A Date with HYDRA (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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Bucky entered the quaint little cafe, eager to get a cup of coffee. The moment he set foot in the cafe, his blue eyes surveyed his surroundings. It was a habit he'd picked up that he couldn't quite break. The first thing he saw was you. You were glancing around the cafe and it was obvious that you were waiting for someone. A date most likely.

Sighing bitterly, Bucky moved to sit down at the only empty table available. It was right next to yours. Before he could sit, the chime above the door sounded again causing him to look up. His jaw immediately stiffened and it took everything in him not to run away at the sight of the man who entered the cafe.

The man, a HYDRA agent, didn't even seem to notice the former Winter Soldier. Probably because his metal arm was covered and he didn't look unkempt anymore. He looked like a regular guy to those who didn't know him. Bucky almost relaxed when he realized the agent wasn't there for him. Then, Bucky noticed the agent's eyes trained on you. Thinking quickly, Bucky stood up again and plopped himself down in the seat across from you.

"Hey, Doll. Sorry I'm late. Traffic was insane." You simply stared at Bucky like he was insane. "Um, do I know you?" Bucky gave a little shrug. "Please just go with it. I'll explain later," he whispered. Your face contorted slightly in confusion and irritation. "Look, I don't know who you are, but I'm waiting for someone." Bucky nodded. "I know."

He chanced a quick glance back at the door and let out a sigh of relief when he saw the HYDRA agent was gone. He returned his gaze to you and nearly flinched. You were sitting back in your seat, arms crossed over your chest and an angry fire in your (e/c) eyes. "Did you just scare off my date?" your voice was low and almost threatening.

"Yes I did. He wasn't who you thought he was. Just trust me. I know." You scoffed and began whispering harshly, "Trust you? I don't even know you. I've never seen you before today and, judging by your behavior just now, I'm sure I don't want to see you again. Good day." You got up and stormed out of the cafe. Bucky only let out the breath he'd been holding and looked over his shoulder to watch you go.

As he turned to face front again, another form caught his eye. It only took a split second for Bucky to realize that it was the HYDRA agent following you. Throwing a bit of cash on the table, Bucky got up and moved as quickly as he could without causing a scene. He left the small cafe and walked in the direction he'd seen you go.

Rounding the corner, Bucky heard your muffled screams. He ran in the direction of the sound and found you. The agent had you in his arms and was attempting to bind your hands and drag you away. You were fighting back with every ounce of energy and strength you possessed, but the agent was stronger and well trained.

Ignoring the nagging voice in the back of his head, Bucky raced over and punched the agent. The agent dropped you to the ground and began fighting Bucky. You watched from the ground as you took the gag from your mouth. You wanted to scream and attract the attention of a police officer, but it looked like Bucky had things in control. Until the agent drew a gun from the inside on his jacket.

"Look out!" you cried as the agent aimed for Bucky. Bucky stuck out his left hand and effectively stopped the bullet. He grabbed the agent by the throat with one hand and pushed him up against the wall. With his free hand, he dug into his pocket and tossed you his cell phone. "Look in my contacts and call Steve. Tell him Bucky needs help and where we are," he ordered, practically growling. With shaking hands, you found the contact and hit call.

It only took a few minutes for Steve to find you. "Buck? Everything okay?" Bucky was still holding the HYDRA agent. You were still on the ground, your back against a wall, too shaken to move. In a hushed voice, Bucky explained to Steve what happened. Steve nodded and looked at your trembling form. "Take care of her, Buck. I'll get this garbage where he belongs." Bucky finally let go of the agent and slowly approached you.

"Hey...it's alright," he cooed, keeping his voice soft. He sat down next to you and put a hand on your knee in an attempt to comfort you. You finally looked up, but refused to meet his gaze. He saw the tear streaks on your face. "Doll...look at me." You slowly turned your head to meet his eyes. "There we go. I know you're scared, but I-we can help you."

"How? Who was that man? How do you know him?" Bucky chuckled lowly, despite the lump of nerves forming in his throat. "Alright. I'll explain everything, but let's get somewhere safer first. I'm going to take you with me. The Avengers Tower is the safest place in the city and from there, we can figure out why that man was after you in the first place." You nodded and let Bucky help you to your feet.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Back in the cafe. Thank you for saving me,"you whispered. Bucky shrugged as if to say it was nothing. "Wait!"you suddenly cried, making Bucky jump. "Did you say you live in the Avengers Tower?" Bucky threw his head back and laughed heartily. Putting your arm around his flesh one, Bucky started walking again. "I did, Doll.Come on. I'll tell you all about it on the way there."    

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