Chapter 1: The beginning of everything

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Disclaimer alert: I do not own any of the following character from Cardfight vanguard. If you have not read the info previously please go and read it. So sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"Onii-chan.....Onii-chan wake up! Breakfast is ready!" You heard Suzuka waking you. You groan in tiredness as you get up from your bed. You notice that Suzuka was in her uniform, you ask "What time is it now?" Suzuka look at her watch as she leave your room and said "It 7.30 am now. Hurry up and get yourself dress, okay?"

You watch her leave your room and decided to have a quick shower and get change. As you change finish into your new school uniform, you glance over to a family picture near your table and mumble "....It been a few day since me and Suzuka move here and adopt a new lifestyle. You two need not worry about both of us now."

You shook your head and try to forget that day where both you and Suzuka witness the death of your parents. You then went to pull out a drawer and took out your deck holder and wear it around your waist. "Okay with that I am set." You mumble to yourself as you went down to get your breakfast.

After both you and Suzuka have finish the breakfast, you both leave your house. "I am still not use to Tokyo area...not to mention their middle school shirt." You sigh as you walk out as you see that Suzuka have lock the door. "Quit complaining Onii-chan! Grandpa and Grandma is kind enough to help us get a house and enroll us in the school here already." Suzuka said as she look up to you.

"True that insane two old people sure have some good money..." You sigh in annoy remembering how rich they were. When you guys step out of the gate, you notice that there is one boy with blue hair and a girl with a pink hair too walk out of their apartment. "Are they our neighbor?" You ask as you point at them. Suzuka just look at you with a face palm expression. Realizing that they are wearing the same uniform as you two, you decided to walk up and call to them.

"Yo new neighbor." You greeted them as they turn around to look at the both of you. "Hello neighbour, I am Suzuka and this person here is my Onii-chan, [Y/N]" Suzuka introduce the both of you. They look at you and the little one with the pink hair said "Hello, nice to meet you I am Emi." Both of you greeted her and you look at the blue hair boy as the he shyly introduce himself as Aichi.

You then put a hand on his shoulder and said "Let be friend Aichi!" He nodded shyly as he look at you. Looking back at Emi and Suzuka have become friend, you smile. "Oh yeah, let go before we are late Aichi and [Y/N]!" Emi said to both of you. You all decided to walk together to school.

When you guys reach your school, both of you said goodbye to your respective sister. "Hey Onii-chan, let fight later on." You heard Suzuka shouted at you as the both of them left for their school.

"You are a fighter, [Y/N]?" Aichi shyly as the both of you enter the school. You look at him and said "Right pal. Are you one too?" You ask. Aichi smile weakly and said "No...not at the moment but then I already build a deck." You seem surprise and thought to yourself "Interesting guy his is..."

Just before Aichi head into the classroom, he ask "Erm...[Y/N] what class are you in?" You thought a while and said "I have no idea...Somehow I think is...what it is again? I remember I see my class somewhere... well whatever, I guess I will go to your class then."

Aichi look shock and reply "Ehhhh? That is impossible! You should have your own class. Do you need me to bring you to the school facility room?" You nodded and said "Thanks pal." After he bring you to the facility room, he head to his own class.

You decided to enter the facility room and ask for your class. You then from there realize that your teacher was call Mark Whiting, who was teaching the class Aichi was in. You decided to follow him as he introduce you to the class. "Hello, my name is [Y/N]." You said as you introduce yourself in front of the class.

You notice Aichi was looking blankly at you. After the introduction, you went to the empty seat which is right behind of the class where Mark put you in.

As the class go on for the rest of the day, it was soon break time soon. During the break time you are so bored and decided to go to Aichi table and join him for lunch. "Yo Aichi." You said as you seat opposite of him and took out your deck from your holder. "Erm...that is..." You heard Aichi said as you inspect your deck.

"Yup that is my deck." You show him your card and said. "My deck is consist mainly of Shadow paladin clan. Want to learn how to play?" You offer as you point to your deck. Just as Aichi could say anything, you both heard a voice that came from a distance.

"Hohoho, you are a fighter too eh?" You look out to find a person who look like a monkey speaking to you. Wondering who he is, you glance at him and said "who are you?" He reply "I am Morikawa Kasumi. The strongest fighter in this class." You then hear some of your classmate start to whisper to one another.

Wondering what they are saying, you turn and ask Aichi "Pal, what are they saying?" Just before Aichi can say anything again, a hand slam onto the table and you look at Morikawa, who you are seriously annoy with.

"What the deal here, punk?" You say in an irritated tone. "Just in case you did not hear me, I said I am the strongest fighter here." Morikawa repeated himself.

Being the dense person, you glare at him and said "I don't know what you want, so why not go straight to the point before I throw you out of the window. If you cannot tell, I am having a conversation here with Aichi."

Morikawa just look at Aichi with a disgusted look and said "Huh? You are talking to this weak fellow here? What the point? He just a disgusted person in this classroom who cannot stand for himself. What I am saying is that instead of talking to him, I want you to fight me." Morikawa then took out his deck and look at you.

At this moment, you are seriously piss off as he just insulted your friend. You cover your eye with your hair as you hear him continue to rant "Or could I be that you are afraid and weak like Aichi? Hahaha" At that moment, you slam your hand on to the table and grin evilly. This cause everyone to go silence and look at you.

"Haha...hahahaha!" You started laughing in an evil and cold tone. You look at Aichi and said "Sorry pal, this might frighten you a lot. I apologise. If you want to learn roughly how to play, come and watch me fight with this guy." You saw Aichi nodded as he shiver in fear. You then glare at Morikawa and said "hey monkey, you seriously make me piss off and disgusted. I am not letting you get away after you insulted my pal. If you want a fight, you get one."

You stood up and went to bring a table of a random person and join to one another facing opposite. You then turn to your classmate and said "Whoever table this is, I will borrow it for a while." You then turn to Morikawa and said "Let have a bet share we? If I win, I want you to apologies to Aichi."

"And what if I win?" Morikawa ask you. "Then at that time I will give you my deck, but that will be close to zero. "How about it?" You snare at him. "Very well, you got yourself a deal." Morikawa said as his place down his grade 0 card facing down. You place you grade 0 card face down and took out a coin.

"Head or Toe?" You ask. Morikawa look at you in curious and ask "Huh?" You explain this is to determine who start first. He then say "Head" You then toss the coin and it landed as 'Head' and he said "Hahaha, look like the luck goddess have smile onto me." You just look at him like some kind of retard and said "So how?"

Morikawa let you go first. You nodded and said "Shall we begin? Because I am going to crush you utterly.


Okay guys, I am going to stop here for now. Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter and I will see you all the next time. Peace out!J


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