around. Hopefully there will be a window.

When the elevator stops, you walk down the hallway to the last door. "Let's see..." you look in the window.

"I see you, a wolf is always after her prey. And my prey is scrawny and useless. This will be easy and who doesn't love an easy meal?"

Now I'm starting to sound like Akutagawa when he kills.

You open the door and close your eyes. "Sugimoto framed the Port Maifia for something we didn't do. So I have to kill him. I feel bad for the investigator. I have to take his subordinate. He'll get over it though. Just like Sugimoto got over himself and shot that women three times."

With one swift move, you snap Sugimoto's neck and climb out the window.

The air brushed your face and blew your hair around. You close your eyes, and wait for someone to catch you, when you feel hands on your back and legs. You open your eyes to see black-white hair and an annoyed look.

"So you knew I would be falling out of here?" You ask.

"There was no where else for you to go. I saw how you killed the secretary. Be more careful when you saluter. Was it a success?"

"Yup! There was someone in the room with Sugimoto but I don't think he saw me. Erm, could you put me down?"
Akutagawa stiffened and set you on your feet. "He better not have seen you. We can't let our number one anonymous assassin's face get out. Then your whole purpose will be eradicated. People will figure out who your protecting, and will kill both you and the target."

"Hey what makes you think I'd get killed!?" You asked as you started walking.

"Oh I don't know, the fact that you cry when you see smell or hear Dazai, maybe? Come on Y/N! You grew up in worse conditions and never cried. So why do you start balling when Dazai comes in?"

You started squirming with your hands inside of your grey hoodie. "Well you know, Dazai, its- well- I don't know, shut up!" You walked ahead leaving Akutagawa with a confused look on his face.

"Tch. Your so annoying, Pig."

"Could you stop calling me that? I have enough problems without your dumb nicknames already."

"Wow nice love lesson teacher." Akutagawa walked past you. "At this rate, you'll never get my attention."

"Aku. I-"

"Don't even call me that. That's what you called me around Dazai. My goal is to not think about him you know."

"Hmph. Look Aku, I haven't seen Dazai in four years. I know your stronger then me and you don't cry! But you never saw what I did! I've seen every problem everyone's ever had! With all those problems running around in my mind, I hardly know what were my own problems anymore. When I saw you, I saw all the problems you had and were going to have. The same with Dazai! His best friend died in his arms and his other friend was a trader! He was left alone here. Just like us. That's why I cry. Because I know his pain! I know what it's like to have no family and no one loves you! It hurts! Your alone and no one cares. Your lucky. Gin was always there with you. And so was I! If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead, Akutagawa! Why don't you understand? I've seen so much. Stupid problems and horrible situations. I've lived them all. Those people experienced pain almost equal to ours! So when I see Dazai, I see his pain over and over. Since he won't cry, I do it for him."

Akutagawa stared in shock. You never told him about this section of your ability. He looked like he was actually sorry. That's a real surprise.

"Y/N...why didn't you tell me? I need to know all corners of your ability. It's like an endless tunnel. I want to see all of your ability's ups and downs."

Is this his idea of making me feel better? He's never in these situations with me so, I'll excuse it I suppose.
You wipe tears from your eyes and Akutagawa waits for you to collect yourself. "Ok." You catch up to him and tell him about things you think were caused by your ability and how they connect with wolves and so on.

Akutagawa. Always there to make me feel two things. Annoyed. Or overjoyed with your presence. Thank you.

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