Chapter 21: Run the Gauntlet.

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An Hour had passed before they finally reached the entrance to the Temple.

"Alright! We're here! Everybody out!" The Plumber ordered.

And everybody had piled out into a large lump. 

"Get me out of there." Alistair commented piling out with Talia right behind him. 

"For once, I agree with Alistair." Morrigan agreed as she got out of the Vehicle. 

Jak and Daxter also piled out. "Jak, the next time you invite me to one of your little excursions on a Small Mountain Transport... DON'T!" Daxx demanded. 

Jak in the meantime was looking at a large temple that now lay before them. "Almost reminds me of the Monk Temple back home. If it was on the Mountains and not in the Wasteland." He said. 

"And there's snow instead of sand." Daxx added. 

Ratchet had also gotten out. By getting pushed out by the force of Qwark. "WOAH!" He fell to the ground. And then had to crack his back. 

"We're here." Qwark announced it was no big deal. 

The whole party had then approached the gates. Talia had helped Brother Genitivi to the door. "I don't suppose that you have the key to get in do you?" Genitivi asked. 

"What key?" Ratchet asked. 

"The key to opening the door." Genitivi answered like it was Common Sense. "Erik carried a Medallion on himself as a key."  

"You mean this Medallion?" Jak asked as he handed the Medallion. And then he saw a medallion shaped hole for the door. He turned the handle and the doors opened in. 

"You've still got the skill of opening doors, Jak." Daxx commented. 

The doors to the Temple were now unlocked and everyone had walked inside. In front of them was a Large Hall with a Great Bonfire lit in the middle of it. Carvings and statues were covered in more Ice and Snow.

"Ah... truly splendid. The Time has not been kind to these ruins. What I would give to see the halls in all its splendor. As it was meant to be. Still sweep away the Snow and Ice and some traces of beauty still remain." Genitivi commented.

"It's too quiet. I've got a bad feeling about this." Ratchet said cautionary readying his Hurricane N90. 

"Once again! Captain Qwark has shown to the world that no force can stop him!" Qwark loudly declared in all his triumph. And also announcing to everyone who was inside the Ruins that he was here. 

"These carvings were created just after Andrastae's death, and they may reveal things about her life that we may yet not know." Genitivi informed. "I think I may need more time to study these carvings." He admitted. 

"Are you sure about that?" Talia asked concerned about leaving the Brother all by himself. 

"I'll be fine. I'm certain that there are no more Cultists. And I won't be able to keep up with you all with my injuries." Genitivi answered. "Go. I will be alright. Perhaps my destiny was meant to guide you to the Urn." 

"Try to watch out for the Metal Heads if they show up." Jak advised. "Now let's go find this Urn." And he took out the Peace Maker. 

The rest of the party journeyed forward. 

"This temple looks old." Ratchet commented.

"It must be thousands of years old." Leliana noted. 

"Still a couple of years younger than Morrigan's Mother." Alistair said.

"He's not wrong about that." Morrigan admitted. 

"Wow, you and your Mother must have a wonderful relationship." Alistair sarcastically shot back. 

"Yes, yes we do." Morrigan grinned. 

But that was when Ratchet saw a huge set of doors across a flight of stairs. "Locked." He said. "Anybody got a key by any chance?" He asked. 

"I've got lockpicking skills." Zevran gave his thumbs up and then showed up at the door. "But that door cannot be opened by me. It needs a specific key." He admitted. 

"Alright! Everyone look around and try to find a key." Ratchet decided.

"Or..." Jak offered before taking his Dark Jak form. Charged himself up and then shot a Dark Strike blast right at the Doors, bursting them open. "We can do that." 

"If you don't have the door open. You just make a door." Daxx said. "After you guys." 

"And remember, the key to avoiding dangerous situations is to avoid phrases like: 'It's too quiet in here. Or, 'Everything's going to be alright.'" Qwark declared as he fell on top of an icicle on the ground and making it fall down. "Anyone got any Hot Glue?" 

"Ratchet, what's the life expectancy of his species?" Sten asked.

"Knowing Qwark. He'll probably outlive us all." Ratchet answered. "Just leave it, Qwark. Oh, better yet." He tossed it over to Genitivi. "Here's something for you."

The next room contained a large hall with a single staircase going up to another level of the Temple. The only light was coming from a large hole in the walls. And a balcony provided the perfect high ground for ambushers. "Does anyone else feel like we're walking into a trap?" Talia asked. 

Zevran raised his hands as did Jak, Daxx, Ratchet, Leliana, Morrigan, Wynne, Sten, and Alistair. "Okay, it isn't just me." Talia figured. 

"Who'd want to camp out in a ruined temple in the middle of nowhere anyway?" Qwark asked not really concerned at all.

"You tell me, Qwark. You were the one who lived among Monkeys on Florana." Ratchet pointed out. 

"It was still inhabited by Monkeys." Qwark countered.  

But their argument was interrupted by the sound of Armored People on the Balcony all armed with bows and several people running down the stairs. "And also those guys!" Alistair exclaimed. 

"All will fall before the Great Andrastae!" One shouted. 

"Oh, great. More whackos." Ratchet complained as he readied out his Heavy Bouncer. Launching a Ball into the air that exploded generating more Balls. "Best Gun Ever." He grinned. 

"I need to get on of those." Zevran commented as he threw a couple knives at the Cultists above. Next to him, Morrigan shot an assortment of Lightning Bolts. 

"It would seem the High Ground does not always work." Morrigan said. 

But what was worse, was that there was one Mage at the top of the stairs. And he casted a spell down on Talia. And Talia just looked at her expecting a hit of some kind. But nothing happened. "Huh... that was weird." Until she tried to swing at a Cultist but she suddenly missed completely. "What?" She tried swinging again with the same results. And Talia never missed. Not even swinging against moving deer when hunting in the woods by her home. Fortunately, Alistair was able to strike down Talia's target in Talia's place.

"Jak! The Mage!" Sten yelled.

Jak equipped his Beam Reflexor. The Blaster Mod Bolts all bounced off the walls hitting all Cultists armed with their bows on the Balcony. And then got the Mage. 

"Ugh." Talia grunted. "What was that? I... I never had that problem before!" She exclaimed.

"Calm down. It was just a Misdirection Hex." Alistair assured. "It'll wear off."  

"Misdirection Hex?" Talia asked. "That's a thing?"

"Yes. It's a type of Magic that Mages use a lot against the Templars. Makes them swing and miss their targets completely. I encountered a lot of them when fighting off Apostates. Not Morrigan and her Mother, obviously, but other Apostates. Low and cowardly attempts if you ask me." 

"Low and Cowardly, or... doing what it takes to survive?" Morrigan asked. 

"She just has to use her snide remarks." Alistair grunted.

"Tell me this isn't permanent." Talia begged.

"It'll wear off in a few minutes. No need to fear, Lady Cousland." Wynne assured. 

But that was when Ratchet started to sneeze. And everyone stared at Ratchet. "Woah. Sorry about that, it just got dusty in here." He apologized. 

Morrigan and Wynne knew what it meant though. "That's not normal dust, Ratchet." Wynne said.

And from large dust piles emerged a type of fleshy creature, its backs with spikes, and it slithered like a serpent all the way up to the heroes.

"GAH!" Qwark yelled quickly drawing out his blaster. "I knew one day that Dust Monsters would come to claim their revenge after I saved Metropolis from the Dust King!"

"They're not Dust Monsters, they're Ash Wraiths." Morrigan pointed out. 

Ratchet quickly through out his Groovitron Glove making all the Ash Wraiths and made them all dance like there was not tomorrow. And then he took out his Mini Rocket Tube and blasted them sky high. 

"Now there's Ash Wraiths. Boy, I'd hate to find out what the other Wraiths in this world are." Daxx said. 

It was also at that moment that Ratchet was looking at a Giant Brazier just before the doors. "Anyone know what this Brazier here is doing?" Ratchet asked.

"Standing there wondering when it's going to be lit?" Alistair suggested sarcastically. 

"You don't think it could be a way to activate the door over there, do you?" Ratchet asked. He then looked at the door and it opened without the Brazier. "Okay... just for decorations." He said. "Seriously thought it would be an activation key for opening the door." 

"Nah, too intricate." Alistair dismissed. 

The party continued to walk through the next set of doors. Except the halls were now getting narrower. Until the door entered another more open room where Cultist Archers had their bows drawn on the heroes. And to rub insult to injury, ballistae were also aimed. 

"Well that's problematic." Daxx commented. 

"Heads up!" Talia yelled raising her shield up and protecting her head from the arrows. 

Ratchet launched his Leviathan Flair to smash the Ballistae down. As he did that, Lilianna shot quick arrows from her bow on the Cultist Archers. "You give the servants of Andrastae a bad name!" She yelled. 

"Thanks." Alistair thanked as he killed one Cultist waiting in the shadows. "Don't know what I'd do without you." 

"You would've died on top of a tower." Daxx answered. 

"Why would people even put Ballistae inside a room like this?" Qwark asked. "Couldn't they have just put it by the Ruin Entrance so we wouldn't even get close?" 

"I don't know, Qwark. Bad Guys don't exactly make the best thinking decisions. Like that time when Nefarious built that Warship with Stealth Capabilities and never made another ship like that again. That ship was cool." Ratchet answered. 

"Ah, memories." Qwark said. "Not to mention that awesome music it had." But then he sighed. "I miss David Bergeaud." 

"So do I." Ratchet agreed with that right as he blasted the Heavy Bouncer Shot on a group of Cultists on top. 

"Who are you guys talking about?" Talia asked.

"Nevermind." Ratchet answered as they walked towards the next room. "Let's get moving before we encounter any other traps." 

"WOAH!" Daxx had suddenly tripped on a trip wire. "Well, you can't beat the classics." He figured. 

There was another set of doors to walk through. Except this room in particular opened up to show off two different paths to take. And an Ash Wraith that guarded the central room, that was immediately shot up by Jak's Vulcan Fury. There was also a statue of what looked like Andrastae in the center of the room. "We must be getting close." Alistair figured. "If only we could figure out which direction to go down." 

"Well we could go down both and see where they lead." Ratchet suggested. "One of them is bound to be the right way. And the other... could lead us to an Item that can be a great benefit to us." 

"Sounds good to me." Jak replied. "We'll split into two teams. Ratchet, Qwark and Skrunch. You guys head left with Talia, Alistair, Cooper, and Leliana. Daxx and I will go right with Morrigan, Zevran, Wynne and Sten."  

"Oh, thank the Maker." Alistair thought at the idea of being away from Morrigan. 

"Oh... and I was looking so forward to spending time with our lovely Grey Warden." Zevran complained.

"Well now you can spend time with the loveliness of Daxter." Jak shot back. 

"Alright. Jak. Link into my Comm. We'll stay in Radio Contact." Ratchet requested.

"You got it. I'll let you know if I find anything interesting." Jak replied. 

"You going to be alright with those hostile natives on the loose?" Ratchet asked. 

"Please. I can handle those monsters." Daxx assured.

"I was talking to everyone else." Ratchet clarified. 

"Well..." Daxx crossed his arms. And Jak and his party went to the right. While Ratchet and the others went to the left. 

And as Ratchet turned the corner to the left, he could hear the voice of Qwark. "Alright, the key to avoiding dangerous situations is to avoid phrases like: 'It's too quiet in here, or everything's going to be alright.'" But then his eyes opened wide. "GAH! I just said it!" 

"Ugh." Ratchet smacked his head on his wrench again. They walked through another door that was filled with Ash Wraiths. "Okay, how many Ash Wraiths are in this Temple?!" He asked as he and his friends shot down the Ash Wraiths. 

"Feel the wrath of my Blaster!" Qwark told the Wraiths as he shot off a couple of shots. But all that did was just hit the Wraiths and they just bounced off the Wraiths. It caused Ratchet to take out his N90 Hurricane and blast the Wraiths down that way. "Can we trade guns?" He asked.

"No." Ratchet answered. "I purchased 15,000 Bolts for this gun, and an additional 460,000 Bolts to upgrade it." 

"I'll put that up as a maybe." Qwark started to write down. 

As they continued down the halls killing any Cultist and Wraith they came across, it was around that time that Alistair went up to Talia. "Hey, Talia. I was just curious about something." He said.

"What about?" Talia asked when they finally had a moment to themselves as they continued on. 

"I'd like to know your thoughts about some of our... traveling companions. Do you mind if I ask?" Alistair asked. 

"What? Is this the juicy gossip part or something?" Talia asked. 

"I've got this nefarious plan to go around to each of them and secretly tell them all the nasty things you said. That way they'll mutiny and I shall become the group leader." Alistair sarcastically explained. He also laughed in a malicious way. 

Talia glared at him. "Hey, don't give me that look that Jak gives to Daxter most of the time." Alistair went on. "Seriously though, I'm only curious. I've had enough time to form my own opinions and I just want to see if you are any different." 

"Only if you tell me your opinions as well." Talia answered. 

"Just try and stop me." Alistair replied. "Where should I begin?" Then he had a thought. "Zevran. The Elf. You can't... trust him, can you? Do you believe his so called vow?" He asked. 

Talia shouldn't have been surprised that Alistair would ask that. "Who can say? But I'm keeping an eye on him." 

"You sure about that? He is a bit shifty." Alistair asked.

"I've handled shifty men before. Elves and Humans." Talia assured. 

"What about Sten? They way he looks at me, with those eyes... creepy. And he's so quiet for someone so big." Alistair asked. 

"I respect him." Talia answered. "He is a good warrior, and everything he does is born of logic." 

"The more I talk to him, the more reasonable he does seem. His philosophy is so strange, but he  doesn't sound at all as vile as the Chantry describes him." Alistair said. "And yet he killed all those people. He doesn't even deny it. Doesn't that bother you?" He asked. 

"He does seem to regret what he did." Talia pointed out.

"Hmmm. I'm not so sure that his regret means the same as it would for us. The Qunari sense of honor is... a bit sense to grasp. For me, anyway." Alistair replied. He then looked at Leliana who was busy trying to pick the lock of the next door. "What about Leliana? Is she crazy? Or do you really believe in her visions?" His voice came to a whisper.

"You don't believe in religious visions and miracles. Do you?" Talia asked.  

"Even the Chantry believes that most claims of visions and such are usually people's minds playing tricks on them. Wishful thinking at best. I'm not sure what I think." Alistair answered. 

"I'm not much considered all that religious myself." Talia admitted. "I mean, her vision could be true. Who's to say it isn't?" 

"Maybe you're right. It's not as if she could have known that we needed help so desperately after all, yet there she was." Alistair replied. "I don't know what to make of her. If you look at her when she doesn't see you, she just looks so... so sad. I almost feel guilty taking her away from her life." 

"It was her choice." Talia pointed out.

"Yes, I know. Still, I feel badly for her." Alistair replied. "Morrigan. Do you trust her? Think about it... maybe Flemeth sent her with us for some other reason then she said." 

And Talia could see where this was going. "You really don't like each other. Do you?" She asked.

"Well aside from the fact that she's a complete and utter bitch, no. I don't like her at all. Why? Do you?" Alistair asked. 

"Eh... she has her uses. We just have to put up with it." Talia answered.

"Great. Nice to know I'm not alone in this." Alistair breathed in some relief. "What about Jak and Daxter?" He asked. "I don't know about you. But Jak seems to have this type of... brooding nature around him. Like there's more he doesn't talk about. He's not as open. And Daxter... well, he just might give me a run for my money with the quips and the sarcasm." 

"There's more to Jak then he lets on, true. But... he seems like he wants to do the right thing. Just as much as we do." Talia answered.

"I suppose that's true. But I can't help but shake the feeling that there's a dark presence inside of him ready to burst. Especially when he transforms into his Dark Jak form. Whatever that Baron Praxis did to him, well... nevermind." Alistair then looked at Ratchet and Qwark. "Ratchet and Captain Qwark over there. What do you think of them? I can never figure them out. The Lombaxes haven't been seen in centuries and only one of them survived. And Ratchet is here with Qwark who he can't stand. It's painfully obvious."

But Talia already knew the story about Ratchet and Qwark. "Ratchet and Qwark saved my life back at Highever. And Ratchet is the only Lombax because a Tyrant named Percival Tachyon killed off all the Lombaxes. Ratchet's pretty much all that's left." Talia explained. "And he's proven himself a hero time and time again. And Qwark, well..." 

"Qwark and I already had that discussion back at the Thran Asteroid." Ratchet interrupted standing by the door that Leliana had gotten open. 

"Ratchet!" Alistair jumped up. "How much of that did you hear?" He asked.

"All of it." Ratchet answered. "I just have it in me to hear things very well from long distances." 

"Sorry." Talia said.

"Nah. It's fine with me." Ratchet replied. "I talk a lot about the Q Force with Clank behind their backs all the time. Sometimes to get my anger out whenever they send me and me alone on one of their missions. Or to say things about Holostar Studios of the Secret Agent Clank productions." He banged his head. "Replace me with a Monkey."  

"Oh, yeah! Treasure!" Qwark yelled noticing the pile of treasure in the next room.

"Um, Captain Qwark. I don't think that's normal-" Leliana started to say. But right before she could finish. Qwark opened up a chest to reveal an Ash Wraith inside.

"Gah!" Qwark yelled.

"Incoming!" Leliana shot an Arrow at the Ash Wraith bringing it down.

"That must've been the booby trap chest." Qwark said. "Well, I'm sure that the chest next to it will be filled with- GAH!" It was another Ash Wraith which Leliana killed with an arrow. 

"Right well, that's enough with the Gossip. Let's move on." Alistair said. 

"GAH!" Qwark yelled as he looked at a third chest that contained another Ash Wraith.

"Will you stop opening these chests, Qwark?!" Ratchet yelled as Leliana shot the Wraith dead. 

"Even the most inadequate of Orlesian Houses are not that dumb." Leliana commented. "I almost feel sorry for him, Ratchet." And Ratchet looked at Leliana. "Almost." She clarified to which Ratchet gave a thumbs up.

"GAH!" Qwark unleashed a fourth Ash Wraith.

"I got this one." Ratchet assured as he blew the Wraith up with the RYNO 2. 

"Alright! Let's get out of here. There's nothing in this place but stupid Ash Wraiths in the treasure chests." Qwark complained. "There's nothing in this room and chests but Ash Wraiths!" And he walked out the door. And right as he did, Leliana opened a chest that was filled with sovereigns and other treasures. 

"Don't tell Qwark?" Leliana asked.

"Don't tell him." Ratchet answered. But then he saw another hall, and this one was filled with stairs that were going up. He then got on his communicator. "Jak. We're heading up some stairs. I think this might lead to the next part of the Temple Ruins. What have you guys found?"

"Basically the same thing as you guys. Except we encountered a room full of more Cultists." Jak answered.

"How do these people even live in a run down place like this? I don't know about you, but I'd be going bad nut crazy. Maybe that's what happened to these guys, now that I think about it." Daxx commented. 

"But at least I can satisfy my want to kill a target. I cannot complain." Zevran commented. "At least there's no sign of those... Metal Heads, you call them."  

"I think if they were here, the Cultists wouldn't be." Jak replied. He and the others entered a room with a statue in the center. 

"Looks like he got spared from damage." Daxx said. "Except for his face I can't see." 

"I know who that is. Archon Hessarian. He is the one who converted Tevinter to the worship of the Maker." Wynne informed.

Jak shrugged. "All we've got are old Mechanisms of the Precursors." 

"And the massive Catacombs. I'd like to see the Maker build that in the core of your planet." Daxx added. 

That was when Morrigan went up to Jak. "I can never figure you out, Jak. You have the attitude of a loner, and yet you would consider yourself a hero. Why is that?" Morrigan asked.

"It has its perks." Jak answered. 

"But didn't you once say that Haven City banished you to the Wasteland?" Morrigan asked. "And yet you return to them to save them." 

"I guess I like proving people they're wrong." Jak answered. 

Morrigan laughed. "You know, I like you, Jak. You don't go on and on about bragging how you're this grand hero like Qwark. You just give out straight answers, and you leave it at that." 

"That's never been my style." Jak explained. "And in a city like Haven City or even Kras City. You keep your mouth shut. If you don't, you get a target on your back." He then aimed his Blaster Mod to his side killing a nearby Cultist waiting on the stairs. 

"Wise thinking, Jak." Sten commented. "Your companion could take some lessons from you." 

"He could, but he doesn't." Jak replied.

"Jak! I want a temple dedicated to me!" Daxx declared as he looked right at the statue. "And I want it to have my clear face! In triumph! And-"

"Come on, Daxx!" Jak started moving again and up the stairs. "Ratchet. We're heading up a set of stairs. Not sure where it leads, but hopefully it goes to the next floor." 

"Well, we're heading up a set of stairs too. Not sure where it leads either, but hopefully..." And right as Ratchet opened the door, he could see the rest of the party in front of him. "We... meet each other." He said.

"Hey, at least we know where both know where both doors lead out." Alistair commented.

The next room was another massive hall with what looked like ruined statues in front of them, and the rooms to the side were closed off by boulders. But right as they rounded the end of the statues, more Cultists waited in ambush. 

"Oh, what a shock. Even more Cultists." Ratchet sarcastically commented. But then pulled out his Plasma Coil shooting out a ball and it shot down the Cultists with its electric charges. "There's probably more in the next room. Better approach with caution." He suggested.

"I've got an idea." Jak announced. "Time to go invisible." And he then turned into Dark Jak then went invisible and he and Daxter started running towards the next room. The room filled with traps and mages lying in ambush. So then Jak turned visible, and then equipped out his Plasmarite R.P.G and blasted the Mages to dust. "All clear!" 

The rest of the party followed Jak. 

"Could've left a few for me." Ratchet commented.

"Where's the fun in that?" Jak asked. He then looked at a massive ice cavern. 

"We've got to be getting close." Talia said as she walked through the ice tunnel. But she suddenly stopped when she heard the sounds of dragon hissing. "Well that can't be good." She thought. And she was correct as she saw a swarm of Dragonlings closing in from the end of the tunnel. She struck at one dragonling killing it. And that was followed by Ratchet who slammed at the Dragonlings with his Leviathan Flail. 

"And now there's Dragonlings. Just who are these Cultists?" Alistair asked. 

"Maybe they should change their names to the Dragon Cultists instead of these whatever Cultists they are." Qwark said. "They just can't call themselves the Qwark Cultists. It's already a trademarked name." 

"Who would be in a Cult named after you, Qwark?" Ratchet asked. 

"The Cult with excellent tastes." Qwark answered. 

"I'm not so sure you want to be part of a cult, Qwark. For all you know, they could offer you up to a God as part of a blood sacrifice." Jak commented.

"Oh, not my Cult." Qwark replied. "And they don't offer me up to a God as part of a blood sacrifice. They offer up Florana Dung Beetles to me as a blood sacrifice." 

Skrunch squawked to confirm it. Then squawked at Qwark.

"They knew I was on a strict Yellow Dung Beetle Diet." Qwark shot back. "You do weird things after you get done with the Megacorp Crotchitizer." He then looked at Talia who was holding in her vomit, and Alistair blinking his eyes. "What?!" Qwark asked.

"Oh nothing, Qwark." Alistair lied with a straight face. "Nothing at all."

"Well, then quit lollygagging and let's get back to work." Qwark replied. 

So back to work they went. Pushing and crushing their way past hordes of more Cultists and Dragons, moving their way past more halls and up to more caverns. Until finally reaching the end of a large cavern and then towards the largest room they had seen so far. Only to find it filled with more Cultists and one in the center in what appeared to be Red Steel Armor and a very large Axe in their way.

"This better be the last of them." Ratchet grunted clearly tired of killing Cultists. 

As Talia took the lead and walked up closely to the Cultists. The leader in Red Steel approached them back. "Stop! You will go no further!" He commanded. 

"And you are?" Talia asked.

"You do not have the right to demand my name." The Leader replied. "You have defiled our temple. You have spilled the blood of the faithful, and slaughtered our young." 

"They attacked us first." Ratchet pointed out.

"I don't think this guy's going to listen to reason, Ratchet." Jak replied.

"No more." The Leader said. "You will tell me now, intruder, why you have done all this. Why have you come here?"

"We're just here to get the Urn of Sacred Ashes." Ratchet answered.

"You did this all for an Ancient Relic? Know this, stranger..." The Leader sneered at Ratchet. "The Prophet Andrastae has overcome death itself and has returned to Her Faithful in a form more radiant than you can imagine! Not even the Tevinter Imperium could hope to slay her now! What hope do you have?" 

"Look, we're just here for the Urn of Sacred Ashes, nutjob. Can we have it?" Ratchet asked. 

"I'll handle this." Daxx got off Jak's shoulder. "Listen, up you! Your Supreme being is here! For I am Daxter! And I am a Precursor! And I demand that you stand aside and never return!" He commanded.

"Will you get back on the shoulder now?" Jak asked in a demanding tone. 

"Jak!" Daxx complained. "I'm trying to command my own army that'll worship me and build me a temple! And it's working!" He then turned to the Leader. "Now, as I was saying-" 

"To arms, my brethren! Andrastae will grant us victory!" The Leader declared as he and his Cultists drew their weapons. He was about to strike at Daxter when Talia intercepted the attack with her sword.

"Yeah... you really handled that well, Daxx." Talia sarcastically commented.

"I got you, Talia!" Alistair struck his sword through the neck of the Leader. Leliana drew her bow and arrow through another one of the Cultists, as Zevran struck another Cultist with his two daggers in the back. Morrigan and Wynne took care of the Cultists that were coming from behind them. 

"Jak!" Daxter yelled.

"I got this." Jak assured. He then transformed into Dark Jak and threw down a Dark Bomb decimating all that were around them. 

"Next time, leave the talking to Talia, or literally anyone else. Will you?" Sten requested of Daxx.

"Or, maybe I won't reason with crazy people." Daxx replied. 

"What do you think the guy meant by a form more radiant?" Ratchet asked. 

"I don't know. But let's just get to the Urn of Sacred Ashes before Nefarious sends his army in." Talia answered. 

"Good idea." Sten said. "You know, I was wondering why we would encourage the worship of something we don't even know."

"You're in luck, Sten. Because we won't have to now." Alistair assured.

As Ratchet looked ahead. He could see a massive door that led to the outside. "Hey, everyone! It's the outside!" He yelled.

"Ah, finally!" Alistair thought out loud. "If we had to deal with any more caves and caverns. I thought I was going to go mad. Guess that's not something to look forward to in the Deep Roads."

As they walked outside, the Heroes were greeted to a wide and vast valley of ice and snow and rocks beyond them. And at the other side of the Valley was another Temple that was separate from the one they knew. 

"The Urn of Sacred Ashes has got to be in that Temple right there." Talia commented. But as they walked over the massive stone bridge which would lead them into the Valley, there was a sudden roar above everyone. A massive Dragon Roar by the sound of it. 

"Get down!" Alistair pulled Talia behind the cover of one of the ledges of the bridge. Right as a massive Dragon had flown overhead. It's massive wings stretching and flying before landing on the ledge of one of the Mountaintop Slopes. 

Soon enough, everyone was getting down, and Qwark was holding Ratchet close to him like a Teddy Bear. "Suffocation." Ratchet squeaked out. 

"That's not the Archdemon is it?" Daxx asked.

"No." Alistair answered. "I would sense if it was him. That must be a High Dragon." 

"A what?" Ratchet asked.

"A High Dragon." Talia answered knowing the tale. "It's a rare and mighty Dragon. Fully grown and deadly. That must be what those Cultists were following." She continued to look at the Dragon as it then went straight to sleep on the ledge. "Hm. Looks like it's asleep." She figured.

"Well no sense in waking it up." Qwark commented. 

"Never thought I'd say this. But Qwark is right." Ratchet agreed. "Come on. We got the Urn to find and no time to waste." He then noticed a massive Gong. "Guess that's what gets it awake." And then he shrugged. 

"You want to test that theory, Ratchet?" Morrigan asked.

"Eh, not today." Ratchet answered. 

And they were in no mood to fight the Dragon as they approached the temple. "A High Dragon is not a joke." Alistair commented.

Crossing the Mountain Top and the party approached the doors of the Temple. However unlike the last one, the section of the Temple was in full peak condition. filled with carvings, unbroken statues, and the sounds of the Chant of Light throughout the halls. It was almost exactly like the Monk Temple back home for Jak and Daxter. 

"Um... hello?!" Ratchet called for anyone. "Hm. Guess we're alone." He figured. Until he saw a man at the end of a corridor in Silver Armor and a silver hammer on his back. "Or not..." And he started to raise his wrench.

"Easy with that wrench, Ratchet. I don't think he's going to hurt us." Jak suggested. "He could be some kind of Guardian." 

"Why does there always have to be a Guardian for these types of things?" Qwark complained. 

The man continued to stand there calmly as the party approached.

"Excuse me. Um, hi. Do you know where we can find the Urn of Sacred Ashes?" Ratchet asked. 

"I bid you welcome, Pilgrim." The Man greeted calmly and speaking as if his voice was echoing all throughout the halls which it was. 

"Are you supposed to be a Guardian?" Talia asked. 

"Yes. I am the Guardian, the Protector of the Sacred Ashes. I have waited years for this." The Guardian answered. 

"For me?" Talia asked confused. 

"You are the first to arrive in a very long time." The Guardian informed. "It has been my duty, my life, to protect the Urn and prepare the way for the faithful who come to revere Andrastae. For years beyond counting have I been here, and shall I remain until my task is done and the Imperium has crumbled into the sea."

"You must not get out all that often, do you?" Daxx asked. 

"There is joy to be found in my duty." The Guardian replied. 

"Well, do you think you can help us?" Ratchet asked. "We need the Urn of Sacred Ashes to cure someone whose help we need super badly." 

"And we've traveled a long way to get here." Talia added. 

"You have come to honor Andrastae, and you shall, if you prove yourself worthy." The Guardian informed. 

"Prove ourselves worthy?" Talia asked.

"Yes. It is not my place to decide worthiness. The Gauntlet does that." The Guardian answered. 

"The Gauntlet?" Everyone asked at the same time. 

"Another day, another Gauntlet." Ratchet said as he rolled his eyes. 

"The Gauntlet tells the true pilgrims from the false. You will undergo four tests of faith, and we shall see how your soul fares. If you are found worthy, you will see the Urn and be allowed to take a small pinch of the Ashes for yourself." The Guardian explained. 

"Well that sounds pretty straightforward." Jak commented. 

But Talia was uneasy. There had to be more to this. "Okay. Well, I'll enter the Gauntlet." 

"Before you go, there is something I must ask. I see that the path that led you here was not easy. There is suffering in your past. Your suffering and the suffering of others." The Guardian now looked at Talia who looked confused. How could he have known that.

"Talia. You abandoned your father and mother, leaving them in the hands of Rendon Howe, knowing he would show no mercy. Do you believe you failed your parents?" The Guardian asked.

And Talia nodded. She always felt guilty for what had happened. She had to leave her parents behind to escape. And she felt that she should've stayed. "Yes. I should've stayed and defended them to the death." She admitted.

"Thank you. That is all I wished to know." The Guardian replied.

"You are too hard on yourself. No one's perfect." Alistair said softly to Talia and took her hand gently.

"You could not have known what would happen. You did what you thought was best." Leliana also provided words of comfort.

"Is there any religion that does not thrive upon guilt like a glutton at his lunch?" Morrigan asked. "No? I thought not." 

"Accept your failings, but do not let them govern your life." Wynne said to Talia.

"And now the self flagellation? That is what comes next in these things, no?" Zevran asked. 

"Parshaara. Leave the past where it falls." Sten commented.

"Talia. They made you go." Ratchet reminded. "You had to get out of there." 

"Like Samos once said. What's in the past is done." Jak added.

"Yeah. What he said." Daxx added.

"And what of those that follow you?" The Guardian asked. He then turned to Alistair. "Alistair, Knight and Warden. You wonder if things would have been different if you were with Duncan on the Battlefield? You could've shielded him from the killing blow. You wonder, don't you, if you should have died, and not him?" He pressed.

"I..." Alistair flinched. "Yes. If Duncan had been saved, and not me, everything would be better. If I'd just had the chance. Maybe." He admitted. And feeling the shame of it as he and Talia still had not let go of each other's hands. They had both lost those close to them. 

But then the Guardian faced Leliana. "And you... Why do you say the Maker speaks to you, when all know that the Maker had left? He spoke only to Andrastae. Do you believe yourself her equal?" He asked Leliana.

"I never said that! I-" Leliana tried to protest.

"In Orlais, you were someone. In Lothering, you feared you would lose yourself, become a drab Sister, and disappear. When your brothers and sisters of the cloister criticized you for what you proposed, you were hurt, and you also reveled in it. It made you special. You enjoyed the attention, even if it was negative." The Guardian went on.

"You're saying that I made it up for... for the attention? I did not! I know what I believe!" Leliana defended. 

The Guardian then turned to Wynne. "Ask your question, Guardian. I am ready." Wynne said. 

"You are ever the advisor, ready with a word of wisdom. Do you wonder if you spout only platitudes, burned into your mind in the distant past?" The Guardian asked. "Perhaps you are only a tool used to spread the word of the Circle and the Chantry. Does doubt ever chip away at your truths?"

"You frame the statement in the form of a question, yet you already know our answers." Wynne replied. "There is no sense of hiding. Yes, I do doubt at times. Only the fool is completely certain of himself." 

"And the Antivan Elf." The Guardian now turned to Zevran.

"Is it my turn now? Hurrah, I'm so excited." Zevran sarcastically commented.

"Many have died at your hand. But is there any regret more than a woman by the name of-" The Guardian started. 

"How do you know that?" Zevran asked.

"I know much; it is allowed to me. The question stands, however." The Guardian answered.

"Yes. The answer is yes. If that's what you wish to know, I do. Now move on." Zevran demanded.

"Demand whatever answers you want, spirit." Sten said knowing he was next.

"You came to this land as an observer, but you killed a family in a blind rage. Have you failed your people, by allowing a Qunari to be seen in that light?" The Guardian asked.

"I have never denied that I failed." Sten answered.

Then the Guardian turned to Ratchet. "Well, it was only a matter of time." Ratchet figured.

"Ratchet. Your stubbornness and refusal to listen to Clank and destroy the Dimensionator caused it to fall into the lap of Percival Tachyon and unleash the Cragmite Scourge on Polaris."   

"Guardian. If you're just gonna remind me of what I keep telling myself over and over to myself. Then there's really no need for you, is there?" Ratchet asked. "And yeah. I should've listened to Clank and destroyed it when I had the chance. But at least I made it right by stopping Tachyon and banishing the Cragmites. You know I'm surprised you didn't bash me for letting the Zoni take Clank."  

"Oh, that was nothing you could've stopped even if you wanted to." The Guardian informed. Then he looked at Qwark. "Captain Qwark. You call yourself a hero. Yet the only heroic thing you've ever done was defeat Space Pirates and temporarily stop Dr. Nefarious. You ran like a coward when you could've died and allowed the citizens of Metropolis to be turned into Robots." 

"It wasn't my fault! Ratchet didn't stop Nefarious in time." Qwark pointed out.

"Hey!" Ratchet complained. 

"Not to mention that Doppelganger of Clank known as Klunk was watching our every move." Qwark added.

"He looked and talked like Clank. Nefarious did his homework." Ratchet justified to everyone else.

"Well... at least you're finally being a hero instead of acting like one." The Guardian sighed. "Good luck, Ratchet." But then he turned to Jak and Daxter. And Jak knew what the Guardian would say.

"And Jak... your alliance with Krew allowed the Metal Heads access to Haven City. Because of this, they had no difficulty assaulting the Palace and taking the Western Half of the City. The people blamed you for the deed. Do you believe they were right?" The Guardian asked.

"I needed Krew's connections to fight the Baron." Jak shot back. "Without them, Haven City would still be under his thumb. And just so you know, Krew was working with the Baron and was going to blow up the city. And it wasn't the Metal Heads who destroyed the Palace. Veger did that. Do more research next time." 

"Then you do not dwell on your past failures. Nor anyone else's." The Guardian said. "But what of you, Daxter? Talia Cousland is not the only one to abandon those she loved. You abandoned Jak, leaving him to be taken by the Krimzon Guard when you first arrived." 

"Uh..." Daxx started to say. And he began to think back to when he and Jak arrived at Haven City for the first time. The K.G under Errol surrounded both of them. And Daxter had scurried away. 'Forget the Rat! The Baron wants him!' Errol had ordered. 

"It wasn't your fault, Daxx." Jak said to his old pal. "Neither of us knew what was going on, or what would've happened. If you stayed, you would've been captured too." 

"I suppose you're right, Jak. But you were still experimented on for two years." Daxx pointed out. 

"Again, it wasn't your fault." Jak assured.

"I guess that's true. Thanks, Jak." Daxx grinned at Jak.

But then the Guardian turned to Morrigan. "And you, Morrigan. Flemeth's Daughter. What-" 

"Begone, Spirit. I will not play your games." Morrigan demanded.

"I will respect your wishes." The Guardian replied. And the door behind him opened. "The way is open. Good luck, and may you find what you seek."

The door had opened to reveal a large corridor. "You okay there, Talia?" Ratchet asked as Talia had remained silent since the Guardian spoke to her. 

And Talia nodded. "Yeah... I'm fine." She answered. 

"If I had known we didn't want to bring our past up, I would've done that." Daxx commented.

"Well, no sense in trying to make sense of what we just saw. Better keep moving on." Ratchet figured as the first part of the Gauntlet was open now. "Okay, he said we'd have to go through 4 tests of Faith."

"Would've been nice if he could've given us a Cheat Sheet." Qwark commented.

"You can't just have a cheat sheet for a Test of Faith, Captain Qwark." Wynne scolded.

The first test was held inside a large rectangular room with a door on the far side. And what appeared to be ghosts on the sides. And Daxx ran up to it and tried to push the door open to no avail. "It won't budge." He complained. 

Talia looked at the ghosts just standing there. She had approached one. "The Smallest lark could carry it, while a strong man might not. Of what do I speak?" The Ghost asked.

Talia looked confused. "The Smallest lark could carry it, while a strong man might not. Of what do I speak?" The Ghost repeated.

"Oh... I get it. You guys tell riddles that we have to guess." Ratchet figured. 

"That is correct. Now what do I speak?" The Ghost asked.

"I know. It is a tune." Leliana answered. To which everyone looked at her. "What? I'm good at riddles."

"Yes. I was Andrastae's dearest friend in childhood, and always we would sing. She celebrated the beauty of life, and all who heard her would be filled with joy." The Ghost answered. "They say the Maker himself was moved by Andrastae's song, and then she sang no more of simple things. Answer the riddles of the others to advance." And then the Ghost disappeared.

Jak looked at the energy of the Ghost disappear into the door. "We gotta answer the riddles to get through the door. Everyone take a Ghost. Let's go." He commanded.

"NO!" Daxx complained. "I hate riddles! I can never get them right." 

Alistair headed over to the ghost to his left. "Echoes from a shadow realm, whispers of things yet to come. Thoughts strange sister dwells in night, is swept away by dawning light. Of what do I speak?" The Ghost asked.

"Hm..." Alistair thought. 

"Oh, this I have to see." Morrigan said getting around by Alistair. 

"Um..." Alistair thought even harder.

"Dreams." Morrigan answered for Alistair.

"Hey! I was... about to say that." Alistair grumbled. 

"A Dream came upon me, as my daughter slumbered beneath my heart. It told of her life, and of her betrayal and death. I am sorrow and regret. I am a mother sweeping bitter tears for a daughter she could not save." The Ghost then faded away to the door.

"You were never going to solve that riddle." Morrigan said to Alistair.

"I hate you." Alistair grumbled.

"I'm neither a guest nor a trespasser be; in this place I belong, that belongs also to me. Of what do I speak?" The Ghost in front of Qwark and Skrunch asked.

Skrunch squawked.

"Yes. It was my dream for the people to have a home of their own, where would have no masters but ourselves. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and thus we followed Andrastae, against the Imperium. But she was betrayed, and so were we." The Ghost answered as he faded away to the door.

"What did Skrunch say to the Ghost?" Leliana asked.

"He said Home, of course. Nothing like no place like home." Qwark answered. 

"Wow. Skrunch is smarter than I would've thought." Leliana said.

"Why do you think I chose him as Chief Science Officer over Al?" Qwark asked.

It was Jak's turn to face one of the Ghosts. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The debt of blood must be paid-"

"Vengeance." Jak interrupted knowing what the answer was.

"Yes." The Ghost answered. "My husband, Hessarian, would have chosen a quick death for Andrastae. I made him swear that she would die publicly, with her War leaders, that all would know the Imperium's strength. I am justice. I am vengeance. Blood can only be repaid in blood." And the Ghost faded into the door.

"How did you know that, Jak?" Daxx asked.

"You have to know these things when you've been there done that, Daxx." Jak answered. 

"The bones of the world stretch towards the sky's embrace. Veiled in white, like a bride greeting her groom. Of what do I speak?" A Ghost had asked Sten. 

"The Mountains." Sten answered thinking practical.

"Yes. I carried Andrastae's Ashes out of Tevinter into the mountains to the east where she could gaze into her Maker's sky. No more fitting a tomb than this could we find." The Ghost faded into the door.

"Hm... I wonder what drove you to do that." Sten scoffed. "No matter. The Ghost is gone.

Now there were just three more. "A poison of the soul, passion's cruel counterpart; From love she grows, till love lies slain. Of what do I speak?" A Ghost had asked Ratchet.

"Um... Jealousy?" Ratchet guessed.

"Yes, jealousy drove me to betrayal. I was the Greatest General of the Alamarri, but beside her I was nothing. Hundreds fell before her on bended knee. The love her, as did the Maker. I loved her too, but what man can compare with a god?" The Ghost answered as he faded away.

"Your guess is as good as mine, dude." Ratchet shrugged. He then looked at Zevran who was facing is own ghost.

"She wields the broken sword, and separates true kings from tyrants. Of what do I speak?" The Ghost asked. 

"Hm... could it be mercy?" Zevran asked.

"Yes." The Ghost answered. "I could not bear the sight of Andrastae's suffering, and mercy bade me end her life. I am the penitent sinner, who shows compassion as he hopes compassion will be shown to him." The Ghost faded away to the door.

"No man has seen it, but all men know it. Lighter than air, sharper than any sword. Come from nothing. But can fell the strongest army. Of what do I speak?" The Ghost in front of Wynne asked. 

"The answer is hunger. Is it not?" Wynne answered.

"Yes. Hunger was the weapon used against the wicked men of the Tevinter Imperium. The Maker kindled the sun's flame, scorching the land. Their crops failed, and their armies could not march. Then, he opened the heavens and bade the waters flow, and washed away their filth. I am Cathaire, disciple of Andrastae and commander of her armies. I saw things done, and knew the Maker smiled on us." The Ghost confirmed, faded to the door which now opened with all the Ghosts taken care of.

"Alright. We've got the first task done. Only three to go." Talia figured. 

The Team entered the next section to face the Second Test. But right as they entered the next room. Talia was shocked to see a sight she never thought she would see again. A familiar figure right in front of her. Her Father. 

"My dearest child." Talia's Father turned to face Talia.

"Ratchet? Isn't that the guy we-" Qwark started to ask.

"Shut up." Ratchet hissed. 

"Father?" Talia asked approaching her Father, while trying to keep a straight face. But she shook her head. "No. You're not him. You're not my Father. He's... he's dead." 

"You know that I am gone, and all your prayers and wishes will not bring me back. No more must you grieve, my girl. Take the pain and the guilt, acknowledge it and let go. It is time." Talia's Father said to Talia. 

"Father... I..." Talia tried to say. A tear falling down her eyes. "I don't know how." 

"You have such a long road ahead of you, and you must be prepared. And so I leave this in your hands... I know you will do great things with it, pup." Talia's Father then handed an amulet in Talia's hands while using Talia's secret childhood nickname which she always didn't mind. And suddenly, Talia watched as her Father faded away. 

The Young Cousland was left there. Tears falling to her eyes even more as she held the amulet in her hands. It felt like a lifetime ago since she had fled Highever with Ratchet, Qwark, Duncan, and Skrunch, and yet Talia remembered it like it was yesterday. A painful reminder of her old life being done. "There were things I didn't get to tell him." She said.

"You're not alone." Jak sighed going up to Talia. "Come on. We've got to get moving."  

Talia then put the amulet around her neck. And she sighed. "Let's go." She said.

"Was that the Second Task?" Ratchet asked confused as they walked behind the walls.

"No. But I think that is!" Alistair answered as he was pointing towards what looked like hostile spirits. But what was worse. Was that the spirits looked exactly like all of them. 

"Hey! My butt is not that big!" Qwark exclaimed as he looked straight at the spirit that looked like him.

"I'll handle this." Jak quickly took out his Morph Gun and equipped his Supernova mod. Shooting out a rocket, then blasting everything in a surge of light. When the dust cleared, none of the spirits remained. "They might've looked like us. But they didn't have our style." 

"I don't know about you. But I look great in spirit form. Even he had pants." Daxx commented. "You know what I also should've asked the Precursors for? A shirt. It seems strange to just have pants on." And then he sighed. Until he looked at Jak who just shrugged. "You wouldn't understand. We're outta here." He said as the team now headed for the next test. 

The third test as it turned out was a room with a large gap in-between the rooms, while to the sides appeared to be large tiles. Talia also noticed a message on the walls. "Andrastae loved her Disciples as she loved the Maker. As we have faith in the Maker, so must we have faith in our friends." 

"Simple enough." Sten commented. 

"We'll have to work together to get across." Leliana figured. 

"Hm..." Ratchet said. "Where is Clank when I need him to figure out these logic puzzles?" He sarcastically asked. But then he stepped on one of the tiles. And he could see a piece of what looked like a bridge in the center. "I didn't do it." 

"Ah. I looks faded. Perhaps that means it's incomplete." Morrigan assumed. "Let's see if we can't try to solidify the bridge." She suggested as she stepped on another tile. 

"How do we know if this bridge is stable?" Alistair asked.

"Only one way to find out." Talia answered. "Jak, stand on that tile there." She pointed to a tile to the upper right.

"Okay." Jak moved over to the upper right. And the bridge piece solidified.

"That's it!" Talia exclaimed. "Okay... now, one of us has to cross it." And she figured that it should be her. She moved over to the bridge and stepped foot on it. "It worked! Okay. You guys see if you can solidify the other parts of the bridge. We'll need everyone here to help solve the puzzle. Qwark. Take the tile above Ratchet." 

"You got it." Qwark stepped on the tile. And a piece of the bridge formed in front of Talia.

"Morrigan! Take the same space as Qwark. But to the right." Talia ordered.

Morrigan nodded and stepped on the next tile. And the bridge piece solidified in front of Talia. To which Talia crossed as well.

"Wynne. Zevran. Take the next ones. Both on the sides in front of Qwark and Morrigan." Talia commanded. 

"Ah, Teamwork. Always do love it." Zevran commented as he and Wynne stepped onto their respective tiles, solidifying the bridge in front of them. Talia crossed that one too. 

And finally after telling Sten and Leliana to step on the final tiles, the bridge was complete and solidified in total as Talia crossed to the other side. When she was done and Ratchet walked off, he found that the bridge was still standing there. "Well, okay. I think the bridge is solid for all to use." Ratchet nodded his head. And everyone else crossed the bridge.

"Well... Shall we?" Alistair asked Talia.

Talia nodded. "Only one test to go." She grinned. 

There was one final test now. And in the final room. There was a massive statue of the Prophet Andrastae on the top of stairs. And in front, was the Urn sitting just there. But before that, was an altar in front of a large fire that blocked the way forward. 

Talia looked at the words on the altar which looked like a dusty stone slab. But she could see cravings in words. "Cast off the trappings of worldly life and cloak yourself in the goodness of spirit. King and slave, lord and beggar, be born anew in the Maker's sight." She read out loud. 

"Which means what exactly?" Jak asked. 

"It means we have to remove everything." Talia answered. "We have to be..." And the words felt like poison out of her mouth. "Naked." 

"Oh... that will be a sight to see." Zevran smirked.

And Talia turned to face Zevran. "You are not allowed to enjoy this. Oh, the things I do to-" 

"Or we could just jump over the flames." Ratchet suggested as he was over on the other side of the flames with Qwark, Skrunch and Jak and Daxter. "Like Qwark and I just did. It's really not that high." 

"I just used my Light Shield and walked through the fire." Jak explained. And then the flames disappeared.

"Nevermind." Talia grinned as she went ahead.

"Aw... man." Zevran grunted.

But just then the Guardian approached. "You have been through the trials of the Gauntlet. You have walked the path of Andrastae, and like Her, you have been cleansed. You have proven yourself worthy, pilgrims. Approach the Sacred Ashes." He instructed before fading away. 

In front of them was the Urn of Sacred Ashes. The Earthly Remains of Andrastae, prophet and Bridge to the Maker. Talia approached it. The rest of the team behind her. 

"I never dreamed I would ever lay my eyes on the Urn of Sacred Ashes. I... I have no words to express." Leliana said, her eyes wide.

"I didn't think anyone could succeed in finding Andrastae's final resting place. But here... here she is." Alistair stuttered.

"I could not have asked for a greater honor than to be here. I will never forget this feeling." Wynne commented.

"I stand in awe. Really." Morrigan said. 

"Congratulations. You found a waste bin." Sten commented unimpressed.

Around that time, Jak had taken notice of a noise. Like creature legs crawling around. With a ticking sound. And the sounds of banging. And he recognized it right away.

"You think that this'll really save Arl Eamon?" Ratchet asked.

"It's our only hope." Talia answered as she reached for an empty leather pouch to put some Ashes in. "We came this far. We need to see this-" 

"Look out, Talia!" Jak yelled quickly right as a Metal Head Hosehead burst out of the ground in front of Talia and grabbed the Urn in its pincers. It then struck Talia down to the ground before heading off. 

"Talia!" Alistair yelled as the Hosehead started to move away with the Urn.

"NO!" Leliana screamed. 

"The Ashes!" The Guardian ran into the room. But he was soon struck with a swarm of Red Electricity as he fell to the ground to reveal at least 2 Juice Goons with Red Rods behind him.

"Metal Heads?!" Daxx yelled in alarm. "How did they get in here?!" 

And soon after that, an entire swarm of Metal Heads burst through the wall. Mainly the Centurions and the Grunts. Along with some of the Mantis who were standing guard by the giant hole outside where the Mantis were also swarming.

"Hey! They're getting away with the Urn!" Ratchet exclaimed as he shot a Heavy Bouncer Shot at the Metal Heads smashing them all.

Jak also shot off his Vulcan Fury at the Juice Goons.

Talia started to get up.

"You alright?" Alistair asked.

"Yeah. I think so." Talia answered. "Where the Urn?!"

"Those monsters took it!" Wynne exclaimed pointing to the Hosehead that was fleeing down the Mountain Top that was now swarming with Metal Heads.

Jak also ran towards the hole. "After him, Jak!" Daxter yelled. So Jak took out his Jet Board and zoomed off after the Metal Head Hosehead ignoring all the other Metal Heads.

That left Talia, Ratchet, Qwark, Skrunch and the others to deal with the Metal Heads. To which at least half the Metal Heads went after Jak and Daxter.

"Alright, Qwark. Ready to take down some Metal Heads?" Ratchet asked.

"I was born ready." Qwark answered readying his blaster.

But that was when Alistair noticed one of the Centurions by the Gong. And the Sleeping Dragon above. "Oh, no. Don't you-" 

The Centurion banged the gong. And the High Dragon woke up flying down to the surface of the Mountain Top. And roared out in fury. 

Suddenly Qwark had tagged at Ratchet. "Not it!" He exclaimed. And then ran around and around. 

While Ratchet looked up in nervousness as the High Dragon breathed fire in the air. Then stared right at the party. 

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