Chapter 7: Heroes United.

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The Sun had risen on Haven City. The City was going about its usual business. Have Citizens rode on their Zoomers, Haven Troopers patrolled the streets. And by the Water side of the city, which had used to be the Water Slums, before it had received a complete refurbishment, people celebrated their new found victory that the Metal Heads had been pushed off their world. 

And for Fergus Cousland, he was walking around the whole city observing all the sights and scenes. The Palace that was destroyed when the K.G Robots went Rogue and the Metal Heads attacked the city wasn't rebuilt. But that was fine for the Havens. That Palace stood as a symbol of power and fear thanks to the rule of Baron Praxis. 

"Hello there, Fergus." The voice of Samos the Sage greeted. He had done a pretty decent job of healing up the Metal Head wounds that Fergus had sustained. "How are you feeling today?"

"Better." Fergus answered. "Thank you for everything you've done." 

Meanwhile back in the Kocari Wilds. Ratchet and Jak were by the Chasind Hut where Ratchet had met Morrigan and her Mother. Morrigan's Mother was tending to Alistair's wounds. And he seemed to be recovering better than Talia at any rate. She was still unconsious inside of the hut. 

Alistair seemed to be waking up with Daxter looking at him. "You took that hit from those nasty guys on purpose right?" Daxter asked.

Alistair's eyes opened wide just starring at Daxter. "Um? Ratchet?" He asked.

"Easy there, Alistair." Ratchet assured. "You're not dead and neither are we." 

"What is this thing, exactly?" Alistair asked.

"I'm a Precursor." Daxter answered.

"He's an Ottsel." Jak corrected.

"Who are you?" Alistair asked sitting up now.

"We're the guys who saved your life. You're welcome by the way." Daxx answered.

"This is Jak and Daxter. I've met them before in the past." Ratchet explained.

"Very distant past." Jak clarified. 

"Huh. We're just meeting everybody today." Alistair thought. He then noticed Qwark. "Captain! You're alive."

"Happy to be so." Qwark replied. 

"Is there anyone else here?" Alistair asked. "Did Duncan make it out?" 

But everyone else looked grim with news. "Sorry, Alistair. Qwark was the only one that they found alive." Ratchet broke the news.

Alistair looked shell shocked at the news. "Duncan... he... how did this happen?"

"I'll tell you what happened. Loghain quit the field and the Darkspawn overran us." Ratchet answered.

And a new feeling had rushed for Alistair. Anger. "That Bastard! He left the King to die! He left DUNCAN TO DIE! He's going to pay for what he did!" He declared.

"Oh he's going to pay alright." Ratchet agreed. "We're going to see to that." 

"Thanks to him, The Metal Heads are now on the move as well. That makes it our fight too." Jak informed.

"Metal Heads?" Alistair asked. "What's a Metal Head." 

It was time to go on with explaining things to everyone. 

Meanwhile in the Hut, Talia woke up like she had too many drinks of ale from the night before. The last thing she remembered was being shot by so many arrows from Darkspawn. Now she was in some odd Hut. And a figure. The Witch from before. "Ah, your eyes finally opened. Mother shall be pleased." Morrigan noted.

"Err... yes, where am I?" Talia asked. "What happened?" 

"You were injured and then Mother rescued you. We are in the Wilds, and I am Morrigan, lest you have forgotten. And I have been bandaging your wounds. You are welcome by the way." Morrigan answered.

"My Wounds?" Talia asked looking at her bandaged wounds.

"How does your memory fare? Do you remember Mother's rescue?" Morrigan asked.

"All I remember is being overwhelmed by Darkspawn." Talia recalled. 

"Mother managed to save you and your friends though it was a close call. Along with several others that happened to be there as well." Morrigan explained. 

"So, Alistair, Cooper, Ratchet, Qwark, Skrunch?" Talia asked in hysterics.

"They are fine." Morrigan assured. But her tone grew grim.

"What about the army? The King? Did we win?" Talia asked. But she should've known better.

"The man who was to respond to your signal quit the field. The Darkspawn won your battle. Those he abandoned were massacred. Your friend... he is not taking it well." Morrigan answered.

"Friend?" Talia asked. She realized it was Alistair. And her heart sunk a new level. That was two betrayals the young Teryna had suffered in only a short time. And on top of that it was from Loghain. The Greatest General who just abandoned the field. "This is horrible." She said.

"Of that I have no doubt." Morrigan replied. "The suspicious dim witted one who was with you before has been inconsolable since Mother told him the news."

"Where is he?" Talia asked.

"He is outside by the fire. Mother asked to see you when you awoke." Morrigan answered. "You'll find your armor and weapons in a chest. All safe and sound."

"Thank you, Morrigan for everything." Talia thanked.

Morrigan seemed to be taken aback by Talia's kindness. "You are most... welcome. Though Mother did most of the work."

Talia got her armor and equipment on her and walked out of the Hut. "I should go see your Mother then." She decided. 

"I will stay and make something to eat." Morrigan informed.

However when Talia, walked out. She was surprised to see Morrigan's Mother talking with Alistair, Ratchet, Qwark, and Skrunch. But also with Jak, Daxter and Sig.

 "See? Here is your fellow Grey Warden. You worry too much, young man." Morrigan's Mother said. 

"Hey, Talia! You're up!" Ratchet commented.

"Yeah, we've all been in tougher spots though." Talia replied.

"You... you're alive. I thought you were dead for sure." Alister said to Talia.

"I'm alright. I appreciate your concern, and I'm not dead thanks to Morrigan's Mother." Talia assured.

"Hey! What about us!?" Daxter asked annoyed. 

Talia turned around to see Jak looking at her. "Um, down here." Daxx called. Talia looked down to see Daxter looking at her. 

"Um... Alistair? Ratchet?" Talia asked. "Who are these guys? And is this thing talking?"

"Yes... this is happening. Jak answered for her. "I'm Jak, by the way. An old acquaintance of Ratchet. This right here is Daxter. And the big guy with us is Sig." He introduced.  

"And you helped us escape the tower with Morrigan's Mother?" Talia asked.

"Do not talk about me as if I am not present, you two." Morrigan's Mother interrupted.

"I... I didn't mean." Alistair stuttered. "But what do we call you? You never told us your name. Or should we just call you the Frog Lady?" He asked.

"Names are pretty, but useless. The Chasind folk call me Flemeth. I suppose it will do." Morrigan's Mother answered.

"Flemeth?" Talia thought stunned. She heard all those legends from her tutor Aldous and her Nan. Her Family name had a history with the Witch of the Wilds, not a lot of it pretty. And her Nan would tell her all those horrible stories to keep Talia in her bed. Talia remembered when she was 6 and she got horrible nightmares that Flemeth would sneak into the castle and kidnap her. 

Alistair looked stunned as well. "The Flemeth from the legends? Daveth was right. You're the Witch of the Wilds, aren't you?" He realized.

Flemeth didn't look stunned. "And what does that mean? I know a bit of magic, and it has served you well, has it not?" She asked.

"So she's a witch. Big deal. I've seen stranger." Ratchet commented.

"So have we." Daxter added. "And we've seen a bunch of Witch's. I mean... look at Samos." 

"Samos is not a Witch, Daxx. He's a Eco Sage." Sig corrected. 

"Eco?" Talia asked. "Are you familiar with this, Ratchet?" She asked. Because a part of her knew that Alistair probably wasn't. 

"Nope. Doesn't come from our Universe." Ratchet answered.

"We're from another Universe. Another, another Universe." Jak clarified. 

And he began to tell them everything: "We were just about to tell Alistair this, but now we don't have to repeat ourselves twice." Jak then told everyone about everything that had happened to him and Daxter on their adventures. The Precursors, The different types of Eco. Them getting transported into the future of the city of Haven City which was locked in a war with creatures called the Metal Heads. Jak was then apprehended by the Krimzon Guard and experimented by the Baron Praxis and a bunch of Dark Eco was injected into him. The Underground. Defeating the Metal Head Leader. Being Banished to the Wasteland. Meeting the people of Spargus. Destroying the Dark Maker Ship.  

"Though if you do want the quick recap. You can just play the HD Remastered of our Trilogy on the PS3!" Daxter interrupted breaking the 4th Wall. 

Talia and Alistair took all of that in. "So, you've been busy." Alistair commented.

"Our boy here gets all mean and nasty when you piss him off. So don't piss him off. Word to the wise." Daxter advised. 

"So those things we encountered in the Woods are these Metal Heads?" Talia asked.

"Yes. We chased them into the Mountains after pushing them from the City. But they went through a Rift Gate and disappeared into this Universe. So we're out to hunt down those Jelly Bags and wipe them out." Sig answered.

"We've fought and bled for years against these creatures. And trust me. You don't want to see a 2.0." Jak said.

"Which seems to be what we're getting thanks to Loghain." Qwark added. "We need a plan. A good plan. I'll be with my Crayons." 

"We need to bring Loghain to judgement. Why would he do this?" Alistair asked.

"Now that is a good question. Men's hearts hold shadows darker than any tainted creatures." Flemeth replied. "Perhaps he believes that the Blight and The Metal Heads are 2 armies he can out maneuver. Perhaps he does not see that the evil behind it is the true threat." She suggested.

"The Archdemon." Alistair grumbled. 

That was when a large hologram appeared from the sky.

"And it might also be that thing up there." Daxter pointed out.

Everyone looked at it. The image of Dr. Nefarious was seen. 

"Nefarious!" Qwark and Ratchet shouted. 

Dr. Nefarious laughed out loud ready to deliver his broadcast. "Attention! Citizens of *shows map of Ferelden* I am your new official leader. Dr. Nefarious! Using some powerful technology and superior fire power, which you possibly couldn't understand. We will be taking over your Kingdom and all its inhabitants. Of course this will cause a major balance shift of power on your lands and disrupt all of your lives, but sacrifices must be made. Thank you for your Cooperation. And if you don't want to Cooperate: TOO BAD! Mwa! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! And as for you, Ratchet and Qwark. You once foiled my plans to bring the Solanna Galaxy to kneel before me and left me stranded on an Asteroid. Now you two can look forward to being disintegrated! Mwa! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!..... Okay. I think that's it." The Broadcast shifted off. 

"Oh great! Now Dr. Nefarious is here!" Ratchet complained. 

"Dr. Nefarious?" Talia asked. 

"Points on for the name." Alistair commented. 

"He's some Villain that we pummeled years ago." Ratchet answered. "And now he's here in Ferelden trying to take it over."

Alistair swallowed hard. "That's not good. The Blight will be the least of our problems. We've got The Metal Head infestation, as well as this Dr. Nefarious trying to take over everything. And on top of that, Loghain's betrayed the King all so he could have the throne." 

"Wouldn't be the first time it's happened." Sig pointed out. "Damas was betrayed by Baron Praxis in a similar manner too." 

"So we're Underground Freedom Fighters again and trying to fight a multi war. What else is new?" Jak asked sarcastically.

"And don't worry about Nefarious. We fight him. We stop his plans. It's a pretty well established dynamic." Ratchet assured.

"And what about you Jak? How many times have you saved the day for you?" Alistair asked.

"4." Jak answered.

Alistair looked confused. "Really? Only 4? Strange. Seemed like 5." 

"Well what about that-" Sig caught himself. "Oh right. We don't speak of that." 

"So, we've basically got 4 problems, The Blight, The Metal Heads, Nefarious, and Loghain." Talia recapped. "Maker, we're in trouble." She said.

"Especially since we're on our own, now." Alistair added. "Damn Loghain. He put us into this mess. Now we've got to dig out of it. If Arl Eamon knew of this, he would never stand for it! The Landsmeet wouldn't stand for it! There would be Civil War!" 

"Who?" Qwark asked.

"The Arl of Redcliffe. He and my Father were old friends. And he's well respected in the Landsmeet. That's the gathering of all the Lords and Ladies of Ferelden. And he'll believe us over Loghain. That I'm certain." Talia answered. "And he's also Cailan's Uncle."

"He's a good man! I know him too." Alistair said. Then he had a lightbulb. "We could go to Redcliffe and appeal to him for help!" 

"And there are other allies we can call upon, right?" Talia asked hitting the nail on the head. 

"Of course! The Treaties! Grey Wardens can demand aid from Elves, Dwarves, Mages, and other places. They're obligated to help us during a Blight!" Alistair exclaimed.

"I may be old. But Elves, Dwarves, Mages, this Arl Eamon and who knows what else... this sounds like an army, to me." Flemeth commented.

"So can we do this? Go to Redcliffe and these other places and... build an army?" Alistair asked.

"Why not, isn't that what Grey Wardens do?" Talia asked.

"Sounds like we have a mission." Ratchet said.

"Let's go take care of business." Jak declared. 

"We've also got more allies to call on." Sig added. "I'll get on the horn to Haven City and see if I can't get additional troops from Ashelin and Torn. And I'll also call in the Spargus to aid us." 

"Good thinking." Jak said. He turned to Ratchet. "What do you say Ratchet?" He asked.

Ratchet nodded taking out his wrench. "You bet I'm ready. Let's stop these Metal Heads, Nefarious, Loghain, and The Archdemon! Together!" He declared. He put his hand down waiting for a pile. 

"I'm in too!" Qwark declared putting his hand in. Skrunch put his hand in too. 

"Let's get em!" Daxx yelled putting his hand in.

"I'm always ready for a rumble!" Jak put his hand in. 

"Let's see about this so called Teryn Loghain!" Sig put his hand in. 

They all broke off after that. 

"So you are set then? Ready to become Grey Wardens and heroes?" Flemeth asked.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Talia answered. 

"Now... before you go. There is yet one more thing I can offer you." Flemeth said.

That was when Morrigan walked out. "The stew is bubbling, Mother. Shall we have guests for the eve or none?" She asked.

"The Grey Wardens are be leaving shortly. And you will be joining them." Flemeth informed.

"Such a shame--" Morrigan started before she realized what was happening. "WHAT?"

"You heard me Girl. The last time I looked, you had ears." Flemeth laughed. 

"Um... thanks. But if Morrigan doesn't want to come with us...." Talia started.

"Her Magic will be useful. And better still. She knows how to navigate the Wilds safely." Flemeth interrupted.

"Have I no say in this?" Morrigan asked.

"You have been itching to get out of the Wilds for years. This is your chance." Flemeth answered. "As for you, Wardens, consider this repayment for your lives." 

"Very well. We'll take her with us." Ratchet decided for everyone.

Alistair seemed to complained about it though. "Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but won't this add to our problems? Out of the Wilds, she's an Apostate." He pointed out.

"If you do not wish help from us illegal mages, young man, perhaps I should have left you on that tower." Flemeth countered.

"Point.... taken." Alistair replied.

"Mother... this is not how I wanted this. I am not even ready-" Morrigan protested.

"You must be ready." Flemeth informed. "Alone, these heroes must unite Ferelden against the Darkspawn and Metal Heads. They need you, Morrigan. Without you, they will surely fail, and all will perish under the Blight. Even I." 

"I... understand." Morrigan reluctantly accepted.

"And you Wardens? Do you understand? I give you that which I value above all in this world. I do this because you must succeed." Flemeth asked.

"I understand." Talia answered.

"Allow me to get my things if you please." Morrigan requested. She left to the Hut to get her things. But she turned to Ratchet. "Oh, and is that yours by any chance?" She asked pointing to something that was tangled by Spider Webs. 

"My Ship!" Ratchet yelled running over. 

"Oof. That's seen better days." Daxter commented. 

Ratchet ignored the comment. "Well, I should take it into the shop? Any chance you guys can hook it up and help me drag it out?" He asked.

"We can hook it up to our Airship if that's what you're asking." Jak answered.

"It might be like dragging the green ooze, but we'll make it work." Daxx added.

Ratchet was about to say something when Morrigan came walking back out.

"I am at your disposal, Grey Wardens. I suggest a village North of the Wilds as our first destination. Tis not far and you will find much you need there." Morrigan informed. "Or if you prefer. I shall by your silent guide. The choice is yours." 

"No, I prefer you speak you mind." Talia answered.

Flemeth laughed. "You will regret saying that." 

"I regret a lot of things in life." Ratchet replied. 

"Dear, sweet mother, you are so kind to cast me out like this. How fondly I shall remember this moment." Morrigan sarcastically said to her mother.

"Well, I always said if you want something done, do it yourself, or hear about it for a decade or two afterwards." 

Alister still felt uncomfortable about the whole situation though. "I just... do you really want to take her along because her mother says so?" He asked.

"We need all the help we can get, Alistair." Talia answered.

"I guess you're right." Alistair caved in. "The Grey Wardens have always taken allies where they could find them." 

"I am so pleased to have your approval." Morrigan replied.

"Anybody else getting mixed feelings from this?" Qwark asked.

"Nope." Ratchet answered. 

Sig hooked up what was left of Aphelion to the Airship. "Alright. We'll have to fly this baby on the low ground to keep it intact." He informed.

"That's fine. I don't want to have to repair this baby over and over and more than I already have to." Ratchet replied.

"Let's get underway." Talia declared. 

Morrigan turned to her mother. "Farewell, Mother. Do not forget the stew on the fire. I would hate to return to a burned down hut." She said.

Flemeth didn't seem to like that. "Ha! Tis far more likely you will return to see this entire area, along with my hut, swallowed up by Metal Heads."  

Morrigan seemed taken back. "I... all I mean was-" She stuttered.

"Yes, I know. Do try to have fun dear." Flemeth bid farewell.

"Come on. Let's get out of here, before we get even more mixed messages from the old hag over here." Daxx said as he got on Jak's shoulder.

"You ride on his shoulder?" Talia asked.

"It may be lumpy but it is convenient." Daxx answered.  

"Okay, everyone. The Blight is threatening Ferelden. But if we want to stop the land from descending into chaos, we'll need to end the threat of Loghain for good and see that he pays for what he did. And even with the Blight taken care of, there's still the Metal Head threat to deal with." Alistair recapped. 

"Um." Ratchet reminded.

"Also, somebody should probably take care of Dr. Nefarious." Alistair added. 

And there they went. Many heroes. 3 universes. 4 Threats. 1 Solution. And Many Routes to take. The Heroes were now united like never before. And so they would go off to Lothering.  

Meanwhile at Denerim. Loghain had heard the announcement from Dr. Nefarious. But he was more concerned about different topics. The King was dead. And Loghain would now be Regent for his Daughter, Queen Anora. "...And I expect each of you to supply these men. We must rebuild what was lost at Ostagar, and quickly!" He declared to all the Lords and Ladies of Ferelden in attendance. "There are those like that Dr. Nefarious who would take advantage of our weakened state if we let them. We must defeat this darkspawn invasion, but we must do so sensibly and without hesitation." Loghain was speaking. 

"Your Lordship. If I might speak." The voice of Bann Teagan of Redcliffe requested to the audience. 

Loghain allowed him to speak. "You have declared yourself Queen Anora's regent, and claim we must unite under your banner for our own good." Teagan recapped. "But what of the army lost at Ostagar? Your withdraw was most... fortuitous." He asked.

All the Lords seemed to agree with that statement. Loghain didn't seemed fazed though. "Everything I have done has been to secure Ferelden's independence. I have not shirked my duties to the throne, and neither will any of you!" He ordered.

Teagan could see what was going on though. He wasn't fooled at all by what Loghain was saying. And he could also see that he was ambitious for the throne. "The Bannorn will bow to you simply because you demand it!" 

"Understand this: I will brook no threat to this nation... from you or anyone!" Loghain threatened as he left. 

Teagan also started to walk away. "Bann Teagan. Please!" Anora called.

"Your Majesty. Your father risks civil war. If Eamon were here..." Teagan said. 

Anora sighed. A civil war was the last thing that Ferelden needed right now. 

"Bann Teagan, my father is doing what is best." Anora insisted.

"Did he also do what was best for your husband, your Majesty?" Teagan asked leaving Anora deep in thought.

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