Coming Together

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When the night came, Raya sent Noi and the ongis to sneak inside Fang to Nakai's room to send him a message. "If she refuses to help, we've just flushed our tactical advantage into the dung pot." Tong muttered. "I know." "Yeah. She really has no reason to help us." Boun muttered. "I know!" "This jerky's terrible." Sisu commented as she ate the jerky. "I know!" "Are you sure those four miniature menaces will be successful?" "I don't know." "There's too much spice." You both turned to see Tong and Boun were having an argument about the taste of the soup. "Uh, no. There's too much bamboo." "What do you know? You have the taste buds of a tall baby." You began walking toward them. "Well, you dress like a tall baby." Boun shot back. Tong's eyes widened. "Give me the spoon! I'm taking over!" "Back off, tidal wave. I'm the professional here." You went between them as you picked up the bag of palm sugar. "May I?" You poured it into the soup, Boun stirred it before taking a sip. "Whoa! That's good." You chuckled as you went to sit next to Raya. "It's just a little something my Ba showed me."

"Aw. Did he also show you girls how to make that delicious jerky?" Sisu asked sarcastically. "No, that was all me." Raya said. Sisu gave the bowl to Raya before she gave it to you as you stared at it. "It'll be nice to share a meal with him again." You said as you sipped the soup with the spoon before you smiled sadly as it reminded you of your father's soup. "I know what you mean." You both turned to Boun. "I have this really obnoxious sister who always tousles my hair. I can't wait to see her the most." Boun smiled. "After we win the day, I look forward to filling my eyeball with the joytastic image of my village full again." Tong said. Noi placed her hand on his temple, cheering him up. "And you will be reunited with your family, Noi." Tong got her off his shoulder, you, Raya and Sisu were confused. "Uh, what did you just call her?" You questioned. "Noi. It's her name." Noi sipped the soup before she belched. "It's written on her collar. Have none of you ever checked?" He asked. "And they think of me as the ruffian." You all then noticed the firework in the sky. "What's that mean?" You both knew what it meant. "It means we're on." Raya said before she warned you and Sisu. "Sisu, (Y/n), until we get that gem and confirm Namaari's actually on our side, promise me you two will stay hidden." She said. You and Sisu nodded. She saw Namaari was holding the gem piece. Namaari then noticed her. "I see you got our gift." She said with a smile. "I never thought I'd see this again." She said. "Well, uh... (Y/n) took good care of it. You're not the only dragon nerd here." She smiled back at her before she gently placed the gem piece down the nearby rock. She smiled before she turned around, gesturing you and Sisu to come out of the shadow. Namaari's eyes widened as she quickly saluted to her. You and Sisu approached her sides slowly. "The final piece." "Time to bring everyone back." Raya said as she moved her cape and opened the bag that contained the gems. Suddenly, you heard something as you looked to see Namaari was holding the crossbow, pointing it at the three of you. Raya frowned as she moved her hands back and reached out her hand in front of you. "Sisu, (Y/n) and the gem pieces are coming with me." She said.

"(Y/N)!" Boun yelled as he and the others came out of the shadow. "STAY BACK!" Namaari yelled as she aimed at them instead. "Leave them alone!" You said. "It was foolish to trust someone from Fang!" Tong yelled with a mad glare. "Don't come any closer!" Namaari aimed at Raya as she panicked. "Namaari, it doesn't have to be like this." You said. "I don't have any other choice." Raya gripped on the hilt but before she could pull it, Sisu stopped her. "Hey, I got this." Raya looked in concern before she let her hand off. Namaari aimed the crossbow at Sisu as she walked toward her. "I know you don't wanna hurt anybody." "What are you doing?" Namaari asked. "You just want a better world. Like we all do.". "Sisu..." "I trust you, Namaari." Sisu said, on the other hand, Raya panicked as she saw Namaari's finger started to trigger the crossbow. Raya pulled the sword as the sword detached and swung at Namaari, making her accidentally release. The arrow hit Sisu's chest and she fell off the cliff. "NO!" You shouted as you tried to reach her. Namaari was stunned with shock before she quickly grabbed the gem and ran away. "SISU!" You watched Sisu sink to the river. "No..." You mumbled with tears overflowing your eyes. The others came next to you as everyone was shocked. Raya moved back from you before she then felt sudden rage. Tong and Bonu tried to comfort you as you sobbed. You then noticed that the river was getting lower. "What's happening?" Boun asked. "I don't know. It appears that with the last dragon gone, so too goes the water. Now there is nothing to stop the Druun. Nothing..." You saw the Druun heading for Fang. "Raya?" You turned around but you didn't see her. "Where's Raya?" Bonu asked. You saw the bag of gems. You looked at the others with worry. "Guys, we need to go."

Raya was angrily walking to the palace with her sword. The people of Fang were running out of the kingdom as the Druun attacked. Two Druun came in front of her but she put the gem in front of them to get them away. She went inside the throne room as he saw Namaari on top of the throne. "Namaari!" She shouted. "Let's finish this, binturi." Namaari said with anger as she pulled out her dual swords and walked downstairs. Raya dropped her cape and her hat as she glared at Namaari who just arrived. They both grunted before they went to strike each other. You and your friends just arrived at Fang as you watched the people panic and running away. The Druun came toward you but Boun went in front of you and used the gem to get them away. You watched the battle between the Princesses. "Raya! Namaari!" You yelled but they just continued fighting. "She cannot see us. Raya's blinded by her own rage." Tong said, you looked at the two worriedly as you wished that you could find a way to stop them from fighting.

Boun then noticed the gem's light was blinking like it was fading. "The gem's power are fading!" You looked at Boun as he showed you the gem. You tried to summon your own powers but realized that they were also fading away. You looked to see the Druun attacking everyone. "All these people are Druun food if we don't get them out! Boun, let's go!" You quickly got on Tuk Tuk, Boun grabbed your hand as he took a seat in front of you. Tong, Noi, and the ongis nodded before they went separate ways to save the citizen. Tuk Tuk moved the remain as the children were trapped inside. "It's okay. We're gonna get you out of here." You said as the children nodded. The children sat behind you as Boun scared the Druun out of the way with his gem. "Stupid Druun! Out of our way! Go, go, go!" An old woman panicked until Tong picked her up and put her on his shoulder. "Up we go! Yep!" One of the Druun went to the couple as they shut their eyes, accepting the death but Noi and the ongis blasted them away. Noi gestured for them to run. "Go, go! Hurry! Get to the water! Keep going! Keep going!" You yelled as you already sent the children to the exit. You turned Tuk Tuk to save the others, Tong got the people he carried on his back and shoulders to the front gate, and Noi and her gang led the couple out.

While you and your friends were saving everyone, Raya and Namaari kept fighting as the palace started to fall apart. Raya blocked the dual sword as she tried to hit her. Namaari blocked Raya's sword, then she kicked her foot to trip her but Raya blocked her attack and kicked her off. She detached the sword as it stuck on the remain before pulling it down, meant to crush the girl down but she luckily dodged. Namaari coughed and looked for Raya, Raya came out as she struck at her while Namaari blocked her. Raya grabbed her left wrist before she made the sword slip off her, leaving only one of it. Raya flicked the last sword off her hand and kicked her to the ground. Namaari sobbed. "I never meant for any of this to happen." "LIAR!" Raya shouted as she raised the sword. "I don't care if you believe me..." she looked down. "Sisu and (Y/n) did. But you didn't trust them." Raya frowned as Namaari kept talking. "That's why we're here. Do whatever you want. But you're as much to blame for Sisu's death as I am." She said.

Raya lowered her sword and looked at her reflection. She then heard you shouting. "Tong, there's still people back there!" "Hurry! We're running out of time!" Boun shouted. "Got it! Everyone, out! Come with me!" Tong yelled. Namaari raised her head as she saw Raya was gone. Boun was using the gem to push the Druun, you were trying to blast away The Druun with your powers as you held your hands out. Suddenly, you saw Raya not far from you and she used the gem to push them away from you both. You and Boun smiled as you were carrying the child while Raya and the others blocked the Druun. You saw Tuk Tuk roll himself as the survivors were on top of him. "Okay, these are the last of 'em. Go! We're right behind you." Raya said as you passed the child to Tuk Tuk, Tuk Tuk then rolled to the exit, two Druun waiting. "TUK TUK!" Raya and you shouted as Tuk Tuk quickly slowed down but Namaari went in front and used the dragon gem to get rid of them. "What are you waiting for? Go!"

The floor suddenly began to fall apart, you lost balance as you fell. "RAYA! (Y/N)!" You turned as your friends rushed over. "It's the one who slayed Sisu!" Tong said as the others frowned. Namaari frowned, you felt the floor crumbling as you fell down. "(Y/N)!" Raya, Namaari, and the others shouted before they fell with you. "(Y/N)! Wake up!" "Raya! (Y/N)! The gem's magic, it's almost gone!" Boun shouted, you coughed and stood up and saw that you and your friends were surrounded by the Druun. "They aren't backing off!" Tong shouted. "They're everywhere!" You pulled Raya behind as you tried to push them away, but your powers were fading. Your foot suddenly touched something, you looked down as you saw Sisu's necklace on the ground. Raya was busying keeping the Druun away. You picked it up as you were staring at it before you remembered. "I don't know why they chose me." You then had the vision of Sisu the other dragons. "It could have been any of us. All I know is I trusted them, and they trusted me." You saw Pengu give the gem to her and then she used it. "And so..." Your eyes widened. "Everyone, give me your gems!" Raya and everyone turned to you with a confusion. "We can still put it together. It can still work!" "Sisu's gone, (Y/N)! We don't have her magic! And yours is fading!" Boun protested as he kept pushing the Druun. "It's not about magic. It's about trust!" You protested. "What?!" Namaari asked.

"That's why it worked. That's why we can do it, too. By doing the one thing Sisu wanted us to do. What my Ba wanted us to do. To finally trust each other and fix this. But we have to come together. Please..." "After what she's done?!" Tong exclaimed as he turned to Namaari. "We'll never trust her!" Boun agreed, Namaari frowned as she looked down. You felt a hand on your shoulder, you looked up to see Raya. "Then let us take the first step." Both of you approached Namaari as you grabbed her hand gently and placed her necklace down on her hand. Raya placed her gem piece down on top of the necklace as you smiled before both of you backed away. "Guys! No!" Boun shouted with his hand reached out. You and Raya smiled at each other as you held hands. The Druun consumed and turned the two of you into stone. Everyone was stunned. Boun looked at the gem in his hand as he then walked over to Namaari and gave his piece to her. He then went to your leg as he hugged it before he turned into stone as well. Namaari looked down to see Noi was giving her the gem. Tong picked her up and they gave her the last two pieces. Tong went to you as he went to Raya's side and wrapped her hand around her shoulders. Tong looked at the ongis before he looked at Namaari and he closed his eyes before turning to stone. Namaari was stunned. Then she pushed the Druun, she then noticed the way out as she rushed to it but stopped. She turned back to see you and the rest as she stared at you. She looked between the exit and you as she was hesitating but she then looked at you again.

She laid the gem pieces down on the rock. She then put it back together. She grabbed your right hand, the Druun turned her into stone. The light was completely gone as the Druun went away. The light suddenly came back as it sent the wave and destroyed all the Druun and created rain clouds. The clouds began to group above Fang and rained, the rain washed away the stone, reviving you back to life. You gasped for a breath as you smiled. You noticed Raya and Namaari came back. They both turned to you as you gripped their hands and smiled. They smiled at you. "It worked! It worked!" Boun exclaimed before he tripped because his legs haven't turned back yet. Tong, Noi, and the ongis also turned back to normal. "Tuk Tuk!" Raya shouted as she ran and nuzzled her pet. You and Raya stood up. Your eyes widened and you smiled. The dragons had come back. The dragons walked in the air gracefully as all of you watched with amazement. The dragons walked above then dived down and twirled in a circle, forming a ritual. You watched as you noticed the group of water in the air, the water formed itself into Sisu. You sobbed with a smile. Sisu blinked her eyes before she gasped deeply, she looked at her hands before she noticed the dragons around her. She flew up as she saw her siblings. "Pranee! Amba! Jagan! Pengu! Yeah!" She laughed as she flew up before she went with her family. Pengu nudged her playfully. Sisu looked down to see you and Raya, she smiled as she flew down, you grabbed Raya's hand as you quickly followed her. You stopped in your track as Sisu twirled around both of you and teasingly splashed the water on you and Raya.

"Raya. (Y/N)." "Sisu." You said. "I am so hungry." She said. "We got some jerky." Raya replied. "Not that hungry." You went to Sisu who opened her arms and you hugged her tightly. You nuzzled your cheek to her fur. "Sisu!" Noi hopped on her face and hugged it. "Aw, it's good to breathe in your glorious dragon stench again." Tong said as he came to her. "Okay, I take that as a compliment." You all turned to Namaari and smiled at her as she saluted with regret. She suddenly flinched as Sisu used her tail to pull her in the group hug. Sisu wrapped her tail around the group. Tong went back to Spine, he saw people had been revived through the gates. His wife turned around with her baby in her arms as she smiled. Tong smiled before he quickly rushed to them. The ongis carried Noi on top of their head for she could search for her mother easily. Noi's mother looked around through the crowd before she placed her hand on her chest as she finally found her long lost daughter. "Momma!" "My baby!" Boun traveled back to Tail with his boat, he then noticed his family waving to him. "Mom, look, it's Boun!" His older sister said. Boun smiled as he quickly paddled the boat faster.

You were riding Tuk Tuk back to your home. You both arrived at the bridge which would lead to the kingdom. Both of your eyes widened as you saw your father back to normal. Chief Benja bent down to get the pole up. You and Raya both went down. Both of you took off your hats. "Ba?" He turned around as you and Raya smiled sheepishly. His eyes widened and he gasped. "Dewdrops?" He asked. "Ba!" You and Raya cried as you both engaged him in a tight hug. Then he noticed Sisu. "Is that really her?" Chief Benja asked. You and Raya nodded, and he saluted. "Chief Benja, your daughters did you proud. Hope you don't mind, they brought some friends."  You nudged your father's arm. You three looked forward, people of all five kingdoms were arriving. You smiled as you saw your friends from each tribe. There were Boun with his famliy, Noi with her mother and her grandmother, Tong with his wife and his child, and Namaari with her mother. "Ba?" You asked. He turned to you and you smiled. "Welcome to Kumandra."

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