Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder(Wanda x reader)

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You had known Wanda for years. She was the person you were closest to in the world. So, when the two of you decided to give dating a try, no one was surprised. You grew even closer to her and, eventually, you fell in love. Even Pietro approved and he didn't approve of anyone dating his sister. The two of you did everything together than you could in her small country of Sokovia.

Then, the protests began and you, along with the twins, decided to allow yourselves to be experimented on. But, when the experiments were done, Wanda chose a path you refused to go down. You tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't hear it, so you left. You went to America to see if you could be of any help. It was years before you saw Wanda again.

"Good job, Y/N. Get inside and help Romanoff," you heard Steve's voice through your comm. "On my way, Cap." You fought off the HYDRA agent and headed toward the base. "Oh, and be careful. There's an Enhanced in the field." You weren't able to answer before you found yourself flat on your back in the snow. You glanced up to find a pair of electric blue eyes that you knew well staring down at you. "P-Pietro?" The older twin of your former lover sped off without a word.

When the mission was over, you trudged toward the jet with your head down. "Y/L/N, what happened?" Steve questioned sharply, making you cower. You hated when he used his "Captain" tone. "I'm sorry, Steve," your voice was barely above a whisper, "It won't happen again." You gently pushed passed him and sat down with your head in your hands.

A moment later, you felt someone sit next to you. "What is it, Y/N? It's not like you to be so distracted." Sighing, you looked at Steve and saw the concern in his eyes. "I knew him...the Enhanced. I went with him for the experiments. His sister was there too." Steve noticed the softness in your eyes at the mention of Wanda. "You were close with the twins then?" You nodded. "Very, especially Wanda." He asked what happened and you felt the tears pricking your eyes.

"Wanda chose the wrong path. I couldn't stay. I knew that I had to do something worthwhile with this," you replied as your eyes began to glow. Steve himself was almost in tears as you let him experience all the emotions you were feeling. The betrayal and the bittersweet melancholy. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Do you need to sit out until they are taken care of?" You shook your head. "No. I can handle it. Now I know what to expect."

*time skip*

Your hands were shaking as you heard her voice. You could feel her nervousness, fear, and distrust. You also felt Pietro's, but you were more focused on Wanda. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you went down to the lobby to meet them. Without sensing her emotions, you could tell Wanda was surprised to see you there. "Y/N? You are vorking vith them?" You nodded. "And so are you now." You said nothing else for the rest of the day.

It took days for you to be able to talk to Wanda. You were in the kitchen of the Tower when Wanda approached you. "I have missed you, Y/N." You turned to face her, but didn't reply. "I know you are angry vith me. I vas wrong. I apologize." You nodded once, not trusting your voice. "Can you forgive me? Ve have to vork together now and I do not know if I vill be able to focus if you are still angry vith me."

"I'm not angry, Wanda. I was never angry. I was disappointed and when I learned that you had joined Ultron, I was even more so." She hung her head in shame and you felt your heart breaking for her. "Wanda...of course I forgive you. You're trying to right your wrongs." She lifted her head and you smiled at her. Reaching over, you took her trembling hand in yours. "Look, when this is over, we have a lot of catching up to do." She nodded. "I'd like that."

When Ultron was defeated, you took Wanda's hand in yours and pulled her to the jet. You did your best to diminish her anguish at the loss of her brother. You sat on the jet with her head in your lap. You ran your fingers through her long hair, your eyes glowing as you attempted to subdue the emotion. She resisted at first, but you'd expected that. Her powers were similar to yours after all.

"Wanda,let me help you, please," you whispered and finally, she relented. "Please don't leave, Y/N. You are all I have left." You smiled. "Never. I love you too much." Wanda sniffled. "I love you too. Even after all this time." You leaned down and kissed her temple before sitting back up and drifting off to sleep. You couldn't help but thinking people were right. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. You loved Wanda and nothing could change that.    

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