A Day in the Life of a Father (Steve Rogers x fem!reader)

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"Are you sure you can handle this, Steve? I can stay home," you mumbled to your husband. "Y/N, that's enough. We'll be fine! Go have fun!" You kissed Steve's cheek and the top of your son's head before heading to the door where Natasha and Wanda were waiting impatiently. It was the first time you'd been out since your son had been born four months ago. The girls insisted that you join them on a girls' day out which meant leaving your infant son with his super soldier father for the first time. "Call if you need anything," you called over your shoulder as Wanda pushed you out the door.

As soon as the door closed, Steve sighed. Sometimes it felt as if you didn't trust him, but Tony had assured him that it was a new mom thing. Steve cradled his son to his chest and moved to the couch to sit. As soon as his butt hit the cushion, your son started crying. Steve jumped up and began bouncing him. "Come on, buddy. Mom just left, you can't be crying already." The crying grew louder as Steve walked around the small living room.

"Are you hungry?" Steve asked him a low tone, walking in to the kitchen to fix a bottle. Once it was ready, Steve offered the bottle to the boy and was relieved when the crying stopped. "See? Dad's not so bad, huh?" He chuckled to himself. After Steve finished feeding the baby, he moved to burp him and immediately, Y/S/N threw up all over him. "Thanks, kid. Guess we both need a bath now," Steve whispered.

Once the two of them were bathed and changed, Steve glanced at the clock. Had it really only been an hour since you left? This was going to be harder than he thought. Steve took a deep breath as Y/S/N started crying again. "What is it, buddy?" Steve picked the boy up again and began rocking him, trying to soothe the infant. The boy cried for what seemed like hours and nothing Steve did helped. "Come on, Rogers. You have lead countless missions and succeeded. You can handle your own son without having to call your wife. She deserves this day."

Throughout Steve's pep talk, Y/S/N's crying turned into wailing and finally, Steve caved. He pulled out his phone and called Tony. "Tony, I'm drowning here. Y/S/N won't stop crying." Steve could hear Pepper's laughter on the other end. "Alright, Capsicle. Calm down. He might just be gassy or Pep thinks he might be teething. Wet a wash cloth and stick it in the freezer for a bit then give it to him. Or you could do what I did with Emma and rub a little whiskey on his gums."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Pepper screamed, causing Steve to pull the phone away from his ear. "Don't you do that, Rogers or Y/N will kill you," she called out to him. Steve chuckled. "Thanks, Pepper." He hung up the phone and did what Pepper suggested. Once the cloth was cold enough, he offered it to your son, who finally stopped crying. "Guess that did the trick," Steve said with a yawn. He laid down on the couch with your son on his chest while the infant gummed the cold wash cloth.

A few moments later, Steve glanced down to find the boy fast asleep. He gently removed the wash cloth and closed his eyes, falling into a deep slumber himself. Two hours later, you opened the door to find your husband asleep on the sofa with Y/S/N. You laughed softly as you closed the door and tip toed over to the sleeping duo. You grabbed a blanket and laid it over the two of them. "Looks like you wore Daddy out," you whispered to your sleeping son before walking into the kitchen to cook dinner for your wonderful husband.

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