"Accidents" (Bucky Barnes x fem!enemy reader; Tony Stark x fem!reader)

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There he was. The Winter Soldier. The man you blamed for your family's deaths. He had killed them all many years ago and now, it was finally time for you to get your pound of flesh. It would take time and cunning, but you were going to do it. You were going to kill the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes.

Getting close to Bucky was easy. You had skills and training that S.H.I.E.L.D looked for. It didn't take much for you to be invited to join the Avengers. The next part came a little harder to you. Getting Bucky in a position where you could kill him. It wasn't easy at all. There was always someone around and if not, then there was F.R.I.D.A.Y. You couldn't risk the AI ratting you out. You thought that, maybe, you could do it on a mission and make it look like an accident, but that didn't happen either. Bucky was always paired up with Steve on missions. It probably didn't help that you were constantly having "accidents" around Bucky.

When you would spar with him, you'd accidentally hit him a little too hard in vulnerable places, like the time you gave him a black eye. Luckily, he seemed to just brush it off as a training accident. Or, you'd accidentally spill all your hot coffee on his lap as you were walking by. Or you'd run into him on the way in and out of rooms. And there may have been one time that you accidentally tried to feed him something slightly poisonous. You just needed him to snap...just give you a reason. But he never did.

Meanwhile, you grew close to the others, especially Tony. Like you, Tony knew what it felt like to lose his whole family to the Winter Soldier. But unlike you, he didn't seem to be holding as big of a grudge about it as you were. Granted he didn't know about your family history. And he wouldn't until Steve finally gave you the opportunity to take care of Bucky once and for all. The day Steve finally paired you up with Bucky for a mission.

You were cuddling on the couch with Tony when Steve came in with the assignments. You had to keep yourself from leaping up from the couch when he announced that you would be working with Bucky. Finally, your chance had come. You could finally complete your own mission.

You and Bucky weaseled your way into the HYDRA compound. Your job was simple, keep the HYDRA agents busy while Clint and Natasha retrieved valuable data. When the HYDRA agents had been dealt with, you seized your opportunity. You tripped Bucky so he lay flat on his back and you aimed your gun right at his face. He looked up at you with sad, blue eyes.

"Another one of your accidents, Y/N?" he asked sadly. You held the gun, unwavering. "Go ahead. I deserve it. Whatever you think I did, I've probably done ten times worse." You saw red. That was it. You were angry. Not only were you angry that he had killed your family, but you were angry that he wasn't even trying to save himself now. This wasn't how this was supposed to go.

"Get up and defend yourself, Barnes," you growled out and Bucky shook his head. "No." You were so engrossed in your staring contest with Bucky, you didn't hear Tony arriving. "Whoa! Y/N, what's going on here?" Bucky just continued staring up at you. "Y/N...Sweetpea, put the gun down. You don't want to do this," Tony tried to soothe you. "Yes I do! I don't expect you to understand, Tony! He killed my family! All of them!"

"I do understand. The Winter Soldier killed my parents too. But listen to me. Bucky Barnes isn't the Winter Soldier. He was under HYDRA's control. It took me a long time to realize that, Y/N, but it's true. You can't do this." Your hand started to shake as tears began to fill your eyes. "Yes I can. I have to." Tony cooed your name, letting the helmet of his suit down to show you his face.

"No you don't. I've been in your shoes, Y/N. I wanted him to pay for what he did. It took breaking apart the only family I've ever known for me to realize that it wasn't Bucky's fault. Not your family and not...not mine. It was all HYDRA. They brain washed him and turned him into the Winter Soldier." Bucky let his eyes flicker gratefully over to Tony, who gave him a sad smile before bringing his gaze back over to you. "Sweetheart, please. This won't help. Killing him won't bring your family back and it won't make you feel any better."

Finally, the tears began to obscure your vision and you lowered your shaking hand. You sank to the ground, your body wracking with sobs. Tony carefully took the gun from you and handed it to Bucky. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," you cried. "I-It's alright, Doll. If I was in your shoes, I'd feel the same. I'm ashamed of what I did as the Winter Soldier and if I could take it back, I would."

You looked up at him with wet, red-rimmed eyes. "So, you aren't mad I tried to shoot you?" Bucky and Tony chuckled. "No. Besides, there aren't any bullets left in this gun. See?" Bucky aimed the gun above him and pulled the trigger. He jumped when a bullet actually hit the ceiling above him. With furrowed brows, he started to think back on how many bullets you had used.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Come on. We need to get out of here before Cap brings down the building look for us." Tony helped you to your feet and hugged you. It felt odd, yet comforting to feel his suit pressed against you. "Are you okay, Y/N?" You shrugged. "I will be. As long as you stay with me." Tony smiled. "Of course. Who else is going to keep me out of trouble?" You let out a laugh before following Tony out of the compound to meet up with the others. Meanwhile, Bucky was still trying to figure out how he's miscounted that bullet.    

(A/N: I borrowed the bullet part from Clue, one of my favorite movies!)

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