Chapter 2: vs Morikawa

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Disclaimer alert: I do not own any of the following character from Cardfight Vanguard. If you have not read the Author Note from before, please go and read it. So sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"Stand up de Vanguard!" You said as you flip up your card.

"Stand up, Vanguard!" Morikawa as he flip up his card too.

"Sin Puregator. (Power: 4000)" You said as you look at him. "Lizard runner, Undeux. (Power: 6000)" Morikawa said as he grin at you. "Kagero..." You thought to yourself silently as you look at his card. "Are you afraid of me already? Well consider that you talk big after all that, you does not seem that big of a deal." Morikawa mock as he look at you.

"Save that for your dream, monkey. Draw." You said as you draw a card. "I ride Witch of Nostrum, Arianrhod. (Power: 7000) Sin Puregator move to the left rear. Then I activate Arianrhod skill. By letting this card rest and discard a card from my hand, I can draw a card." You then discard a card and draw.

"On top of that I activate Sin Puregator skill. When this card is been call or move to the rear, I can soul charge the top card of my deck." You continue as you took a card from the deck and put into the soul. "Turn end" You then end your turn as you close your eye.

"My turn, draw. Hehehe, the great Morikawa ride Embodiment of Armor, Bahr (Power: 8000). Bahr then attack." Morikawa then turn his card side way as he declare an attack on you. "What a waste of time. No guard" You say as you see he get no trigger from drive check. You then turn over your card and got a draw trigger.

"Get draw trigger. Power give to Arianrhod and I draw." You then draw you card as you wait for him to declare turn end. "Turn end." Morikawa say as he smirk at his hand card. "My turn. I stand and draw." You said as you draw a card.

"I ride Nightmare of Horror child. (Power: 7000) Soul charge." You then took another card form the top of your deck and add into it soul. You continue "At the beginning of the turn if I soul charge, Nightmare of Horror child will get power +2000. In another words, Horror child power now is 9000."

"Then I call Merchant of underworld, Paradox. (Power: 8000)" You then place it at the top left rear. "Horror child attack Bahr!" You said as you proceed to check for trigger as Morikawa declare not to guard. Seeing that there is no trigger, you only deal 1 damage. You then said "Since Horror child successfully hit your vanguard, I can add a grade 1 and below <<Shadow paladin>> to my hand and then I shuffle afterward."

You glance through your deck and decided to add Nightmare Painter into your hand. After adding, you shuffle your deck and continue your next attack. "Sin Puregator boost, Paradox attack!" You said as you watch another card fall into Morikawa damage zone. "Turn end" You said as you glance at Aichi as you watch him observing you guys fight.

"My turn. Stand and draw. The great Morikawa ride Dragon knight, Nehalem. (Power: 10000)" And I call Bahr behind." Morikawa said as he call Bahr. "Then Bahr boost, Nehalem attack your vanguard." Morikawa shouted as he check for trigger. "Get critical trigger." Morikawa then grin at you.

You then flip open the two card clammily and said "Get a heal trigger. I recover one damage and all effect give to my vanguard." You then watch as you two have 2 of damage each. "Turn end" You then heard Morikawa declaring his end of the turn.

At this moment, you saw everyone was crowding around the both of you and heard different kind of comment. Ignoring them, you went ahead and stand and draw.

"I ride Dark metal dragon (Power: 10000), then I retire Paradox. At this moment, Paradox skill activate. When I retire this card, I can look up to 3 card on top of my deck and add one card to my hand while sending the rest to my drop zone." You said as you went and carry out the effect. After deciding what to add into your hand, you put the other two card into the drop zone.

"Then I call Sliver spear Demon (Power: 10000) to the left rear and follow by Dark mage, Badhabh Caar (Power: 9000) to the top right row and call Nightmare painter (Power: 6000) to the back of my vanguard." You said and then you turn to Morikawa and said "That not all."

"Badhabh Caar skill activate. When this unit is been placed on vanguard circle or rear, if the top card I reveal is a <<shadow paladin>>, I can call it to my rear and if it not I reshuffle my deck." You said as you flip open the card. You then saw it is Knight of Darkness, Rugos and call it to your bottom right row.

"On top of that Nightmare painter skill activate! When this unit is been place on the vanguard circle or at the rear, I can choose up to one <<Shadow paladin>> from my hand and put it into my soul." You continue to say as you pick a card and put into the soul.

You then proceed to your battle phase. "Now everything is set let get going shall we?" you smirk evilly at Morikawa. "First, Rugos boost Badhabh attack." You said as you see that Morikawa no guard. Wondering what is going on with his hand, you start to become a little suspicious that his hand might be just full of grade 3 and cannot guard since he have quite a bit of card in his hand.

"Let see am I right..." You thought to yourself as you use Dark metal Dragon with the boost of Nightmare painter to attack him. You then say "At this moment Dark metal dragon skill activate. When this unit drive check and it reveals a <<Shadow paladin>>, this unit gets +2000 until the end of the turn. Twin drive check. First check, second check. Trigger none. However since I got two <<Shadow paladin>> from drive checking, I get +4000." (AN: Correct me if I get this unit skill wrongly.)

"Tch power 20000 huh. I guard with Embodiment of spear, Tahr" Morikawa show you the card as you then went off with another attack. "Sin Puregator boost, Sliver spear Demon attack." You look at him as you went to attack his vanguard. Morikawa again mange to guard with another Tahr which was in his hand. "Turn end." You end off your turn as you look at your card.

"Look like I am wrong huh...2 to 3 damage. I will finish this the next turn." You thought to yourself as you look back at him. "Stand and draw. Now it time for you to fear my greatest attack of my grade 3" Morikawa laugh creepily as he draw a card and was preparing to ride it. "Hmm?" You look at him in confuse.

"Demonic Dragon Berserker, Yaksha (Power: 9000) strongest ride! Then I retire my weak grade 1 Bahr and do the strongest call!" Morikawa said as he start calling Demon Eater (Power: 10000) to the left bottom rear, Hell spider (Power: 10000) to the left top rear, Stealth dragon, Voidmaster behind his vanguard (Power: 9000). Juggernaut Maximum (Power: 11000, but due to no <<spike brother>> in his rear guard, it become 9000) to his top rear and Tyrant, Deathrex (Power: 10000) to his bottom rear.

"Now time for my strongest attack!" Morikawa said as he attack you with his unit. "Demon Eater boost, Hell spider attack your vanguard." "I guard with Abyss freezer!" You say as you guard with a shield of 10000.

"Tch, next I do a strongest attack with Yaksha. Voidmaster give him strongest boost!" Morikawa attack you as you choose to no guard. However, Morikawa did not get any trigger and only deal you one damage. You then when to flip up your top card and saw a draw trigger and said "Get Draw trigger! Power give to my vanguard and I draw a card."

"Juggernaut boost, Deathrex attack!" You then took a card and say "I guard it with moonlight witch, Vaha." Morikawa stood there and say "Ha, count yourself luckily that you can guard my strongest attack from my strongest unit." You then let off a small laugh as your hair cover your face.

"What so funny?" He ask. "You call this strongest? Hahaha, don't make me laugh till I need to take stomach pain medicine. This is call pathetic weak. I shall show you the true meaning of strong!" You look at him with a cold and evil expression as you let off a cold smirk that send everyone around you to shiver in fear. (AN: You do not have Psyqualia! It just your nature personality in this fanfiction when come to vanguard fight, depending on your mood it can be difference.)

"Are you prepare? Because this is the end for you!" You said as you stand and draw a card. "Sin Puregator retire. Thanks for the hard work Sin Puregator. I call Black stage, Charon. (Power: 8000)" You say as you call it. "T-The end? Don't be ridiculous! I still have 3 damage." Morikawa said as he look at you.

Ignoring him, you went to activate sliver spear demon counter blast. "Counter blast. Sliver spear demon gain +4000 power until the end of the turn" You then flip over 2 card in your damage zone." You then proceed to attack Morikawa.

"Black stage, Charon boost. Sliver spear demon attack." You said as you grin at him. "22000 power?! Erm... I strongest no guard. Damage trigger check. Yes! I get a draw trigger. All effect give to my vanguard and I draw."

You went to use Nightmare painter boost Dark metal dragon attack. Dark metal Dragon skill. When this unit drive check and it reveals a <<Shadow paladin>>, this unit gets +2000 until the end of the turn. Twin drive check. First check get critical trigger, second check again, critical trigger." Morikawa just give you a stun face and said "What?" You just smirk and continue "All the Power I give to my have not attack Badhabh and both critical I give to my Vanguard." With that, Morikawa was defeated as he could not pull up a heal trigger.

You look at him and said "We got a deal right, Monkey?" Morikawa click his tongue and said "Sorry Aichi..." Aichi who was at the side put up his hand and say "I-it okay Morikawa. That is a great fight both of you did." You then keep your card back to your deck and walk towards Aichi and say "Thanks pal." As you and Aichi went back to talking after you put the table back neatly, you did not realise that Morikawa was afar eyeing on the Blaster blade that Aichi have on his hand as he was showing it to you and was planing to take it away from him.


Okay guys I am going to stop here for now. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Remember to let me know what kind of card you want me to include to the reader deck. Please leave it in the comment and also indicate what skill you want it to have. I will give the person a shout out the next time. Till the next time, I will see you all. Peace out!


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