New friends

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You and Raya were riding on a fully grown Tuk Tuk through the desert. Soon you stopped a the edge of a cliff. You knocked on Tuk Tuk and he opened up. You and Raya then take your masks off. You pulled out the map and saw that you were at the last river. You drew a circle over the river on the map. Raya sighed. "I really hope this is it." She said. "Me too." You said. Tuk Tuk then began chasing a small bug. "Whoa. What are you doing you big fur bug?" Raya asked. "Hey, buddy, focus. Eyes forward, Tuk Tuk." You said. Tuk Tuk then stopped following it. "Good boy. You're so easily distracted." "Raya, look out!" You said. The two of you fell off Tuk Tuk and saw more Druun. You put your hands out and used your power to blast it away as Raya grabbed her things. You then looked back to see Tuk Tuk rolled over. You and Raya went back and helped roll him back on his feet. "You're getting a little too big for this, bud." Raya said. The two of you then rode on him to the last river. "Six years of searching and we end up at a literal shipwreck." Raya said. The two of you jumped off. "That's not a bad sign, is it?" You asked.

The three of you walked toward the shipwreck. You and Raya went through the hole and Tuk Tuk went to follow but he was too big to fit. You and Raya walked to the end of the shipwreck. The two of you then sat down and you unrolled the scroll. Raya placed offerings to the dragon next to the scroll. You then took out the dragon necklace Namaari gave to you years ago. "Sisdatu, I don't know if you're listening, we've searched every river to find you. And now we're here at the very last one. Look, there's not a lot of us left. And we really need your help. If I can be honest, I really need your help. I made a mistake, I trusted someone I shouldn't have. And now the world's broken." You cried and rubbed a tear away. "Sisudatu, we just really, really want our Ba back. "Please." More tears fell from your eyes. Raya looked at you. "Oh, (Y/n)." She hugged you and you hugged her back. "It's not your fault." She said. You nodded and wiped your tears away. Then you put the necklace with the other offerings. You took a deep breath. "Here it goes." You poured some water in as you began to sing. "Suvaa de draa sim. Mandra de draa lim. Bavaa de draa tomben." You then poured the last of the water.

Suddenly bubbles came out from the water. Tuk Tuk then tried to get your attention. "We know, buddy, we haven't forgotten-" You gasped as you and Raya saw bubbles floating around. The bubbles went into one direction and then a bunch of fog formed. Suddenly you heard a voice. "Oh my, where am I? Pengu? Amba? Pranee? Are you here?" "Oh mighty Sisu." Raya said. You and Raya made the sign. "Who said that?" She asked. She quickly spun around and knocked you both over. "Hello?" She asked. She looked around. "Hello?" She then heard mumbling and looked down to see you and Raya. "Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't see you two." She said. She picked you both up. "Not too bad, a little dusty. Let me get that for Ya." She said. She then got the dust off. "You're... Sisu?" You asked. "And you're... people. What are your names?" She asked. "Raya. I'm Raya. And this is my sister (Y/n)." Raya said. You smiled nervously. "Wait. (Y/n)? As in the (Y/n)?" She asked. You nodded. "And you two aren't made of stone which means..." Sisu said. "It worked! We did it! You hear that Pengu? It worked! I didn't mess it up!" She held you and Raya then looked at her bag. "Is that food?" She quickly dropped the two of you and ran to the bag.

"I was so focused on saving the world that I forgot to have breakfast today." She said. "Today?" You asked. "When exactly do you think today is?" Raya asked. "Tuesday." She then took a bite of the food. "Blegh. I mean... what is this delightful culinarily treat?" Sisu asked. "It's jackfruit jerky. Raya dried it herself." You said. "Well, compliments to the chef." She then gave it to Tuk Tuk. "Wanna have this, Skippy?" She asked. You giggled and Raya sent you a playful glare. "Sisu, there are a few things we need to catch you up on." Raya said. "Oh yeah?" She asked. "You broke it?!" She screeched after the explanation. "Oh. Oh my. This is bad. This is bad. I've been asleep for 500 years, you brought back the Druun, and none of my brothers or sisters came back. Why didn't they come back?" Sisu asked. "We don't know." You said. "Also you broke the gem!" Sisu said. "But we still have a big chuck of it, though." Raya said. Sisu came closer. "Is that supposed to make me feel better? If either of you lost a puppy and I said "well, we still have a big chuck of it!" Would that make you two feel better?" She asked sarcastically. "Can't you just make another one?" You asked. "No, I can't just make another one!" Sisu said. "But you're a dragon." Raya said. "Yeah, I'm gonna be real with you two, all right? I'm not like the best dragon, you know?" She asked.

"But you saved the world." You said as you showed her the scroll. "I did do that, that's true. But have you ever done like a big group project but there's, like, that one kid who didn't pitch in as much, but still ended up with the same grade?" You both stood up as she sat down. "Yeah, I wasn't the one who actually made the gem. I just turned it in." As Sisu picked the gem up, her body suddenly glowed. "Whoa." You said. "Uh... You're glowing." Raya said. "Oh, thank you. I use aloe and river slime to maintain my..." No, no. I meant it. Look!" Sisu looked down at her body. "Oh! This is my little sister Amba's magic! I got the glow!" Sisu said. "That's right! Every dragon has a unique magic!" You said. "Okay, what's hers then?" Raya asked. Sisu answered for you. "I'm a really... strong swimmer." She said. "Wait, wait, wait, you touched this gem piece and it gave you powers. You know what this means, right?" You asked. ""I no longer need a night light?" She asked. You shook your head. "It means that you're still connected to the gem's magic, and that means you can still use it to save the world." You showed her the scroll.

"If we can get all the other gem pieces..." "You/I can reassemble it... and boom the Druun away!" You and Sisu said together. "And bring our Ba back?" You asked hopefully. "And bring all of Kumandra back." Sisu said. Meanwhile Namaari and some of her tribe members were riding on cats in the same desert. Namaari then got off her cat and bent down to pick something up. Then she walked back to her tribe and looked down the cliff. Someone came up to her. "Princess Namaari, the Tail lands are infested with Druun. Benja's daughters are as good as stone out here. Retrieving some useless dragon scroll and his daughter (Y/n) isn't worth the risk." He said. Namaari then grabbed his neck and threw him to the ground. "Anyone else want to question why we're out here?" She asked. Everyone backed away fearfully. They then continued riding and stopped at the shipwreck. Meanwhile you, Raya and Sisu were rolling away on Tuk Tuk. "Okay, here's the sitch. After the gem broke, each piece was taken by one of the Chiefs of the five lands. Fang, Heart, Spine, Talon, and Tail. Where we are now." You explained to the dragon.

"Wow, so many questions. First off, why am I wearing this?" Sisu asked. "Well, we don't want to attract attention." Raya said as she took off her hat. "Oh, you definitely chose the right hat for that." Sisu said sarcastically. "So what makes you think the Tail Chief's here?" She asked, then tripped on a net. Then a tree began to fall and you and Raya quickly pushed her out of the way. "Because, this place just doesn't booby trap itself." You said. The three of you looked at the traps ahead. "This doesn't make sense. None of this would stop a Druun." Sisu said. "It's not to stop Druun, it's to stop people." Raya said as you two stood up. "Hmm." Sisu said. You and Raya skillfully avoided the traps and end up in front of the door. You then looked at the dragon and nodded. She quickly went past each one and smiled then her hat fell a little. You smiled. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked. "Uh, nothing. I'm just not used to seeing dragons." You said.

"Impressed, huh? Wait until you see my backstroke. I'm wicked when I hit that liquid. I got water skills that kill. I slaughter when I hit the water." You tried not to laugh and Raya looked at he awkwardly. "I'm like, really good at swimming. Through rhyme." She said. "I was trying to make that...that I'm really good at swimming." She said. "I get it. I'm good with the water too." You said. "Oh right! You have water powers along with some others, right?" Sisu asked. You smiled and nodded. "Okay, you two can discuss more about water powers later. We need to keep going." Raya said. As the three of you entered the room, Sisu freaked out. "Oh no!" She panicked. "What? What is it?!" Raya said as she quickly took out her sword and swung. "We forgot to find a gift for the Tail Chief." Sisu said. "A gift?" You asked. "Yeah. A gift says you can trust me, can I trust you?" Then a green bug flew on her. She picked it up. "Aw, hey there little fella. Oh ho ho. This beetle's got a booty." Sisu said. You walked over. "Uh, careful. It's a toot n boom." You said. "Why is it called a-" Sisu began to ask. Suddenly a small green explosion came out of it.

You quickly grabbed her and pulled her away as a tiny explosion happened. "Got it. Noted. Makes sense." Sisu said. The three of you looked forward to see a lot more of the same bugs up ahead. The three of you quietly walked through the bugs. "You have to admit, though, these bug booties are kinda cute." Sisu said. Raya took her sword out as you got your powers ready. The three of you walked closer and saw a skeleton sitting on a tree holding the gem. "I'd say we found the Tail Chief." You said. "What happened to her?" Sisu asked. "From the looks of it, she was hoarding the gem and became a victim of her own traps." You explained. "Well, you gotta admire her commitment." Sisu said as she looked down. You picked up your sword and raised it up, the sword detached as it stuck on the ceiling. "Okay. Hold on." Sisu wrapped her arms around Raya's waist, she jumped but it suddenly jerked back in place. "Oh, we were doing a jumpy thing! So sorry. My bad. I get it now. I'm with it." Sisu then jumped to the other side as the tip loosened, making all of you fall but luckily you were at the other side. Sisu walked over to the skeleton and was about to grab the gem. "Sisu don't." Raya said. Sisu then stopped. Raya broke a stick and touched the skeleton with it.

She then slowly took the gem from the hand. She slowly stood up and breathed a sigh of relief. "Two down, three to go." She said. She then gave Sisu the gem piece. Then it glowed and she quickly turned into a human with blue and purple hair. "I got shape changed! Into people!" She said. "That was your sister Pranee's magic, right?" You asked. "Look at my people arms and my people face! Look how close my butt is to my head!" She said as she showed her butt. Now that you don't have to hide me, getting the rest of the gems is gonna be a breeze!" Sisu said. "Yeah, well this one was easy. But the rest of them are being held by a bunch of no good binturis." Raya said. "Binturi?" You and Raya looked up to see Namaari on her cat. "That's not a very nice way to describe an old friend." She said. "Namaari." Raya growled. "What's dripping dep la? I see you and your sister finally made a new friend. And here I was worried the two of you would become cat ladies. Like me." Namaari said as she pet her cat. "Something tells me you three aren't besties." Sisu said. "Stealing dragon gem pieces are we? Why?" Namaari asked. "What can I say? Bling is our thing." Raya said. Namaari nodded. "Gotta admit, Raya, until a few months ago I thought you two were stone. But then, someone stole Fang's dragon scroll." Namaari said. "Oh is that why you're chasing us?" You asked as you gave her the scroll. "And here I thought it was because you missed us." You said sarcastically. Namaari opened the scroll. "Are you two really looking for Sisu?" She chuckled. "What are you, 12?" She asked. "We actually were looking for Sisu. And guess what? We found her." You said as you pulled her over. Namaari looked at her in disbelief. "Say hi, Sisu." Raya said. "Hi! It's very nice to meet you. And I love your hair and your cat's hair." Sisu said. "By the way, the scroll isn't the only thing I came back for." Namaari said. "What else is there?" Raya asked. "I came for (Y/n)." She smirked. Raya gasped. "Me?" You asked. "That's right. Your special powers could really come in handy for Fang." Namaari said. "Well you can forget it! I will never hand my little sister over, and especially not to our worst enemy." Raya said as she glared at her. "Take them." Namaari said.

You quickly made the trap fall on them then grabbed the two and flung to the other side. "Run!" You shouted. The three of you begin to run as sand comes down. You turned back and saw Sisu on four legs. "Not like that!" You grabbed her hand and pull her up. "On two legs!" You said. "Right." She said. You quickly ran out the door and through all of the bugs that caused lots of mini explosions as you ran past them. The three of you then ran out toward Tuk Tuk and climbed on him. "Tuk Tuk, roll!" Raya said. Tuk Tuk began rolling away from the Fang soldiers as they quickly followed. "Jump!" You three quickly jumped over a ledge and land back on. "Who was that girl?" Sisu asked. "That's Namaari. She's the backstabbing binturi that broke the world." Raya said. Tuk Tuk soon rolled toward some water where you saw a boat. "Wow, those cats are really fast, huh?" Sisu asked. You smirked. "What do cats and Druun have in common?" You asked. "Uh... they have no souls?" Sisu asked. "And... they both hate water." You said. "Hold on!" You said as Tuk Tuk rolled into the water. Namaari glared at you and the others before trying to find a different way to you.

The three of you then jumped onto the only boat that was around. You looked around. "Hello? Is anybody here?" Raya asked. Suddenly you were all pushed onto a chair. A young boy gave Tuk Tuk a bowl of shrimp. "Welcome to the world famous Shrimp orium. "My name is Boun, I'll be your server today." The kid said. "Would you like to hear our daily specials?" He asked. You smiled at him. "Sure." You said. "Yes, please!" Sisu said as she raised her hand. "We got shrimp, we got congee, we got a shrimp congee that won't quit." He said. You giggled. "The captain, where is the captain?" Raya asked in a panic. "Let me go get him." Boun stepped back, fixed his clothes, then turned around. "What's up, my new costumers? I'm Captain Boun." He said. The owner, chief, and chief tinancial officer of the shrimp orium. How can I help you?" He said. "Wait... so, you're all alone?" You asked. His smile dimmed a little at your question but then Sisu spoke up. "Well, I'm Sisu and-" "we need to get to Talon, now!" Raya said. "I'm sorry, the Shrimp orium is not a water taxi." He said.

"Please? It's an emergency." You said. You quickly hand out a little money. "Tio, that's a lot of jade!" He said. "Half now, half when we arrive in Talon. Deal?" Raya asked. He smirked as he took the pile in your hand. "Clasp onto your congee. Today's special is... to go." He quietly got everything ready and the boat began moving at a turtle's pace. "Uh, Captain Boun? Does this thing go any faster?" Raya asked. You gasped as you saw Fang approaching. Bonu followed your gaze and his eyes widened. "Whoa! You didn't tell me Fang was after you! This is gonna cost you extra!" He said fearfully. "Don't worry, I got it!" Sisu said as she jumped in the water. Bonu looked into the water. "What is she doing?" He asked. Sisu grabbed onto the boat in her dragon form and moved it away quickly, causing the three of you to fall over. "Whoa!" "What is happening?" Boun asked. "Our friend's a really strong swimmer." You said. Raya stood up and smirked as she waved. "Bye, bye, binturi." She said. "Namaari, if they're after gem pieces, they're next stop will be Talon." A women told her. "We're not following them to Talon. We're going back to Fang. I need to speak with Chief Virana." Namaari said. Then they rode off.

Sisu happily swam in the water as Raya frantically looked for her. "Sisu? Sisu?" She asked. "Oh come on, sis. Let her have her fun." You said. "(Y/n), we can't risk anyone seeing her as a dragon." Raya said. "Raya, come on. He's a child, he's not going to do anything bad." You said. "You don't know that!" Raya said. "He seems really sweet." You said. "I don't think he'll hurt us." You said. "That's what we thought about Namaari too, until she backstabbed us and tried to kidnap you." She said. You sighed. You knew there was no convincing her. Sisu then came out of the water. "Pleas get out of there!" Raya said. "I'm a water dragon. This is water. It's sort of my thing." She said. "Mine too." You said. You then jumped in. "(Y/n)!" Raya scolded. "What? I'm not allowed to have a little fun?" You asked. Raya sighed. "You have water powers too?" She asked. "Yeah. Wanna see?" You then controlled some water and splashed her. Sisu laughed. "(Y/n), don't use your powers right now. Someone could see you, same goes for you, Sisu." Raya said. "Do you mean Captain Pop And Lock over there? You scared he's gonna challenge us to a dance battle?" Sisu asked sarcastically.

She went closer to the boat and Raya quickly blocked her as she saw the kid making music with his things. Raya then blocked her again as she moved. "Sisu, we saw people lose their minds over a dragon gem, and my sister's powers. Could you imagine what they'd do over an actual dragon?" Raya asked. "Look, I need you two to make this work. Until we have all of the gems you have to stay hidden. And so do your powers, (Y/n)." Raya said. "Wow, you really have some trust issues." Sisu said. "Look, our father blindly trusted people and now he's stone." Sisu turned into a human again and the two of you climbed back on. "Hey, we'll get your Ba back. I got you girls. Come on, who's your dragon?" Sisu asked. "I mean, human. Because I'm gonna be a human until... Yeah, you... You get it." She added. You chuckled. Suddenly you sat down on the chair as Boun finished cooking. "Okay, who's hungry?" Boun poured the congee on three bowls before he sprinkled the vegetable and porks on it. "Oh, I am!" Sisu said. "Me too." You said. "Three house specials. How spicy would you like it? Hot, hotter, or Boun-goes-the-dynamite?!" Boun showed the pots of spicy before placed them down. "Bring on the heat!" Sisu said.

As you were about to eat, Raya quickly grabbed your bowl, stopping you from eating. "Yeah, not yet, (Y/n). I don't think so." She then lightly shook to analyze it. "Uh, What are you doing?" Sisu asked in confusion. "We don't know him. It could be poison." She whispered. "Why would he poison us?" Sisu questioned. "Yeah, why would I poison you?" Boun asked. "First, to get my jade purse, second, to steal our swords, third, to kidnap my sister, and fourth, I don't know, to kidnap my Tuk Tuk." Tuk Tuk stopped chewing his food. "All good points, but if this is poison..." He then took a sip of his food. "'re gonna die happy." You giggled. "Yeah, thanks, but we got our own eats." Raya picked the jerky and struggled to eat it. She looked to see you and Sisu were happily eating congee. "This is delicious. By the way, not poison." You said. Sisu added Boun's hottest spicy on her congee before took a sip. "But it's... It's hot. Ooh, it's hot!" You giggled as you picked the bowl up with your hands. "It's hot! It's really hot! Oh, my! Oh! Water! Boun? Captain Boun? We need water on deck!" You laughed.

Time Skip

Raya glared at the Druun as she sharpened her sword. You stared at it too when Tuk Tuk whined. "I know, buddy." You said as you pet him. "You know, during the day," You both looked at Boun as he rowed the boat. "You can almost forget they're here, but at night..." He then looked at the Druun before he continued. "This is why I never leave the boat." "You're a smart kid." You said. Boun stopped rowing. "What are Druun, anyways?" He asked. "A plague. Born from human discord." You turned to Sisu who hugged her knees. "They've always been here. Waiting for a moment of weakness to attack. They're like the opposite of dragons. Instead of bringing water and life to the world, they're like a relentless fire that consumes everything in its wake until there's nothing left except ash and stone." Sisu explained. "They took my family. So, to answer your question from earlier, I am alone." Boun said. You felt your heart break. The poor child, losing his family at such a young age. You looked at him with sympathy. "They took mine, too." Sisu said. She picked up four flowers and put them in the water. Boun walked next to her and released flowers into the water too. You then took a flower and placed it in the water, standing beside the two. Raya stood next to you and put another flower in. You then saw a source of light. "So, where are you guys heading after Talon? I might be heading there, too." You three smirked. "I mean, for a fee, of course." He said. You and Raya laughed playfully as Raya replied. "Of course."

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