Chapter 22: Fight for the Ashes.

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Jak and Daxter were no strangers to the usage of the Jet Board. However it was different chasing down the Metal Head Hosehead that was slithering away down the slopes of the Mountain. 

"Come on, Jak! We can't let the Hosehead get away!" Daxx yelled.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Daxx!" Jak shot back. "Here." He then gave the Morph Gun to Daxx. "Shoot the Metal Head down. I need to steer this thing." 

Daxx started to aim the Morph Gun Blaster Mod at the Hosehead, but then he heard the sounds of a group of Metal Head Grunts charging right next to him and Jak and also started to jump and pounce on Jak. But were shot out of the sky by Daxx. "How did the Metal Heads even get this far up the Mountain?!" He asked.

"We can worry about that later." Jak answered. "Right now we got a Metal Head to kill." 

"Make that several." Daxx corrected as he shot more shots at more charging Metal Heads. But he then noticed that there were several Centurions waiting in ambush by the sides and were shooting up at Jak.

"Hang on, Daxx!" Jak yelled as he evaded the blaster shots on his Jet Board. And Daxter quickly shot the Peace Maker at the Metal Heads to the side. 

"I can see why Sig hates Metal Heads!" Daxx exclaimed. But then he noticed some Metal Head Wasps flying upward. "They're in the sky, Jak!" And the Wasps fired a barrage of purple lasers at Jak and Daxter. But Jak was too fast. And Daxx shot off some more blaster shots at the Metal Head Wasps. He then tried to shoot at the Hosehead they were trying to bring down. But the Hosehead was one slippery little Metal Head. "Urgh! I can't get a clean shot at him! Would it kill this Metal Head to hold still?!" 

"We gotta get closer!" Jak figured. And he pulled a maneuver with the Jet Board to propel him forward with a burst of speed. But from behind them, was more swarms of the Grunts. 

"Urgh! They do not want to make this easy!" Daxx yelled as he prepared to launch his Plasmarite R.P.G from behind. 

"They never do." Jak reminded.

Back at the Mountain Top with the High Dragon, the High Dragon continued to roar and Qwark ran around not wanting to face the Dragon. But what was more was the Metal Heads that were now in the area. 

"Well, at least we'll get in practice before fighting the Archdemon." Ratchet joked before looking at the High Dragon. 

But Talia and Alistair looked worried. It was one thing to fight the smaller Dragons, but now they had to deal with the High Dragon, and of course, now there were the Metal Heads. 

"Talia! We will deal with the Metal Heads!" Wynne informed. "You, Alistair, and Ratchet stop the Dragon! Quickly!" And she began to fire off her Magic Missiles at the Metal Heads in front of her. 

Sten had also drawn his Great Sword and went toe to toe with one of the Juice Goons and his staff. A quick fight as Sig ripped the staff out of the Juice Goon and blasted the Metal Head back with it. He then ripped his sword into a Metal Head Grunt. But a few blaster explosions appeared in front of him. That was when a swarm of the Metal Head Jackets began hovering around him.

"You fiends!" Leliana shot her bow off at the Metal Heads that were swarming around. One getting through at least one Metal Head. She was then helped out by Morrigan who had shot a swarm of Lightning into the skies, electrocuting the Metal Jackets in the air.

"You know. I don't think there is enough room in this world for 2 master assassins." Zevran said as he faced off against a Metal Head Grunt. "And the real one is me." 

But the Grunt had charged at him. "Apparently, you do not feel the same way." Zevran said as he was knocked the ground. But his dagger struck the Metal Head in the head. And Zevran could see the large skull gem from the Metal Head. "Nice Gem. Hm..." Zevran quickly put it in his pack. But then he looked at all the other Metal Head Skull Gems on the ground. "Oh, it is a great payday! Keep the Metal Heads coming!" He exclaimed. 

That left Ratchet, Talia, and Alistair to face the High Dragon. And also Cooper stood with them.

"Um, Alistair. Duncan never got to training me to fight Dragons." Talia admitted.

"That's alright, Talia. I know how to fight off a Dragon." Alistair assured. "Duncan explained it to us Grey Wardens all we need to know about fighting them off." He then looked at Ratchet. "Ratchet. You'll have to keep the Dragon on you. Keep it distracted while we strike at its weakness." 

"Wait! Why do I have to be the-" Ratchet complained.

But Talia and Alistair proceeded on ahead as Ratchet was alone to look at the High Dragon who swiped its sharp claws at Ratchet. And Ratchet back flipped away. "How do I get myself into these situations?" He asked. 

Ratchet took out his Heavy Bouncer. And he took a shot at the High Dragon shooting out the Balls that did a lot of damage to the High Dragon. "I'm going to need some extra fire power." He took out Mr. Zurkon by his side. 

"Mr. Zurkon is looking to kill." But Mr. Zurkon turned his focus to the Metal Head Mantis that were now swarming behind Ratchet. 

"Hey, don't you have those Mini Turrets?" Alistair asked.

"Oh, yeah. I got those too." Ratchet remembered. And he layed down some Mini Turrets around him. The High Dragon stared at Ratchet, and it started to breathe fire down on Ratchet. "Uh oh." And he used his Charge Boots to speed away. Turning back and using the Lock On Mod he had on his Heavy Bouncer to shoot directly at the High Dragon. 

The High Dragon grew furious and started to flap its wings to fly. Right as Alistair and Talia were able to get a grip on the Dragon's back legs. "Ratchet! Stop it from taking off! Aim for the Wings!" Alistair yelled as he held onto the leg tightly. Though Talia couldn't keep her grip. And now had to deal with some of the Metal Head Sentinels.   

"Oh no. That's cheating!" Ratchet then equipped his Mini Rocket Tube aiming for the Wings. The blasts of the Rocket Tube hit the Wings with fury and started to create holes in the Dragon. And the Dragon started to fall down to the ground. But the impact had hit hard down on Alistair.

"Ouch." Alistair grumbled as he struggled to get back up. 

"Sorry." Ratchet said as he was now strafing left in a circle to try and avoid the High Dragon's attacks. And he equipped his Plasma Coil and was now shooting at the High Dragon. 


As the battle raged on at the Mountain Top. Sig had remained with Teagan at Redcliffe and was keeping an eye on Eamon. And Sig had looked at Teagan who was still by Eamon's side. "Any signs?" Sig asked.

"Eamon is still in a stable condition though he has yet to wake. All we can do is hope that Lady Cousland, Alistair, Ratchet, and Jak are up to the task." Teagan answered.

"Jak's always gotten through thick and thin. If anyone can get the Urn of Sacred Ashes, he can." Sig replied. "Did you talk to Jowan about if this poison could be reversed?" He asked.

"It was the first thing that we tried to interrogate Jowan about. He said there was no way. The poison has done its magic. A powerful poison of which there is no cure. At least... not by Magic Standards. I admit that I am not as familiar with magic. I'm not a Mage." Teagan answered.

"And I'm not the Eco man around here. That was always Samos and Keira." Sig said. 

"Those people who now control Highever, yes?" Teagan asked remembering how he met them in Hologram form earlier.

"Those would be the-" Sig started to say. Until they were interrupted by the sudden sounds of Ser Perth running into the room.

"Bann Teagan. King Sig." Ser Perth greeted and he sounded out of breath.

"What is it, Ser Perth?" Teagan asked.

"The Fishermen and dock workers reported something strange moving over the waters." Ser Perth reported. "It's not the Army of the Dead. It's... something else." 

"Something else?" Teagan asked. "Darkspawn?"

"I don't think so. They appeared to be glowing a bright yellow." Ser Perth answered.

"Bright yellow?" Sig asked as he and Teagan ran down Redcliffe Castle to get a view of the Lake from one of the windows where Connor and Isolde were as they looked over the water.

"Is it another one of Jowan's tricks?" Isolde asked nervously.

"If it was we'd know." Teagan answered as he looked at some of the glowing yellow lights on the water. They were moving towards the Lake Shore. 

And Sig looked through the scope of his Peace Maker Gun. He could now see the Lake Shore to see the strange glowing lights of the Skull Gems of the Metal Heads that were moving over the water and heading right for Redcliffe Castle. "Not good. I count at least 50." 

"Sig. What is out there?" Isolde asked.

"The Metal Heads." Sig answered. "And they're coming this way." 

Teagan knew there was no time for questions. Now was the time for action. And if the Metal Heads were coming. They would likely kill Eamon. "Isolde. Get Connor upstairs." He ordered.

"Connor, come now." Isolde grabbed her son and took him upstairs. 

"Ser Perth. Rally the Guards of the Castle. We're about to be attacked by the Metal Heads. Arl Eamon must be protected at all costs!" Teagan ordered. 

"Yes, Bann Teagan." Ser Perth saluted. "Men!" He started shouting orders at his troops. 

"Sig. Get back upstairs and protect my family." Teagan said to Sig.

"Teagan. You don't know what those Glow Skulls are capable of. They ain't some dough boys you're fighting." Sig pointed out. 

"I know. But I need you to be the last line of defense for my family. Please. You must keep Eamon alive." Teagan explained.

"Alright. I'll keep them safe." Sig replied. "Good luck." And he headed upstairs.

Teagan grew silent as he drew his sword and shield. "Archers. Cover the doors." He ordered as he and several archers drew their bows towards the main gates. Ser Perth and his men were brought to the Main Hall as if they were a shield wall. He then heard a screeching sound with swords clashing and blasters triggering. "And Maker protect us all." He added when the screams died down. 

There was a sudden banging on the door. The Metal Heads were probably breaking through. There was another bang. And then there was a blast with the doors smashing down and a dust cloud. "Here they come!" Teagan yelled.

The Metal Heads burst through. The first wave being a force of Juice Goons who had their staffs raised. "Fire!" Teagan ordered as the archers fired a volley of arrows at the Juice Goons. There was some screeching from the Metal Heads as they went down. But some of them engaged the shield walls. Some Soldiers falling down. While the swords engaged with the staffs. The Knights trying to avoid being shocked. Teagan had struck a Metal Head that burst through with his sword. 

"Second Wave!" A knight yelled as the Metal Head Grunts surged forward. They were much deadlier in a melee than the Juice Goons. The Grunts could just charge forward and even jump up to the Redcliffe Soldiers and cut off their heads. 

"Get the Hounds!" Teagan yelled. And soon enough. The Mabari War Hounds joined in on the fight going after the Grunts. Both slashing and biting at each other. While that happened Teagan was trying his best to fight off the Metal Heads that were heading for the doors upstairs. More Archers fired another volley at the approaching Metal Heads. Some were not enough to bring down the Metal Heads. 

"These monsters have tough armor." Ser Perth commented as his sword thrust through a Juice Goons. 

There was another wave of the Mantis and the Sling Blasters. The Sling Blasters just firing volleys of their energy at the Redcliffe soldiers. 

"Help me!" A soldier who fell down as a Grunt descended on him. Teagan ran over to strike the Metal Head Down. He then killed a Mantis. But some of the Sling Blasters started to make their way towards the stairs.

"Sig!" Teagan yelled. "They're coming for you!" 

Sig could hear the sounds of the Metal Heads as they headed up the stairs. He had his Peace Maker ready. But not before he handed off a dagger to Isolde. "You're going to need that if this gets ugly." He said.

Isolde looked at the dagger in her hands now. "I'm not... I'm not a fighter." 

"You don't take that dagger, these insects get Eamon. And trust me, you don't want that." Sig pointed out. 

Isolde looked at Eamon and at Connor. And reluctantly she nodded her head. 

The Sling Blasters started to enter. And Sig took his Peace Maker shot striking down the first 3 Sling Blasters that came up. But then a Grunt had started running up the stairs and could see Sig and charged at him.

Sig brought that Metal Head down with a blast shot. "Oh yeah. He's hurt." He grinned. But then a Mantis burrowed its head from the floor. "Bad move." Sig said as he crushed the Metal Head with his foot. "I hate Metal Heads!" He shot another Peace Maker shot at another Sling Blaster coming up the door and a Juice Goon to boot. 

Isolde looked at the Metal Heads that were coming more clearly. And she became reviled. "That is a Metal Head?!" She asked disgusted.

"And those are the pretty ones." Sig answered shooting another Metal Head Grunt in the head. 

"How are they getting up to our level by digging?" Connor asked.

"If there's one thing a Metal Head is good at. It's digging any material." Sig answered. A Grunt had suddenly surfaced up from the floor and began to pounce on Isolde.

"Ah!" Isolde screamed as she grabbed the dagger in her hand and thrust it in the Metal Head's Mouth. It also helped that Sig blasted a few bolts into the Metal Head's body. 

"Mother!" Connor yelled getting the Metal Head off. "Are you alright?"

"I... I think so." Isolde answered breathing in. 

But soon enough. The floor below Sig began to collapse, and he found himself falling down to the floor where Bann Teagan was still fighting off the Metal Heads. His troops now driving the Metal Heads to the Main Gates. And Sig shot off a few rounds with his Peace Maker sending a shockwave on the Metal Heads disintegrating them. 

And Teagan and what was left of the Knights breathed in a sigh of relief.

"Uncle?! Sig?!" Connor called from upstairs.

"We're okay, Connor." Teagan answered. "We've driven them out of the Castle."

But that was when a Mantis appeared in front of Arl Eamon.

"NO!" Isolde found herself running at the Mantis and plunging her dagger right through the Metal Head. "You will not harm my husband!" 

"Driven them out of the Castle..." Sig thought. That didn't sound right to him. He ran for the window outside to see more Metal Heads coming from Lake Calenhad. They were now starting to move for the village.

"Bann Teagan! There are more Metal Heads coming through the Courtyard!" Ser Perth yelled.

Teagan looked out through the main gates to see the fleeing Metal Heads regrouping with more reinforcements. 

"Oh great. They brought more of their buddies." Sig grunted. 

"What do we do?" Teagan asked.

"Keep holding them back." Sig answered as he readied his Peace Maker again. However that would not be necessary. 

Because all of a sudden, massive green blaster bolts shot out from the sky at the Metal Heads. And a few bombs were also launched.

"Where did that come from?" Teagan asked confused.

But Sig recognized those bolts. From out of the sky. A squadron of fighters from Haven City had now dropped down over Redcliffe towards the Lake and shooting off rounds at the advancing Metal Heads killing them.

"Oh yeah! They hurting now!" Sig yelled in triumph.

"Do you know these people, Sig?!" Teagan asked with hope.

"Yes, I do!" Sig answered. Right as he said that, a whole fleet of Dropships started to fall over the village. And entire squadrons of Freedom League Troops stormed out of the ships. Each Armed with their rifles. And over the Main Courtyard of Redcliffe too. 

"Cover them! Move!" The soldiers all started yelling out.

"Spread out!" Another Soldier had yelled. "GO! GO! GO! GO!" 

"Heh. Heh. Good guys are here!" Sig announced. 

And the Metal Heads all started falling back in a full retreat over the water. Or at the very least, the slim majority that could move over the water. The rest were all getting slaughtered. 

From outside the Courtyard, when the dust settled. Sig could see a force of Freedom League Troops. Along with Ashelin and Torn who had walked in. Followed by Fergus Cousland who was wearing Freedom League Armor and had removed his large helmet. 

"By the Maker." Teagan grinned.

"Hey, Sig. Good to see you." Ashelin greeted. 

"Well don't you two have good timing." Sig replied with a grin.

"Isn't that the truth." Torn commented. "Besides. I don't like showing up at the last minute for saves." 

"I know. That was never your style." Sig figured. "Where are Samos and Keira?" 

"Oh. Here they come now." Ashelin answered as she turned to see Samos and Keira emerge into the Courtyard. 

"Sorry for the delay. We had to get rid of the Metal Heads that were over by the bridge." Samos explained.

"No need to apologize, Samos." Sig assured. He then looked at Teagan. "Oh, Teagan. Meet Ashelin Praxis. Governor of Haven City. Torn, the Commander of the Freedom League. Samos the Sage of Green Eco. And his daughter, Keira." 

"Wonderful to meet you all." Teagan greeted back. "My name is Teagan. Bann of Redcliffe and brother to Arl Eamon." 

The envoy of Haven City all nodded at Teagan. 

And that was when Fergus approached Teagan. "Bann Teagan. It's good to see you again." Fergus greeted with a grin.

"Fergus Cousland. It's been ages!" Teagan replied. "I heard what happened to your Family. I'm so sorry." 

"Yes." Fergus replied. "We buried them with dignity. All of them. Is it true? About Arl Eamon?" He asked.

"Sadly so." Teagan answered. "He remains alive. But in a comatose state. It's why your sister, Talia left with Jak and Daxter to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes."

"We know." Torn replied.

"And hopefully, they won't get into any kind of trouble whatsoever." Samos said.

"Daddy. You know that Jak will be successful in getting the Urn." Keira reminded.

"Oh, I have faith in Jak, Keira. It's Daxter that bothers me." Samos sighed. "Precursor all this time." He grumbled under his breath.

"Okay. You need to get over that." Ashelin told Samos. 

"Well come in. We are in need of many introductions." Teagan suggested. Then he looked inside. "And also some new repairs." 

"You should've seen Dead Town in the Middle of the Metal Head War." Torn commented.

Back at the Mountain Top. 

Jak and Daxter continued the chase with the Hosehead. The Hosehead crawling away with the Urn still in its pincers. 

"Okay... we gotta be getting close by now." Daxx figured.

"We're almost there." Jak said as he was now within spitting distance of the Hosehead.

"There he is!" Daxx yelled. But then Jak started to gain more speed. "Um, Jak?" 

"Trust me, Daxx. I've got an idea." Jak replied. And he gained even more speed with his Jet Board. So much so that he passed right past the Hosehead. 

"Jak! You missed the Metal Head!" Daxx yelled.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing." Jak assured and he stopped using a drift move. Got off the Jet Board and took the Morph Gun. And he equipped his Mass Inverter right as the Metal Head tried to maneuver out of the way again. And Jak then took his shot. The Inverter Shot displacing the Metal Head off the ground. It was far easier for Jak that way to kill the Hosehead with his Blaster Mod. And the Urn of Sacred Ashes falling in front of him and Daxter. 

"Oh yeah! We still got the moves!" Daxx yelled. He then went to get the Urn off the ground. "Oh, yuck! Slimy, smelly Metal Head slime all over the surface. Oh, I can't look." 

Jak proceeded to take the Urn from the ground. "It doesn't look all that bad." He said. And he opened the lid. "And none of the Ashes looked disturbed either. Come on. Let's get back to the others before more Metal Heads show up." 

Daxx got back on Jak's shoulder plate. And they both got on Jak's Jet Board.

"You are one mean Dragon!" Ratchet yelled as he shot his Tempest at the High Dragon's head disrupting another fire breath. 

Talia ran up to Alistair. "Alistair! Are you okay?" She asked. 

"I'm fine." Alistair answered as he grumbled in pain. "Listen, Talia. You'll have to take the Dragon."

"What?!" Talia asked in alarm.

"Get onto the Dragon's back and then get up to its head. Then bring the sword down on the Dragon's head." Alistair informed. "Duncan says that's the method used to bring down the Archdemon." 

Talia nodded. "Okay. Talia. It's up to you. Time to kill a Dragon." She said. "This better work." Fortunately for her, the High Dragon was too busy focusing on Ratchet. 

And Ratchet continued to blast whatever weapons he could. Eventually using his Mini Rocket Tube at the High Dragon. The High Dragon getting slower and weaker. 

"Keep it up, Ratchet! It's getting tired!" Morrigan yelled. She was still trying to fight through the Metal Heads in front of her. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." And she transformed into a massive spider that started to decimate the Metal Heads. 

"Would've been nice to know she could do that..." Alistair grumbled. 

Talia was now on the back of the High Dragon gripping the scales very tightly. And climbing up like a worm. Ratchet now could see Talia on top of the High Dragon. And he focused his efforts on damaging the stomach of the High Dragon with his N90 Hurricane. 

The High Dragon started to look like its vitals were dropping. And that was when Talia got onto the head. And she thrust her sword into the Dragon's head. And the Dragon swung its head in an effort to shake Talia off. Fat chance of that happening, as Talia had a firm grip on the sword. And she took the sword out and thrust through the High Dragon again. The High Dragon started to roar in fury. But Ratchet had managed to fire another Plasma Coil shot at the High Dragon's head. 

The High Dragon roared even louder. Then it fell down. Its body giving ground. And its head falling into the snowy rocks. Talia got off doing a backward barrel roll. Her sword pointed right at the Dragon that now stood still. Ratchet walked up to her. "Alright. That is one dead High Dragon." Ratchet commented. He looked around to see the Metal Heads all dead thanks to the others. "Come on. Let's get outta here." 

"Um... hello?" Alistair reminded as he was on the ground and Qwark was still running around. 

"Oops." Ratchet said. "I mean... after we help Alistair and stop Qwark. Hey Qwark! The fight's over!" 

And Qwark stopped running. "Oh, luckily we didn't panic." He said. 

"Ugh." Ratchet groaned.

Jak and Daxter arrived back with the Urn of Sacred Ashes towards the Mountain Top to see many Dead Metal Heads. Zevran collecting as many of the Skull Gems as he could. And also a Dead High Dragon. Alistair noticed them as they approached.

"Jak! Did you get the Urn?!" Talia asked.

Jak pulled out the Urn. "Unharmed." He answered.

"And one Dead Metal Head to boot. Well, many dead Metal Heads now that I think about it." Daxx added.

"I see you took down the High Dragon and Metal Heads here." Jak noted.

"It was a group effort." Ratchet admitted pointing to himself and Talia. 

"And once again! My brilliant plan to distract the High Dragon with my running and screaming seemed to-" Qwark started to say.

"Oh shut it." Sten interrupted. 

"Thank you." Ratchet thanked. 

"You alright, Cooper?" Talia asked her Mabari to which Cooper barked back happily. 

"He's fine." Alistair assured. "What are we going to do about the Urn?" 

"We have to return it back to the Temple." Leliana answered. "It's where the Ashes of Andrastae truly belong." 

"You think that's wise, Leliana? I mean, the Metal Heads could be back to try and take it." Ratchet pointed out. 

"Not likely. They'll probably just assume that we've taken the Urn with us for safe keeping." Talia answered.

"That's a bit of stretch there, Lady Cousland." Wynne commented.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But I'm sure the Guardian would like to have it back." Talia figured.

"Hm. Have it your way." Sten sighed. "I still don't see how the Ashes will help us revive the Arl." 

"You'll just have to see it to believe it, Sten." Talia replied. 

"Will I? We'll see." Sten shot back. 

"I'll go bring it back to the Guardian." Jak announced. 

"Wait." Talia stopped Jak taking out a pouch and placing some of the Ashes in the pouch. "Before you take it back." 

Jak nodded. And he turned back to the Temple. 

Once Jak and Daxter entered, they both could see the Guardian starting to run for them. "Easy there, pal. We got the Urn back." Daxx assured.

"You returned the Urn of Sacred Ashes." The Guardian sighed in relief.

"You can have it back, Guardian. We've already taken a part to cure the Arl of Redcliffe." Jak explained.

"Thank you. You truly are a hero, Jak. Do not doubt that." The Guardian said taking the Urn back. "I will admit that I was not prepared for the arrival of those you call the Metal Heads. Be careful out there." 

"Will do." Jak replied and he and Daxx walked outside the temple.

After using a nearby passageway to the side of the Mountain took them back through the Main Hall where they entered the Temple when they first arrived. And it was now clear of all snow and rubble that cleared out of the way from the nearby battle up above. 

"This'll be a story to take back to everyone back home." Daxx commented.

"You're telling me." Ratchet said. "We fought a High Dragon and lived to tell the tale. Is that a common thing to do, Talia?"

"Not in this Universe." Talia answered. "I also got this." She pulled a Dragon Scale from her belt. "We should try to see if we can get that guy in Denerim to make us some Dragon Scale Armor."

"If we ever get back to Denerim." Alistair reminded. "Loghain's probably raised security around the city."

"Hm. Good point." Talia said. But then she approached Genitivi and The Plumber who were just waiting there. 

"You're back. You were gone for some time." Genitivi noted. "Did you find it?"

"We found it. And a bunch of Metal Heads too." Daxx answered.

"See for yourself." Talia showed the ashes to Genitivi. 

Genitivi's eyes widened. "Oh Maker. I am not worthy to look upon- What was it like? Going to the Urn I mean..." 

"Grueling. There were tests." Talia answered.

"Tests?" Genitivi asked. "Interesting. Very interesting. Perhaps my research will not so much like blasphemy to the Chantry now." 

"Right well... good luck with that." Ratchet wished. "Come on. Let's get back to Redcliffe."

"Well pile in and I'll get us down the Mountain." The Plumber announced to everyone who started to get into the Transport.


Dr. Nefarious sat in front of a massive T.V while playing one of the Vid Comics from the Qwark vs. Nefarious series. "Look at Captain Qwark running to save the day but NOPE! He fell out of the sky!" Nefarious yelled as he made Qwark fall on purpose. "Mwah Ha HA! What an Idiot he is! Oops! There he goes again! Oh, I never get tired of doing that." He said to himself. 

Right around the same time, Lawrence had entered the room. "What is it now, Lawrence?" Nefarious asked.

"It would seem our plan to get the Urn of Sacred Ashes has failed. A whole entire army of Metal Heads was destroyed at the Frostback Mountains and the attack on Redcliffe also yielded negative results, sir." Lawrence reported.

"Well that's just typical!" Nefarious shouted. "I suppose next you're going to tell me that Super Villain Weekly called to demand an update on my schemes." 

"No, but the Zoni have been calling you for the past hour, sir. It would seem they're not going to wait forever for you to repair Clank as it were." Lawrence answered.

"Urgh." Nefarious had to deal with the annoying Zoni for quite some time. "Well, tell those twits that I'm in the middle of doing something with another client. And tell them they're just going to have to wait their turn. Now, do you have some good news for me?" He asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do, sir." Lawrence answered. "The Progress of our Super Weapon is soon to be complete. It will give the upgrades you so desire to the Darkspawn and the Archdemon. But just to them. Nothing else."

"Well, we're working with a time crunch. I'll live with it." Nefarious replied. "Let me know when it is complete. And thus..." He pressed resume game. "I return to my therapy session." And he made Qwark fall off again. "Ah... I feel better." 

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