Speck's Rating

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Name: Speck

(Very cool name! I haven't seen any other SandWing with this name)

gender/pronouns: male, he/they



(You left this blank, but I'm going to assume he's a SandWing because he's Freckles brother and he's a SandWing)



personality: kind, caring, loyal, generous, affectionate, energetic, passionate, trustworthy

(No negative traits?)

backstory: speck is a very kind dragon, helping everyone he meets. no matter if you were an opposing tribe in the sandwing war, he'd still help if you were injured. in his dragonethood, he was taught to be kind by his mother, sobek. his father is unknown to him, but he hopes one day his mother will tell him. his brother is freckles, and they get along rather well. if he had a best friend that was a canon character, it'd probably be kinkajou.

(Alright, could use a bit more information like what happened to him after the war or his relationship with the outclaws?)

abilities: tail barb, heat resistance, extra hot blue fire, can go days without water

(Not overpowered but instead unique)

likes: the outclaws, his family, food, sweets, animals, music, sand (Imao)


dislikes: the dark, the cold, rude dragons, self-centered dragons, silence, mud


other: he hopes to have a partner from a different tribe

(Very cool)

8½/10, his personality could use some more negative traits because no one is completely good, and his backstory could use more details, but other than that, I like him he seems like a kindhearted dragon.

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