Scorpio's Rating

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Name: Scorpio

(Very nice name, I have a Sand/Night with the same name)

Gender: Male


Tribe: Sand/Night

(Pretty common hybrid but usually very pretty)

Hobbies: He is a music fanatic who strives to learn as many instruments as possible.

(Okay, does he have anything else he likes to do other than play music?)

Fears: Cramped spaces, the dark, complete silence


Personality: He is kind, curious, and non-judgemental. At times, he can get a bit too nosy.

(So he has 3 good traits and one bad trait, okay)

Likes: Music, other dragons.


Dislikes: Spicy food, rude dragons


Abilities: A sharp venom-less tail barb, can very lightly feel other dragons feelings.

(I like that he's not overpowered)

Family: Mom: unknown. Dad: unknown. Siblings: none. Adoptive parents: Salamander (dad) Arid (mom)

(Interesting, I wonder what happened to his parents)

Appearance: Scorpio is a dark purple dragon with an underbelly the color of light sand. His horns are a sandy color and his spikes are a light purple mixed with darker purple. He has a sunset like fade down his back and his head. His wings are black with small golden scales on the underside.


Accessories: He only tends to wear a neck pouch.


Backstory: Scorpio lived a happy life in a small oasis village, where he had hatched. His parents were loving, although they weren't his biological parents. One night they went to the Full Moon Festival at Queen Thorn's palace, where he found something he would always love, music. Every full moon festival he would approach the musicians to try and learn as much as he could. Eventually he learned how to play the drums and the violin, just from going to the Festival. He became a musician and got to travel everywhere, writing new music for the world to enjoy. He eventually peacefully died in his sleep at the age of 97 (dragon years)

(Okay, not lots of people, including me, think about how their OC dies, so its good you thought of that. I wish there was more on his biological parents, did they die? Give him up? Abandoned him?)

Overall I think he's a nice OC, he could use some more negative personality traits, and maybe some interests/likes other than music and other dragons. I can definitely see some potential to better expand on this OC

Overall 6/10

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