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You and Raya were both rolling toward the last river on Tuk Tuk. "I know what you're thinking. Lone riders, a dystopian world. A land that's gone to waste. How did this world get so broken? Well, that all began 500 years ago. Kumandra. This is what we used to be. When our land was whole. And we lived harmoniously alongside dragons. Magical creatures who brought us water, and rain, and peace. It was paradise. But then, the Druun came. A mindless plague that spread like wildfire. Multiplying as they consumed life and turned everyone they touched into stone. The dragons fought for us the best they could. But it wasn't enough. That's when the mighty Sisudatu, the last dragon, concentrated all of her magic into a gem and... blasted the Druun away. Everyone that was turned to stone came back. Except the dragons. All that was left of Sisu was her gem. It should have been this big inspirational moment. Where humanity united over her sacrifice. But instead, people being people, they all fought to possess the last remnant of dragon magic. Boarders were drawn, Kumandra divided. We all became enemies, and the gem had to be hidden. But that's not how the world broke. That truly didn't happen until 500 years later. When we came into the story."


You and Raya jumped over a roof and ran toward a building. Soon the two of you entered a tunnel with lit torches. You followed your sister as she put her hand on the wall. The two of you then took your masks off. "Hmm." You looked and saw the entrance up ahead. Raya felt around the floor for traps until her hand found one. Suddenly a net came down and she gasped and jumped back. "Huh. Looks like someone's trying to be clever." Raya said. You woke up the pet the two of you had. "All right, Tuk Tuk, let's show em what clever really looks like." You said. The armadillo rolled through the nets. But then got distracted by a bug. "Tuk Tuk! Come on, focus." Raya said. Tuk Tuk nodded and rolled through. You and Raya climbed through. "Hey, Tuk Tuk, that was awesome. Give us some shell." You said. You put your hand up for a high five. Tuk Tuk tried to give you one, but rolled over. "I gotcha." Raya said as she set him back up. The two of you then stood up in front of the entrance. Raya took out her blades and used them to open the door. The two of you walked in and looked around cautiously as you avoided the water on the steps. You then spotted the glowing gem in the center of the room. "Wait a second." You looked back at the door then at the gem. "This feels too easy." You said. 

When you turned around you saw your father standing in front of the gem. "Chef Benja. I know it's your job to try and stop us, but you won't." Raya said. "Don't mistake spirit for skill young ones. I promise either of you will not step foot on the dragon gem's inner circle. Not even a toe." He said. "You might wanna take out that blade. You're gonna need it." You said. "Not today." He said. You and Raya both pulled out your weapons. You both ran toward him. Raya went to attack but he blocked it. You then attacked him from behind. The two of you engaged in battle for a bit while Raya ran over and attacked. The two began fighting. Raya kept trying to lay a hit on him but he kept blocking her attack. He then kicked her away. She quickly stood back up and the two of you continued to fight him with your blades. You kicked him back and as the two of you moved toward the gem. He then got the blades away from you and Raya and pointed his sword toward you. He then poked your nose with the sword. "Boop." Then he took his mask off. "Like I said, not one foot on the inner circle. You two lost." He said. "Did we?" Benja looked down to see your toes touching the inner circle. 

"Girls. I probably should have said two feet." He said as he helped you both up. "Hey, don't beat yourself up too much, Chief Benja." Raya said. "You gave it your best." You said. He chuckled. "I won't. And it's either father or "Ba" to you two. You did good dewdrops. You passed the test." He said. "Although, I'm still surprised that you didn't use any of your actual powers, (Y/n)." He said. "You know you could have beaten me a lot easier with them." He said. "I know, but I just don't think I have the hang of them yet, father. Besides, if I'm fighting against an enemy, isn't it best to keep them hidden?" You asked. He chuckled. "I suppose so. But you'll need to be able to learn them eventually." He said. You smiled. "I know." You said. The three of you sat down and paid your respects to the dragon's spirit. "For generations, our family has sworn to protect the gem. Today, the two of you will join that legacy." He said. He put his hands in the water and took some out. "Raya and (Y/n), princesses of Heart. My daughters. You are now guardians of the dragon gem." He said. He then poured water on your head along with Raya. You watched as the water made its way to the gem. Your father then wrapped his arm around the two of you.

Time Skip

You giggled as you watched Raya do karate moves as you and her walked down the hall with your father. "Well someone's excited." He said. "Well, yeah. I mean anyone hoping to steal the dragon gem now has to face the fury of the four baddest blades in all the land. Plus (Y/n)'s wicked powers once she knows how to use them properly." Raya said. "I'm glad you feel prepared, dewdrop. Because I have something important to tell you two. The other lands, they're on their way here as we speak." He said. "They are?" You asked in surprise. "Uh... okay. No we can do this. We're ready. I know exactly how we'll stop them." Raya said. "Really? Tell me what you know about all the lands." Benja said. "First, Tail. A sweltering desert with sneaky mercenaries who fight dirty." Raya said. "Second, Talon. A floating market famous for fast deals and fighters with even faster hands. Third, Spine. A frigid bamboo forest. Guarded by exceptionally large warriors and their giant axes. Fourth, Fang. Our fiercest enemy. A nation protected by angry assassins. And they're even angrier cats." Raya said. Tuk Tuk tried to imitate one of their cats. "Okay, so we're gonna need some crossbows, and catapults and... Oh! What about flaming catapults?" Raya asked.

"Or, how about shrimp paste from Tail, lemongrass from Talon, bamboo shoots from Spine, chills from Fang and palm sugars from Heart." Benja said as he put in the ingredients. "You're gonna poison them?" You asked, a little concerned. He chuckled. "No, we're not going to poison them. And we're not going to fight them. We're going to share a meal with them." He said as he gave Raya the bowl. "Wait, what?!" She asked. "I invited them." He said. "But they're our enemies." You said. "They're only our enemies because they think the dragon gem and your sister magically bring us prosperity and protection." He said. "Okay, I understand (Y/n) but for the gem, that's ridiculous. It doesn't do that." Raya said. "They assume it does. Just like we assume things about them." Benja said as you three sat down. "Girls, there's a reason why each land is named after a part of the dragon. We were once unified, harmoniously as one. Kumandra." He said. "That's ancient history, Ba." You said. "But it doesn't have to be. Listen, if we don't stop and learn to trust one another again, it's only a matter of time before we tear each other apart." Benja said. "This isn't the world I want you girls to live in." He said. "I believe that we can be Kumandra again. But someone has to take the first step." He said. "Trust me." The three of you then looked out at the scenery in front of you.

Time Skip

Each tribe stood in front of you, Raya and your father. "Things look a little tense, Ba." You said nervously. "Don't worry. I'm gonna open with a joke." He smirked. "Please don't." You and Raya said. He laughed. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding." He then looked at the other tribes. "People of Tail, Talon, Spine and Fang. Welcome to Heart. For far too long we have been enemies. But today is a new day. Today, we can be Kumandra once more." He said. Someone then clapped sarcastically. "Nice speech Chief Benja. But why'd you really bring us here? Are you gonna robe us?" A woman from Tail asked. "Why would he need to rob us? The land of Heart already has everything." A man from Talon said. "Oh, it's easy to pontificate on Kumandra. When you hold the mightiest weapons in all the lands." Someone from Spine said. Everyone began to protest. "The gem's not a weapon, it's a scared relic. And (Y/n) is a person." Benja said. You stepped forward. "I have something to say." You said. Everyone looked at you. "Who's hungry?" You asked. Someone from Spine raised their hand. Namaari chuckled. She looked at her mother. "Go ahead. It's all right." She said. Namaari slowly walked toward you. "I'm Namaari, of Fang." She said. "Hi Namaari. I'm (Y/n)." You said. "I know. I mean uh..." Namaari said, but you just giggled. "And I'm Raya." Raya said. She then gasped as she saw Namaari's necklace. "Is that Sisu?" She asked.

Namaari smiled and nodded. "Sorry, um yeah, I might be a little bit of a dragon nerd." Raya said. "Hey, I'm the one wearing the Sisu fan necklace." Namaari said. You smiled at her. "Come on." She followed you and Raya. "Have you eaten yet?" You asked. A little later, the three of you were laughing and talking together. "Seriously? Your mom actually said that?" Raya asked. "Awkward. Okay, next question. Hand to hand or swords?" You asked. "Blades all day." Namaari said. "Right?" Raya asked. "Okay, dressy or casual?" Namaari asked. "Only a monster would choose to wear this outfit on the regular." You said. Namaari chuckled. "Rice or stew?" Raya asked. Namaari looked at the rice. "Are you okay?" You asked. "I didn't think that'd stump you." Raya added. She chuckled. "This is actually one of the first times I've had rice in a while." She said. "Really?" You asked. "Fang may look nice on the outside, but we have some pretty big holes on the inside." Namaari said. "I'm so sorry, Namaari." You said. "Sorry. Didn't mean to bring it down. So, where were we? We all have single parents who are terrible at telling jokes, we're all warrior women who despise uncomfortable formal wear." Namaari said. "And we're all Sisu super fans." Raya said.

"Yeah. You know, Fang legend says she's still out there." Namaari said. "Sisu? You're kidding, right?" You asked. "Wanna see something?" She then took out a scroll. Raya gasped. "Are you supposed to have that?" She asked. Namaari scoffed. "No." She then showed it to you. "According to this, after the mighty Sisu blasted away all the Druun, she fell into the water and floated downstream. Legend's say, she's now sleeping at the river's end." Namaari said. "But which river?" You asked. "Yeah, there's like, hundreds." Raya pointed out. "I don't know. But if we could find it, could you imagine? A dragon back in the world. Things could be so much better." Namaari said. You smiled at her. "Yeah." You then looked at Benja. "Maybe we really could be Kumandra again." You said. Namaari smiled at you before she took off her dragon necklace and gave it to you. "Here." She said. "Whoa. Really?" You asked. "From one dragon nerd to another." Namaari said. You smiled warmly at her. "Hey, come with me. I wanna show you something." You said. You stood up and grabbed her hand and led her to the room that kept the gem. Raya followed. You opened the door to the room and the three of you walked inside.

Namaari gasped. "The spirit of Sisu. I can feel it." She then made the sign with her hand. "It's the last bit of dragon magic left in then whole world. Well, except for this." You then generated water with your hands and Namaari gasped. "So it's true, you really do have magic powers." She said. "Yes, but... I don't really know how to control them yet." You said. "Thank you, dep la. You've been... very helpful." She then kicked Raya down and grabbed you, holding your hands behind your back. "Raya!" You shouted. "(Y/N)!" Raya shouted. She quickly stood back up. "Let her go!" Raya shouted. "Sorry, Raya, but I have to do what's right for Fang." Namaari said. Raya then ran at her and pulled you away from her. She and Namaari then began to fight each other. Tuk Tuk came in and tried to help, but Namaari kicked him away. Raya then kicked her down. Namaari took out something from her pocket and fired a signal into the sky. Raya stood protectively in front of you and the gem. "There is no way you're getting Sisu's gem or my sister." She said.

"Sorry, they're Fang's now." She said as Fang soldiers entered the room. Raya was scared but still stood in front of you. Soon Chief Benja came in and began fighting the Fang soldiers. "You will not set foot on the dragon gem's inner circle." He said as he held his sword. Raya smiled with a bit of relief until more tribes came in. "What's going on?" "What is this?" "Fang is making a play for the gem and the girl." "No, Spine should have the gem and the girl!" "Not if we get to them first!" "Our blades say different." You and Raya got prepared to fight them. Benja looked at the two of you through his sword's reflection. "Listen to me! We have a choice, we can tear each other apart, or we can come together and build a better world. It's not too late. I still believe we can be Kumandra again." Benja said. Someone raised their weapon and hit him in the legs. "Ba!" You and Raya shouted. The two of you ran toward him as the others ran toward the gem. "The gem belongs to Spine! Give me the gem!" As two fought over it, it fell and broke into pieces. The three of you looked at it in distraught. "No!" You said as you all ran over.

Soon the whole place began to shake and crack apart. Then your eyes widened as you saw the Druun appear. Everyone began to panic. "Druun." You said. You used one of the pieces to blast it away. "There's still magic in them!" "Get the pieces!" "No!" Raya shouted. Her and Benja were shoved back as each tribe took their own piece of the gem. Raya quickly ran over. "Come on sis, we have to go!" She shouted. The three of you turned around and began to run away from the Druun as it followed behind. "They're repelled by water. Hurry, get to the river!" Benja said. Everyone screamed as they ran away. Benja fell on his knees. "Ba, get up! Come on!" You said. "Please, we have to keep moving!" You said as you tried to stand him up, but he fell down again. "Get up! Ba, we don't have time!" Raya said. "Stand up! I'll help!" You said. "Girls, you have to listen. You are the guardians of the dragon gem." Benja said. "Ba, why are you saying this?" Raya asked. She clutched onto him as the ground shook. "There's still light in this. There's still hope." Benja said as he showed you two the gem piece. "No! We can make it together!" You said. "You're okay." You sobbed. "(Y/n), don't give up on them." He then kissed the two of you on the forehead. "I love you, my dewdrops." He said. "Ba?" You asked. He then threw you and Raya into the river. "No!" You both shouted. You then watched as the druun turned him into stone before you fell into the water. You quickly sawm to the top and saw his stone figure. "Ba!" You shouted as the water washed you and Raya away. "Ba." You said.

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