Chapter 8: Lothering.

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The Party of the Grey Wardens and other things were walking along the bridge of Lothering coming onto the crossroads of the Imperial Highway. From the Imperial Highway. The Group could connect to all areas of Ferelden. 

"Good thing that Morrigan knew the lands around the Horde of Darkspawn." Ratchet commented. 

"Yeah. We're almost to Lothering now." Talia replied. 

"Anything we should know?" Jak asked.

Alistair had remained quiet. He had been so ever since they left the Wilds. He lost Duncan who Talia could tell had been a father figure to Alistair. Seeing as how Talia had just lost her own father, she could relate to that. 

"Not really. Lothering is a small village. Just the Chantry is the only known building around the area. It's a land of villagers and Tavern Gossip." Talia answered.  

"And apparently some bandits." Daxx added noticing all the Highway Men.

The Highway Men Leader looked at the group that was coming toward them. "Wake up gents! More travelers to attend to! I'd guess the pretty one is the Leader." He informed which earned a glare from Talia. 

"Well, I don't mean to brag or anything like that." Daxx bragged walking in front of Talia.

"Hold up there, Fuzzball. He was talking about me!" Qwark interrupted.

"No! I'm the beautiful one!" Daxter shot back. "And you! Have you seen your Butt shaped Chin?" 

Ratchet chuckled under his breath. "Well, he's got you there, Qwark."

"Who are you calling a Butt Shaped Chin, you lumpy whiskers?" Qwark asked. 

"I'm going to turn you into a Lumpy Whiskers!" Daxx shot back. "Don't make me come over there and... sick Jak on you!" He threatened.

"Just try it, Goggle Face! And see how you do with my Rock Hard Abs!" Qwark flexed. "You don't think I get these tightly fisted glutes for nothing!" 

"Oh, is that what that's called? I always assumed that that was just fluff on the inside. Maybe the tightly fisted suit you wear is cutting off the blood to your brain!" Daxter suggested.  

Ratchet clapped his hands enjoying the insults. 

"Well look who's talking Mr. Retro!" Qwark shot back. "I didn't know Denim was back in!" 

"And what's so bad about Denim? Of course you don't know seeing as how you run in Green Onesies." Daxx pointed out.

The Highway men all looked at each other confused at the arguing that was happening at that moment. The Leader just looked at Ratchet. "You know what? We were just trying to get some money before the Darkspawn came. D-do you get this a lot?" He asked.

"Pretty much everyday." Ratchet answered. "But now it's doubled."

The Highway Men just gave Ratchet a bunch of money. "Here. Go buy something nice. You've earned our pity." They then left. 

Ratchet just looked at everyone who also looked confused by what just happened. Except for Daxter and Qwark who were still arguing.

"Well, that is one way to make money." Morrigan commented.

"Come on. Let's go before we get into another moment." Jak suggested.

They went down the ramp of the Large Bridge to head down the town itself.

"Well. There it is. Lothering. Pretty as a painting." Alistair commented.

"I'm thinking of something, and it's definitely not a painting." Ratchet shot back. 

"Ah, so you've finally decided to rejoin us, haven't you? Falling on your blade in grief seemed like too much trouble, I take it?" Morrigan asked Alistair.

"Is my being upset so hard to understand?" Alistair asked angrily. "Have you ever lost someone important to you? Just what would you do if your Mother died?" 

"I have." Talia thought.

"Before or after I stopped laughing?" Morrigan asked.

Alistair rolled his eyes. "Right. Very creepy. Forget I asked." 

"Well, you have been very quiet, Alistair. I mean, more quiet than Jak when he was a mute." Daxter noted. 

"You were a mute?" Alistair asked Jak.

"Yeah. So if it looks like I'm speaking for the first time and learning new words and communication skills. It's because I am." Jak answered. 

"You should've seen him when we crawled out of the Baron's fortress." Daxter added. 

"Huh the more you know." Alistair said. "I suppose I was just thinking." 

"No wonder it took so long, then." Morrigan commented.  

"Oh, I get it. This is the part where we're shocked to discover how you've never had a friend in your entire life." Alistair came back.

"I can be friendly when I desire to." Morrigan pointed out. "Alas, desiring to be more intelligent does not make it so." 

"Anyway..." Alistair decided to change the subject. "I thought about where we intend to go first." 

"I need to find Fergus. He might still be alive." Talia answered. 

"He was out scouting in the Kocari Wilds. That's what the King said." Alistair remembered.

Jak, Daxter, and Sig all got a flashback. "Fergus... Jak, didn't we encounter a guy named Fergus back in the Kocari Wilds?" Daxter asked.

"That's right." Jak answered. "Talia. What's your last name?" He asked.

Talia looked stunned with that. "It's Cousland. Why?" She asked.

"Yep. Cousland." Daxx said to Jak. 

"Because we encountered a guy named Fergus Cousland in the Kocari Wilds when we got here. His Scouting Force got attacked by Metal Heads. We killed all the Metal Heads, but your brother got hit pretty bad." Jak answered. 

"Maker's Breath." Talia said. 

"Don't worry. We had to get your brother to safety, so we sent him through the Rift Gate and back to Haven City. He'll be recovering with us." Sig assured. 

Talia breathed a sigh of relief. At least her brother was safe for now. "Okay. Alistair? What do you think we should do?" She asked.

"This should be good." Morrigan thought out loud. 

"I... think what Flemeth suggested is the best idea. These treaties... have you looked at them?" Alistair asked.

"As we were walking around actually." Talia answered. "Looks like we've got 3 treaties with us." 

"Only 3 treaties? Now I can relax." Daxter commented.

"There are 3 main groups that we have treaties for: The Dalish Elves. The Dwarves of Orzammar. And the Circle of Magi." Alistair explained to their friends. "I also think that Arl Eamon is our best bet. We might even want to go to him, first." He suggested. 

"Sounds simple enough." Ratchet replied. 

"What do you think we should do, Morrigan?" Talia asked.

"Go after your enemy directly." Morrigan answered. "Find this man, Loghain and kill him. The rest of this business with the treaties can then be done in safety." 

"Yes, he certainly wouldn't see that one coming!" Alistair shot down. "And it's not like he has the advantage of an army and experience and-"

"I was asked for my opinion and I gave it. If your wish is to come up with reasons why something cannot be done, we will stand here until the Darkspawn are upon us." Morrigan interrupted. Talia had a feeling that she was going to hear a lot of conversations like this between the two.

"I say if we do confront Loghain, we're going to need an army of our own. So let's get going to this Arl Eamon first." Ratchet suggested. 

"Alright. Let's just move into town and figure out what to do what's there." Talia decided. And they all went into town. Well at least the whole part of it that wasn't trying to get too regulated by a bunch of refugees. 

The first person they came across was a farmer. "You don't look like the other folk fleeing the south. Were you in the battle?" The Farmer asked.

"Sort of." Talia answered. 

"Word of advice for you. You might want to get a set of different armor on you." The Farmer suggested looking at the Grey Warden Armor.

"Why's that?" Ratchet asked.

"Because the Teyrn's said them Grey Wardens are the reason why the army was all slain by Darkspawn. I don't know what's going on myself. But you won't find the same privileges here that you once did." The Farmer answered. 

"He's doing what?" Talia asked in disbelief. 

"It would appear that this Loghain is blaming Grey Wardens for what happened." Morrigan clarified. 

"Damn that man!" Alistair yelled. "It's not enough that he quit the field and left Duncan and The King to die. Now he blames us?" 

"Sounds like another scape goat. Somebody needs someone to blame." Jak said. He knew where this route went down. 

"We should go." Talia decided. "Come on, guys." 

"So now we're basically criminals." Ratchet recapped. 

"Eh, sometimes to be a hero, you got to break a few laws." Jak pointed out. 

The walked some more to see a group of merchants arguing with some Chantry worker.

"Back off! I have the right to charge what I wish!" A Merchant was telling the Chantry workers. 

"You profit from their misfortune! I should have the Templars give away everything in your carts!" The Chantry Worker scolded.

"You wouldn't dare! Any of you step too close to my goods, and I'll-" The Merchant started to get all defensive. 

"It's so nice to see everyone working together in a crisis. Warms the heart." Alistair commented sarcastically.

The Merchant noticed Ratchet though. "Ho! You a Lombax?!" He asked.

"What makes you think that?" Ratchet asked.

"Well... there's your ears, your tail, and your Wrench right there." The Merchant answered. "Ferelden hasn't seen a Lombax since... well it's been a while." 

"Yeah. My ship crashed and I'm sort of stuck here with these two." Ratchet pointed to Qwark and Skrunch.

"Is it me, or do you smell bananas?" Qwark asked Skrunch.

Skrunch was eating a banana.

"Well, what a crazy convenience for both of us. We just happen to have some spare parts for a Lombax Ship." The Merchant showed off some Lombax Ship parts. 

"Those look like parts that can be used to fix my Ship!" Ratchet realized. 

"Say. How about making a little offer?" The Merchant asked.

Ratchet gave him some Money. 

"Thank you, Lombax. You won't be disappointed." The Merchant convinced turning his attention to the Chantry Worker. "Now I don't have to worry about you ruining my business. See ya." He left. 

"Well... that's one way to resolve a crisis." Talia figured. 

"Come on. We gotta keep moving. I need a place to fix Aphelion." Ratchet decided. 

Walking over the bridge. They could see a crowd gathering in the Town Square. Apparently around a crazy guy making some crazy chants. "The Legions of evil are on your doorstep! They will feast upon our hearts!" The Guy was screaming.

"Oh, look. Crazy people." Daxter commented. "Why can't they just reduce it to some pamphlets or something?"

"There is nowhere to run! This evil will cover the world, like a plague of locusts." The guy continued to scream out.

"Please. You scaring the children." A listener was begging.

"Better to slit their throats now than let them suffer at darkspawn hands!" The Crazy Guy continued.

Jak walked over. "Better to shut your mouth, before I shut it for you." He snapped. 

The Crazy guy was about to say something to Jak. But Jak just punched the guy into the nearby river. "Alright. Show's over." Jak announced.

"But never fear, citizens. For you will be saved by the Greatest Super Hero to ever live! Captain Qwark!" Qwark ran in front of Jak. 

Skrunch also ran onto Qwark's shoulders. "And his able ward, Skrunch the Monkey!" Qwark added. "And that about covers it. Okay! Ready or not, here we come!"  

Ratchet breathed heavily. And banged his head on his wrench. "Is it me, or did I like him better as a monkey?" He asked himself. 

"You alright, Ratchet?" Talia asked.

"Never better." Ratchet answered. "I need a drink." He went towards an Inn.

"Same." Alistair decided. 

"Right behind you." Talia said. 

The others decided to follow them in.

The Inn was buzzing with a flux of people. "Well. At least business is good for awhile." Daxter commented. 

"Fleeing for their lives. I suppose so." Jak replied. But that was when they noticed some soldiers. And they looked armed. 

"Maybe they're town security." Ratchet suggested. 

"Well. Look what we have here, men. I think we've just been blessed." The Captain noticed them coming in. 

Alistair figured out who they were. "Uh oh. Loghain's Men. This can't be good." He informed.

"Oh, great." Ratchet groaned. 

"Didn't we spend all morning asking about a woman by this very description? And everyone said they hadn't seen her?" Another Soldier asked.

"It seems we were lied to." The Captain replied. 

That was when a woman in a Chantry Robe with Short Red Hair and a dagger walked up. "Gentlemen, surely there is no need for trouble. These are no doubt simply more poor souls seeking refuge." She interrupted in a thick Orlesian Accent. 

"They're more than that." The Captain hissed. "Now stay out of our way, Sister. You protect these traitors, you'll get the same as them." He warned. 

"Well so much for subtlety." Ratchet thought. 

"If he wants to fight. I'll be happy to oblige." Talia interrupted drawing out her sword. 

"Take the Warden in custody. Kill the Sister. And everyone else that fights against you." The Captain ordered his men. They all drew their swords. While Jak, Ratchet, Qwark, and Sig took out their guns. 

"Jak?" Sig asked. 

Jak took out his Wave Concussor. He charged it all up and it released a blast of Red Eco around him firing at Loghain's men. 

However one man was fighting against the Chantry Sister. But the Chantry Sister had managed to tumble to the ground, take out her dagger and stab the guy in the back. 

The Captain realized the power that Jak wielded. And he could also see Ratchet readying his Bouncer. He shot a round and the exploding cannister shots knocked them down. 

"Alright. You've won!" The Captain admitted not wanting the fight to continue. "We surrender." 

"Good. They've learned their lesson and we can all stop fighting now." The Sister decided. 

"That's right! We bad!" Daxter yelled. "You haven't forgotten what I taught ya, Jak." 

"Nice move against that one guy." Jak praised the Sister. 

"Thank you. Though, I do prefer a bow." The Sister admitted. 

"Take a message to Loghain." Talia ordered the soldiers. 

"What should I tell him?" The Captain asked.

"Tell him he'll pay for what he's done. We're coming for him." Talia ordered. 

"I'll tell him." The Captain got out of there. 

The Sister in the Meantime looked at Talia. "I apologize for interfering, but I couldn't just sit by and not help." She said. 

"Eh, don't worry about it." Ratchet assured. 

"Where did a sister learn to fight like that?" Talia asked. 

"I wasn't born in the Chantry, you know. Many of us had more... colorful lives before we joined." The Sister answered. But she decided to introduce herself. "Let me introduce myself. I am Leliana, one of the lay sisters of the Chantry here in Lothering. Or I was." 

"I'm Talia. And these are my roomies. My best friend, Cooper, Alistair, Morrigan, Ratchet, Qwark-" Talia introduced.

"Captain Qwark!" Qwark interrupted. 

"Captain Qwark." Talia corrected. She could see how Ratchet felt. "Skrunch, Jak, Daxter, and Sig." 

"You are not Elves, are you?" Leliana asked.

"Nope. We're Havens." Jak answered. 

"I'm a Precursor!" Daxter added. 

"Those men said that you are a Grey Warden. You will be battling the darkspawn, yes? That is what Grey Wardens do?" Leliana asked. 

"Maybe?" Talia asked.

"I know after what happened, you'll need all the help you can get. That's why I'm coming along." Leliana declared.

"Wait what?" Almost everyone in the party asked. 

"Can I ask why you want to join us?" Jak asked.

"The Maker told me to." Leliana answered. 

"We've picked up a weirdo." Qwark mouthed to Ratchet. 

"Can you... elaborate." Talia requested. 

"I-I know that sounds absolutely insane- but it's true! I had a dream... a vision!" Leliana explained trying to justify herself.

"More crazy? I thought we were all full up." Alistair thought out loud.

"Sorry. We're not accepting applications on the crazy list today." Ratchet decided. 

"Yeah. Can we walk out the door now?" Daxter asked.

"No. We're going to run!" Qwark answered. 

"Hold up a second." Jak stopped them. 

"Look at the people here. They are lost in their despair, and this darkness, this chaos... will spread. The Maker doesn't want this." Leliana said. "What you do, what you are meant to do, is the Maker's work. Let me Help!" She insisted. 

Jak then looked at Leliana. "You look like you can handle a good fight. But it's not just Darkspawn we're fighting. We've also got some Metal Heads to deal with." 

"Metal Heads?" Leliana asked. 

"Yep. Large Ravenous Creatures. Big snarly and altogether mean." Jak answered. "You still want to join us?" He asked.

"Please say no. Please say no." Daxter pleaded.

"Yes." Leliana answered. 

"Your call, Talia." Jak said.

"Well, we need all the help we can get." Talia replied. "Alright, you're in." She decided.

"Perhaps your skull was cracked worse than Mother thought." Morrigan commented shaking her head.

"Thank you! I appreciate being given this chance. I will not let you down." Leliana assured. 

"So... this Dr. Nefarious is looking to take over all of Thedas? And along with that, These creatures called the Metal Heads are also in Thedas as well?" Leliana recapped. 

"That would be correct." Ratchet answered.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in." Leliana said. 

"I know right?" Ratchet asked. "I can barely get Qwark here to comprehend it all." 

"Comprehend what?" Qwark asked.

"Never mind." Ratchet answered. That was when they noticed a large cage. With a Giant Man with bonze skin inside. 

"You aren't one of my Captors." The Man noticed. "I will not amuse you more than I have the other humans. Leave me in peace." 

"You're a prisoner?" Talia asked. "Who put you in here?" 

"I'm in a cage, am I not? I've been placed here by the Chantry." The Man answered like it was supposed to be obvious.

Leliana knew who this person was. "The Revered Mother said he slaughtered an entire family. Even the children." She explained.

"It is as she says." The Man admitted.

"You have a name... Mr...?" Talia asked.

"I am Sten of the Beresaad-- the vanguard of the Qunari People." The Man answered. 

Talia knew of the Qunari. They were a race from Par Vollen. Said to be proud warriors and followed their own beliefs they called the Qun. Talia admired them for their strength as a child. 

Sten suddenly looked at Ratchet. "A Lombax, here of all places? I thought your kind died off years ago." 

"Not all of them." Ratchet replied. 

"So it would seem. It matter not. I will die soon enough." Sten said. 

"This is a proud and powerful creature, trapped as prey for the Darkspawn and Metal Heads. If you cannot see a use for him, I suggest releasing him for mercy's sake alone." Morrigan suggested. 

"Mercy?" Alistair asked just as confused as Talia. "I never would've expected that from you."

"I would also suggest that Alistair take his place in the cage." Morrigan suggested.

"Yes, THAT's what I would've expected." Alistair said. 

"I suggest you leave me to my fate." Sten suggested. 

But Talia didn't want to do that. She decided to do something crazy. But considering that her whole day was built by crazy. This didn't seem out of the ordinary. "I find myself in need of skilled help." She said to Sten. 

"No doubt. What help do you seek?" Sten asked.

"I'm sworn to defend the land against the Blight." Talia answered.

"The Blight? Are you a Grey Warden?" Sten asked.

"A new recruit at any rate." Talia answered. 

"Surprising." Sten noted. "My people have heard legends of the Grey Wardens strength and skills. Though I suppose not every legend is true." 

"What's that suppose to mean?" Talia thought. 

"Well, our mission is clear." Ratchet decided. He took out his N90 Hurricane and shot at the door releasing the cage. 

Sten walked out. "And so it is done. I will follow you into battle. And I will find my atonement." He declared. 

"Cool. Let's go." Jak said. "Any objections, Sig?" He asked.

"None that I can think of. Against the Metal Heads, Dr. Nefarious, and the Blight. We've got to have with us as much muscle as we can get." Sig answered. 

"Alright. Now. If we're all taken care of with business here. We'll get on our way." Talia declared. 

"Good thinking." Alistair replied. 

They saw the other end of the bridge. And decided to go onto it. That was when Alistair sensed something. "Talia." He whispered. 

"I can sense something too." Talia knew what Alistair was going to say. "Darkspawn." 

Jak looked over to the Darkspawn attacking 2 Dwarves. "Someone Help us!" One of them yelled. 

"We got to help those people, Jak!" Daxter yelled. 

Jak breathed heavily. "Oh, Sod it." He decided as he went full Dark Eco Mode transforming into Dark Jak. The Darkspawn took noticed as Jak decimated the Darkspawn clawing them to death. Jak returned to normal to see everyone else but Sig looking at Jak stunned by what they just saw. 

"When Daxx said not to piss you off. He wasn't kidding." Talia thought. 

"Jak? W-What was that?" Alistair asked.

Jak sighed. "That was my Dark Eco inside of me." He answered. "I told you before that it's a long story." 

"You get use to it." Sig assured. 

"I'll keep that in mind." Alistair said keeping an eye on Jak. 

That was when they noticed the two Dwarves they saved. "Mighty Timely arrival, my friend. I'm much obliged." The older one said. 

"It was nothing, sir." Ratchet assured. And Talia nodded in agreement.

"The Name's Bodahn Feddic, merchant and entrepreneur." The Older Dwarf introduced himself.  This here is my son, Sandal. Say hello, my boy." 

"Hello." The Younger Dwarf known as Sandal said.

"Road's been mighty dangerous these days. Mind if I ask what brings you out here? Perhaps we're going the same way." Bodahn Feddic asked.

"It's a bit complicated. But you're welcome to come along." Talia answered.

"Complicated?" Bodahn laughed. "Somehow I imagine that only says half of it."

"Well... We are Grey Wardens." Talia admitted.

"Grey Wardens?" Bodahn asked intrigued. "Well that does explain things. Say, tell you what? We'll come alongside you and act as your personal caravan. You need some weapons, trinkets, or any other resources. Well provide it. Along with a Discount, of course for saving our next." He offered. 

"You'd do that?" Talia asked.

"Why not? You saved our lives. And you'll also save us against the Darkspawn. We'll clean up this. And we'll join you shortly after." He answered. 

"Thanks." Talia replied. There seemed to be some good luck on this adventure already. 

"Goodbye." Sandal said. 

"Now then, let's clean up this mess, shall we?" Bodahn decided as he and his son gathered up their supplies. 

Everyone was making camp on the outskirts of the village. Ratchet was busy trying to fix up Aphelion with the parts they had received earlier. 

"You're quite handy with that wrench." Alistair noted. Unfortunately, he stunned Ratchet so hard that Ratchet fell off his stool. 

"You know it. I fixed up my own ships from scratch. Of course, Aphelion was a ship that Clank and I found wrecked on Fastoon." Ratchet replied. "I'm still short on fuel though. Even if I were to get Aphelion back up and running, it's not enough to get up into space. So she's going to have to stay on reserve power for now." 

"I think you'd like Keira. She can build anything out of spare parts in her sleep." Jak commented. 

"Hm." Ratchet thought.

"Don't get any ideas, Ratchet." Daxter warned trying to play the supportive friend for Jak.

"Oh, believe me. I have no interest in Jak's friends." Ratchet assured. 

Jak wasn't sure how to take that. As an insult or as a compliment. That was when Ratchet saw a large part of the engine compression was on the ground. "Um... can someone...?"  

That was when he noticed Sten pick it up and hand it to Ratchet. "Thanks." Ratchet thanked. He then started Aphelion up. 

"My word." Aphelion started to shake up. "I can't believe some insufferable know it what's!" That was when she stopped talking. And then noticed her surroundings. 

"Aphelion, relax. We're all safe here. Your systems were knocked out of your circuitry." Ratchet informed. "What's the last thing you remember?" He asked.  

Aphelion had to think on that. "We were pulled into the Rift Gate, and the next thing I know, I've woken up here." She answered. 

"Alright. Here's the situation." Ratchet then began to explain the whole situation to Aphelion. 

"Well, seeing as how I'm on Reserve fuel, and this Dr. Nefarious is threatening us all. We may have to team up with this Jak and Daxter after all while we are stuck on this planet. And whoever this Alistair person is." 

"That would be me." Alistair chimed in. "And are you a talking ship?" He asked. 

"I happen to have more intelligence than even Captain Qwark here." Aphelion answered. 

"Hey!" Qwark complained. 

"She's not wrong." Ratchet said to Alistair. 

That was when they noticed Talia trying to sleep and thought it was a good idea to let her do that and stop arguing.

"Okay, who wants food?" Alistair asked offering to cook. 

"You know how to cook?" Ratchet asked. 

"It's something they teach you at the Chantry." Alistair answered. "And I have a whole life other than this, for your information." 

"Well, seeing as how I've not eaten anything but Galaxy Burger since we left for Breegus, surprise me." Ratchet decided. 

Talia was shifting in her sleep trying to get some of it throughout the night. But she was having some wicked nightmares. Even more intense than what she was used to. Including flashes of a Dragon leading his forces of Darkspawn. She woke up in a cold sweat to see Alistair already up and wondering when Talia was going to. 

"Bad Dreams, huh?" Alistair asked. 

"It seemed so real." Talia replied holding her head. 

"Well it is real, sort of." Alistair informed. "You see, part of being a Grey Warden is being able to hear the Darkspawn. That's what your dream was, hearing them." He explained. "The Archdemon, it talks to the Horde, and we feel it just as they do. That's why we know this is really a Blight." 

"Good to know." Talia muttered. "So, that Dragon is the Archdemon?" She asked. 

Alistair nodded. "I've never actually seen it myself. But yes. That's the Archdemon." He answered. "It takes a bit, but eventually you can block the dreams out. Some of the Older Grey Wardens say they can understand the Archdemon a bit, but I sure can't." 

"Did my thrashing wake people up?" Talia asked embarrassed. 

"Nope. But when you were thrashing, I thought I should wake you up, and tell you." Alistair answered. 

"Thank you Alistair. That's much appreciated." Talia thanked. 

"That's what I'm here for." Alistair replied. "To deliver unpleasant news and witty one liners. And also cook." He added showing some food for Talia. 

And Talia looked famished. "Thank you." That was when she noticed Jak showcasing his Morph Gun to Ratchet. 

"One Gun with multiple mods?" Ratchet asked. 

"That's the idea." Jak answered. "Less to carry around." 

"Well, whatever floats your boat." Ratchet replied preferring all his different variety of weapons.

"Whatever floats your boat is more like it." Daxter commented not knowing how Ratchet could keep that many weapons on his hand.

"Nice to see we're all getting along." Talia thought to herself. 

"Anyhow, you're up now, right? Let's pull up camp and get a move on." Alistair suggested.

"So, our first stop is going to this Arl Eamon guy first, right?" Ratchet asked. 

"Yep." Alistair answered. 

"What about that guy over there?" Daxx asked. They saw the 2 other Dwarves from earlier approach them. Bodahn Feddic and Sandal.

"They came after all." Talia said walking up to them. 

"Ah! It's good to see you my timely rescuer! Bodahn Feddic at your service once again." Bodahn greeted. "I saw your camp and remembered the kind offer you made the last time we met, and is there anywhere safer for a poor merchant and his son to sleep? I think not." 

"There is in the Qwark Cadet Fan Club." Qwark interrupted.

Ratchet shook his head at the Dwarves to indicate it wasn't worth it. 

"Right then. Now. I'm perfectly willing to offer you a fine discount for the inconvenience of our presence. How does that sound? Good? Yes?" Feddic asked.

"Yes. That would be nice." Talia answered. 

"What about Sandal over there?" Ratchet asked.

"Enchantment!" Sandal yelled. 

Ratchet looked confused. But then he figured it out. "Oh, I get it. He makes Weapon modifications." He figured.

"That's right. He can transform your weapons and armor. Using Lyrium and a couple of Runestones to put." Feddic answered.

"So if we get some Runestones, Sandal here can enchant them into Modified Weapons." Talia recapped.

"Sure can." Feddic answered. "If you find any Runestones. Sandal here can enchant your weapons for you."

"We'll keep that in mind." Ratchet replied. 

That was also when Talia looked around where everyone had set up their camp. Most of everyone had gathered in a circle except for Morrigan who camped away from everyone. Not that that bothered Alistair of course. 

Speaking of Alistair, he was talking with Jak and Daxter about something. Talia ended up listening to their conversation. "And you're absolutely certain that this Arl Eamon guy will help us?" Jak asked.

"He'll support us no question." Alistair answered.

"No offense, buddy. But I don't know much about Nobles to know if he'll take our word over this Loghain guy." Jak commented.

"He was Cailen's Uncle. But more than that. He also raised me himself." Alistair pointed out. 

"You were raised by Arl Eamon?" Talia asked walking up.

Alistair was caught off guard by it. "Oh, Did I say that? Uh... I was raised by... Dogs. Giant Slobbering Dogs from the Anderfels. A whole pack of them, in fact." He quickly corrected. 

Talia gave him a look like she didn't believe that. But for some reason, she went along with it. "Well, that must've been tough for them." She said. "I have a Dog. I know how it works." 

"Well, they were flying dogs, you see. Surprisingly strict parents too, and devout Andrastians, to boot." Alistair explained.

"They sell you to the Chantry or something?" Talia asked thinking he was funny. 

Alistair rolled his eyes. "Oh, there you go listening to me again. You'd think you'd have gotten past that already." He said. "I was raised in the Chantry, sure. But I didn't start there." 

"So where did you start?" Daxx asked. "Seriously doubt you could've ended up more complicated than Jak here. He was raised by a walking talking old Log." 

"We both were, Daxx." Jak reminded.

"And that one time you got looked at by the Metal Head Leader." Daxx added.

"You were raised by a Metal Head?" Talia asked confused.

"I didn't know he was a Metal Head at the time." Jak answered. "Well... it's complicated who raised me exactly. Can you just say who you were raised by, Alistair?" He asked.

Alistair held no objections. "Let's see... I'm a bastard. And before you guys can make any smart Comments, I mean the Fatherless Kind."

Daxx started to open his mouth but Jak told him not to. "My Mother was a serving girl in Redcliffe Castle who died when I was very young. Arl Eamon wasn't my Father, but he took me in anyhow and put a roof over my head."  Alistair continued. "He was good to me, and he didn't have to be. I respect the man and I don't blame him anymore for sending me off to the Chantry once I was old enough." 

"You ever find out who your Father was?" Talia asked.  

"I was told who my Father was. He died even before my Mother Died. It isn't important." Alistair answered with a feeling of guilt.

"I didn't know my Father, either. Until it was too late." Jak commented remembering how Damas died before Jak could tell him that he was his lost son. 

Alistair decided to continue. "Arl Eamon eventually married a young woman from Orlais, which caused all sorts of problems between him and the King because it was so soon after the war. But he loved her." 

"Which war was this?" Jak asked.

"The War between Ferelden and the Empire of Orlais. My Father and Grandfather fought in those wars. It was before my brother Fergus and I were even born." Talia answered. 

"Anyhow. The New Arlessa resented the rumors which pegged me as his bastard. They weren't true, but of course they existed. The Arl didn't care, but she did." Alistair said. "So off I was packed to the nearest monastery at age ten. Just as well. The Arlessa made sure that the Castle wasn't a home to me by that point. She despised me."   

"Yep. That checks out." Daxx noted.

"Oh, yeah. Lady Isolde." Talia remembered now. "She and Arl Eamon visited Highever once. I was 10 at the time. Definitely wasn't at all impressed with the fact that I wanted to be a warrior. She told my Mother that I should be more of a proper lady like in Orlais. I was upset by that, but Mother told me afterwards that we weren't Orlesian Wall Flowers. Which was why we were able to beat them in the War." She explained. 

"Heh." Jak snickered. "Wait till she sees Haven City. Or Spargus." 

"Well... can't say I blame her for hating me though. She was a Pious Woman and I was a Bastard." Alistair said. "The Arl came by a few times to see how I was, but I was stubborn. I hated it there and blamed him for everything... and eventually he just stopped coming." There was a sound of regret on his voice on the last part. "Anyhow. That's all there is to the story."  

"And you're sure he's not your Father?" Jak asked.

"Nope. We look nothing alike." Alistair answered. "What about you? Daxx said that you're story was complicated." 

"Well..." Jak shrugged decided to tell it. "Okay. First of all, my buddy Daxx and I were raised by Samos." He began.

"He was an old log." Daxx chimed in. 

"And he raised you instead of your Father?" Talia asked.

"He didn't have a choice." Jak answered. "Count Veger took me from my Father hoping that could harness my Eco Powers for his experiments. Then I was taken by the Underground who found out I was of the House of Mar and the true heir to the Haven throne. I was looked after by an old guy named Kor. Turns out that Kor was actually the leader of the Metal Heads, and wanted to use me as well. Then a bunch of stuff happened in Time Travel stuff that I don't feel like getting into right now. Then Samos took me into the Past to raise me so that we could live in peace away from war." 

"Maker." Talia commented. Forget the fact of what Alistair went through. Jak was hit with a double whammy in his life.

"Let's hope that Arl Eamon can help us with the threat of all of this." Jak said. 

"He will." Alistair assured. 

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