Don't Panic (Bucky Barnes x reader x reader's daughter)

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Y/D/N = your daughter's (future daughter's) name

Y/D/F/N = your daughter's full name

"Alright, sweetie I want you to be good for Bucky okay?" you knelt down to hug your small daughter before standing up and doing the same to your boyfriend. "Listen, if you need anything, call Pepper, Maria or even T'Challa. They'll come help, okay?" You were slightly nervous. This was the first time you'd been on a mission without Bucky and the first time Bucky would be watching your daughter by himself. Bucky flashed a dazzling smile and replied, "Y/N, relax. We're gonna be just fine. Now go before Stark takes off without you." You hugged them both once more before darting to the jet.

As soon as the jet took off, Bucky glanced down at your six year old daughter from a previous relationship. "So, what do want to do while Y/N's gone, kid?" he asked her. She looked up at him with a toothy smile. "Can we go to the toy store? Please?" Whenever Bucky looked into those (e/c) eyes that matched yours, he couldn't say no. He was wrapped around your daughter's finger and he couldn't deny it. "Sure. Let's get you dressed and then we'll go." The little girl smiled again and ran back inside to get dressed.

An hour later, Bucky stood stiffly next to your daughter in the toy store. There were so many people in the large store and Bucky was uncomfortable. He wasn't used to being around so many people anymore, but he was there for your daughter. Bucky looked down and saw an empty space where your daughter had been standing. He jerked his head up and glanced around. No sign of her. Bucky felt his heart pick up speed and his tried to keep his breathing steady.

"Alright, Barnes don't panic now. You're a trained soldier, you can find a little girl," he mumbled to himself. He slowly moved from his spot as he began searching aisle after aisle looking for the little girl. He could feel the panic rising up in his chest when he hadn't found her after several minutes. "Come on, Buck. Y/N will never trust you again if you can't find the kid." Bucky decided to go to the customer service desk to see if they could help him.

When he got there, your daughter was holding the hand of one of the workers, tears pouring down her face. "Y/D/E! There you are!" Bucky cried, dashing over and scooping the crying child in his arms. "Don't ever run off like that again! You scared me!" he said, fighting back tears himself. The employee gave him a small smile. "That's so sweet. Your daughter is very lucky to have a father like you," she told him and Bucky felt his cheeks heat up. "Thanks for finding her," he mumbled before carrying your daughter from the store.

He returned to the Tower, fed your daughter dinner and put her to bed. He plopped down on the couch just before you walked in. "Hey there, handsome," you greeted with a tired smile. Bucky swallowed thickly, knowing he'd have to tell you. He bit his plump bottom lip and sighed deeply. You looked at him, wondering why he hadn't kissed you. "Alright, what's up?" Bucky looked into your eyes and took a deep breath. Before he could say anything, a small voice called out, "Bucky lost me today!"

Your eyes widened as you looked at your boyfriend. You put on a fake, tense smile and asked through clenched teeth, "Did he now?" Bucky slowly rose from the couch and stepped away from you. He'd never really been afraid of much other than his own mind, but seeing you looking at him the way you were now, Bucky feared for his life. "I can explain, Y/N," he whispered. You held up a hand to stop him and turned to your daughter.

"Y/D/F/N, did Bucky lose you or did you walk away from him?" The little girl looked down at the ground sheepishly and you knew the answer right away. She ran over to Bucky and threw her arms around him. "I'm sorry, Bucky!" she wailed. Your heart warmed at the sight in front of you. "Alright, kid. You should go back to bed so the grown-ups can talk," he told her quietly. Your daughter nodded and went back to her room.

"How'd you know?" Bucky asked you. You laughed. "I know my daughter, Buck and I know you. My guess is that she was there one second and gone the next, right?" He nodded. You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a squeeze. "Happens more often than you think. Thanks for looking after her." Bucky chuckled and pulled you even closer. He kissed your head and mumbled, "Anytime, Doll. I love you." You pulled back a little and replied, "I love you too, Bucky." You pressed your lips to his and heard a little voice cry out, "Ew, gross!" You broke apart and chuckled. The little girl ran back into the room and launched herself in your and Bucky's arms.


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