Decisions of the Numb Heart pt. 2(Pietro Maximoff x reader)

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(WARNINGS: mentions of death of a child, like in part 1 (not the reader's), arguing.)

"Maximoff!" Pietro's head snapped up at the sound of Nick Fury's voice. In the months since you'd left, the older Maximoff had been a mess. He only left the Tower on missions and Steve was beginning to leave him behind on those as well, saying his mind wasn't focused. Pietro didn't argue. How could he? His best friend and the person he loved had just given up and left the team.

"Maximoff, would you pay attention?" Pietro shook his thoughts from his head and tried to listen to what Nick was saying. "There's a mission we need you for." Pietro nodded, but Nick wasn't done. "We need Y/L/N." Pietro frowned. When you'd teleported from the Tower, no one knew where you'd gone. You'd left behind every possible way of tracking you. "I don't know where to find Y/N," he admitted, making Nick smirk.

"Lucky for you, I've already done that part for you. You just have to go get them." Pietro was on his feet faster than he moved in weeks. "Where?!" As soon as the location passed Nick's lips, Pietro was gone. He wanted nothing more than to see you again. It took a matter of seconds for Pietro to find the address Nick gave him and when he did, his brows furrowed. This couldn't be the right place.

He was standing in front of a large building and the sign by the door read: (H/T) Orphanage. Why would you be there? Pietro took a chance and knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing an older woman. Her dark hair had streaks of silver throughout it and her eyes sparkled. The corners of her eyes crinkled and her lips turned up. "May I help you?" Suddenly, Pietro felt silly and oddly nervous. "I'm looking for Y/F/N. I was told I could find them here."

The woman's smile widened. "Certainly. Y/N is out back with the children. They're getting their daily exercise." Pietro did his best not to run. He didn't want to frighten the old woman. "Come in. Come in." Pietro gave her a smile and followed her in. "How do you know Y/N?" Pietro told her they used to work together. "I see. Y/N doesn't talk much about the past. Only that they were lead to work with unfortunate children. I was grateful for the help."

Pietro was silent as the woman opened the back door. There was a large group of children standing in the yard with you in the center. His breath caught in his throat. You looked different. Happier. How could he take you away from this? He wanted to turn back and leave, but you noticed him before he could.

Your mouth dropped open for a split second. "Alright, guys. Why don't you go play on your own for a bit?" The children dispersed and you walked over to Pietro. "Piet? W-What are you doing here?" you asked softly. You never expected to see Pietro again, especially not here. "Can we talk?" You looked at your boss, who nodded. "Come on. We can go to the office." At Pietro's nod, you lead him back inside.

Once inside the office, you turned to him. "What are you doing here, Pietro? How did you even find me?" Pietro shrugged. "I didn't. Fury did. He says we need you. For a mission." You immediately shook your head. "No. I told you I was done with that. I belong here." Pietro frowned. "You cannot just be done. You know that, Y/N. The world needs us. All of us. Are you going to let one mistake jeopardize the entire planet?"

"I CAN'T!" you roared, slamming your hands on the desk before sighing heavily. "His name was Bobby. Did you know that? That little boy? His name was Bobby and he was eight years old. He had his whole life ahead of him and I just left him there to die, Piet," you were nearly crying again and Pietro took no time in speeding over and wrapping his arms around you like old times.

"I know, Y/N. After you left, Steve and I looked into them. But is this really the way to make up for it? You could be out there saving more children, but instead you are here. You are wasting your talents for what?! If you continue to sit back and do nothing, Bobby's death will be in vain!" You glared at him. "I'm helping these children, Pietro. They need me." You could see Pietro's face getting red as he grew angry. His arms dropped to his sides. "I NEED YOU! Did you even think about that? Did you think about how much it would hurt others when you left?"

You stood there in silence, frustrating Pietro more. "You know what? Stay then. When you decide that you are ready to be the hero you know you're meant to, I'll be waiting. You know my number. Goodbye." Without another word, Pietro sped off, leaving you sitting there dumbfounded. Was he right? Was this really the way to keep Bobby's memory alive? The longer you sat there thinking, the clearer the answer became. You quickly jotted down a note and teleported to the Tower. To your old room.

It was exactly as you left it, including Pietro sitting on the floor. "You'd think Tony would have had someone come in and dust this place," you quipped, making the Sokovian look up at you in surprise. "Y/N..." You gave him a watery smile. He stood up, towering over you. "You were right, Piet. I'm needed here." In a split second, you were in his arms again. "I'm glad. Now, I think the rest of the team would like to see you." You smiled. "I'd like to see them too." 

(a/n: I feel like this could use a third part. What do you think?)

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