A discovery

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You were now back in your human form. You looked behind, watching the Spine land far away as Sisu swam to pushing the boat far away from the land. Suddenly, a shrimp was thrown at Raya and she turned around. "Did you just hit me with a shrimp tail?" You turned to see everyone was glaring at you and Raya as the ongi gave Noi another shrimp tail. "When were you guys gonna tell us she was Sisu?! And that your sister can turn into a dragon?" Bonu asked. ""Well, technically, you always knew she was Sisu." Raya said. Then she was hit by another shrimp. "Seriously?" She asked. "Okay, well what about your magical sister? When were you going to tell us about her, huh?" Bonu asked. "Why are you two here?" Tong asked you and Sisu. "Isn't that obvious, big guy? My girls, Raya, (Y/n) and I are gonna fix the world. Bring everyone back." Sisu said as she pushed her tail to Raya, pushing both of you next to her. "You're gonna bring everyone back? I wanna help." Boun said. "I'm sorry, we can't let you do that. It's too dangerous." You said.

"You are not the only ones who lost family to the Druun." He said. You frowned at his words. "Please. Let me help you." Boun kneeled down as he saluted. You then saw Noi and the ongis do the same thing. You noticed the shining light as you turned to see Tong was holding the Spine's gem in his hands. "I too wish to join this fellowship of Druun butt-kickery!" You smiled at them. Tong placed the gem down on Sisu's hands as suddenly the rain came down from the sky. "My big brother Pengu's magic." You reached your hand out to touch the raindrop as you smiled. You turned to Sisu who reached her paw up and the raindrops stopped and formed into one. Raya turned as Sisu created the platform from the raindrop before she ran off to the sky. You all watched her running in the raindrop gracefully as you touched the platform she has run off to. Tuk Tuk reached his tongue out to taste the raindrop, Noi happily touched the rain before Tong lifted her up with his hands to make her enjoyed more. You watched Sisu flew up as she felt the warmth of the sunlight touched her skin. She closed her eyes before she let herself down on the river, Raya quickly pulled you behind Tong's back as the water splashed on her. You looked at her as she laughed with a grin. "All right, Captain Boun. To Fang." You said. "You got it!" Boun replied as he then directed the boat to Fang, the place that had the last gem piece.

As you all got closer to Fang, you all sat together to come up with a plan. "All right, everyone here's the plan. The last gem piece is in Fang, the most heavily guarded of the five lands. Now, they're protected by an artificial canal that separates them from the rest of the world. The only way in or out is by water. Luckily for us, we have a magic water dragon. Now, the palace will be swarming with Fang soldiers. To sneak past them, we'll need to-" "I got this, guys. I'll take care of the first wave. Tong will follow up with his giant ax of bad-axery. Along with (Y/n) and her crazy powers. And then come the ongis and that crazy con-baby, who will toss the gem to the Mighty Sisudatu. And then, bye-bye, binturis. Super flow plan, am I right?" He asked. "Um..." You said. "Uh, no. Yeah, that's not flow. That's a clog." Raya commented. "I agree. Here's my plan." Sisu then explained hers. "We infiltrate Fang, confront Namaari, and offer her something nice and go... "Hey! Wanna help us save the world? Because all it takes is one gem piece." "Yes! I've been waiting for someone to ask me! Here you go!" Best friends forever!" You all gave her a weirded out look.

"Yeah, I think I'd rather go with Boun's plan." You said. "What?" Sisu asked while Boun fist bumped. "Yes!" "What, why?" Sisu asked. "Because it's Fang." Raya answered before everyone else except you agreed. "Their blades are specially designed for the stabbing of backs." Tong commented as Boun said. "If it weren't for them, none of this would have happened. They're the worst." Noi made a squealing voice of disgust as an answer. "If we're just honest with her, deep down, I got a feeling she wants to fix the world as much as we do." Sisu said. "You weren't there when Namaari betrayed me and (Y/n)." Raya said. "But guys, maybe Sisu's right." You said. Everyone looked at you with surprise. "What?" Raya asked. "I honestly don't believe that Fang is as bad we make them out to be." You said. "You're nuts." Tong said. "Yeah, (Y/n), no offense, but Fang is downright evil." Bonu said. You frowned. "We're sticking with my plan. And that's final." Raya stood up. Sisu frowned as she made the rain fell down heavily. "Whoa. Uh... What's with the downpour?" Raya asked. "(Y/n). Get on my back." You climbed on her back. "Come on! I need to show you girls something." Sisu grabbed Raya as she ran in the air, leaving the rest behind. "So, what do we do now?" Boun questioned as he watched the two of you fly away on Sisu. "I don't know." Tong shrugged. "Where are you taking us?" Raya shouted, you shielded your eyes from the cloud and fog before you both saw the familiar mountain in front of you. You have arrived at Heart, your hometown.


You and Raya looked at the bridge as you saw your father and Benja's statues. Sisu carried both of you to the broken chamber that once held the Dragon Gem. Sisu dropped Raya down before she let you slid down gently. "Sisu, why did you bring us here?" You asked. "This is where it all happened." Raya frowned. "Yeah, I know. We were there." "No. This is where it all happened 500 years ago." Sisu removed the vine, revealing the statue of the dragon. Both of your eyes widened as you walked with her. "I want you guys to meet my brothers and sisters. The real mighty ones. I miss them." "We never knew they were there." You and Raya saluted to the statues. Sisu then told you about another dragon statue. "See that classy-looking one over there? That's Amba. I get my glow from her. And that's Pranee. She's a shapeshifter. Jagan, fog. And Pengu. He's our big brother. He brings the rain." You looked at the statue in front of you. "We were the last dragons..." she said.


"All the other dragons had been turned to stone." Pengu and Sisu looked at each other as they and their siblings had been surrounded by the Druun. Surrounded by a small river. "We were drowning in a sea of Druun. But my oldest brother Pengu refused to accept defeat." Pengu turned, then he cupped the water from the small pond."This is where we'd make our last stand... united." Pengu clutched his hands as he created the gem. All the dragons except Sisu poured their magic into the gem. "So, one by one, they combined all their magic, creating the Dragon Gem." All the dragons looked at Sisu as she looked uncertain. "I don't know why they chose me. It could have been any of us." Pengu smiled at her before he handed her the gem in her hands. "All I know is I trusted them..." The Druun then consumed the four as it turned to stones. "... and they trusted me. And so..." Sisu closed her eyes as the gem sent the wave and destroyed the Druun away from this world.

~End Flashback~

You were amazed. "When they put their faith in me, it empowered me beyond anything I could imagine. The same can happen with Namaari." You looked at Raya. "I really wish I could believe that. I once thought that we could be friends." "After all this, maybe you can be." Sisu said. "Even if she wanted to help us, how could I possibly trust her?" "But if somehow you could, you wouldn't just bring your Ba back. You'd also bring back his dream. Kumandra." You looked at the bridge, you then took flowers off. You and Raya placed the flowers on your father's hand before you saluted to him. "Do you think he would even recognize us? So much has changed." You said as you watched your father. "Of course he will. No father forgets his children." Sisu said. "You remind me of him." Raya said, turning around. "Oh, yeah? Strong? Good-looking with impeccable hair?" She flicked her mane playfully. "Hopeful." Raya said.

Raya placed her hands under her father as she sighed deeply. You placed your hand on her shoulder. "How would we even approach Namaari after all that's happened?" Raya asked. "It may feel impossible, but sometimes, you just have to take the first step, even before you're ready. Trust me." Sisu said. You turned back to your father. "Okay. We'll go with your plan." Raya said. Both of you smiled. "What? My plan? You're gonna go with my plan?" Raya chuckled. "Yeah." "All right! You guys are not gonna regret this. But we're gonna need a really good gift. What do you think she's into? Cats? Knives? Cats with knives? Knives with little cats on them?" You then thought of something as you said to Raya and Sisu. "Actually, I know exactly what to give her." You opened the fabric, revealing the Sisu necklace you received from her. You smiled at them.

~At Fang~

"And that is how the land of Fang rose in spite of all the monsters that wanted to destroy us." Virana told the children through the shadow play. "Because we're smart, resilient, and we take care of one another." "Mother! We need to talk." Virana turned her head as Namaari walked over. "It's Princess Namaari!" The children ran around her as Virana stopped them. "All right, all right, now, run along, kittens. I have to speak with the Princess." "Aw." The children said as they left with the adults, leaving them alone. "Mother, you won't believe what I saw." She said. "You saw a Dragon. And (Y/n) turn into a dragon." She frowned. "General Atitaya informed me that you'd be returning home without the gem pieces." "It was Sisu. She and (Y/n) can fix what we broke. They can bring everyone back." "And that's what scares me. When everyone comes back, who do you think they'll come for?" Virana then looked at her people. "You forget. The other lands blame us for what's happened." "But we... We never meant for anyone to get hurt." Namaari said. "Yes, but if we had the dragon, (Y/n), and the gem pieces, we would be forgiven. We could save the world. But more importantly, our people would remain safe." "But Raya isn't just gonna give Sisu and her sister to us." "I don't think we'll give her much of a choice." Namaari frowned again. "What are you going to do?" "That's no longer your concern, my love. You've done enough." She then walked away as the general followed her.

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