Prologue: Rift Gates.

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"Mwah ha ha ha ha ha! Finally! I have you all where I want you Captain Qwark! I Dr. Nefarious, will finally destroy you!" Nefarious swooped down on Qwark. "Yargh!"

The action figure of Nefarious thumped the action figure of Qwark from the table and onto the floor of the room of the Great Clock. The place where Nefarious was called in by the Zoni to fix Clank. "Victory!" Nefarious yelled. But no one was around to see it. And Nefarious than sat back down on his seat with a shameful defeat.

"Meh. It's just not the same." He decided. But he was seriously hoping that he could unlock Clanks secrets to get into the Orvus Chamber. That was when the door opened to reveal Dr. Nefarious' robotic butler Lawrence.  

"Lawrence! Can't you tell I'm in the middle of something important here?!" Nefarious asked annoyed.

"What is it that you're working on, sir?" Lawrence asked.

"Okay, I'm not working on anything." Nefarious admitted. "But if I was... it would be something important." He looked around at nothing. 

"You mean other than getting the information from the Orvus Chamber out of Clank behind the Zoni's backs?" Lawrence asked.

"... Enough of that, Lawrence!" Nefarious snapped. "Don't you have a Rock Music band to attend to?"

"Oh, that flamed out years ago." Lawrence answered bitterly. "No one has the taste for Base Odyssey anymore."

"Of course it did." Nefarious mumbled not surprised.

"But nevermind that sir. I thought you might request some very interesting information. It would seem that the potential for a rift gate has opened." Lawrence reported.

Nefarious didn't seem to care. "And why should that matter to me?" He asked.

"Oh it shouldn't. But it might give us an opportunity to take over the Universe." Lawrence suggested.

"Eh, what have we got to lose?" Nefarious decided considering his schemes like this never worked out like he wanted them to. It was just going to be another long day.

Meanwhile enroute to the Breegus System.

"Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of Captain Qwark and his ever faithful companion, Skrunch the Monkey. ...And Ratchet, he's here too."  Qwark narrated. 

Ratchet was piloting his Starship, Aphelion through the stars. And he had to contend with his frenemy Captain Qwark, now that Clank was well... gone. He groaned as Qwark continued to narrate their own adventures. "Hey Ratchet, can we stop at the nearest rest stop? I kind of have to go." Qwark asked.

"Qwark, you went to the bathroom, 30 minutes ago." Ratchet complained. "I told you not to get that grade A size combo at Galaxy Burger."

"It was the 5% discount." Qwark tried to justify.

Skrunch screeched out something.

"And it was also the monkey eats free night." Qwark added.

Ratchet rolled his eyes. So that's why Skrunch grabbed all the bags of chips off the rack. "Remind me to never invite you on these types of missions, again. Even if my life depended on it." He thought to himself. And then a bag popped open. 

"Aphelion, please tell me we're getting near." Ratchet begged.

Aphelion remained silent. Ratchet took that as a no. "Well that depends, do you want the rest stop or the Breegus System?" She asked.

"Whichever one is closer." Ratchet decided. If it was a rest stop, he was dumping Qwark on it. 

But then he saw a massive rift gate in the middle of their destination. 

"Uh, Ratchet? What-" Qwark started.

"Is that?" Ratchet asked Aphelion.

"Unidentified. There is a powerful energy system that is emanating from the ring." Aphelion reported. Even making a crossbones symbol to show how dangerous it was. 

"Well how powerful is it?" Ratchet asked. And just as he said that, the ship began to feel it not moving at all.

Skrunch made some noises. 

"Ratchet, did you hit the brakes?" Qwark asked.

"No Qwark. It looks like we're getting pulled in the Rift!" Ratchet yelled out in horror. And true to his word, the ship started to get pulled into the rift. "Hang on guys! I got a hunch we're going for a ride!" 

"But I didn't prepare for a trip to the theme park!" Qwark protested.

"Brace for impact!" Ratchet yelled.

"Uh, that might prove difficult. Your ship is too small for my massive body." Qwark pointed out.

Ratchet just looked at him like he was crazy. "On second thought. Let's all just scream." He decided.

And the three started to scream out as the ship was pulled into the rift gate.

Back at the Great Clock, Nefarious saw the potential usage of the Rift Gate being used. "And now that this Rift Gate is something we know we can use perfectly! Nothing will stop us from conquering the Universe!" Nefarious declared.

"Unless Ratchet or Captain Qwark interfere." Lawrence pointed out.

"You really know how to ruin a perfectly evil moment, Lawrence." Nefarious replied remembering how those two heroes stopped his evil schemes in the past before. "Now about this new dimension that these rift gates for Universal Domination." 

"You'll be happy to know that we are not the only ones who have discovered this rift gate. It appears that some other creatures who have their own plans for Universal Domination have also undertaken their own rift gate dimension cross." Lawrence reported. 

"Oh great, once you have a plan for something, you find some other copycats trying to do the same thing." Nefarious complained.

"This would appear to be different, sir. It appears these creatures are looking for someone evil to lead them." Lawrence clarified.

"Well in that case. See them in." Nefarious ordered jumping to his feet almost instantly.

Lawrence opened the door to show large green creatures with large glowing gems in their skulls.

"Now what is this about needing a leader?" Nefarious asked.

Meanwhile in the Mountains overlooking Haven City.

"Incoming Targets!" Metal Head forces fired their blasters and began charging the Haven Soldiers that were advancing on their stronghold in the Mountains. After being evicted from Haven City by the combined forces of the Freedom League, and some reformed former Krimzon Guard Death Bots, the Metal Heads were driven from the City. 

The Snow had impacted Haven Troops, so they would have to move through slowly. A Siege had lasted for the past month on the final stronghold. There was another wave of Metal Head fire that were trying to launch a counter attack. It slammed down a row of Freedom League soldiers.

The Commander of Haven City, Torn was looking at the siege from the rear lines. He could see the devastation that was being unleashed from all the war. He could also see a runner heading towards him.

"Report." Torn ordered.

"The Metal Heads are fortifying their positions." The Runner reported. "Our troops were taken out in another barrage." 

"Damn!" Torn yelled. "This siege just keeps getting worse." There was one other way, the Metal Heads could be broken. It was time to bring in his ace card. And his contacts from beyond Haven City. But first...

Torn went over to the communication table. "Ashelin. It's Torn. We're still in the Mountains and we're getting our asses kicked."  

The Governor of Haven City, Ashelin Praxis was on the other end of the communication. "Not surprised. It has been only 1 month. Remember how long it took for us just to evict them from the city, after the Dark Maker ship was destroyed." She reminded. 

"Yeah, half a year." Torn remembered. He remembered his men needing a lot of therapy after encountering all those Metal Heads in the ruined areas of the city, and the Infected former agricultural area. And Torn also got some scars from that encounter.

"Any word from Sig?" Ashelin asked.

"Not yet." Torn answered.

Suddenly he got another communication from another source. "Oh speak of the devil. There he is now." Torn put it through.

He could see the holographic face of the New King of Spargus, Sig. Spargus itself consisted of Haven refugees that were banished to the Wasteland. However, one of these people was Damas, the former Leader of Haven City. He was betrayed by his former friend Baron Praxis who was also Ashelin's father. However instead of dying like Praxis thought he would, Damas founded the city of Spargus making a new home out of the desert. Out in the Wasteland, everything was either useful or dead weight. But when Damas died, Sig took the throne. Under Sig, Spargus was able to reform into a bustling metropolis much like Haven City. Past the vision of King Damas. He didn't do it alone. He was also helped by his friends. 

"What's up, Torn?" Sig asked.

"Sig, my men are getting their asses kicked by the Metal Heads. We need your troops to help us out." Torn requested.

"Your in luck, we're already enroute to your location, and I've got a plan." Sig replied with a smile on his face.

Torn smirked. He knew what that meant.

Sig turned off the hologram and looking at the map that one of his trackers, Kleiver put out before him.

"What have we got here, Kleiver?" Sig asked.

"The Metal Heads have a good strong stronghold in the mountains." Kleiver reported. "Wrapped up just like a can a dog food. You'd know about that wouldn't you little tyke?" He asked his Ottsel sidekick, Veger.  

"Um, yes Mr. Kleiver." Veger squealed.

"And the Metal Heads have a good strong position overlooking the mountain?" Sig asked.

"Yeah, we can't get close. Not without being blown to bits at any rate." Kleiver answered. "Unless you have some wings and fly."

Sig seemed to take notice of that. "I can't. But I know who can." He whistled for another person to come forward.

That person was the main man himself. The one and only hero of Haven City. Jak and his Ottsel friend, Daxter. Both the two heroes approached. Jack with his armor of Mar and Daxter with his new pants. 

"Never fear, the trouble twins are here!" Dax announced. 

Sig smiled at his friends. "Good. We've got some Metal Heads we need eliminated and you're the only man who can grow wings." He informed.

"So it's smash the bad guys, save the day." Jak recapped in a nutshell.

"Up for some combat Jak?" Sig asked.

"I can fight with the best of them." Jak answered.

"GO GET EM!" Sig yelled.

Jak then put his morph gun away, and transformed into Light Jak, a part of his Eco Powers and grew some light wings taking off and over to the Metal Head Stronghold.

Jak was over the heads of the Metal Heads when he took position on a ruined pillar. 

"This ought to get their attention." Daxx noticed.

"Let's go take care of business." Jak decided. He transformed into Dark Jak and jumped down letting a massive surge against the Metal Heads in a Dark Bomb destruct over the Metal Heads.

The other Metal Heads who were out of range turned around to see Jak who had returned to normal. Jak then took out his morph gun and equipped the Vulcan Barrel attached to it.

"Okay, Metal Heads. Who's up for some skull gem income?" Jak asked sarcastically as he shot his gun at the Metal Heads.

Sig could see the whole thing from the distance. "Green light. Let's go Wastelanders!" He yelled.

"Troops! Move out!" Torn ordered. 

All parties converged on the Metal Heads. And also to assist Jak and Daxter. More Metal Heads were getting slaughtered by the Haven Troops.

"Sweet Eco! They're dropping like flies!" Daxx declared.

"A little too much." Torn thought. This seemed too easy to him. That's not usually how Metal Heads fight. Confirming his suspicions a Haven Soldier arrived next to him. 

"Sir. The Metal Head numbers are falling like wumpbees." The soldier reported. "But there's more. It's like their rear line is just... disappearing." 

"What?" Torn asked. He looked at the dots of Metal Heads. The rear inside of the stronghold was indeed fleeing. "Where are the going?" 

Jak and Daxter continued to unleash hell, and even more so with Jak's Peacemaker weapon. It kept blasting down the Metal Heads.

"We must be getting close. Get ready for a fight Daxx." Jak advised.

"Ready as ever, baby." Daxx replied.

Jak kicked down the doors. Only to find the whole rooms completely empty.

"Okay, where are all the Metal Heads?" Daxx asked annoyed. "I finally get up the courage and not a single Metal Head is in sight! What am I going to do about new Décor, Jak?"

"Hey, you've still got the stuffed head of Kor in the Bar. Nothing's going to top that trophy." Jak pointed out.

"Yeah, but I wanted to get the last Metal Head... head as another trophy. Finally!" Daxx complained.

Jak than noticed a large massive glow in front of him. He walked toward it.

Daxter didn't even notice. "I'm just saying Jak! Wouldn't it be nice to see... a rift gate?" He asked finally looking at the thing that Jak was starring at.

"Jak is that a-"

"A rift gate?" Jak asked. "That looks just like the one that got us to Haven City." He then got on his communicator. "Torn. The Metal Heads are gone. But there's something you should see. Get Samos as well." He requested.

A few hours later and The Sage of Green Eco Samos and his daughter Keira were investigating the rift gate. Jak, Daxx, Torn, Ashelin, and Sig were also looking at it.

"Well, Samos?" Jak asked hoping for some answers.

"Fascinating... truly fascinating." Samos commented.

"We don't have all day!" Daxx shouted.

"I'm concentrating on some powerful technology!" Samos shot back. "Just because you're a Precursor doesn't mean you get to rush me on my progress. You're still the same annoying fur ball as always!" 

Jak rolled his eyes. Those two were at it again. "Keira?" He asked.

"It's the same Rift Gate that we used all those years ago at Sandover Village." Keira answered.

"So how did the Metal Heads get it?" Sig asked.

"They must've found it in the remains of their nest after we destroyed Kor." Samos suggested. "Put it back together and gone right through it." 

"They went back in time?" Jak asked.

"Not exactly. It looks like the Metal Heads disappeared into another Universe." Keira answered.

That dropped the bomb. "Sorry, what?" Jak asked. "Are you suggesting that the Metal Heads disappeared into another Universe?" 

"Talk about a bail out." Daxx muttered.

"And if the Metal Heads find another Universe to ..." The revelation dawned upon Jak. 

"The destruction could be just as bad as it was on Haven City." Torn finished.

"Well, we better stop them." Sig declared.

"Slow down there everybody. How do we know if this Precursor Crap is safe?" Daxx asked.

"C'mon Dax. If the Metal Heads can go through it no trouble, why can't we?" Jak asked.

Daxx on the other hand didn't seem that optimistic. "Oh no. No way for me. There's no way, I'm going back through any Precursor Crap again! Absolutely Zippo Chance!" 

"You'll investigate for yourself, Jak?" Ashelin whispered.

"Yep. We've got to stop those Metal Heads before they spread into another Universe and this whole fiasco starts all over again." Jak answered.

"And if it's a trap?" Keira asked nervous. 

"I'll go with him. He'll be fine." Sig assured.

Jak was stunned at that. "You sure, Sig?"

Sig cut him off. "We're a Metal Head Hunting machine together. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let these things continue on ravaging the Artifact Carriers. And besides. We didn't get a chance to bash Kor in the head together. You Still owe me one." 

"Alright you're in." Jak replied. He motioned for Torn to get an assault ship ready. 

"You'll be careful right?" Keira asked.

"Don't worry, Keira. I'll be fine." Jak answered.

"Have some faith in the boy, Keira." Samos came up as he turned to Jak. "Make me proud."

"Forget it, No Way. Fat Chance. Not goanna happen. Nope. Nu uh. Never!" Daxx declared going up to Jak for some back up. But Jak just smiled smugly.

"Uh, Jak? Why are you smiling? Because whenever you do smile it's because you... oh no." It dawned on Daxx.

"JAAAAAAAAAAKKKK!" Daxter yelled as they went through the portal on the Assault Ship as Sig drove through the gate.

"Here we Go!" Sig yelled.

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