| The Disappearance | Chapter Four

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Raven awoke in the morning, the sunlight flooding into the den. She got up, stretched, and yawned, then turned around.

Moth wasn't there.

"Moth?" Raven asked, leaping outside. "Moth? Where is she?"

She panicked and tried to find Moth's scent trail frantically. She ran across the hills, calling for Moth. She took a moment to rest, her side aching.

"Are you okay?" The gray cat from the previous day asked, padding forwards.

"Why do you care?" Raven growled. "Shut up, I need to find Moth."

"I can help you look." The cat meowed, twitching their tail.

"Fine, but we're going now." Raven growled, and went back to running.

They ran for a while, across the hills, and then the cat let out a yowl.

"I caught her scent!" The cat announced.

"Good, let's go, let's go." Raven replied, pushing forwards to trot along the scent trail.

The two cats pushed through the undergrowth, making their way into the forest. The trail led to the thunderpath, which made Raven even more frantic.

And when they pushed through the bushes Raven stopped dead.

Moth laid sprawled next to the thunderpath, her belly spattered with blood.

"No! Moth- Moth please-" Raven breathed, running forwards to Moth.

Moth was breathing. Faintly, but she was alive. Raven grabbed her scruff, struggling to drag the huge she cat.

"Let me help!" The gray cat meowed, stepping forwards and helping drag Moth.

Luckily the den wasn't too far away. They dropped Moth in her nest and Raven frantically leaned down to check her breathing.

"There's not too much blood loss. It only looks bad." The gray cat meowed

"How do you know?" Raven asked, bristling.

"I'm surprised at how distrustful you are. How do I know? My sister was a medicine cat." The gray cat answered.

"Was?" Asked Raven before she could stop herself.

"She's dead now." The gray cat replied. "It's okay, though. She watches over me in StarClan."

"Oh.. I'm sorry for your loss." Raven meowed.

"Keep Moth warm until she wakes up. I'm sure getting hit by a monster is quite a shock. I better go back to my Clan now, I'm supposed to be hunting." The gray cat ordered.

"What's your name?" Raven asked.

"Thymefeather." They replied.

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