Chapter 3

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You step up to Akutagawa's door. Here you were. Lucky for you, Akutagawa doesn't think to far into these types of things. You were just so confused and nervous. If by some miracle, Akutagawa decides to date you, your gonna have to know Gin. This was always bound to happen no matter your efforts.

You knock on the door. A girl with long black hair, and Akutagawa grey eyes, opened the chocolate colored door. She waves and steps aside to let you in.

"Onii-Chan! Y/N's here!"

Her voice is so, sweet sounding. How is she an assassin? And she looks completely different at home.

"Nice to talk to you, Y/N. I'm Gin."

"You too." You whisper.

"Wow Onii-Chan was right about you being not talkative. Let's go sit down."

She led you to a table close to the doorway.

"Sooo." She started as she leaned over the table. "You met Onii-Chan ten years ago?"

You nod. "Eleven next month."

"Wow you really are good at dates."

"Gin. Sit down properly we have a guest." Akutagawa scolded her and sat beside his little sister.

"I'm not really a guest am I? I'm mostly here 'cause I don't have anymore food at home." You said intending to make a joke.

"Oh. Should we give you leftovers?" Gin asked kindly.

"No no no! It's ok! I'm going shopping on my way home so, no big deal! Don't worry about me!"

"She's right Gin." Akutagawa stood up. "I guess I'm cooking?"

Gin nodded. "It is your turn! Plus we gotta celebrate my return!"

Akutagawa walked to the kitchen and gives Gin an annoyed look.

You smiled. They're so different at home. Maybe it's because they went through a lot together but, they're different at home.

Gin at work never shows any emotion.

Akutagawa puts up with stupid things but doesn't participate.

You know work is harder and the people who got in are crazy mad men, crazy stupid, or crazy tough.

I guess they did grow up on the streets together. No one else to really talk to I guess.

"So" Gin sang, "you and Akutagawa saw the Were-tiger! Did ya catch him?"

You shook your head in disappointment.

"What happened?"

You remembered seeing Atsushi's past. It's so similar to your own, you couldn't speak.

"He ran off!" Akutagawa shouted from the kitchen.

"Oh. Sucks."

"Erm...yeah." You smile at her. "Ok awkward question. Do you remember Dazai?"

Gin stiffened at your words and Akutagawa looked in from the kitchen.

"Yeah." Gin relaxed. "He tried saying hi and I hid behind Onii-Chan. I didn't trust him for a month unlike Onii-Chan over there. Remember how you wouldn't even tell him your name? Then Onii-Chan told it to him and Dazai-Sensei never left you alone. I thought it was completely inappropriate for an executive, but he still went on with it despite what his co workers said. I admired him. Then he betrayed us. Bastard."

"Gin! Don't talk about him like that!" Akutagawa shouted from the kitchen.

"Geez for Port Maifia assassins, both of you talk a lot." You point out.

Gin laughed. Akutagawa rolled his eyes and went back to cooking.

"Coming from the girl who never speaks, I don't think thats entirely bad."

You smile. After all, you've never had a girl friend before. Only Dazai and Akutagawa. You never see Dazai anymore and Akutagawa just told you to prove your love to him. This is a relief to you.

"Well I have a bad habit of not talking to strangers!"

Gin laughs and leans back in her chair. 

About thirty minutes later, dinner was on the table. Finally.

Akutagawa cooked frozen chicken and made mashed potatoes and vegetable soup.

"Thanks Onii-Chan!" Gin said and stuffed her face with food.

Akutagawa looked at her and went on eating. They couldn't be more different.

You try some food yourself. When the meat hits your tongue, you freeze. Akutagawa looked up. "You don't like it?"
You stuff yourself with chicken and potatoes. Not even noticing the soup. (Forget you, veggies!)

"Tch. Pig." Akutagawa muttered.

"Done!" You and Gin hold up your plates at once.

"Correction, pigs"

"Hey! Is that really the way to talk about our guest?" Gin scolded.

Akutagawa put on a smug face and apologized under his breath.

You giggled. "Don't apologize to me, Akutagawa. Gin I don't mind the insults, he means it in a teasing manner. Not to be mean."

"Meh who cares how he means it! He shouldn't be so rude to you."

You smile and stand up. "I need to get going before I forget my mental shopping list. Thanks for dinner, Akutagawa! Thanks for the conversation, Gin! See you at work tomorrow!"

"Awww your leaving? Well, have a safe walk home! Bai!" Gin stood and waved goodbye with her whole arm.

"Bye Y/N-Chan." Akutagawa waved you off, not bothering to stand.

You wave and step outside into the cool fresh air.

The place you usually shop at is just around the corner. When you make it there, you smell a familiar scent.

Maybe Atsushi was here earlier. Like I care anyway.

You go down your normal isle and buy normal stuff.

Half priced Oreos!?! I got the spare change!

You put one packet of the original Oreos in your cart and keep shopping.

When you finally finish and pay, you see the Were-tiger outside.

"He..." you whisper.

He heard you and looked up.

That's Dazai's scent on him. Did Dazai do this on purpose so I wouldn't attack Atsushi?

"He smells like Dazai..."

Your eyes fill with tears and you fall to the ground. Your bags spilled onto the concrete.

"It's ok Y/N-Chan. You won't be alone forever! Not with me around!" Those were the first words he said to me before I spoke to him.


"Are you ok?" Were-tiger asked as he placed his hand on your shoulder. You push it off.

"Why doesn't he remember me? Does he still not remember when he turns into a tiger? I'm not in my work clothes so maybe that's why? Argh who cares?!? Why would he smell Dazai..."

Your tears drowned out the rest of your panic.

"Uhh miss do you want me to call Dazai-San for you?"

You freeze. The tears pouring from your eyes suddenly stop flowing. You push him away and growl.

"I can't let him come near Senpai again. I should warn him. If he tries to lay yet another hand on my Senpai, I will saluter him painfully and slowly. After all, the Maifia gives mercy to no one."

As if nothing happened, you stand back up and take your fallen groceries and put them back in they're bags. You turn from the boy and walk home. Tears still forced themselves out of your E/C eyes. Why would you cry over him? You know why but, why would you cry just by smelling his scent mixed with Atsushi's? Are you jealous? No no no!!! Dazai's like your dad! Right? Of course.

Akutagawa is my Senpai. Dazai is my instructor. Gin is my friend. Those are the meanings of those names to me. Nothing else. Those names mean the world to me. That's why I was crying. I don't want Dazai like I want Akutagawa. I just cry because I never let myself cry unless I see or smell or hear him. Dazai-San, Akutagawa-Senpai, Gin-Chan. I will protect all three of you. At all costs. It's my job as your all my friends. And no one will hurt you. I won't be hurt by people who smell, sound, or even look like you. I will become stronger. Promise.

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