Chapter 6: The Battle of Ostagar.

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Lightning had flashed forward as rain also began to show. The King's army stood by the gorge. Ready to defend it if need be. Soldiers and archers, men and women all ready to stand fast against the threat. Mabari Hounds all barked loudly. And Chantry officials were giving their official prayers to nervous soldiers. 

Cailen, Duncan, and Qwark all walked up to one side, overlooking the entire army. 

"The Plan will work, Your Majesty." Duncan assured.

Cailen strode forth in his confidence. "Of course it will. The Blight ends here." 

"Still think we should've sent in Ratchet. Too bad his ship got toasted." Qwark commented. "Well, hard can this be? I've fought a bunch of creatures in Blackwater City. My body is in peak top physical condition. My mental aptitude is as hard as a rock." 

And that's when they all saw the Darkspawn. Grotesque creatures. A whole fog was surrounding them as they moved. The Darkspawn Commander stood at the top of a rock with a horned helmet. He roared to give his Darkspawn a rallying cry. And all the Darkspawn screeched like they were one epic voice of pure terror.

One soldier was about to back away. But another made him stand his post.

Cailen and Duncan also stood there. Except for Qwark who looked at his blaster and thought that he was going to need another shot.

The Darkspawn Commander made his troops charge forward. And like a massive tidal wave. They all charged forward. Just as predicted. 

"Archers!" Cailen ordered.

The Archers all stood ready with fire arrows. They fired their shots, killing many of the Darkspawn. But there were still many coming. "Hounds!" Cailen then ordered.

The Dogs all charged forward ready for the next attack. And they clashed with the Darkspawn inflicting casualties on both side. 

"For Ferelden!" Cailen ordered. And the army all charged forward. The two armies clashed.

The Darkspawn also shot their arrows and hurled rocks at the walls of Ostagar.

"Well... at least they aren't playing games." Ratchet commented to Alistair, while Talia was looking in awe at this whole battle.

"Let's cross the bridge, and get to the Tower!" Alistair yelled.

"Good call." Ratchet replied. "You know for once. I'm glad to be on this side." 

They crossed the bridge only and past all the groups of archers that were firing arrows and taking fire from Giant Rocks that were tossed at them like Catapults. 

"Look out!" Talia yelled. A huge rock was flung in their direction. Ratchet used his Charge Boots to dodge out of the way. Skrunch was riding on his back. Ratchet was also used to having something on his back. He did it all the time with Clank. 

But because Talia and Alistair didn't have charge boots. They had to take the long way around. And actually run. 

That was when they saw a Tower Soldier, and a Mage. "You. You're Grey Wardens aren't you?" The soldier asked.

"Yeah. What's the situation?" Ratchet asked.

"The Tower. It's been taken." The Soldier informed.

"What?" Talia asked.

"What are you talking about man? Taken how?" Alistair asked.

"The Darkspawn crawled up through the lower levels. They're everywhere. Most of our men are already dead." The Mage answered.

"Well, so much for the easy job." Ratchet sarcastically commented.

"Then we'll have to get to the beacon and light it ourselves." Alistair declared. 

"Let's go!" Ratchet yelled taking point.

They crossed up the ramp to the Tower of Ishal to see some Soldiers fighting off some Darkspawn. 

"Ratchet, take out those Darkspawn! I'll cover you!" Talia ordered.

"Got it!" Ratchet replied. He took out his Heavy Bouncer. "Let's see how they like this." He shot a giant ball at the Darkspawn. Until the ball exploded like a cannister shot and it shot out smaller balls. They exploded onto the Darkspawn and killed them on impact. Ratchet remembered why he liked that weapon. 

"Nice weapons." Alistair commented.

"The Heavy Bouncer always was one of my hitters. Along with the RYNO here." 

"The Rhino?" Alistair asked.

"No. R.Y.N.O. Rip Ya a New One." Ratchet clarified.

"Huh." Alistair thought as Talia shield pummeled a Genlock then used her sword to kill the Darkspawn. "Come on. We've gotta keep moving." She shouted.

Ratchet moved ahead and could see some Darkspawn guarding the main gate of the tower. He got out his Leviathan Flail. He then shot it right at the Darkspawn making them tumble back and get wrecked as Ratchet then equipped his Quantum Whip and threw it at the Darkspawn like he was throwing his own wrench and back. He basically just pressed the R1 Button and the Square Button on his controller.

"Nice work. Could've saved a few for me." Talia said.

"Well, age before beauty." Ratchet replied. He then got a communication.

"Big Hero to Death Meat? Do you think you could maybe light the signal now?!" Qwark shrieked over the communicator. 

"Hold your horses, Qwark. We're on our way. We're just on the way over to the Tower now." Ratchet replied. "There were some complications. The Darkspawn showed up." 

"Oh, well that sucks." Qwark said.

"Yeah. Isn't that the truth." Ratchet replied. 

The tower was now open to them. Ratchet, Talia, Alistair, Skrunch, and Cooper, and the two other guys were coming through. 

They were about to go forward when Cooper jumped in the way. He barked ahead to signal danger. Which Talia understood. 

"What is it?" Alistair asked.

"Trap. Right ahead." Talia answered.

Ratchet looked over. "Hm. I wonder if there's a way to get past it without tripping off the trap." He thought out loud. "Skrunch! Think you can disable those traps?" He asked.

Skrunch gave the thumbs up. He walked over and disabled the trap before it could be set off. "I can see why Qwark likes you so much." Ratchet commented.

Skrunch was looking for a banana. "Oh, sorry. I'll feed you at the end of this." Ratchet apologized. 

"Heads up. Darkspawn on the other side of the hall." Talia warned. She was liking her new power to sense them now. Now they couldn't sneak up on her and do a surprise attack. But she saw a Magic Missile fire at her, but she blocked it with her shield. 

Alistair grit his teeth. "An emissary. Darkspawn Mages who don't care that they dabble in Blood Magic."  

"Let's see how they like this." Ratchet said as he threw a Groovitron at the Darkspawn. They all got into a groovy dance. 

"Oh, this is just too easy." Ratchet laughed. He got out his Mini Rocket Tube and shot them dead.

"Nice one, Ratchet." Talia thanked.

"Glad you brought me, aren't you?" Ratchet asked.

"I have no idea how that worked, but I am not complaining." The Soldier commented.

"Come on! We gotta get to the next floor." Ratchet insisted. 

And so, they all went to the next floor also killing a few more Darkspawn along the way. 

The next floor had even more Darkspawn. Something that Alister took notice of. "Maker's Breath! What are these Darkspawn doing ahead of the rest of the horde? There wasn't supposed to be any resistance here!" He asked.

"We could try telling them that they're in the wrong place." Talia suggested.

"Right. Because clearly this is all just a misunderstanding. We'll laugh about this later." Alistair chuckled before he got serious again. "At any rate, we need to hurry! We need to get up to the top of the tower and light the signal fire in time! Teryn Loghain will be waiting for the signal." 

"Way ahead of you." Ratchet replied. He looked through the scope of his Flux Rifle. He then shot several of the Darkspawn that were waiting. 

And that was when more Darkspawn arrived. The Ferelden were engaging them in the middle of the hall. And as Talia aimed one of the conveniently placed Ballistae at the Darkspawn. It exploded right at the Darkspawn. But Ratchet dodged out of the way in time. 

"Hey!" Ratchet complained.

"Sorry!" Talia cried.

Ratchet rolled his eyes. "At least you were better then Qwark." He thought. 

"Ratchet, this floor has Mabari in Kennels. See if you can release them." Alistair noted.

"I'm on it." Ratchet replied. He could see the Kennels and Mabari held in kennels by the Darkspawn that were charging on him and Skrunch. Ratchet took out his Bouncer. And he also had another ace up his sleeve. He pulled out a Mr. Zurkon. 

"Mr. Zurkon is looking to kill." Zurkon said. He then shot his blaster bolts at the Darkspawn. 

"You have that too?!" Talia asked in disbelief. 

"I have a lot of gadgets." Ratchet answered. "This one is called Mr. Zurkon." 

"Mr. Zurkon does not come in peace." Zurkon said. 

"Couldn't you have just used the Groovitron Glove?" Alistair asked.

"Yeah. But this was more fun." Ratchet answered.

"He's not wrong." Talia said to Alistair.

"Point taken." Alistair replied. "Okay next floor." 

They went through another floor. Faced some more Darkspawn and it was more of the same thing as the other two floor. "How many floors does this tower have?" Ratchet asked.

"Enough to be a pain." Alistair answered. "The Beacon is at the top. Loghain better be ready to light the signal." 

"Hope you're right." Ratchet replied. He charged ahead and killed some more Darkspawn that attacked. 

"He is. Loghain is one of the best strategist. He'll come through." Talia assured. She opened the door to the top. 

Everyone charged in. But they all stopped to see a large grotesque creature that was twice the size of the humans. "What is that?" Ratchet asked.

"That is an Ogre." Alister answered. 

The Ogre looked at the Grey Wardens. It roared at them. Talia pointed her sword at the Ogre. Ratchet got out his Hurricane N90. "You're not the biggest thing I've faced. And you won't be the last."  

Mr. Zurkon attacked as well. They both shot at the Ogre weakening it. Talia ran up to it and slashed her sword at the Ogre's torso making it stumble back. Talia then jumped up onto the Ogre, thrusting her sword into the chest making the Ogre fall back on his back. Talia took out her sword. And unleashed the Coup de Grace on the thing. She jumped off. "Woah."

"Talia. That was awesome!" Ratchet clapped. 

"Really?" Talia asked. 

"Yeah. I mean. You jumped onto the Ogre. And then you did that thing and that thing." Alistair seemed to have a new admiration for Talia. 

"Well... thanks." Talia thanked.

And Alistair seemed to look at Talia like she was a Queen of her own. It seemed that Talia was about to say more. But out of her mouth came the voice of Ratchet. "Alistair! Put your eyeballs back in your head and let's light the signal." Ratchet informed. 

"What?" Alistair asked. But then he remembered. "Oh right." Alistair grabbed a torch and lit the beacon. 

"Okay, Qwark the signal is lit." Ratchet informed.

"And just in time too!" Qwark yelled. "Mission Accomplished!" 

Meanwhile. Jak, Daxter, and Sig raced over to the tower to see a beacon lit. "Looks like a distress call or something, Jak!" Daxter exclaimed. 

"The Metal Heads! They must be on the Tower, already!" Sig yelled. 

"Take the wheel, Sig!" Jak ordered. "I'm going onto that tower and looking for survivors." 

"Got it! I'll circle around to the front lines!" Sig replied. 

Jak handed the controls to Sig. "Ready for a Halo jump, Daxx?" He asked.

"No! But when am I ever?" Daxter asked.

Jak went into his Light Eco Mode and grew out wings. He glided all the way to the Tower of Ishal. Landing by the base as he could see even more Darkspawn. Enter the tower.

"Those don't look like Metal Heads to me." Daxter said. But the Darkspawn saw Jak and ran over to fight him. 

"I don't think they seem to care." Jak replied taking out his Gyro Launcher and firing it at the Darkspawn. It launched a floating spinning disk into the air unleashing a shooting of raining blaster bolts at the creatures killing them all on the spot.

"Eesh! Looks like some people did not get their beauty sleep." Daxter commented looking at their ugly mugs. 

Jak looked at the creatures. He could sense the darkness in them. "This isn't Eco." He said to Daxx.

"Yeah. Well it's still disgusting." Daxter replied. "Not your Dark Eco Powers. I meant with the creatures." 

"I know what you meant, Daxter." Jak assured. "Come on. We gotta reach any other survivors before the Metal Heads arrived." He got on his Jet Board and Daxter joined him. Jak also equipped his Mass Inverter Rod on it. 

"Heads up, Jak! More crazy neighbors." Daxx warned.

"Not for long." Jak replied. He launched his Mass Inverter changing the Gravity and making all the Darkspawn all float in the air. He then equipped his Needle Laser and shot all the Darkspawn in the air and killing them.

"Man do I love that gun!" Daxter commented.

"So do I." Jak replied. They sped up to the top floor. 

Meanwhile. Loghain had seen the tower signal get lit. That was his signal to charge. But when he turned to his subordinate. Ser Catherine. He gave an opposite order. "Sound the retreat!" Loghain ordered.

"But, what about the King? Should we not...?" Catherine asked. 

"Do, as I command!" Loghain ordered. 

Catherine nodded. But not before shaking Loghain's hand off her arm. She turned to the army. "PULL OUT! All of you! Let's move!" She ordered. And the army all retreated away. Loghain took one look at the signal beacon. The Signal he was to respond to but didn't. He turned away from the Battlefield without looking back once. 

Back on the Front Lines, Duncan and King Cailen were fighting side by side. And as Qwark was shooting his blaster at the Darkspawn. But they were the only ones who were managing any success. The rest of the King's soldiers were getting killed by Darkspawn all around them.

"Um, Duncan? When are those reinforcements coming?" Qwark asked.

"Any minute now, Qwark!" Duncan yelled. But he could sense something big coming. A Massive Ogre had shown up, and had thrown Duncan to the side like a Ragdoll. 

"Oh this is bad." Qwark said. "I should probably walk away from all of this." He then looked at the Darkspawn. "Nah. I'm going to RUN!" Qwark ran away screaming. 

The Ogre grabbed Cailen with his hand and then proceeded to roar getting some of its saliva on Cailen's face. And then with great force, Cailen was crushed with such great force.  

Duncan looked at the body of King Cailen. The King he was supposed to protect. This may have been a bad idea after all. He then saw the Ogre roar out in triumph at the King. And he wasn't going to let that Ogre get away with that. He took out both his sword and his dagger and ran right for the Ogre charging at it and sinking both his weapons repeatedly into the Ogre, killing it. 

They both fell down with Duncan clenching his stomach. That impact messed with him. He also saw the Darkspawn killing the rest of the Ferelden Army. Duncan looked at the signal. Indeed it was lit, but no one was coming. Alistair and Talia did it. Loghain just quit the field, that was the only logical explanation. He saw many other Darkspawn charging at him and one swinging his axe at Duncan's face.

"Gah!" Qwark yelled out and then got out his communicator. "Uh, Mayday! Mayday! The Turkey is in the Dishwater! THE TURKEY IS IN THE DISHWATER!" 

"What?" Ratchet asked.

"Ratchet! Your signal is lit! But nobody is coming!" Qwark yelled out.

"That's impossible. Loghain should be on his way." Ratchet replied.

"Well, he's not here!" Qwark pointed out.

Ratchet looked at Alistair and Talia. "Something's wrong." He said.

"What?" Alistair asked.

"Loghain's not coming." Ratchet answered. 

"What?" Talia asked in disbelief. "That's not part of the plan." She looked in hysterics now. 

"Duncan's down there." Alistair realized in horror.

"Qwark! Get outta there!" Ratchet ordered.

"Way ahead of you!" Qwark yelled. He ran away and saw that he was cornered. "No! NO! This is not how Captain Qwark dies! He's supposed to live and then settle down with thousands of his money around him in Bolts! And also living a comfortable life giving messages and makeovers to needy people named Qwark!" 

The Darkspawn were all about to strike. When all of a sudden.... BAM!

A large Haven Airship had flown from out of the sky launching a smart bomb at the Darkspawn horde killing a lot of Darkspawn around Qwark and the Airship. Sig was seen from the cockpit firing the ship's lasers and shooting his own Peacemaker as the Airship was in hover mode.

"Get in!" Sig yelled to Qwark. 

"Well, Mother always told me never to get onto Airships with strange men, but okay." Qwark decided getting on board. 

"Let's get out of here!" Sig declared. And the Airship took off as the Darkspawn tried to shoot at it.

"Wait! My friends are up in that tower!" Qwark informed.

"So are mine." Sig replied. "Let's get in there and get em out then." 

"Qwark's in trouble. We better get down to the front lines." Ratchet was already on his way down the tower. "Did I just say that out loud?" He asked.

Skrunch got Ratchet's attention. Darkspawn were coming from the stairs and shot arrows at Talia and Alistair. Both humans fell to the ground unconscious and wounded. The Tower Soldier and the Mage were killed though. 

"Guys!" Ratchet yelled. He took out his Bouncer ready to strike. But the Darkspawn were suddenly scattered by an explosion. Something had taken out the Darkspawn. And it was revealed to be... Jak himself. He had with him his Plasmarite RPG on his hand. 

"I'm just getting started." Jak said. He then turned to Ratchet. "Ratchet?" He asked.

"Jak? Daxter?" Ratchet asked confused. 

"RATCHET!" Daxter greeted.

Cooper looked confused as to how they knew each other. 

"You're the last two people I expected to see today." Ratchet pointed out.

"What are you doing here?" Jak asked.

"It's a long story." Ratchet answered. "What are you doing here?" He asked back. 

"It's a long story." Daxter answered. They got interrupted by the sight of some Darkspawn coming. 

"Well, we'll have to cut this short then." Jak replied. He readied his morph gun. 

Ratchet took out his wrench. But before either could fight back. The whole Darkspawn army was taken out by a Giant Dragon that appeared from nowhere and killed all the Darkspawn with its flames.

"And now there's that thing!" Daxter yelled out. 

"Well it can't be all that bad if it's taken out those monsters" Jak pointed out.

The Dragon then transformed back into a human. An old human woman. "I had a hunch that this would happen." She said.

"Wait a second. You're that Crazy Frog Lady!" Ratchet realized.

"Can't say I've heard of that one before." The Witch admitted. 

"You know this woman?" Jak asked.

"We've met." Ratchet answered. 

"There is not much time. The Darkspawn are going to overrun you soon. We must get out of here." The Witch informed.

"Sounds good to me." Daxter decided. 

Jak got on his communicator. "Sig, we've found the survivors. And... well you're not going to believe who I've just ran into." He reported.

"Copy that. I'm sure I'll here all about it. I've just picked up somebody as well." Sig replied. "We're swinging to you now." 

"You said the Darkspawn before." Jak remembered. "Is that what those things are?" He asked. 

"Yes." The Witch answered.

"Well, they're not the only ones." Jak said. "We were hoping to get to you before the Metal Heads got here." 

"The Metal Heads?" Ratchet asked. 

"Large ravenous creatures from our universe." Daxter answered. "They sort of crossed into this-" He was interrupted by a large explosion coming from the bottom of the tower. 

Large Plasma Balls launched from the Metal Heads attacked at the tower base, making it fall to the ground. 

"HELP! WE'RE FALLING!" Daxter yelled. 

The Witch had transformed back into a Dragon. "I will take the Wardens out of here!" She informed.

"What about us?" Ratchet asked.

That was when Sig and Qwark came in the Airship.

"Over here!" Qwark yelled.

Skrunch cheered. He jumped onto the Airship. As did Ratchet and Jak.

"Come on, Cooper!" Ratchet yelled. Cooper jumped on board. 

"Go!" Jak yelled as the Witch grabbed Talia and Alistair. 

They got out in the nick of time as the tower collapsed on the ground.

"Talk about a Deja Vu moment." Daxter commented referring back to the fall of the Haven Palace back in Haven City.

"Where do we go now?" Ratchet asked.

"I know a place. Follow me." The Witch said to the others. 

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