Prelude to Suffering: End of Hello

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(I highly recommend you to read Chapters 1 and 2 after this. Thanks!!)


....there were large objects called cars that passed by the streets of a little city called Numazu......I saw only about five passing at opposite ends on different times......

...It was....a very fine weather.....the sunshine was so shiny....everything....everything was so calm.....and peaceful......

.....looking back....I wished......I wished it remained so.......

....I.....I never.....I never wanted that place....that go away from me in a sudden snap of a finger.......

....the last time.....I was in the modern world.....the last time.....the last time I saw my friends and my hometown.....

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MARI'S POINT OF VIEW (P.O.V. for short.)


"(on the phone)....sigh....I just finished gathering some fishes after taking a dive. Nothing special. What's up?"

"NOTHING!! Just wanna know what my adorable friend is up to!!"

I, Mari Ohara, was calling my best friend Kanan Matsuura on a very shiny day via a tablet that I recently purchased last week. As usual, I spoke English words with an exaggerated accent, while I spoke Japanese normally. My voice and the way I speak is what makes up my quirky personality. I was going to do some shopping in the city's clothes store, hoping there were some new clothes to buy. However, this will not be your ordinary shopping.

That's because what I am doing is part of a special occasion! It is going to be Kanan's birthday next month.

"(on the phone)Mari, you don't have to call me right now....."

"Why not, Kanan-san?! Don't you feel happy that I gave you some of my spare time to check you out?"

"(on the phone)'s no big deal for you to call me, Mari. Don't worry about me. By the way, has Chika-san, Ruby-san or Dia-san called you or anything?"

"NOPE, Kanan. They never gave me a call."

Kanan is unaware that I have a very big and special plan for her birthday. I contacted Chika and the rest of Aqours about it. They are happy to help me out so we began making preparations in secret. Kanan will totally enjoy what we are up to!!

"(on the phone)....I see. They told me that they're gonna surprise you with something..."

"OH REALLY?!! What surprise?", I replied calmly even though I am shocked that the girls have something unexpected for me too!

"(on the phone)...I dunno either. Actually, I find it really odd that they would tell me those things. Strange, surprises are supposed to be kept secret...."

"RIGHT!! Also, I wonder why they would surprise me, it's not my birthday or anything."

I am surprised at what I heard. Chika and the others have a surprise for me? How ironic!! I guess the "surprise" they mentioned have something to do with our plans for Kanan's birthday.

"(on the phone)...well, whatever. Not a big deal if I try to figure out what their up to. Regardless....I know one have a surprise for me, right Mari?"

"My, my. You've got instincts, Kanan-san."

"(on the phone)....I know you're up to something, Mari-san. My birthday is coming next month, I expect you'll be giving me a surprise too."

"Why wouldn't I?! I am a very rich girl after all! I can buy anything with money!! I'm sure you're gonna love my surprise for you this year!!"

Excited as I was, I wore a striped blouse, a small purse, and shades/sunglasses to look fashionable on a bright day like this.

It is a hot day today, that was what the news said. For me though, 32 degrees Celsius isn't really a big deal. I guess Japanese people aren't used to such temperatures.

It is a really fine day though. The bright sunshine did little to obsecure my vision, I was wearing my black shades to stand out. I was wearing jeans and a small jacket.

"I also know one thing.....that you were the one who gave me the happiest surprise of my life...."

I looked up at the sky, watching and reminiscing the past as puffy clouds began to form above.

"(on the phone)...really?! Mari, what surprise are you talking about?"

"Kanan, that surprised me on the day we first met...right?"

"(on the phone)......wait, are you talking about the time we first met?"

"Until now I could not believe it. It was so many years ago, remember? When we were both kids.....the day I first came to this country I was really nervous. I was a foreigner in a foreign country. Surrounded by Japanese who I initially did not understand. I was alone, afraid....and anxious...until you came into my life...."

"(on the phone)...yeah, it was because of me, right Mari?"

I remembered the first time we met. Kanan suddenly appeared out of nowhere to greet me. Unlike the other kids, she was not bothered about me being a foreign student transferee. She did not bother to start a relationship with a blonde, half Italian-American, half Japanese kid like me. She reached out for me without my consent. She made the first become my first friend....because of her, I became who I am now.

From then on, Kanan and I grew up together in this world. Of course, Dia grew up with us! She is my second friend after Kanan. Together, the three of us lived like family. We shared each other's happiness and sadness. Even after we broke apart as a result of our failure to join Love Live and become idols during our first try, eventually all three of us were brought back together.

And I want Kanan to remember that......I want to give her a special birthday present that reminds her of our first meeting.

"Kanan.....I want to give you a hint of what my surprise will be for your birthday....."

"(on the phone)....oh?"

"I....I plan to give you something special.....something related to what you did back then....."

I plan to buy a special outfit for Kanan. Even though so many years have passed, I still remember what she wore that day. I wanted to buy her an outfit that kinda looked just like that. A white blouse with straps.

"(on the phone) you Mari...."

"Kanan....(blush)'re very welcome! I am looking forward for your birthday...."

"(on the phone)Mari....."

"Kanan......", I replied with joy. I felt that Kanan liked my idea, which meant that she will enjoy my present. It made me really happy.

In that moment, my mind was filled with so much joy. I imagined what Kanan's birthday celebration would be like, what she and I would have worn when that day comes. What we would do on that special day.

Then I thought how many birthdays could we celebrate together. How long we could be together. And finally when we are gonna be officially together, if you knew what I mean that is.

Thinking all that got me lost in the moment. Involuntarily, I ended up saying something so out of place:

"Kanan.....I love you....."

....yeah, what the heck did I just say. For a moment, I thought time had stopped. I realised I wasn't paying attention at all to myself. I said something I wasn't suppose to say.

"S-sorry, I just felt like I wanted to say it to you. I know you know that already but....hehehe...sorry for saying those words so suddenly....", I just blushed as I tried to deny what I just said. It was so embarassing for me to tell her that.

"So...err....I have one more to ask. Kanan, tell me what you like about me!", I decided to ask her a random topic hoping to get her mind off what I just said.

But she did not respond. After a while, she seemed to not be talking to me at all.


Soon after, my phone said that Kanan's signal has been lost. What the heck! I have unfinished chat with my best friend and I'm in the middle of clearing up a misunderstanding of sorts!

I tried to call her back, but Kanan no longer responded at all. I found it very weird. No way will Kanan try to hang up on me like that.

I decided to close my phone and place it back inside my purse alongside my shades. It was so weird. I wondered what probably happened to Kanan's phone - it must have lost batteries or something. All the while I am looking over the beach and the buildings that surrounded me.

That's when I realised something. The sky is already gray. A lot of clouds are gathering above. It was about to rain. I totally did not expect it to rain at all cause weather reports said there's no chance that it will rain today. I had no umbrella with me at all either!

I ran quickly to find shelter before the rain fell. I ran a long while to find the right place to stay at. But it was difficult because a heavy fog suddenly appeared around me.

"What the heck?!! Now there's fog?! How on earth did the weather become so CHAOTIC!"

I kept running. I never allowed this grey and bleak environment to keep me from finding a dry haven. Even as drops of water started to fall on to me, I continued to ran.

Overhead, I saw a church. I finally found a place to stay.


After passing through this heavy fog, I got inside the church safely. I was relieved. That rain got part of my jacket wet, but at least it still feels dry. My blouse, purse and jeans are alright too.

I didn't expect there is a church in this vicinity. It's small, but the inside of felt a bit larger and more open than it is. It helps that no one is inside here except me....or so I thought...

Inside the church, I hear chanting. The words aren't recognisable to me. Sounded foreign, but I find it unusual.

".....diyos zu.....mukani wihat mey...."

I walked further inside the church to know the source of that sound. Finding it wasn't hard - I quickly saw someone preaching at an altar with her back turned. It's a girl who wore a dark robe, making her look like some kind of priest. I quickly recognised her by the hair.

"Hehe....Yoshiko is doing her rituals again, huh?", I smiled as I said it.

It is Yoshiko Tsushima, one of my friends in Aqours. She is a chuunibyou, which meant that she carried whatever immature traits she had as a child and applied it. In other words, imagine yourself as a child when you think you were Superman, then you think you actually are still Superman once you are an adult - that is what a chuunibyou is. Yoshiko herself is self-aware of her abnormalities, but that does not stop herself from imagining she is a fallen angel with beauty and powers at times.

Well, I have no idea what is up with her, but it's my obligation as a friend to get her back to reality. I would love it for us to talk about how we can prepare for Kanan's birthday back home!

"Hey, Yoshiko-chan!! Summoning a demon, aren't ya?!", I said in a teasing tone. Yoshiko has always been a funny little girl to me! But she didn't seem to realise that....

She suddenly turned around and looked at me with utter shock, and said:

"Eeekk!!? Sonata?! Serugi atli Mugas!!!?"

I had no idea what she just said. I didn't know that this was what those words meant:

"I....I don't understand you. How do you know my name?"

But for the moment, I thought she was playing so I just continued to tease her. While all this happened, I noticed that the rain outside started to weaken, and some sunlight is starting to enter through the mosaic windows of this church.

"Hahaha! Being all chuuni again, I see?! Yoshiko...time to drop your made up language and start talking to me in Japanese!!"

However, Yoshiko spoke like this: "Y-Yoshiko?!! Sonata mu!! Hintos au liben!! Rentu das mura?", which I didn't know it meant:

"I don't understand you!! And how do you know my name?! What country do you come from?"

And she would later continue to speak in that weird, foreign tongue. The more she spoke, the more I get irritated.

A/N: Readers, in case you get confused, let me clear things up. Mari is speaking in Japanese and English to Yoshiko. Yoshiko is speaking another language, which Mari cannot understand. Therefore, the translations you see here are for YOUR convenience - MARI HAS NO IDEA WHAT YOSHIKO IS SAYING AT ALL. YOSHIKO ALSO DOES NOT UNDERSTAND MARI, EITHER. I hope you use your imagination to get the idea quickly. Now please continue reading.

"I don't get the deal with all your talk, but don't you seem to be forgetting we have a birthday party to prepare for, Yoshiko!"

She stood still and dumbfounded like she has no idea what I am talking about again. She took out a small book from one of her pockets and scanned it so much. Then she said, in her own foreign tongue:

"I am sorry, foreigner, but I totally cannot identify any word you are speaking. I assume you speak a language I am not familiar with at all..."

At this point, I got really irritated. She is definitely messing with me.

"STOP PRETENDING!! I know very well you are just teasing me and all! That's enough now! Let's go home once the rain clears up!", I said as I reached out my arms to show her I want to hug her or something. Instead, she just said something like:"Che! Chevu my....dayo rugig flawfofff munru defu...". It meant:

".....I'm sorry...but I believe neither of us can reach an understandable conversation. Excuse me, but I have to go..."

Soon, she started to walk to me. I expected that she stopped playing and is going to listen to me. Instead, she walked straight pass me like I am totally invisible. And she never spoke nor turned back.

At this point, I became totally frustrated. I've been real nice to her until now, yet she still jokes me that she doesn't understand me at all or even recognise me?! What a bullshit girl, I see!

"OY, YOSHIKO!! I AM GETTING REALLY ANGRY NOW!! Stop playing with me and let's go home!", I said as I rushed to grab her hand with force. In response, she said: "Matta!! Tyonru does ney!!", which meant:

"Oy!! GET OFF ME!!"

But since I did not know that was what she was saying at the time, I simply thought she is still messing with me.

"Tsk!! Yoshiko!! I have no idea what you are talking about but you are coming home with me whether you like it or not!!"

She suddenly shoved me back, then took about five steps away from me. Then she said:"Yrandi jnefu ney maru dashin, cuntasi!! Das meyrun may seton tigafi!!, which meant:

"I'm sure you get what this knife means, right foreigner? Touch me again then I shall retaliate!"

She brought out a knife which had a golden blade and black handle - never seen anything like it. It had an emblem at the center which looked like a dark circle with a red spiral.

I thought that must be a cosplay item she bought from some occult shop. She probably is still playing and is trying to threaten me to stop bothering her. How funny!

"Haha!! Still playing dumb, eh?! You are so desperate to bring out a toy knife to threaten me? Even if that were real, I doubt you have the right mind to kill me! Now, now! Drop it and let's go home!!"

"Dear Goddess......forgive me if thy action I take now is unnecessary....", she said in her own language whilst holding her knife's blade with grace. At this point, I got really pissed.

"YOSHIKO, THAT'S ENOUGH! I AM SERIOUS NOW!", I shouted. Immediately after that, I soon found Yoshiko super close to me. But once she was right at my face, I felt something aching in my abdomen.

I thought it was nothing, but I looked down and saw something totally unexpected....a knife was thrusted in my abdomen.


"Die, freak.", she said in her own tongue as I fell down the floor and touched my own blood. My hands shook as I looked at it. My palms are stained with blood. I feel so weak all of a sudden, but the mere fact this happened hit me with huge disbelief.

"Wh-why......", as I uttered those words, I suddenly felt intense pain all over my body.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! I-T HURTS!!! AHHHHHHH!!!", I kept screaming in agony, losing control of my body in the process as it instinctively tried to cover the blood and pain to no avail.

"Now leave me alone. The Goddess shall decide your fate - if you even know her, foreigner.", Yoshiko said meanwhile as I sit and bleed out. I totally had no idea what just happened. Yoshiko turned and walked away without feeling concerned at me at all. Then she disappeared.

"It could she do this.....AAAAHHHHH!!!!"

I continued to scream in agony. I could barely stand up because the thrust of her knife hit my abdomen so deeply that I ended up paralysed in a sitting position.

"", I uttered as I frantically took out my smartphone from my purse to call for an emergency aid. I typed the number 999 and called the hospital, but no one responded.

"Uhhhh......HUUUUUHHH?? NO ANSWER?!!! WHAT!!!?"

Pain continued to overwhelm me and my hands continue to shake uncontrollably, but I forced myself to look at my Contacts in my smartphone to call my friends for help.

" breathing)...."

But to my utter surprise, my Contact list was empty!

"No.....NO CONTACT!!!?.....HOW......"

Soon enough, I unintentionally dropped my phone and pain overwhelmed my entire body and mind. I screamed in agony.


I lie down the floor completely paralysed as my body started to shake on it's own. My eyes started moving like crazy from left to right. My brain is aching beyond my capacity. I am almost speaking gibberish as blood continued to pour out of my mouth.

"(heavy breathing)....I don't want.....I don't wanna!!"

I continued to struggle hopelessly until everything turned black and I died.

This is my first death. In a new world that I got transported to without knowing it.


A/N: What do you think? The point as to why this page is filled with language confusion is because THAT IS WHAT THIS FIRST ARC/PLOT IS ABOUT. I noticed how in every "trapped in another world" story including Re Zero itself, the transported characters for some reason manage to communicate verbally already to the otherworldly peoples, something which makes no sense for me as I analysed it from a realistic POV. Thus, I decided to make that her first challenge, so what do you think?

Anyway, if you have doubts to continue reading this I recommend you to PLEASE CHECK the next pages before you judge. In any case, I hope I get to see ya again. Stay tuned for further updates.

By the way, I appreciate more if you comment much. I WANNA KNOW HOW YOU FEEL about each suffering you will witness, teehee.

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