You Don't Have to Run Anymore (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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The cold air filled your lungs as you gasped for breath. You were beginning to regret your choice to go running in such cool weather. Still, you were determined to get healthy again after the holiday binging. You had no idea that your daily exercise would lead to you meeting one of the most dangerous and broken men on the planet. Bucky Barnes.

You stopped outside your favorite coffee shop, like you did every day. Before going inside, you leaned against the brick wall to stretch your aching legs. You were mid-stretch when the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You suppressed a shudder before glancing around. You nearly jumped out of your skin when your (e/c) eyes found his sapphire colored ones. You could see the nearly black bags under them, but even more noticeable was the fear you found there.

He darted down the alley next to the coffee shop and you followed swiftly. "Wait!" you called, amazed when he actually listened. He turned back to you. "Are you alright?" With a simple nod, the strange man took off running again. Your own tired and aching legs wouldn't let you go after him, but you hoped he'd be alright. Sighing, you turned back and went into the coffee shop.

*time skip*

A few days later, you were finishing up your run when you saw him again. He was leaning up against the wall next to the alley and it looked like he was people watching. He hadn't seen you yet. Taking a deep breath, you steeled your nerves and slowly approached the man. "Hey. You doing okay?" He stared at you in shock. "I...I'm fine. Thanks." You smiled.

"Look, I don't usually do this but you seem like you could use a friend. Would you like a cup of coffee? My treat." You could see the internal battle behind his eyes as he thought about your offer. His eyes scanned you for any sign of treachery or dishonesty. After what seemed like minutes, the man nodded slowly. "Good. Come on." He silently followed you into the coffee shop. "Why don't you go find us a table and I'll get the coffee?" Nodding again, he left your side, keeping his head down. You joined him at the table a few minutes later.

" to tell me your name?" His eyes widened in fear once more and he made to get up. You reached over and placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Hey. It's okay," you assured him. He slowly sat back down and sighed. "Bucky. My name is Bucky." You flashed him a smile. "Nice to meet you Bucky. I'm Y/N."

The two of you sat at that table for hours, talking about anything and everything. Whenever you sensed Bucky getting uncomfortable, you changed the subject. You learned just enough about him to keep you intrigued. He seemed to be very guarded and you knew there was something he wasn't ready to share. You didn't push him though. How could you? You'd just met the man.

"Wait, are you serious? Your friends just stood there laughing at you while you were laying face down in the mud?" he asked you in disbelief. You nodded with a chuckle. "Well, yeah. I mean it was my fault for wearing six inch heels for the first time ever in the pouring rain." To his own surprise, Bucky actually laughed. It sounded foreign to him but you loved it. It was a deep and resonating laugh that you couldn't help but smile at.

As suddenly as Bucky began laughing, he grew serious again. Your brows drew together in confusion. "This is the first time in a long time I've been able to just sit and talk with someone. It's nice." You nodded for him to continue. With a sigh, Bucky almost whispered, "I'm afraid it will also be the last. I feel like I can tell you anything but after I tell you what I need to, I don't think you'll ever want to see me again."

"What is it, Bucky?" you asked, wrapping your hands around your warm coffee cup. "I've done some bad things. Terrible things." At your encouragement, Bucky continued, telling you anything and everything he could remember. The longer he spoke, the more your heart broke for him. When he finished, Bucky sat there waiting for you to respond. You reached over and took the glove off his left hand, revealing the metal, before taking both his in yours.

"None of that was your fault, Bucky. HYDRA gave you no choice. They used you for their own twisted means and you didn't deserve that." Bucky smiled a bright smile that made your whole day. "That's better. Now, I'm going to get some of the delicious carrot cake this place makes and go home before it gets too dark. I have a spare room in my apartment. You're welcome to it if you want. You don't have to run anymore." You quickly jotted down your phone number, handing it to him before getting up and heading toward the counter.

Bucky sat at the table for a minute, in awe that someone he'd just met could be so kind. The jingling of the bell above the door drew his attention back to you. Without a second thought, he got up and followed you. "Hey, Y/N." You glanced over your shoulder with a smile and asked, "You like carrot cake?" He shrugged and walked beside you on the sidewalk. "Come on, Bucky. Let's go home." Bucky smiled at the word. Home. The word felt strange on his lips as he repeated it. One look at your grin and Bucky realized that maybe he really didn't have to run anymore. 

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