Chapter 1: Crash-landing.

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Ratchet, Qwark, and Skrunch woke up on the cold dirt road. 

"What the-? Where the heck are we?" Ratchet asked. He looked around to see nothing but forests all around him. "Qwark? Are you there?" He asked around. That was when Ratchet noticed Skrunch yelling over to him. And also standing on an Unconscious Qwark.

"Qwark!" Ratchet ran over. "Oh, man. He's Unconscious." He complained as he tried to pick him up. That was when he saw Skrunch also walk up to him and make monkey sounds at Ratchet.

"Skrunch, help me get him up." Ratchet insisted. But Skrunch just stared at him. And unfortunately, Ratchet could not speak Monkey. "Where is Clank when I need him?" He asked himself.

And instead. Skrunch just walked up to Qwark and waved a banana in front of him. "Where did you get that banana?" Ratchet asked.

Skrunch ignored him as Qwark shot straight up. "I'm coming Courtney Gears!" Qwark yelled as he flung his arms all around and knocking Ratchet dead in the nose and making Ratchet fall to the ground.

"That's odd. Where are we?" Qwark asked looking around. "Hey! Skrunch! You made it little guy!" He hugged his friend. 

"Ugh." Ratchet groaned.

"Ratchet. What are you doing just lying around?" Qwark asked in disbelief.

"Throbbing in pain, apparently." Ratchet answered in between his gruff of annoyance..

"Well throb on your own time and let's get back to business." Qwark replied. "What happened to the ship?"

Skrunch pointed to a tree that had a large spider web and Aphelion trapped inside of it. "Great work, Skrunch. That's why I named you my Chief Science Officer of the Q Force." Qwark praised.

Ratchet didn't want to argue. He wanted to get going. "Alright, let's just get Aphelion out of there and see what the damage is before we take off." He decided. decided.

"Oh come on, Ratchet. What's the rush?" Qwark asked. "We're on a new world. And we should take this time to appreciate its beauty." 

Ratchet turned around. "Qwark. We're stuck on a planet. Nefarious has my best pal in his possession. And the fate of the Galaxy is at stake... again. And I want to get my ship out of here before anything cruel takes it." He snapped. 

"You mean like that one?" Qwark asked pointing to some large spiders carrying Aphelion away. 

"Gah!" Ratchet screamed and took out his wrench. "You get away from my SHIP!" He ran over. And that was when the Spiders started carrying Aphelion away. "Oh NO YOU DON'T!"

That was when Qwark pulled out some of Ratchet's Charge Boots from the ground. "Guess the crash must've ejected some of Ratchet's gear." He thought. "Hey Ratchet! You forgot your charge boots!" He ran after Ratchet too.

Ratchet continued to run after the spiders. But the spiders were faster than a running Lombax. "NO! NO! NO! NO!" And Ratchet saw the Spiders run away into the dark forest... with his ship.

"MY SHIP!" Ratchet complained. He then turned to see Qwark panting and trying to keep up. 

"Well, I guess we'll just have to find another one." Qwark decided. Which earned him a death glare from Ratchet. "Come on Ratchet. You can always get another ship." He tried to comfort. "I mean, look at how many times you switched ships when you went after Drek." 

Ratchet started to breath heavily. "We are getting my ship back." He declared.

"Uh, Ratchet... This may not be a good time, but... I got your Charge Boots." Qwark pulled out the Charge Boots.

Ratchet looked at them and took them. "Thanks." He said. "Too bad all my weapons were on Aphelion though." 

That was when Skrunch walked up to Ratchet. And he had a weapon pack in his possession.

"What's this?" Ratchet asked.

Skrunch made monkey noises. Ratchet couldn't understand it. "Qwark? You speak Monkey."

"Skrunch said to open it. He thinks you'll be pleasantly surprised." Qwark translated.

Ratchet opened it to find some of his old weapons from his travels in the Solanna and Bogon Galaxy. "Hey! My Old Weapons!" Ratchet pulled out one weapon in particular. "The Bouncer." He pulled out another weapon. "The N90 Hurricane. The Tempest. My Leviathan Flail, The Mini Rocket Tube, The Flux Rifle, The Quantum Whip."

"Even managed to get your old Groovitron Glove, as well as Mr. Zurkon, and the old Mini Turret Glove, along with the Lava Gun." Qwark added.

"How did you get all these weapons?" Ratchet asked in disbelief.

"Skrunch and I found them when the Starship Phoenix was drifting in space." Qwark answered. "Eh, I thought about giving them to Slim Cognito, but this was good too. Didn't know when the right time was to give them to you." 

"Well, I'm glad you didn't." Ratchet replied. "I suppose we'll need this stuff while we're stuck here. Come on. Let's get out of here." He told Skrunch and Qwark as they ran out towards more dirt roads.

"So what's the plan anyway?" Qwark asked as they ran out towards one road that no one was sure where it went.

"Well... Considering the fact that we don't know where we are. And our ship was taken by spiders. I think we're going to need help on this one, Qwark." Ratchet answered.

"And how do we know where we're going?" Qwark asked trying to keep up the pace with Ratchet.

"We don't. This time I'm just going to wing it. So there." Ratchet answered. And it wasn't like Ratchet could use his holo map considering that most of the land was uncharted for both him and Qwark, and Skrunch was making noises.

"What's he saying?" Ratchet asked.

"He's saying it's going to be dark soon." Qwark answered. "And uh... Ratchet. Have I ever mentioned I'm afraid of the dark?"

Ratchet made a weird look. "You afraid of the dark?" He asked.

"Because No one would be able to see me. But luckily, I remembered that I have made my Glow in the Dark Captain Qwark Action Figures." Qwark pulled out one just for good members.

"Uh, Qwark... where did you pull that out of?" Ratchet asked confused.

Qwark raised an eyebrow. "Um... I'd rather not say." He replied. 

And before Ratchet and Qwark could continue onward it did indeed turn to nightfall. And Ratchet continued to run in circles.

"Ratchet. I think we're lost." Qwark noted.

"We're not lost. We're following the road." Ratchet pointed out.

"I don't think there's a town for miles or something like that. And why can't we just hire Supernova Taxi or something like that?" Qwark complained. "I don't know about you, Ratchet. But even though I earned my Tightly fisted glutes from doing my patented stretches and that sort of thing. I have my breaking points. Don't tell Helga I said that though."   

"Oh no, Qwark. Whatever will we do without your Tightly fisted glutes?" Ratchet mocked.

Qwark didn't know what mocking was, so he took it literally. "We'd all fall into an empty abyss of nothing." He answered.  

Ratchet rolled his eyes. "Well, unless you have an idea of where we should go..."

"How about we go to that Castle over there?" Qwark suggested.

"What Castle?" Ratchet asked. 

"The one that's right in the distance that you ignored." Qwark answered as Skrunch pointed behind Ratchet at the Castle. 

"How long has that been there?" Ratchet asked not noticing that before. "It'll take us till nightfall to get there. And  I'm not carrying you on my Charge Boots." He pointed out.

"Please?" Qwark asked.

Ratchet smacked his head. "Let's walk." He groaned.

And true to Ratchet's word it did indeed take them till nightfall to reach the castle. And all the while Qwark was asking Ratchet a bunch of random questions. "So Ratchet... Tachyon said he killed all the Lombaxes, so what about Angela Cross? Wasn't she a Lombax?"

Ratchet raised an eyebrow. "You know. It was really unclear. I heard that Angela continued at Megacorp after your little incident with the Protopets. But after that, nothing. Wow I kind of forgot about her." He replied.

"I think some other higher ups did as well." Qwark added. 

A/N: Yeah, Insomniac, what did happen to Angela Cross?

"You know, Ratchet. I like this planet so far. The smell of the forest, the birds singing in melody. It reminds me of Metropolis." Qwark commented.

Ratchet couldn't really argue that one. Whatever this planet was... it did seem nice. "Let's hope the people are friendly." He noted.

"Eh, look on the bright side." Qwark pointed out. "At least there's no random attack happening at that Castle of which we are heading to."

And right on cue, there was an attack on the castle of which they were heading to.

And Ratchet's eye started to twitch.

"Until now." Qwark added.

"OH COME ON!" Ratchet yelled. "Right as we show up too!"

"Should we just go?" Qwark asked.

"No way, Qwark." Ratchet answered. "We're going to help this Castle. For all we know, Nefarious could be behind this attack." And besides, both he and Qwark were heroes. They couldn't ignore something like this. "Ready to let the stallions out of the stable?" He asked.

"I was born ready. And my Blaster runs hot." Qwark answered. "Speaking of which do you know that's now officially my new Holo Film? You remembered to get tickets right?"

"Yeah." Ratchet lied. The truth was he didn't care about that sort of stuff. He had a thing with Holostar Studios after he got replaced by Skrunch in the Secret Agent Clank Series. And for Ratchet it sucked even more because he played nothing more than a bumbling Chauffeur named Jeeves. "Come on. Let's get em." He declared. 

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