| A Clan of the Hills | Chapter Five

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Raven laid next to Moth while Thymefeather bandaged Moth's wounds with cobweb. When they were finished, Thymefeather sat down.

"I'm worried... It's all my fault." Raven sighed.

"Why would it be your fault?" Thymefeather asked.

"I told her about the Clans. She went to look for them..." Raven replied.

"She would have found out either way... Everyone in the forest knows about the Clans." Thymefeather meowed.

Moth's paw twitched. Raven glanced at her, and her eyes fluttered open.

"There was a big rock that fell on me." She mumbled.

"It was a monster. Are you okay?" Raven asked.

"Oh... I know what a monster is. And no. I feel awful." Moth answered.

"Of course you do." Raven meowed, curling her tail around Moth.

"Where did the monster get you?" Thymefeather asked.

"It knocked me in the shoulder then ran over my side." Moth replied, shuddering.

"Don't worry. You're safe now. Get some rest and you'll feel better." Thymefeather meowed.

Moth nudged closer to Raven and put her head down.

"I'd better go hunting.." Raven decided.

Moth nodded and Raven left the den. She saw a rabbit chewing on a bit of grass and crouched up on it. Once she was close enough she leapt and pinned the rabbit, biting its neck. She picked it up and brought it to the den.



Raven stopped dead, hearing the conversation in the den.

"I would love...All of..."


Raven entered.

"Sure! I would join!" Moth finished.

Raven dropped the rabbit. She knew what they were talking about.

"No. She won't." She growled.

"You don't control her." Thymefeather muttered.

"She's new to the hills, she doesn't know what she's getting into!" Raven yowled indignantly.

"I-" Moth began.

"That's the reason why she should join WindClan!" Thymefeather yowled.

"And get hurt in a battle? That cat's too soft to fight." Raven growled.

Moth made a strangled, hurt sound, then was cut off again.

"She'll have proper training before that!" Thymefeather mrowled.

"I'm trying to tell you, she can't fight!" Raven yowled.

Thymefeather turned, their tail sweeping from side to side angrily, and left the den.

"You really think I'm a mousebrain, don't you..." Moth mumbled.

"I didn't mean it- I just said you were soft!" Raven replied.

"I might be, but it's not like I can't defend myself!" Moth yowled, raising her voice.

Raven shrank down. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled.

Moth just turned around.

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