Do Not Anger Her (Loki x fem!reader)

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"Thor, we need you to convince her to help us," Steve told the Asgardian, who agreed. "We shall need her assistance in this endeavor." Steve smiled and clapped Thor on the back while Loki simply stood by in confusion. There was a mission coming up and apparently, the Avengers needed your help. "Whose assistance do we require?" Thor turned to his brother with a bright grin. "We require the help of Lady Y/N."

You were in the middle of feeding your pet when the doorbell rang. Humming happily to yourself, you left your kitchen to answer the door. Before you opened the door, you heard Thor's voice. "I must warn you. Do not anger her, brother." You flung the door open. "Thor!" you cried upon seeing the blond on your doorstep. "It's been ages! How are you?" You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him close, not noticing the tall, lean man behind him. "I am well, but the Avengers require your aid."

Loki cleared his throat, catching your attention. "Oh! Hello." Loki nodded curtly and looked to Thor, waiting for him to introduce you. "Lady Y/N, allow me to present my brother, Loki. Loki, this is Lady Y/N of Midgard." You stretched your hand out. Loki stared at it for a moment as if it might bite him. You smiled at him until he took your hand in his. "A pleasure." You chuckled. "I guess we'll have to wait and see about that. Anyway, come on in."

Loki followed behind silently, surveying the walls of your small home. There were framed copies of music playbills, including several for Hamilton, your favorite. There were also cages lining the walls. In these cages, there were various reptiles and amphibians. Loki's eyes widened at the sight and at the fact that Thor didn't seem to be affected by it.

"So, what can I do for Earth's Mightiest Heroes?" you asked, leading the two men toward the kitchen. No sooner did he set foot in the kitchen did Loki feel something wrap around his leg. Looking down, he saw a large yellow python and he let out a small yelp. You and Thor glanced at him and Thor began laughing boisterously at his brother. "There you are, Banana. Don't worry. She's usually pretty harmless. Hang on a minute." You slowly approached Loki so to not scare the reptile and unwrapped her from around Loki's leg.

"Brother, you should have seen your face. It was quite amusing!" Thor boomed making Loki glare. You placed Banana around you so she was draped over your shoulders and went back to fixing food for all the lizards, turtles and frogs you owned. "This is your pet? A vicious animal?" Loki asked, still staring in disbelief at the snake around you. You grinned and responded, "Vicious animal? She's only vicious if I tell her to be. I've had her since she was a hatchling. I guarantee you are more vicious than my sweet Banana."

Loki turned to Thor. "And why do we require the assistance of this mortal?" While his relationship with Thor was stronger now, Loki still didn't think Midgardians were as magnificent as Thor made them out to be. "She has a gift that could prove useful to us." You rolled your eyes. "She is standing right here," you retorted, "Don't you know that looks can be deceiving, Loki? I may look small and sweet, but I'm stronger than you think."

Loki scoffed and replied, "I find that most difficult to believe." Your eyes narrowed and Thor inhaled sharply. "Loki..." he warned, but Loki continued on about how there was no possible way that someone like you could be considered a formidable opponent for anyone. The longer he spoke, the more irritated you became. It irked you to no end when people assumed that just because you were petite and sweet that you couldn't defend yourself or others.

Thor's eyes kept darting between you and Loki until Banana began slithering down your body. Then, he noticed your eyes glowing yellow. "Y/N, please control yourself." In a deadpan voice, you answered, "I am in control." It took Loki a moment to realize what was happening. It wasn't until Banana was half way up his torso that it clicked. You were controlling the snake. When Banana began constricting, Loki could almost feel his bones cracking. "Brother, I would apologize if I were you. I fear that reptile will crush you if you do not."

Loki's green eyes grew wide with an emotion he was unfamiliar with. Fear. Would you really have this large animal crush him? The look on your face told him that you would. After clearing his throat, Loki spoke as quickly as possible. "It appears I was mistaken. You are indeed a fierce woman. Worthy of any opponent." Despite the fact you knew he was only saying it because Banana could kill him, you relented. Your point was made.

Your eyes turned back to (e/c) and you smiled. "Thank you." Banana stopped what she was doing and slithered away. Loki refused to turn his gaze away from you now. It wasn't often that he was proven wrong, but you'd managed. Thor cleared his throat rather loudly, breaking Loki's fixation on you. "We are running out of time. Can we count on your assistance, Lady Y/N?" You flashed him a smile and nodded in agreement.

*time skip*

The mission had been a success and Loki found himself in awe of your abilities. Not only did you have the ability to control the animals around you, but you had some fighting skills as well. In the jet, you spent most your time talking with Loki. Even after your rocky start, the two of you just seemed to click.

"Why do you not live at the Tower with the rest of us?" he asked you and you shrugged. "I don't like using my power all the time. Animals aren't meant to be controlled any more than people are." Loki looked away from you, his eyes full of guilt. You placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey," you said softly, "It's okay." Loki glanced back at you and saw a softness in your gaze he wasn't used to.

"I assume you know what I did?" You nodded. "Yeah, but it's in the past. You've made amends to the team and you're doing your best to make amends to the people of Earth for what you did. Your relationship with Thor is really strong now. The point is that you regret your actions and you're trying." You kissed his cheek and got up to talk to Steve. The rest of the trip back to the Tower, Loki sat in silence thinking about what you'd said.

"Why don't you stay with us?" Steve asked you when you landed. You glared at him. "Were you eavesdropping, Captain?" Steve blushed. "Maybe a little." You giggled and playfully shoved him. "That's rude, Steve. But, in answer to your question, I can't leave my babies." Steve gave a little shrug. "Nothing to say you can't bring them with you."

"No, absolutely not! No reptiles in my Tower!" Tony cried, making you groan. "Seriously? Is everyone going to eavesdrop on my conversations today? Besides, none of my babies are dangerous...except for Banana on occasion." You glanced down at the mentioned snake who was curled up on a warm part of the jet floor. Tony sighed. "We could use someone like you on the team...maybe Romanoff or Barton could train you so you don't have to rely on your power all the time?" You arched a brow. "And my babies?"

Tony let out a loud, over-exaggerated groan. "Fine." You beamed at the billionaire. "Thanks, Tony!" You wrapped your arms around him and he laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I gotta land the jet." You let him go and returned to your seat next to Loki who was still staring off in space. You placed your hand on his shoulder again and he jumped.

"Guess what?" you prompted. Loki rolled his eyes and replied, "I despise guessing games." He did his best to look stern, but you could see the smile fighting to break loose on his handsome face. "I've decided to come stay at the Tower." Loki's face lit up. "Truly?" You nodded, happily. "It will be wonderful to have someone I truly get on with at the Tower. A friend." You grinned as you felt a blush creeping up your neck and face.

"Oh please, Reindeer Games," Tony interrupted, "You know you want to be more than friends with Y/N." It was Loki's turn to blush, encouraging Tony to continue. "You've been staring at her every chance you've had since you met her." Your eyes widened and you glanced at Loki. His fists were clenched in his lap and his face was red. "Brother Stark, leave Loki alone. If he wishes to pursue Lady Y/N, he should be given the chance to do so on his own."

"Is that true, Loki?" you asked softly. Loki looked up and made sure no one was paying attention to you two before nodding. "You have captured my attention in a way I never thought anyone could. I wish to get to know you better, if you are amiable." There was a worry in his eyes that seemed odd. "I'm more than amiable. I'd like that a lot." You leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "AW!!" You whipped your head around to glare at Tony. In a monotonous voice, you said, "Banana." Your eyes began glowing yellow. "Wait! I'm sorry! I'll leave you alone, just keep that animal away from me!"


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