Chapter 5: The Joining.

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It was nightfall by the time that the Party had returned to the Ostagar Camp. "Well, that took longer than expected." Ratchet commented.

"What gave you that impression?" Talia asked. "The fact that it's nightfall? Or the crazy people we've encountered in the woods?"

"Yes." Ratchet answered. "Let's get this stuff to Duncan and enjoy a job well done." 

"Normally I say this ahead of catastrophes, but what they hey? Mission Accomplished!" Qwark declared.

"Duncan! We've got your vials!" Talia announced as the party went over to Duncan's tent where he and the other Grey Wardens were sitting down.

"You were successful then?" Duncan asked as he turned to the others. 

"Not that it was easy, but we did it." Talia answered. "We had a few setbacks on the way." 

Skrunch made his monkey sounds. "Skrunch said not to forget about Morrigan and her mother." Qwark translated. "A.K.A the Frog Lady." 

"There was a woman at the tower and her mother had the scrolls. They were both very... odd." Allistair explained.

"Were they Wilder folk?" Duncan asked.

"I don't think so. They were probably Apostates. Hiding from the Chantry." Alistair answered.

"I know you were once a Templar, Alistair. But Chantry business is not ours. We have the scrolls; Let us focus on the Joining." Duncan informed.

"Oh, and there weren't just those 2 hiding in the Wilds. There was another group. It wasn't Darkspawn, it was... something else." Ratchet added. "They were green and alien like. And they had bright gems on their foreheads." 

Duncan looked confused. Despite the fact that he had been a Grey Warden. He had never heard of the Creatures called the Metal Heads that Ratchet was describing. "Thank you, Ratchet. I will take this matter to the King." He thanked.

"Okay, so will you tell us what this ritual is about?" Talia interrupted. 

Duncan's face turned cold again. "I will not lie. We Grey Wardens pay a heavy price to become what we are. Fate may decree that you pay your price now rather than later." 

"Pay my price now?" Talia asked a little worried now. But she was a Cousland. And she had to remember her promise to her family that she would become a Grey Warden for them. No matter what would happen. Her parents would love her. She would do them proud. "I've come this far. I want to see this through." She said.

"I agree. Let's have it done." Jory agreed.

Daveth nodded.

"Then let us begin. Alistair, take them to the old temple." Duncan commanded. Alistair took the recruits to the Old Temple. But he then turned to Ratchet, Qwark and Skrunch. "Gentlemen. I'm going to have to ask you to stay outside for this part."

"Members only?" Ratchet guessed.

Duncan nodded. "Yes. Also, I think you can also help our cause by speaking to the King about his strategy. More minds are better than none." 

"Not to worry, Duncan. I happen to be an extremely skilled planner/artist. All I just need is some paper and a box of crayons." Qwark declared.

"A box of Crayons?" Duncan asked.

"Don't ask." Ratchet answered. 

At the Old Temple. Talia was twiddling her thumbs. But she wasn't as nervous as Jory was being. "The more I hear about this joining, the less I like it." Jory was saying as he was pacing around.

"Are you blubbering again?" Daveth asked.

"Why all these damned tests? Have I not earned my place?" Jory asked.

"Maybe it's tradition. Maybe they're just trying to annoy you." Daveth suggested.

"I swear that I'm the bravest one here." Talia interrupted. "And I'm a woman." 

"I only know that my wife is in Highever with a child on the way. If they had told me... it just isn't fair." Jory complained.

"Would you have come if they'd warned you? Maybe that's why they don't. The Wardens do what they must, right?" Daveth asked.

"Including sacrificing us?" Jory asked.

"I'd sacrifice a lot more if I knew it would end the blight." Daveth replied.

Talia couldn't take their blathering anymore. "Shut up!" She yelled out. "I'd like to have at least one moment of peace before I die." She was ignored of course.

"You saw all those Darkspawn, Ser Knight. Wouldn't you like to protect your pretty wife from them?" Daveth asked.

"I..." Jory hesitated.

Talia rolled her eyes. Maybe Ratchet was right about him being a coward. If that had been her Father, or her brother Fergus. They wouldn't have hesitated to protect their family.

"Maybe you'll die. Maybe we'll all die. If nobody stops the Darkspawn, we'll die for sure." Daveth pointed out.

"I just never faced a foe I could not engage with my blade." Jory justified.

Talia was about to say something else, but Duncan had walked up after finishing with Ratchet and Qwark. "At last. We come to the Joining. The Grey Wardens were founded during the First Blight, when humanity stood on the verge of annihilation."

Alistair mouthed to Talia that these were formalities. Talia nodded. "So it was, that the first Grey Wardens drank of Darkspawn Blood and mastered their taint." Duncan explained.

"Wait, what?" Talia asked looking at the cups which she seriously doubted was filling with wine.

"We're going to drink the blood of those... creatures?" Jory asked revolted.

"As the first Grey Wardens did before us, as we did before you. This is the source of the power and our victory." Duncan answered.

"Those who survive the joining become immune to the Taint. We can sense it in the Darkspawn and use it to slay the Archdemon." Alistair explained.

"So... how did the First Grey Wardens find out how they were able to do this? And what happens if a bit of blood gets in your mouth? Does that make you a Grey Warden?" Talia asked. "I'm just saying."

Duncan shook his head. "I don't exactly know. But it worked and we've been doing it ever since." He answered.

"Okay." Talia squinted her eyes. "Might want to have some Mouth Wash standing by or something." She suggested.

"We speak only a few words prior to the joining. But these words have been said since the first. Alistair, if you would?" Duncan requested.

Alistair said the words. "Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant. Join us as we carry the duty that cannot be foresworn. And should you parish. Know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten and that one day. We shall join you."  

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Talia thought.

"Daveth. Step forward." Duncan instructed. He handed the goblet to Daveth. Daveth proceeded to drink it. He handed the goblet back to Duncan. He seemed to be fine at first. But he kneeled down in pain. Screaming as if he was having the biggest migraine of his life. His eyes seemed to roll back into his head. 

"Maker's breath!" Jory yelled as he backed away. 

Daveth fell onto his knees as he seemed to be choking on the blood. "I am sorry, Daveth." Duncan apologized as Daveth fell onto the floor, dead.

Talia shook her head. It was a pity. She then looked at Jory who just looked like he wanted out of there.

"Step forward, Jory." Duncan ordered.

Jory stepped back taking out his sword. "But... I have a wife. A child! Had I known-" 

"There is no turning back." Duncan simply walked forward calmly.

"You idiot." Talia thought. "Put the sword down." 

"No! You ask too much! There is no glory in this!" It was a decision that Jory would rapidly regret as Duncan took out a dagger knowing what would happen next. 

Jory swung at Duncan which Duncan deflected. Alistair had his hand on his sword in case of emergency. Fat chance. Duncan parried Jory's blade and stabbed him in his weak spot. "I am sorry." Duncan said to the dying Jory as Jory fell to the ground.

"Okay. That happened." Talia thought. And now it would be her turn. 

"But the Joining is not yet complete." Duncan walked over to Talia. "Step forward, Talia." 

Talia looked at Alistair who nodded his head for Talia to walk forward. Talia did so. Duncan gave her a reassuring nod telling her that she could do this. "Duncan? Can I make one last request? If I die. Can you watch over Cooper for me? He tends to like kitchen food." She requested. 

"You can watch over him yourself." Duncan replied. Talia took the cup and drank it. "You were called upon to submit yourself to the taint for the greater good. From this moment forth. You are a Grey Warden." 

Talia felt the blood rushing down her throat. It was the worst thing Talia ever put in her mouth. And she put a lot of things in her mouth. And it was as if she had a big migraine like what Daveth had. But another voice had come out telling her that she had to do this. Her eyes turned white as if she could see the Archdemon Dragon which was a massive Blood Dragon that roared at her.

The next thing that Talia found herself doing was on the floor. "It is finished. Welcome." Duncan greeted. He got Talia on her feet. 

"Two more deaths. In my Joining, only one of us died. But it was... horrible. I'm glad at least one of you made it through." Alistair commented like it was common for people to get killed from this ritual, which it was.

"How do you feel?" Duncan asked.

Talia still seemed in shock. "That pain was unbelievable." She said.

"Such as what it takes to become a Grey Warden." Duncan replied. "I remember that pain all too well when I joined the Wardens. So did Alistair." 

"Did you have dreams? I had terrible dreams after my Joining." Alistair asked.

"Terrible Dreams. Well that's just great." Talia grumbled.

"Such dreams come when you begin to sense the darkspawn, as we all do. That and many other things can be explained in the months to come." Duncan explained. 

"I just wish that Jory drank that blood instead of refusing. He would've had a chance of surviving." Talia added. She knew that Duncan had to kill Jory. The guy had pulled a sword on him. And Jory was warned that there was no turning back. But he refused.

"It was unfortunate, sadly." Duncan replied. "But it had to be done." 

"I know." Talia said.

"Before I forget, there is one last part to your Joining." Alistair added. "We take some of that blood and put in a pendant. Something to remind us... of those who didn't make it this far." Alistair also had a set of grey and blue armor with him that matched his own. "Your new armor. You're one of us now, so it's fitting that you look the part." He explained. He handed the things to Talia.

"Take some time. When you're ready, I'd like you to accompany me to a meeting with the king." Duncan advised.

Talia looked confused. "What kind of meeting?"

"The King is discussing strategy for the upcoming battle. I assume because of your title as a Cousland that you are attending the meeting." Duncan answered.

Talia shrugged. "Well that checks out." 

"The meeting is to the west, down the stairs. Please attend as soon as you are able." Duncan informed. "Oh, and here's your hound with you." 

Cooper came up the stairs. Talia kneeled down and rolled him on his back. "There you are, Cooper. I'm a Grey Warden now, boy." She announced.

Cooper wagged his tail and barked happily. 

Talia laughed. "Alright boy. I gotta put on this armor so I can look presentable for the King. Give me a second." She requested.

Cooper barked.

Meanwhile. Qwark had walked around the War Council which consisted of King Cailen, his Father in Law Loghain Mac Tir, the head of the Chantry, some mage named Uldred, Duncan, as well as Ratchet, and Skrunch. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Oh and Skrunch. Welcome to our battle meeting!" Qwark announced. "You are all here to basically listen to me as I give our strategy. Which is where we all sit here and Ratchet fights away all those Darkspawn." 

"What!?" Ratchet asked. 

"Please hold your questions until the end of the meeting." Qwark insisted. 

"Oh NO you don't!" Ratchet stopped. "YOU just want me to do all the work and you'll get all the credit." He knew how this usually worked.

"Um, if it's all the same. I want to be on the front lines. What King would I be if I don't lead my men into battle?" Cailen asked.

"Actually, I'm with that big Captain on this one, Cailen. The Darkspawn horde is too dangerous for you to be playing hero on the front lines." Loghain said.

"Yeah, except I'm not going out there and risking my life just to stroke your egos." Ratchet protested.

"That's not the attitude you have when you defeat the Nefarious Super Villain known as... well Dr. Nefarious. Like I did. Twice." Qwark pointed out.

"Um, I was the one who defeated Nefarious the Second Time. You showed up at the last minute." Ratchet reminded.

"Well then, why aren't you called Captain Ratchet?" Qwark asked. "No wonder you don't have any sponsors with you."

"At least I don't need to endorse Chairmen who destroy planets to stay relevant!" Ratchet shot back. 

They began to spit some more bombs at each other.

"If that's the case, perhaps we should wait for the Orlesian forces to join us, after all." Cailen continued to Loghain, knowing that Loghain would hate that idea. 

"I must repeat my protest to your fool notion that we need the Orlesians to defend ourselves!" Loghain exclaimed.

"It is not a fool notion." Cailen reminded. "Our arguments with the Orlesians are a thing of the past... and you will remember who is king." 

"How fortunate Maric did not live to see his son ready to hand Ferelden over to those who enslaved us for a century." Loghain grumbled. 

"Then our current forces will have to suffice, won't they?" Cailen turned over to Duncan. "Duncan, are your men ready?"

"They are your Majesty." Duncan answered.

"Right here." Talia said in her new Grey Warden Armor, her Cousland shield and her Family Sword.

"And Lady Cousland. I understand congratulations are in order." Cailen congratulated.

Ratchet and Qwark stopped their arguing and looked at their new friend. "Hey, Talia. How you feeling?" Ratchet asked.

"Fine." Talia answered loving her new armor. "And thank you, Your Majesty." 

"Every Grey Warden is needed now. You should be honored to join their ranks." Cailen replied.

"Your fascination with glory and legends will be your undoing, Cailen. We must attend to reality." Loghain scolded.

Talia frowned. That was her hero right there who was basically saying that Talia wasn't all that great with what she was. She took a big risk drinking that blood. "No offense to you, Lady Cousland." Loghain said.

"Um... none taken." Talia replied realizing who she was talking to and stuttering up.

"Are you okay?" Loghain asked.

"Uh... yeah." Talia answered. 

"She's kind of a fan of your work." Ratchet explained.

"Maybe." Talia muttered.

"Um, right." Loghain shook his head. 

"Did I blow it?" Talia whispered to Ratchet.

"Don't sweat it. After this battle, you'll show your worth to that guy." Ratchet assured.

"Thanks." Talia replied.

"Alright. So that plan's out the window. Plan #2." Qwark declared. 

"We go with the strategy that Loghain has come to." Cailen explained. "The Grey Wardens and I draw the Darkspawn into charging our lines and then?"

"You will alert the tower to light the beacon, signaling my men to charge from cover." Loghain answered.

"To flank the Darkspawn, I remember." Cailen jumped as they both looked at the map. "This is the Tower of Ishal in the ruins, yes? Who shall light this beacon?" He asked.

"I have a few men stationed there. It's not a dangerous task. But it is vital." Loghain informed.

"Then we should send our best. Send Alistair, Lady Cousland, and Ratchet to make sure it's done." Cailen declared.

"Well that's a first." Ratchet thought. 

"What?" Talia asked in disbelief. "You mean I won't be fighting in the battle?"

"We need the beacon. Without it, Loghain's men won't know when to charge." Duncan explained trying to mediate Talia's disappointment.

"You see? Glory for everyone." Cailen said.

"You rely on these Grey Wardens too much. Is that truly wise?" Loghain asked.

"I won't let you down." Talia quickly commented.

"Enough of your conspiracy theories, Loghain. The Grey Wardens battle the Blight no matter where they're from." Cailen replied.

"Your Majesty. You should consider the possibility of the Archdemon appearing." Duncan advised. 

"There have been no signs of any Dragons in the Wilds." Loghain pointed out.

Cailen didn't seem to concerned about that. "Isn't that what your men are here for Duncan?" He asked.

"I... Yes, your Majesty." Duncan answered.

"Your Majesty." Uldred the Mage interrupted. "The Tower and the Beacon are unnecessary. The Circle of Magi-"

But he was cut off by the Revered Mother. "We will not trust any lives to your spells, Mage. Save them for the Darkspawn." 

"Enough!" Loghain interrupted. "This plan will suffice, the Grey Wardens will light the Beacon." He decided. 

"Thank you, Loghain." Cailen thanked like a child that had just gotten a piece of candy. "I cannot wait for that glorious moment. The Grey Wardens battle alongside the King of Ferelden to stem the tide of evil." 

"Yes, Cailen. A glorious moment for us all." Loghain replied with all the sarcasm in the world.

Back at the Grey Wardens Camp. All the other Grey Wardens, except for Alistair, Talia, Ratchet, Skrunch, and Qwark were mobilizing out to the front lines. However, Duncan stayed to speak with Alistair and Talia.

"You heard the Plan. You and Alistair will go to the Tower of Ishal and ensure the Beacon is lit." Duncan ordered.

"Whatever." Ratchet thought.

"Want to trade?" Qwark asked.

"Um, no." Ratchet answered.

Alistair on the other hand wanted to be in the battle. "What? I won't be in the battle?" He asked.

"This is by the King's personal request, Alistair. If the Beacon is not lit, Teryn Loghain's men won't know when to charge." Duncan explained.

"So he needs two Grey Wardens standing up there to hold the torch. Just in case, right?" Alistair asked.

"I agree with Alistair. We should be in the battle." Talia complained. 

"I know what this means to you, Talia. But that is not your choice. If King Cailen wishes Grey Wardens to ensure the beacon is lit, then Grey Wardens will be there." Duncan refused. "We must do whatever it takes to destroy the Darkspawn. Exciting or no." 

"I get it. I get it." Alistair scoffed. "Just so you know, if the King ever asks me to put on a dress and dance the Remigold, I'm drawing the line. Darkspawn or no." 

"You can dance right now." Ratchet offered. He put on his Groovitron glove and took out a disco ball. The Disco Ball played some music forcing Alistair to dance. 

"What the-? Hey! Stop that!" Alistair complained.

The Groovitron turned off. But Ratchet laughed. "Man I never get tired of that."  

"Can you do it again?" Talia asked.

"Maybe later." Ratchet answered.

"Still not the Remigold." Alistair replied. "And I didn't have a dress on me. It wasn't even pretty I bet." 

Duncan rolled his eyes. He was used to stuff like this happening to him though. It was just one of the perks. He got back to some other business though. "The tower is on the other side of the gorge when we entered the camp. The way we came when we arrived." 

"So we go up the tower entrance and we'll overlook the entire valley?" Ratchet asked.

"Yes." Duncan answered.

"Got it. So when do we light the beacon?" Ratchet asked.

"We will signal you when the time comes. Alistair will no what to look for." Duncan answered.

"What if the Archdemon appears?" Talia asked.

"Run for our lives." Qwark answered.

"But not before we soil our drawers. That's what." Alistair added.

"If it does. Leave it to us." Duncan answered. "I want no heroics from either of you." He ordered.

"How much time do we have?" Ratchet asked.

"The battle is about to begin. Once I leave, move quickly. You'll have less than an hour." Duncan answered.

"Can we join the battles, afterwards?" Talia asked.

"Stay with Ratchet, and the Teyrn's men and guard the tower. If you are needed, we will send worded." 

"Still probably not enough to join in the battle." Alistair commented.

"There will be plenty of battles, Alistair. Be patient." Duncan assured chuckling. "I'm afraid that this is where I join the others." His face getting serious again. Remember, you are both Grey Wardens. I expect you to be worthy of that title." 

"Duncan..." Alistair said. "May the Maker watch over you." 

"May he watch over us all." Duncan replied giving one last hug to his figure of a son.

"Good luck, Ratchet." Qwark commented. "Keep an eye on Skrunch. He tends to get a little hangry when he needs a banana." 

"Got it." Ratchet replied. Knowing Qwark, he would probably run away at the first chance he got.

"Let's get going, then." Talia declared. "You ready, Cooper?" She asked her Hound.

Cooper barked.

Meanwhile on the Haven Airship. "Anything from the air?" Jak asked.

"Nothing yet." Sig answered. 

Their ship continued to hover through the air for some time, looking for some Metal Heads.

"Um, Jak. I got something I gotta tell you." Daxter said.

"Is this about Samos?" Jak asked.

"No. I got some news, I gotta tell you. And seeing as how you're my best friend. You should know first." Daxx announced.

"Know what?" Jak asked confused.

"Um... well, Tess and I, we're thinking about having a baby." Daxter answered.

Jak looked blindsided by that. "That's... great news, buddy. Um, is Tess pregnant right now?" He asked.

"Well no. We were going to celebrate that as soon as we beat back the Metal Heads on the Mountains." Daxx answered. 

Jak was about to ask more questions, but he got interrupted by Sig.

"Hold up. Scanners picking up some dots." Sig reported.

"Metal Heads?" Jak asked.

"Not looking like it. Looks like they might be some local natives." Sig answered. He took a look through the scope of his Peace Maker. And he could see all the Darkspawn moving on the ruins of Ostagar. 

Daxx took a look through the scope as well. "Woah! Are they UGLY or what?" He asked. "Seriously. They make Krew look tame." 

Sig, Daxter, and Jak thought about it for a second. "Nah." They all agreed. 

That's when Daxter looked below them. "But there are some Metal Heads talking to some guy right below us." 

"Some guy?" Jak asked.

"We need to check down there to see what they're saying." Sig suggested. 

Daxter knew what to do. He wrapped some rope around his waist. "Okay, guys. Lower me down. I'm going to see if I can't try to get a closer look." 

"Good thinking, Daxter." Sig replied. 

Daxx was lowered down. He had a communicator with him so he could pick up the conversation and transmit it to Jak and Sig. 

"Okay, now settle down. This is where we learn about the Metal Heads Evil Plan." Daxter ordered.

"We've tracked down Ratchet and Captain Qwark to those ruins, Dr. Nefarious." A Metal Head reported.

"Excellent!" Dr. Nefarious replied. "We can destroy those two baboons in one fell swoop!" 

"But there is a small problem." The Metal Head informed. "They are with an army of the local population. But on the bright side. They're about to be engaged with another army of locals." 

"What?!" Dr. Nefarious asked. "Now there's another army of locals fighting on this planet?"

"That's why we should do more thorough examinations of the planet. Sir." Lawrence commented.

"Oh, never mind that. Just climb up that tower. Destroy everything in it. And bring me the Head of Ratchet!" Dr. Nefarious ordered.

"Ratchet." Jak said to himself. He hadn't heard that name in years. It was confirmation now that he was here though.

"Dr. Nefarious?" Daxter asked. 

The Metal Heads started to move towards the tower. 

"They're heading for that Tower, Jak!" Daxter informed.

"We'll just have to get there, first." Jak declared.

"Can you guys lift me up, first?" Daxx asked.

"Right after we lift up, Daxter." Sig clarified lifting Daxx back up. That's when lightning struck them. 

"Well... a little rain never hurt anyone." Jak commented. And they proceeded to head up to the Tower of Ishal. 

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